Exemple #1
        private string GetDisplayName(RegisteredSipDetails registeredSip)
            var sipDomain = _settingsManager.SipDomain;

                       registeredSip.DisplayName, registeredSip.UserDisplayName, string.Empty,
                       registeredSip.Sip, string.Empty, string.Empty, sipDomain));
Exemple #2
        public IHttpActionResult GetRegisteredSipInfo(Guid id)
            // Called when the user clicked on a codec in the GUI to show
            // detailed information, including codec control GUI, for the codec.

            RegisteredSipDetails regSipDetails = _registeredSipDetailsRepository.GetRegisteredSipById(id);

            if (regSipDetails == null)

            var call = _callRepository.GetCallBySipAddress(regSipDetails.Sip);

            var model = new RegisteredSipInfoViewModel
                IsAuthenticated = User.Identity.IsAuthenticated,

                Id              = regSipDetails.Id,
                Sip             = regSipDetails.Sip,
                CodecControl    = ShouldShowCodecControlView(regSipDetails),
                Comment         = regSipDetails.Comment,
                DisplayName     = GetDisplayName(regSipDetails),
                Ip              = regSipDetails.Ip,
                UserAgentHeader = regSipDetails.UserAgentHeader,
                Registrar       = regSipDetails.Registrar,

                Image               = regSipDetails.Image,
                ActiveX             = regSipDetails.ActiveX,
                Width               = regSipDetails.Width,
                Height              = regSipDetails.Height,
                UserInterfaceLink   = regSipDetails.UserInterfaceLink,
                UserInterfaceIsOpen = regSipDetails.UserInterfaceIsOpen,
                UseScrollbars       = regSipDetails.UseScrollbars,
                Inputs              = regSipDetails.Inputs,
                InputMaxDb          = regSipDetails.InputMaxDb,
                InputMinDb          = regSipDetails.InputMinDb,
                InputGainStep       = regSipDetails.InputGainStep,
                Lines               = regSipDetails.Lines,
                CodecPresets        = regSipDetails.CodecPresets,

                LocationName    = regSipDetails.LocationName,
                LocationComment = regSipDetails.LocationComment,
                CityName        = regSipDetails.CityName,
                RegionName      = regSipDetails.RegionName,
                InCall          = call != null,
                InCallWithName  = call != null?GetInCallWith(regSipDetails, call) : string.Empty

Exemple #3
        private string GetInCallWith(RegisteredSipDetails registeredSip, Call call)
            var sipDomain = _settingsManager.SipDomain;

            string inCallWith;

            if (call.FromSip == registeredSip.Sip)
                inCallWith = call.To != null?DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(call.To, sipDomain) : call.ToSip;
                inCallWith = call.From != null?DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(call.From, sipDomain) : call.FromSip;

        private RegisteredSipDetails MapToRegisteredSipDetails(Entities.RegisteredSipEntity rs)
            if (rs == null)

            var model = new RegisteredSipDetails
                Id              = rs.Id,
                Sip             = rs.SIP,
                DisplayName     = rs.DisplayName,
                Ip              = rs.IP,
                UserAgentHeader = rs.UserAgentHeader,
                Registrar       = rs.Registrar != null ? rs.Registrar : string.Empty,

                Comment             = rs.User != null ? rs.User.Comment : string.Empty,
                UserDisplayName     = rs.User != null ? rs.User.DisplayName : string.Empty,
                Api                 = rs.UserAgent != null ? rs.UserAgent.Api ?? string.Empty : string.Empty,
                Image               = rs.UserAgent?.Image ?? string.Empty,
                ActiveX             = rs.UserAgent != null && rs.UserAgent.Ax,
                Width               = rs.UserAgent?.Width ?? 1000,
                Height              = rs.UserAgent?.Height ?? 1000,
                UserInterfaceLink   = rs.UserAgent != null ? rs.UserAgent.UserInterfaceLink ?? "" : String.Empty,
                UserInterfaceIsOpen = rs.UserAgent != null && rs.UserAgent.UserInterfaceIsOpen,
                UseScrollbars       = rs.UserAgent != null && rs.UserAgent.UseScrollbars,
                Inputs              = rs.UserAgent?.Inputs ?? 0,
                NrOfGpos            = rs.UserAgent?.NrOfGpos ?? 0,
                InputGainStep       = rs.UserAgent?.InputGainStep ?? 0,
                InputMaxDb          = rs.UserAgent?.MaxInputDb ?? 0,
                InputMinDb          = rs.UserAgent?.MinInputDb ?? 0,
                Lines               = rs.UserAgent?.Lines ?? 0,

                CodecPresets = rs.UserAgent != null?rs.UserAgent.CodecPresets.Select(MapToCodecPreset).ToList() :  new List <CodecPreset>(),

                                   LocationName    = rs.Location != null ? rs.Location.Name : string.Empty,
                                   LocationComment = rs.Location != null ? rs.Location.Comment : string.Empty,
                                   CityName        = rs.Location?.City != null ? rs.Location.City.Name : string.Empty,
                                   RegionName      = rs.Location?.Region != null ? rs.Location.Region.Name : string.Empty,

Exemple #5
 private bool ShouldShowCodecControlView(RegisteredSipDetails registeredSip)
     return((User.IsInRole(Roles.Admin) || User.IsInRole(Roles.Remote)) &&
            !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(registeredSip.Api) &&