private void ExtractMapData(string line, int numOfTasks, Validations validations) { if (LocalCommunication.MapMatrix == null && line.StartsWith(CffKeywords.LOCAL_COMMUNICATION_MAP)) { // Check the MAP format is valid bool isValidMapFormat = RegexValidation.RegexMap(line, validations); string returnedMap = null; if (isValidMapFormat) { returnedMap = validations.ValidateStringPair( line, TaffKeywords.ALLOCATION_MAP); } if (returnedMap != null) { LocalCommunication.MapData = new Map(returnedMap); LocalCommunication.MapMatrix = LocalCommunication.MapData.ConvertToMatrix( numOfTasks, numOfTasks, validations); } } }
public ClientResponse VerifyIfClientIsValid(ClientModel client) { _regex = new RegexValidation(); if (!_regex.ValidateCnpj(client.Cnpj)) { return new ClientResponse() { Success = false, Message = "Invalid Cnpj format." } } ; if (!_regex.ValidatePhone(client.Phone)) { return new ClientResponse() { Success = false, Message = "Phone format invalid." } } ; return(new ClientResponse() { Success = true, Message = string.Empty }); }
protected override object CreateModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext, Type modelType) { if (modelType == typeof(ColumnValidation)) { var validationType = (ValidationType)bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName + ".ValidationType").ConvertTo(typeof(Kooboo.CMS.Form.ValidationType)); object model = null; switch (validationType) { case ValidationType.Required: model = new RequiredValidation(); break; case ValidationType.StringLength: model = new StringLengthValidation(); break; case ValidationType.Range: model = new RangeValidation(); break; case ValidationType.Regex: model = new RegexValidation(); break; } bindingContext.ModelMetadata = ModelMetadataProviders.Current.GetMetadataForType(() => model, model.GetType()); return(model); } return(base.CreateModel(controllerContext, bindingContext, modelType)); }
/// <summary> /// (重)发送入园凭证短信 基础数据验证 /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataValidResult ValidDataForMessageSendRequest(MessageSendRequest request) { var orderInfo = request.Body.OrderInfo; var result = new DataValidResult { Status = false }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderInfo.OrderId)) { result.Code = "117001"; result.Message = "(重)发送入园凭证短信异常,订单id不能为空"; return(result); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderInfo.phoneNumber)) { result.Code = "117002"; result.Message = "(重)发送入园凭证短信异常,重发手机号码不能为空"; return(result); } if (!RegexValidation.IsCellPhone(orderInfo.phoneNumber)) { result.Code = "117003"; result.Message = "(重)发送入园凭证短信异常,重发手机号码异常"; return(result); } result.Status = true; return(result); }
public void Validation(string daysOfWeek, bool isClashException = true) { var modelName = isClashException ? "Clash exception" : "Clash"; IValidation validation = new RequiredFieldValidation { Field = new List <ValidationInfo> { new ValidationInfo { FieldName = $"{modelName} time and DOWs - days of week", FieldToValidate = daysOfWeek } } }; validation.Execute(); const string zeroOrOne = "^(?!0{7})[0-1]{7}$"; validation = new RegexValidation { Field = new List <ValidationInfo> { new ValidationInfo { ErrorMessage = $"{modelName} time and DOWs - Invalid days of week", FieldToValidate = daysOfWeek, RegexPattern = zeroOrOne } } }; validation.Execute(); }
public void RegexValidation(string fromTime, string toTime, List <string> dowPattern) { const string hhmmFormat = "^([0-9]|0[0-9]|1?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$"; const string dayOfWeek = "^\\b(?i)(Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat)\\b$"; IValidation validation = new RegexValidation() { Field = new List <ValidationInfo>() { new ValidationInfo() { ErrorMessage = "Invalid Time Slice From Time", FieldToValidate = fromTime, RegexPattern = hhmmFormat }, new ValidationInfo() { ErrorMessage = "Invalid Time Slice To Time", FieldToValidate = ToTime, RegexPattern = hhmmFormat }, new ValidationInfo() { ErrorMessage = "Invalid Dow Pattern", FieldToValidate = dowPattern, RegexPattern = dayOfWeek } } }; validation.Execute(); }
public bool ValidateUser() { bool register = true; tblFirst_Name_Error.Text = RegexValidation.Name_Check(txtFirst_Name.Text); register = tblFirst_Name_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; tblLast_Name_Error.Text = RegexValidation.Name_Check(txtLast_Name.Text); register = tblLast_Name_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; tblMobile_Error.Text = RegexValidation.Check_Mobile(txtMobile_Number.Text); register = tblMobile_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; tblPassword_Error.Text = RegexValidation.Check_Password(txtPassword.Password); register = tblPassword_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; tblConfirmPassword_Error.Text = txtPassword.Password != txtConfirm_Password.Password ? "Passwords do not match" : ""; register = tblConfirmPassword_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; tblState_Error.Text = cbState.SelectedIndex < 0 ? "State not selected" : ""; register = tblState_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; tblCity_Error.Text = cbCity.IsEnabled == false || cbCity.SelectedIndex < 0 ? "City not selected" : ""; register = tblCity_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; tblArea_Error.Text = cbArea.IsEnabled == false || cbArea.SelectedIndex < 0 ? "Area not selected" : ""; register = tblArea_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; tblEmail_Error.Text = RegexValidation.Check_Email(txtEmail.Text); register = tblEmail_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; return(register); }
} //0 or 1 for each day of week internal void Validate(IEnumerable <SalesArea> validSalesAreas) { ValidateDates(); ValidateTimes(); IValidation validation = new RequiredFieldValidation() { Field = new List <ValidationInfo>() { new ValidationInfo() { FieldName = "PassSalesAreaPriority DaysOfWeek", FieldToValidate = DaysOfWeek }, new ValidationInfo() { FieldName = "PassSalesAreaPriority SalesAreaPriorities", FieldToValidate = SalesAreaPriorities }, } }; validation.Execute(); validation = new RegexValidation() { Field = new List <ValidationInfo>() { new ValidationInfo() { ErrorMessage = "Invalid PassSalesAreaPriority DaysOfWeek", FieldToValidate = DaysOfWeek, RegexPattern = ZeroOrOne } } }; validation.Execute(); var allSalesAreaPriorities = SalesAreaPriorities.Select(x => x.SalesArea); var duplicateSalesAreaPriorities = allSalesAreaPriorities.GroupBy(salesArea => salesArea).Where(g => g.Count() > 1).Select(g => g.Key); if (duplicateSalesAreaPriorities.Count() > 0) { throw new Exception("Duplicate SalesAreas: " + string.Join(",", duplicateSalesAreaPriorities.ToArray())); } if (validSalesAreas != null) { SalesAreaPriorities.ForEach(salesAreaPriority => { if (!validSalesAreas.Any(validSalesArea => string.Equals(validSalesArea.Name, salesAreaPriority.SalesArea, StringComparison.CurrentCulture))) { throw new Exception(salesAreaPriority.SalesArea + " is not a valid SalesArea"); } }); } }
private void ValidateRestrictionDatesAndDays(DateTime startDate, DateTime?endDate, string restrictionDays) { IValidation validation = new RequiredFieldValidation { Field = new List <ValidationInfo> { new ValidationInfo { FieldName = "Start Date", FieldToValidate = startDate }, new ValidationInfo { FieldName = "Restriction Days", FieldToValidate = restrictionDays } } }; validation.Execute(); if (endDate.HasValue) { validation = new CompareValidation { Field = new List <ValidationInfo> { new ValidationInfo { ErrorMessage = "Restriction start date should be less than or equal to end date", FieldToValidate = startDate.Date, FieldToCompare = endDate?.Date, Operator = Operator.LessThanEqual } } }; validation.Execute(); } const string zeroOrOne = "^(?!0{7})[0-1]{7}$"; validation = new RegexValidation { Field = new List <ValidationInfo> { new ValidationInfo { ErrorMessage = "Invalid Restriction Days", FieldToValidate = restrictionDays, RegexPattern = zeroOrOne } } }; validation.Execute(); }
private void ExtractMapData(string line, Validations validations) { if (AllocationMapData == null && line.StartsWith(TaffKeywords.ALLOCATION_MAP)) { // Check the MAP format is valid bool isValidMapFormat = RegexValidation.RegexMap(line, validations); if (isValidMapFormat) { AllocationMapData = validations.ValidateStringPair( line, TaffKeywords.ALLOCATION_MAP); } } }
public bool ValidProfile() { bool register = true; tblFirst_Name_Error.Text = RegexValidation.Name_Check(txtFirst_Name.Text); register = tblFirst_Name_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; tblLast_Name_Error.Text = RegexValidation.Name_Check(txtLast_Name.Text); register = tblLast_Name_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; tblMobile_Error.Text = RegexValidation.Check_Mobile(txtMobile_Number.Text, "driver", driver.Driver_Id); register = tblMobile_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; if (txtMobile_Alternate.Text != "") { tblMobile_Alternate_Error.Text = RegexValidation.Check_Mobile(txtMobile_Alternate.Text, "driver", driver.Driver_Id); } register = tblMobile_Alternate_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; tblState_Error.Text = cbState.SelectedIndex < 0 ? "State not selected" : ""; register = tblState_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; tblCity_Error.Text = cbCity.IsEnabled == false || cbCity.SelectedIndex < 0 ? "City not selected" : ""; register = tblCity_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; tbladrl1_Error.Text = RegexValidation.Check_Address(txtAdrl_1.Text); register = tbladrl1_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; tbladrl2_Error.Text = RegexValidation.Check_Address(txtAdrl_2.Text); register = tbladrl2_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; tblArea_Error.Text = cbArea.IsEnabled == false || cbArea.SelectedIndex < 0 ? "Area not selected" : ""; register = tblArea_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; if (txtEmail.Text != "") { tblEmail_Error.Text = RegexValidation.Check_Email(txtEmail.Text, "driver", driver.Driver_Id); } register = tblEmail_Error.Text != "" ? false : register; return(register); }
/// <summary> /// 发送手机短信 /// </summary> /// <param name="mobile">手机号码</param> /// <param name="content">内容</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool Send(string mobile, string content) { if (!RegexValidation.IsCellPhone(mobile)) { return(false); } return(true); //Task<string> task = new Task<string>(() => //{ // string msg = MsgManage.SendSMSNew(mobile, content); // return msg; //}); ////启动任务,并安排到当前任务队列线程中执行任务(System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler) //task.Start(); ////等待任务的完成执行过程。 //task.Wait(); //long resultMsg = 0; //long.TryParse(task.Result, out resultMsg); //return resultMsg > 0; }
private Column(string columnName, int columnIndexInFile, bool isRequired, bool isIdentity, ValueType valueType , int stringMaxLenght, string[] dateTimeFormats, CultureInfo[] cultureInfos, decimal minValue, decimal maxValue , RegexValidation regexValidation = RegexValidation.None, string regex = "") { RegexValidation = regexValidation; _regex = regex; ColumnName = columnName; ColumnIndexInFile = columnIndexInFile; IsRequired = isRequired; IsIdentity = isIdentity; ValueType = valueType; StringMaxLenght = stringMaxLenght; DateTimeFormats = dateTimeFormats; CultureInfos = cultureInfos; MinValue = minValue; MaxValue = maxValue; SetRegex(); Validate(); }
protected void Button_Send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (RegexValidation.IsNameValid(TextBox_Kontaktperson.Text) == false) { Label_Error.Text = "Fejl i navn"; } else if (RegexValidation.IsTlfNrValid(TextBox_Telefon.Text) == false) { Label_Error.Text = "Fejl i telefon nummer"; } else if (RegexValidation.IsEmailValid(TextBox_Email.Text) == false) { Label_Error.Text = "Forkert mail"; } else if (TextBox_Sporgsmal.Text == "") { Label_Error.Text = "Skriv et spørgsmål"; } else { Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); //Kode der sender en mail via SMTP protokolen - det kræver at serveren er sat op til det //but here it is //MailMessage objeto_mail = new MailMessage(); //SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(); //client.Port = 25; //client.Host = ""; //client.Timeout = 10000; //client.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; //client.UseDefaultCredentials = false; //client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("user", "Password"); //objeto_mail.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); //objeto_mail.To.Add(new MailAddress("*****@*****.**")); //objeto_mail.Subject = TextBox_Email.Text + TextBox_Kontaktperson.Text + TextBox_Firmanavn.Text + TextBox_Telefon.Text; //objeto_mail.Body = TextBox_Sporgsmal.Text; //client.Send(objeto_mail); } }
private bool ValidateEmail(AddCustomerRequest request, ref ValidationResult result) { var errors = new List <string>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Email)) { errors.Add("Email must be populated"); } if (!RegexValidation.IsEmailValid(request.Email)) { errors.Add("Email must be a valid email address"); } if (errors.Any()) { result.PassedValidation = false; result.Errors.AddRange(errors); return(true); } return(false); }
//public void ConvertToComposite() //{ // user.User_Id = (int)composite["User_Id"]; // user.Password = (string)composite["Password"]; // user.Mobile_Number = (string)composite["Mobile_Number"]; // user.Mobile_Alternate = (string)composite["Mobile_Alternate"]; // user.F_Name = (string)composite["F_Name"]; // user.L_Name = (string)composite["L_Name"]; // user.Email = (string)composite["Email"]; // user.Close = (bool)composite["Close"]; // user.Area_Id = (int)composite["Area_Id"]; // user.Address_Line_2 = (string)composite["Address_Line_2"]; // user.Address_Line_1 = (string)composite["Address_Line_1"]; // user.Account_Status = (string)composite["Account_Status"]; //} public bool ItemsValid() { txtItemsError.Text = RegexValidation.Check_Items(txtItems.Text); return(txtItemsError.Text == "" ? true : false); }
public void GivenEmailPattern_WhenValidate_ReturnTrue() { bool isValid = RegexValidation.EmailMatch("*****@*****.**"); Assert.IsTrue(isValid); }
public void GivenMobleNumber_WhenValidate_ReturnTrue() { bool isValid = RegexValidation.MobileNumberMatch("91 9140401246"); Assert.IsTrue(isValid); }
public void GivenPasswordSampleTwo_WhenTestingValidation_ReturnTure() { bool isValid = RegexValidation.PasswordMatch02("Sandeep26nas"); Assert.IsTrue(isValid); }
public void GivenPasswordSamplethree_WhenTestingValidation_ReturnTure() { bool isValid = RegexValidation.PasswordMatch03("Sandeep1Singh"); Assert.IsTrue(isValid); }
/// <summary> /// Sets parameters from a data form in an object. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">IQ Event Arguments describing the request.</param> /// <param name="EditableObject">Object whose parameters will be set.</param> /// <param name="Form">Data Form.</param> /// <param name="OnlySetChanged">If only changed parameters are to be set.</param> /// <returns>Any errors encountered, or null if parameters was set properly.</returns> public static async Task <SetEditableFormResult> SetEditableForm(IqEventArgs e, object EditableObject, DataForm Form, bool OnlySetChanged) { Type T = EditableObject.GetType(); string DefaultLanguageCode = GetDefaultLanguageCode(T); List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > Errors = null; PropertyInfo PropertyInfo; FieldInfo FieldInfo; Language Language = await ConcentratorServer.GetLanguage(e.Query, DefaultLanguageCode); Namespace Namespace = null; Namespace ConcentratorNamespace = await Language.GetNamespaceAsync(typeof(ConcentratorServer).Namespace); LinkedList <Tuple <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo, object> > ToSet = null; ValidationMethod ValidationMethod; OptionAttribute OptionAttribute; RegularExpressionAttribute RegularExpressionAttribute; RangeAttribute RangeAttribute; DataType DataType; Type PropertyType; string NamespaceStr; string LastNamespaceStr = null; object ValueToSet; object ValueToSet2; object[] Parsed; bool ReadOnly; bool Alpha; bool DateOnly; bool HasHeader; bool HasOptions; bool ValidOption; bool Nullable; if (Namespace is null) { Namespace = await Language.CreateNamespaceAsync(T.Namespace); } if (ConcentratorNamespace is null) { ConcentratorNamespace = await Language.CreateNamespaceAsync(typeof(ConcentratorServer).Namespace); } foreach (Field Field in Form.Fields) { PropertyInfo = T.GetRuntimeProperty(Field.Var); FieldInfo = PropertyInfo is null?T.GetRuntimeField(Field.Var) : null; if (PropertyInfo is null && FieldInfo is null) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(1, "Property not found.")); continue; } if (PropertyInfo != null && (!PropertyInfo.CanRead || !PropertyInfo.CanWrite)) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(2, "Property not editable.")); continue; } NamespaceStr = (PropertyInfo?.DeclaringType ?? FieldInfo.DeclaringType).Namespace; if (Namespace is null || NamespaceStr != LastNamespaceStr) { Namespace = await Language.GetNamespaceAsync(NamespaceStr); LastNamespaceStr = NamespaceStr; } ValidationMethod = null; ReadOnly = Alpha = DateOnly = HasHeader = HasOptions = ValidOption = false; foreach (Attribute Attr in (PropertyInfo?.GetCustomAttributes() ?? FieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes())) { if (Attr is HeaderAttribute) { HasHeader = true; } else if ((OptionAttribute = Attr as OptionAttribute) != null) { HasOptions = true; if (Field.ValueString == OptionAttribute.Option.ToString()) { ValidOption = true; } } else if ((RegularExpressionAttribute = Attr as RegularExpressionAttribute) != null) { ValidationMethod = new RegexValidation(RegularExpressionAttribute.Pattern); } else if ((RangeAttribute = Attr as RangeAttribute) != null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(RangeAttribute.Min, RangeAttribute.Max); } else if (Attr is OpenAttribute) { ValidationMethod = new OpenValidation(); } else if (Attr is ReadOnlyAttribute) { ReadOnly = true; } else if (Attr is AlphaChannelAttribute) { Alpha = true; } else if (Attr is DateOnlyAttribute) { DateOnly = true; } } if (!HasHeader) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(2, "Property not editable.")); continue; } if (ReadOnly) { if (Field.ValueString != (PropertyInfo?.GetValue(EditableObject) ?? FieldInfo?.GetValue(EditableObject))?.ToString()) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(3, "Property is read-only.")); } continue; } if (HasOptions && !ValidOption) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(4, "Select a valid option.")); continue; } PropertyType = PropertyInfo?.PropertyType ?? FieldInfo.FieldType; ValueToSet = null; ValueToSet2 = null; Parsed = null; DataType = null; Nullable = false; if (PropertyType.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType) { Type GT = PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); if (GT == typeof(Nullable <>)) { Nullable = true; PropertyType = PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments[0]; } } if (Nullable && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Field.ValueString)) { ValueToSet2 = null; } else { if (PropertyType == typeof(string[])) { if (ValidationMethod is null) { ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation(); } ValueToSet = ValueToSet2 = Parsed = Field.ValueStrings; DataType = StringDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum) { if (ValidationMethod is null) { ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation(); } try { ValueToSet = ValueToSet2 = Enum.Parse(PropertyType, Field.ValueString); } catch (Exception) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(4, "Select a valid option.")); continue; } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(bool)) { if (ValidationMethod is null) { ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation(); } if (!CommonTypes.TryParse(Field.ValueString, out bool b)) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(5, "Invalid boolean value.")); continue; } DataType = BooleanDataType.Instance; ValueToSet = ValueToSet2 = b; } else { if (PropertyType == typeof(string)) { DataType = StringDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(sbyte)) { DataType = ByteDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(short)) { DataType = ShortDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(int)) { DataType = IntDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(long)) { DataType = LongDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(byte)) { DataType = ShortDataType.Instance; if (ValidationMethod is null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(byte.MinValue.ToString(), byte.MaxValue.ToString()); } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(ushort)) { DataType = IntDataType.Instance; if (ValidationMethod is null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ushort.MinValue.ToString(), ushort.MaxValue.ToString()); } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(uint)) { DataType = LongDataType.Instance; if (ValidationMethod is null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(uint.MinValue.ToString(), uint.MaxValue.ToString()); } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(ulong)) { DataType = IntegerDataType.Instance; if (ValidationMethod is null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ulong.MinValue.ToString(), ulong.MaxValue.ToString()); } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(DateTime)) { if (DateOnly) { DataType = DateDataType.Instance; } else { DataType = DateTimeDataType.Instance; } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(decimal)) { DataType = DecimalDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(double)) { DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(float)) { DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance; // Use xs:double anyway } else if (PropertyType == typeof(TimeSpan)) { DataType = TimeDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(Uri)) { DataType = AnyUriDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(SKColor)) { if (Alpha) { DataType = ColorAlphaDataType.Instance; } else { DataType = ColorDataType.Instance; } } else { DataType = null; } if (ValidationMethod is null) { ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation(); } try { if (DataType is null) { ValueToSet = Field.ValueString; ValueToSet2 = Activator.CreateInstance(PropertyType, ValueToSet); } else { ValueToSet = DataType.Parse(Field.ValueString); if (ValueToSet.GetType() == PropertyType) { ValueToSet2 = ValueToSet; } else { ValueToSet2 = Convert.ChangeType(ValueToSet, PropertyType); } } } catch (Exception) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(6, "Invalid value.")); continue; } } if (Parsed is null) { Parsed = new object[] { ValueToSet } } ; ValidationMethod.Validate(Field, DataType, Parsed, Field.ValueStrings); if (Field.HasError) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, Field.Error); continue; } } if (ToSet is null) { ToSet = new LinkedList <Tuple <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo, object> >(); } ToSet.AddLast(new Tuple <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo, object>(PropertyInfo, FieldInfo, ValueToSet2)); } if (Errors is null) { SetEditableFormResult Result = new SetEditableFormResult() { Errors = null, Tags = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >() }; foreach (Tuple <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo, object> P in ToSet) { try { if (OnlySetChanged) { object Current = P.Item1?.GetValue(EditableObject) ?? P.Item2?.GetValue(EditableObject); if (Current is null) { if (P.Item3 is null) { continue; } } else if (P.Item3 != null && Current.Equals(P.Item3)) { continue; } } if (P.Item1 != null) { P.Item1.SetValue(EditableObject, P.Item3); Result.Tags.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(P.Item1.Name, P.Item3)); } else { P.Item2.SetValue(EditableObject, P.Item3); Result.Tags.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(P.Item2.Name, P.Item3)); } } catch (Exception ex) { AddError(ref Errors, P.Item1?.Name ?? P.Item2.Name, ex.Message); } } return(Result); } else { return(new SetEditableFormResult() { Errors = Errors.ToArray(), Tags = null }); } }
public void GivenPasswordSampleFour_WhenTestingValidation_ReturnTure() { bool isValid = RegexValidation.PasswordMatch04("SandeepSingh123@"); Assert.IsTrue(isValid); }
/// <summary> /// Sets parameters from a data form in an object. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">IQ Event Arguments describing the request.</param> /// <param name="EditableObject">Object whose parameters will be set.</param> /// <param name="Form">Data Form.</param> /// <returns>Any errors encountered, or null if parameters was set properly.</returns> public static async Task <KeyValuePair <string, string>[]> SetEditableForm(IqEventArgs e, object EditableObject, DataForm Form) { Type T = EditableObject.GetType(); string DefaultLanguageCode = GetDefaultLanguageCode(T); List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > Errors = null; PropertyInfo PI; Language Language = await ConcentratorServer.GetLanguage(e.Query, DefaultLanguageCode); Namespace Namespace = await Language.GetNamespaceAsync(T.Namespace); Namespace ConcentratorNamespace = await Language.GetNamespaceAsync(typeof(ConcentratorServer).Namespace); LinkedList <KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, object> > ToSet = null; ValidationMethod ValidationMethod; OptionAttribute OptionAttribute; RegularExpressionAttribute RegularExpressionAttribute; RangeAttribute RangeAttribute; DataType DataType; Type PropertyType; string Header; object ValueToSet; object[] Parsed; bool ReadOnly; bool Alpha; bool DateOnly; bool HasHeader; bool HasOptions; bool ValidOption; if (Namespace == null) { Namespace = await Language.CreateNamespaceAsync(T.Namespace); } if (ConcentratorNamespace == null) { ConcentratorNamespace = await Language.CreateNamespaceAsync(typeof(ConcentratorServer).Namespace); } foreach (Field Field in Form.Fields) { PI = T.GetRuntimeProperty(Field.Var); if (PI == null) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(1, "Property not found.")); continue; } if (!PI.CanRead || !PI.CanWrite) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(2, "Property not editable.")); continue; } Header = null; ValidationMethod = null; ReadOnly = Alpha = DateOnly = HasHeader = HasOptions = ValidOption = false; foreach (Attribute Attr in PI.GetCustomAttributes()) { if (Attr is HeaderAttribute) { HasHeader = true; } else if ((OptionAttribute = Attr as OptionAttribute) != null) { HasOptions = true; if (Field.ValueString == OptionAttribute.Option.ToString()) { ValidOption = true; } } else if ((RegularExpressionAttribute = Attr as RegularExpressionAttribute) != null) { ValidationMethod = new RegexValidation(RegularExpressionAttribute.Pattern); } else if ((RangeAttribute = Attr as RangeAttribute) != null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(RangeAttribute.Min, RangeAttribute.Max); } else if (Attr is OpenAttribute) { ValidationMethod = new OpenValidation(); } else if (Attr is ReadOnlyAttribute) { ReadOnly = true; } else if (Attr is AlphaChannelAttribute) { Alpha = true; } else if (Attr is DateOnlyAttribute) { DateOnly = true; } } if (Header == null) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(2, "Property not editable.")); continue; } if (ReadOnly) { if (Field.ValueString != PI.GetValue(EditableObject).ToString()) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(3, "Property is read-only.")); } continue; } if (HasOptions && !ValidOption) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(4, "Select a valid option.")); continue; } PropertyType = PI.PropertyType; ValueToSet = null; Parsed = null; DataType = null; if (PropertyType == typeof(string[])) { if (ValidationMethod == null) { ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation(); } ValueToSet = Parsed = Field.ValueStrings; DataType = StringDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(Enum)) { if (ValidationMethod == null) { ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation(); } try { ValueToSet = Enum.Parse(PropertyType, Field.ValueString); } catch (Exception) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(4, "Select a valid option.")); continue; } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(bool)) { if (ValidationMethod == null) { ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation(); } if (!CommonTypes.TryParse(Field.ValueString, out bool b)) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(5, "Invalid boolean value.")); continue; } DataType = BooleanDataType.Instance; } else { if (PropertyType == typeof(string)) { DataType = StringDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(byte)) { DataType = ByteDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(short)) { DataType = ShortDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(int)) { DataType = IntDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(long)) { DataType = LongDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(sbyte)) { DataType = ShortDataType.Instance; if (ValidationMethod == null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(sbyte.MinValue.ToString(), sbyte.MaxValue.ToString()); } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(ushort)) { DataType = IntDataType.Instance; if (ValidationMethod == null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ushort.MinValue.ToString(), ushort.MaxValue.ToString()); } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(uint)) { DataType = LongDataType.Instance; if (ValidationMethod == null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(uint.MinValue.ToString(), uint.MaxValue.ToString()); } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(ulong)) { DataType = IntegerDataType.Instance; if (ValidationMethod == null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ulong.MinValue.ToString(), ulong.MaxValue.ToString()); } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(DateTime)) { if (DateOnly) { DataType = DateDataType.Instance; } else { DataType = DateTimeDataType.Instance; } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(decimal)) { DataType = DecimalDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(double)) { DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(float)) { DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance; // Use xs:double anyway } else if (PropertyType == typeof(TimeSpan)) { DataType = TimeDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(Uri)) { DataType = AnyUriDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(SKColor)) { if (Alpha) { DataType = ColorAlphaDataType.Instance; } else { DataType = ColorDataType.Instance; } } else { DataType = null; } if (ValidationMethod == null) { ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation(); } try { ValueToSet = DataType.Parse(Field.ValueString); } catch (Exception) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, await ConcentratorNamespace.GetStringAsync(6, "Invalid value.")); continue; } } if (Parsed == null) { Parsed = new object[] { ValueToSet } } ; ValidationMethod.Validate(Field, DataType, Parsed, Field.ValueStrings); if (Field.HasError) { AddError(ref Errors, Field.Var, Field.Error); continue; } if (ToSet == null) { ToSet = new LinkedList <KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, object> >(); } ToSet.AddLast(new KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, object>(PI, ValueToSet)); } if (Errors == null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, object> P in ToSet) { try { P.Key.SetValue(EditableObject, P.Value); } catch (Exception ex) { AddError(ref Errors, P.Key.Name, ex.Message); } } } if (Errors == null) { return(null); } else { return(Errors.ToArray()); } }
public void InitClassObject() { //Arrange person = new RegexValidation(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a data form containing editable parameters from an object. /// </summary> /// <param name="Client">Client</param> /// <param name="e">IQ Event Arguments describing the request.</param> /// <param name="EditableObject">Object whose parameters will be edited.</param> /// <param name="Title">Title of form.</param> /// <returns>Data form containing editable parameters.</returns> public static async Task <DataForm> GetEditableForm(XmppClient Client, IqEventArgs e, object EditableObject, string Title) { Type T = EditableObject.GetType(); string DefaultLanguageCode = GetDefaultLanguageCode(T); DataForm Parameters = new DataForm(Client, FormType.Form, e.To, e.From); Language Language = await ConcentratorServer.GetLanguage(e.Query, DefaultLanguageCode); Namespace Namespace = await Language.GetNamespaceAsync(T.Namespace); List <Field> Fields = new List <Field>(); List <Page> Pages = new List <Page>(); Dictionary <string, Page> PageByLabel = new Dictionary <string, Page>(); Dictionary <string, Section> SectionByPageAndSectionLabel = null; List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > Options = null; string Header; string ToolTip; string PageLabel; string SectionLabel; string s; int StringId; bool Required; bool ReadOnly; bool Masked; bool Alpha; bool DateOnly; HeaderAttribute HeaderAttribute; ToolTipAttribute ToolTipAttribute; PageAttribute PageAttribute; SectionAttribute SectionAttribute; OptionAttribute OptionAttribute; TextAttribute TextAttribute; RegularExpressionAttribute RegularExpressionAttribute; LinkedList <string> TextAttributes; RangeAttribute RangeAttribute; ValidationMethod ValidationMethod; Type PropertyType; Field Field; Page DefaultPage = null; Page Page; if (Namespace == null) { Namespace = await Language.CreateNamespaceAsync(T.Namespace); } foreach (PropertyInfo PI in T.GetRuntimeProperties()) { if (!PI.CanRead || !PI.CanWrite) { continue; } Header = ToolTip = PageLabel = SectionLabel = null; TextAttributes = null; ValidationMethod = null; Required = ReadOnly = Masked = Alpha = DateOnly = false; foreach (Attribute Attr in PI.GetCustomAttributes()) { if ((HeaderAttribute = Attr as HeaderAttribute) != null) { Header = HeaderAttribute.Header; StringId = HeaderAttribute.StringId; if (StringId > 0) { Header = await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, Header); } } else if ((ToolTipAttribute = Attr as ToolTipAttribute) != null) { ToolTip = ToolTipAttribute.ToolTip; StringId = ToolTipAttribute.StringId; if (StringId > 0) { ToolTip = await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, ToolTip); } } else if ((PageAttribute = Attr as PageAttribute) != null) { PageLabel = PageAttribute.Label; StringId = PageAttribute.StringId; if (StringId > 0) { PageLabel = await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, PageLabel); } } else if ((SectionAttribute = Attr as SectionAttribute) != null) { SectionLabel = SectionAttribute.Label; StringId = SectionAttribute.StringId; if (StringId > 0) { SectionLabel = await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, SectionLabel); } } else if ((TextAttribute = Attr as TextAttribute) != null) { if (TextAttributes == null) { TextAttributes = new LinkedList <string>(); } StringId = TextAttribute.StringId; if (StringId > 0) { TextAttributes.AddLast(await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, TextAttribute.Label)); } else { TextAttributes.AddLast(TextAttribute.Label); } } else if ((OptionAttribute = Attr as OptionAttribute) != null) { if (Options == null) { Options = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); } StringId = OptionAttribute.StringId; if (StringId > 0) { Options.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(OptionAttribute.Option.ToString(), await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, TextAttribute.Label))); } else { Options.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(OptionAttribute.Option.ToString(), OptionAttribute.Label)); } } else if ((RegularExpressionAttribute = Attr as RegularExpressionAttribute) != null) { ValidationMethod = new RegexValidation(RegularExpressionAttribute.Pattern); } else if ((RangeAttribute = Attr as RangeAttribute) != null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(RangeAttribute.Min, RangeAttribute.Max); } else if (Attr is OpenAttribute) { ValidationMethod = new OpenValidation(); } else if (Attr is RequiredAttribute) { Required = true; } else if (Attr is ReadOnlyAttribute) { ReadOnly = true; } else if (Attr is MaskedAttribute) { Masked = true; } else if (Attr is AlphaChannelAttribute) { Alpha = true; } else if (Attr is DateOnlyAttribute) { DateOnly = true; } } if (Header == null) { continue; } PropertyType = PI.PropertyType; Field = null; if (PropertyType == typeof(string[])) { if (ValidationMethod == null) { ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation(); } if (Options == null) { Field = new TextMultiField(Parameters, PI.Name, Header, Required, (string[])PI.GetValue(EditableObject), null, ToolTip, StringDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false); } else { Field = new ListMultiField(Parameters, PI.Name, Header, Required, (string[])PI.GetValue(EditableObject), Options.ToArray(), ToolTip, StringDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false); } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(Enum)) { if (ValidationMethod == null) { ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation(); } if (Options == null) { Options = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); foreach (string Option in Enum.GetNames(PropertyType)) { Options.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(Option, Option)); } } Field = new ListSingleField(Parameters, PI.Name, Header, Required, new string[] { PI.GetValue(EditableObject).ToString() }, Options.ToArray(), ToolTip, null, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false); } else if (PropertyType == typeof(bool)) { if (ValidationMethod == null) { ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation(); } Field = new BooleanField(Parameters, PI.Name, Header, Required, new string[] { CommonTypes.Encode((bool)PI.GetValue(EditableObject)) }, Options?.ToArray(), ToolTip, BooleanDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false); } else { DataType DataType; if (PropertyType == typeof(string)) { DataType = StringDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(byte)) { DataType = ByteDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(short)) { DataType = ShortDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(int)) { DataType = IntDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(long)) { DataType = LongDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(sbyte)) { DataType = ShortDataType.Instance; if (ValidationMethod == null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(sbyte.MinValue.ToString(), sbyte.MaxValue.ToString()); } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(ushort)) { DataType = IntDataType.Instance; if (ValidationMethod == null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ushort.MinValue.ToString(), ushort.MaxValue.ToString()); } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(uint)) { DataType = LongDataType.Instance; if (ValidationMethod == null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(uint.MinValue.ToString(), uint.MaxValue.ToString()); } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(ulong)) { DataType = IntegerDataType.Instance; if (ValidationMethod == null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ulong.MinValue.ToString(), ulong.MaxValue.ToString()); } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(DateTime)) { if (DateOnly) { DataType = DateDataType.Instance; } else { DataType = DateTimeDataType.Instance; } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(decimal)) { DataType = DecimalDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(double)) { DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(float)) { DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance; // Use xs:double anyway } else if (PropertyType == typeof(TimeSpan)) { DataType = TimeDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(Uri)) { DataType = AnyUriDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(SKColor)) { if (Alpha) { DataType = ColorAlphaDataType.Instance; } else { DataType = ColorDataType.Instance; } } else { DataType = null; } if (ValidationMethod == null) { ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation(); } if (Masked) { Field = new TextPrivateField(Parameters, PI.Name, Header, Required, new string[] { (string)PI.GetValue(EditableObject) }, Options?.ToArray(), ToolTip, StringDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false); } else if (Options == null) { Field = new TextSingleField(Parameters, PI.Name, Header, Required, new string[] { (string)PI.GetValue(EditableObject) }, null, ToolTip, StringDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false); } else { Field = new ListSingleField(Parameters, PI.Name, Header, Required, new string[] { (string)PI.GetValue(EditableObject) }, Options.ToArray(), ToolTip, StringDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false); } } if (Field == null) { continue; } Fields.Add(Field); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PageLabel)) { if (DefaultPage == null) { DefaultPage = new Page(Parameters, string.Empty); Pages.Add(DefaultPage); PageByLabel[string.Empty] = DefaultPage; } Page = DefaultPage; PageLabel = string.Empty; } else { if (!PageByLabel.TryGetValue(PageLabel, out Page)) { Page = new Page(Parameters, PageLabel); Pages.Add(Page); PageByLabel[PageLabel] = Page; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SectionLabel)) { if (TextAttributes != null) { foreach (string Text in TextAttributes) { Page.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, Text)); } } Page.Add(new FieldReference(Parameters, Field.Var)); } else { if (SectionByPageAndSectionLabel == null) { SectionByPageAndSectionLabel = new Dictionary <string, Section>(); } s = PageLabel + " \xa0 " + SectionLabel; if (!SectionByPageAndSectionLabel.TryGetValue(s, out Section Section)) { Section = new Section(Parameters, SectionLabel); SectionByPageAndSectionLabel[s] = Section; Page.Add(Section); } if (TextAttributes != null) { foreach (string Text in TextAttributes) { Section.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, Text)); } } Section.Add(new FieldReference(Parameters, Field.Var)); } } Parameters.Title = Title; Parameters.Fields = Fields.ToArray(); Parameters.Pages = Pages.ToArray(); return(Parameters); }
protected override object CreateModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext, Type modelType) { if (modelType == typeof(ColumnValidation)) { var validationType = (ValidationType)bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName + ".ValidationType").ConvertTo(typeof(Kooboo.CMS.Form.ValidationType)); object model = null; switch (validationType) { case ValidationType.Required: model = new RequiredValidation(); break; case ValidationType.StringLength: model = new StringLengthValidation(); break; case ValidationType.Range: model = new RangeValidation(); break; case ValidationType.Regex: model = new RegexValidation(); break; } bindingContext.ModelMetadata = ModelMetadataProviders.Current.GetMetadataForType(() => model, model.GetType()); return model; } return base.CreateModel(controllerContext, bindingContext, modelType); }
public async Task <AddRecordItemResponse> AddRecordItemAsync(Dictionary <ParameterTypeEnum, object> parameters) { telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Starting helper"); AddRecordItemResponse result = new AddRecordItemResponse { IsSucceded = true, ResultId = (int)AddRecordItemResultEnum.Success }; try { telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Getting parameters"); parameters.TryGetValue(ParameterTypeEnum.RecordItem, out global::System.Object orecordItemRequest); Domain.Models.Request.RecordItem recordItemRequest = orecordItemRequest as Domain.Models.Request.RecordItem; parameters.TryGetValue(ParameterTypeEnum.MasterAddress, out global::System.Object omasterAddress); string masterAddress = omasterAddress.ToString(); parameters.TryGetValue(ParameterTypeEnum.MasterPrivateKey, out global::System.Object omasterPrivateKey); string masterPrivateKey = omasterPrivateKey.ToString(); parameters.TryGetValue(ParameterTypeEnum.ContractAddress, out global::System.Object ocontractAddress); string contractAddress = ocontractAddress.ToString(); parameters.TryGetValue(ParameterTypeEnum.ContractABI, out global::System.Object ocontractABI); string contractABI = ocontractABI.ToString(); parameters.TryGetValue(ParameterTypeEnum.RecordItemImageContainer, out global::System.Object orecordItemImageContainer); string recordItemImageContainer = orecordItemImageContainer.ToString(); //database helpers DBRecordItemHelper dbRecordItemHelper = new DBRecordItemHelper(DBCONNECTION_INFO); DBUserAccountHelper dbUserAccountHelper = new DBUserAccountHelper(DBCONNECTION_INFO); //blockchain helper BlockchainHelper bh = new BlockchainHelper(telemetryClient, STORAGE_ACCOUNT, RPC_CLIENT, masterAddress, masterPrivateKey); telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Validating username length"); //validate username length if (!RegexValidation.IsValidUsername(recordItemRequest.username)) { result.IsSucceded = false; result.ResultId = (int)AddRecordItemResultEnum.InvalidUsernameLength; return(result); } telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Validating username existance"); //validate if account exists UserAccount userAccount = dbUserAccountHelper.GetUser(recordItemRequest.username); if (userAccount == null) { result.IsSucceded = false; result.ResultId = (int)AddRecordItemResultEnum.UsernameNotExists; return(result); } telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Validating record item existance"); //validate if record item exists for voting RecordItem recordItemExists = dbRecordItemHelper.GetRecordItem(recordItemRequest.hash); if (recordItemExists != null) { //there is no record item linked with this vote result.IsSucceded = false; result.ResultId = (int)AddRecordItemResultEnum.AlreadyExists; } else { telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Adding record item to blockchain"); var res_AddRecordAsync = await bh.AddRecordAsync(recordItemRequest.hash, recordItemRequest.username, contractAddress, contractABI); telemetryClient.TrackTrace($"Add record item result: {res_AddRecordAsync}"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res_AddRecordAsync)) { //there was an error adding the record to the blockchain result.IsSucceded = false; result.ResultId = (int)AddRecordItemResultEnum.BlockchainIssue; return(result); } telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Adding record item to database"); RecordItem recordItem = RecordItemParser.TransformRecordItem(recordItemRequest); recordItem.hash = recordItem.hash.ToLower(); recordItem.transactionId = res_AddRecordAsync; recordItem.createdDate = Timezone.GetCustomTimeZone(); recordItem.image = recordItem.image + ".png"; //perform insert in mongodb await dbRecordItemHelper.CreateRecordItem(recordItem); telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Adding record item image to storage"); //upload image to blobstorage byte[] buffer = Convert.FromBase64String(recordItemRequest.ImageBytes); await UploadRecordItemImageAsync(recordItemImageContainer, recordItem.image, buffer); } } catch (AggregateException ex) { foreach (var innerException in ex.Flatten().InnerExceptions) { telemetryClient.TrackException(innerException); } result.IsSucceded = false; result.ResultId = (int)AddRecordItemResultEnum.Failed; } catch (Exception ex) { telemetryClient.TrackException(ex); result.IsSucceded = false; result.ResultId = (int)AddRecordItemResultEnum.Failed; } telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Finishing helper"); return(result); }
public void GivenLastName_WhenValidate_ReturnTrue() { bool isValid = RegexValidation.LastNameMatch("Singh"); Assert.IsTrue(isValid); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a data form containing editable parameters from an object. /// </summary> /// <param name="Client">Client</param> /// <param name="e">IQ Event Arguments describing the request.</param> /// <param name="EditableObject">Object whose parameters will be edited.</param> /// <param name="Title">Title of form.</param> /// <returns>Data form containing editable parameters.</returns> public static async Task <DataForm> GetEditableForm(XmppClient Client, IqEventArgs e, object EditableObject, string Title) { Type T = EditableObject.GetType(); string DefaultLanguageCode = GetDefaultLanguageCode(T); DataForm Parameters = new DataForm(Client, FormType.Form, e.To, e.From); Language Language = await ConcentratorServer.GetLanguage(e.Query, DefaultLanguageCode); Namespace Namespace = null; List <Field> Fields = new List <Field>(); List <Page> Pages = new List <Page>(); Dictionary <string, Page> PageByLabel = new Dictionary <string, Page>(); Dictionary <string, Section> SectionByPageAndSectionLabel = null; List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > Options = null; string NamespaceStr; string LastNamespaceStr = null; string Header; string ToolTip; string PageLabel; string SectionLabel; string s; int StringId; int PagePriority; int PageOrdinal = 0; int FieldPriority; int FieldOrdinal = 0; bool Required; bool ReadOnly; bool Masked; bool Alpha; bool DateOnly; bool Nullable; HeaderAttribute HeaderAttribute; ToolTipAttribute ToolTipAttribute; PageAttribute PageAttribute; SectionAttribute SectionAttribute; OptionAttribute OptionAttribute; TextAttribute TextAttribute; RegularExpressionAttribute RegularExpressionAttribute; LinkedList <TextAttribute> TextAttributes; RangeAttribute RangeAttribute; ValidationMethod ValidationMethod; Type PropertyType; Field Field; Page DefaultPage = null; Page Page; if (Namespace is null) { Namespace = await Language.CreateNamespaceAsync(T.Namespace); } LinkedList <KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo> > Properties = new LinkedList <KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo> >(); foreach (PropertyInfo PI in T.GetRuntimeProperties()) { if (PI.CanRead) { Properties.AddLast(new KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo>(PI, null)); } } foreach (FieldInfo FI in T.GetRuntimeFields()) { Properties.AddLast(new KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo>(null, FI)); } foreach (KeyValuePair <PropertyInfo, FieldInfo> Rec in Properties) { PropertyInfo PropertyInfo = Rec.Key; FieldInfo FieldInfo = Rec.Value; NamespaceStr = (PropertyInfo?.DeclaringType ?? FieldInfo.DeclaringType).Namespace; if (Namespace is null || NamespaceStr != LastNamespaceStr) { Namespace = await Language.GetNamespaceAsync(NamespaceStr); LastNamespaceStr = NamespaceStr; } Header = ToolTip = PageLabel = SectionLabel = null; TextAttributes = null; ValidationMethod = null; Options = null; Required = Masked = Alpha = DateOnly = false; ReadOnly = PropertyInfo != null && !PropertyInfo.CanWrite; PagePriority = PageAttribute.DefaultPriority; FieldPriority = HeaderAttribute.DefaultPriority; foreach (Attribute Attr in (PropertyInfo?.GetCustomAttributes() ?? FieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes())) { if ((HeaderAttribute = Attr as HeaderAttribute) != null) { Header = HeaderAttribute.Header; StringId = HeaderAttribute.StringId; FieldPriority = HeaderAttribute.Priority; if (StringId > 0) { Header = await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, Header); } } else if ((ToolTipAttribute = Attr as ToolTipAttribute) != null) { ToolTip = ToolTipAttribute.ToolTip; StringId = ToolTipAttribute.StringId; if (StringId > 0) { ToolTip = await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, ToolTip); } } else if ((PageAttribute = Attr as PageAttribute) != null) { PageLabel = PageAttribute.Label; StringId = PageAttribute.StringId; PagePriority = PageAttribute.Priority; if (StringId > 0) { PageLabel = await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, PageLabel); } } else if ((SectionAttribute = Attr as SectionAttribute) != null) { SectionLabel = SectionAttribute.Label; StringId = SectionAttribute.StringId; if (StringId > 0) { SectionLabel = await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, SectionLabel); } } else if ((TextAttribute = Attr as TextAttribute) != null) { if (TextAttributes is null) { TextAttributes = new LinkedList <TextAttribute>(); } TextAttributes.AddLast(TextAttribute); } else if ((OptionAttribute = Attr as OptionAttribute) != null) { if (Options is null) { Options = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); } StringId = OptionAttribute.StringId; if (StringId > 0) { Options.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(OptionAttribute.Option.ToString(), await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, OptionAttribute.Label))); } else { Options.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(OptionAttribute.Option.ToString(), OptionAttribute.Label)); } } else if ((RegularExpressionAttribute = Attr as RegularExpressionAttribute) != null) { ValidationMethod = new RegexValidation(RegularExpressionAttribute.Pattern); } else if ((RangeAttribute = Attr as RangeAttribute) != null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(RangeAttribute.Min, RangeAttribute.Max); } else if (Attr is OpenAttribute) { ValidationMethod = new OpenValidation(); } else if (Attr is RequiredAttribute) { Required = true; } else if (Attr is ReadOnlyAttribute) { ReadOnly = true; } else if (Attr is MaskedAttribute) { Masked = true; } else if (Attr is AlphaChannelAttribute) { Alpha = true; } else if (Attr is DateOnlyAttribute) { DateOnly = true; } } if (Header is null) { continue; } PropertyType = PropertyInfo?.PropertyType ?? FieldInfo.FieldType; Field = null; Nullable = false; if (PropertyType.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType) { Type GT = PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); if (GT == typeof(Nullable <>)) { Nullable = true; PropertyType = PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments[0]; } } string PropertyName = PropertyInfo?.Name ?? FieldInfo.Name; object PropertyValue = (PropertyInfo?.GetValue(EditableObject) ?? FieldInfo.GetValue(EditableObject)); if (PropertyType == typeof(string[])) { if (ValidationMethod is null) { ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation(); } if (Options is null) { Field = new TextMultiField(Parameters, PropertyName, Header, Required, (string[])PropertyValue, null, ToolTip, StringDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false); } else { Field = new ListMultiField(Parameters, PropertyName, Header, Required, (string[])PropertyValue, Options.ToArray(), ToolTip, StringDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false); } } else if (PropertyType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum) { if (ValidationMethod is null) { ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation(); } if (Options is null) { Options = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); foreach (string Option in Enum.GetNames(PropertyType)) { Options.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(Option, Option)); } } s = PropertyValue?.ToString(); if (Nullable && s is null) { s = string.Empty; } Field = new ListSingleField(Parameters, PropertyName, Header, Required, new string[] { s }, Options.ToArray(), ToolTip, null, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false); } else if (PropertyType == typeof(bool)) { if (ValidationMethod is null) { ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation(); } if (Nullable && PropertyValue is null) { s = string.Empty; } else { s = CommonTypes.Encode((bool)PropertyValue); } Field = new BooleanField(Parameters, PropertyName, Header, Required, new string[] { s }, Options?.ToArray(), ToolTip, BooleanDataType.Instance, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false); } else { DataType DataType; if (PropertyType == typeof(string)) { DataType = StringDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(sbyte)) { DataType = ByteDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(short)) { DataType = ShortDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(int)) { DataType = IntDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(long)) { DataType = LongDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(byte)) { DataType = ShortDataType.Instance; if (ValidationMethod is null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(byte.MinValue.ToString(), byte.MaxValue.ToString()); } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(ushort)) { DataType = IntDataType.Instance; if (ValidationMethod is null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ushort.MinValue.ToString(), ushort.MaxValue.ToString()); } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(uint)) { DataType = LongDataType.Instance; if (ValidationMethod is null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(uint.MinValue.ToString(), uint.MaxValue.ToString()); } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(ulong)) { DataType = IntegerDataType.Instance; if (ValidationMethod is null) { ValidationMethod = new RangeValidation(ulong.MinValue.ToString(), ulong.MaxValue.ToString()); } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(DateTime)) { if (DateOnly) { DataType = DateDataType.Instance; } else { DataType = DateTimeDataType.Instance; } } else if (PropertyType == typeof(decimal)) { DataType = DecimalDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(double)) { DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(float)) { DataType = DoubleDataType.Instance; // Use xs:double anyway } else if (PropertyType == typeof(TimeSpan)) { DataType = TimeDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(Uri)) { DataType = AnyUriDataType.Instance; } else if (PropertyType == typeof(SKColor)) { if (Alpha) { DataType = ColorAlphaDataType.Instance; } else { DataType = ColorDataType.Instance; } } else { DataType = StringDataType.Instance; } if (ValidationMethod is null) { ValidationMethod = new BasicValidation(); } s = PropertyValue?.ToString(); if (Nullable && s is null) { s = string.Empty; } if (Masked) { Field = new TextPrivateField(Parameters, PropertyName, Header, Required, new string[] { s }, Options?.ToArray(), ToolTip, DataType, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false); } else if (Options is null) { Field = new TextSingleField(Parameters, PropertyName, Header, Required, new string[] { s }, null, ToolTip, DataType, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false); } else { Field = new ListSingleField(Parameters, PropertyName, Header, Required, new string[] { s }, Options.ToArray(), ToolTip, DataType, ValidationMethod, string.Empty, false, ReadOnly, false); } } if (Field is null) { continue; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PageLabel)) { if (DefaultPage is null) { DefaultPage = new Page(Parameters, string.Empty) { Priority = PageAttribute.DefaultPriority, Ordinal = PageOrdinal++ }; Pages.Add(DefaultPage); PageByLabel[string.Empty] = DefaultPage; } Page = DefaultPage; PageLabel = string.Empty; } else { if (!PageByLabel.TryGetValue(PageLabel, out Page)) { Page = new Page(Parameters, PageLabel) { Priority = PagePriority, Ordinal = PageOrdinal++ }; Pages.Add(Page); PageByLabel[PageLabel] = Page; } } Field.Priority = FieldPriority; Field.Ordinal = FieldOrdinal++; Fields.Add(Field); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SectionLabel)) { if (TextAttributes != null) { foreach (TextAttribute TextAttr in TextAttributes) { if (TextAttr.Position == TextPosition.BeforeField) { StringId = TextAttr.StringId; if (StringId > 0) { Page.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, TextAttr.Label))); } else { Page.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, TextAttr.Label)); } } } } Page.Add(new FieldReference(Parameters, Field.Var)); if (TextAttributes != null) { foreach (TextAttribute TextAttr in TextAttributes) { if (TextAttr.Position == TextPosition.AfterField) { StringId = TextAttr.StringId; if (StringId > 0) { Page.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, TextAttr.Label))); } else { Page.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, TextAttr.Label)); } } } } } else { if (SectionByPageAndSectionLabel is null) { SectionByPageAndSectionLabel = new Dictionary <string, Section>(); } s = PageLabel + " \xa0 " + SectionLabel; if (!SectionByPageAndSectionLabel.TryGetValue(s, out Section Section)) { Section = new Section(Parameters, SectionLabel); SectionByPageAndSectionLabel[s] = Section; Page.Add(Section); } if (TextAttributes != null) { foreach (TextAttribute TextAttr in TextAttributes) { if (TextAttr.Position == TextPosition.BeforeField) { StringId = TextAttr.StringId; if (StringId > 0) { Section.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, TextAttr.Label))); } else { Section.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, TextAttr.Label)); } } } } Section.Add(new FieldReference(Parameters, Field.Var)); if (TextAttributes != null) { foreach (TextAttribute TextAttr in TextAttributes) { if (TextAttr.Position == TextPosition.AfterField) { StringId = TextAttr.StringId; if (StringId > 0) { Section.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, await Namespace.GetStringAsync(StringId, TextAttr.Label))); } else { Section.Add(new TextElement(Parameters, TextAttr.Label)); } } } } } } if (EditableObject is IPropertyFormAnnotation PropertyFormAnnotation) { FormState State = new FormState() { Form = Parameters, PageByLabel = PageByLabel, SectionByPageAndSectionLabel = SectionByPageAndSectionLabel, DefaultPage = DefaultPage, LanguageCode = Language.Code, Fields = Fields, Pages = Pages, FieldOrdinal = FieldOrdinal, PageOrdinal = PageOrdinal }; await PropertyFormAnnotation.AnnotatePropertyForm(State); } Fields.Sort(OrderFields); Parameters.Title = Title; Parameters.Fields = Fields.ToArray(); if (Pages != null) { Pages.Sort(OrderPages); foreach (Page Page2 in Pages) { Page2.Sort(); } } Parameters.Pages = Pages.ToArray(); return(Parameters); }
public static Column CreateStringColumn(string columnName, int columnIndexInFile, bool isRequired, int stringMaxLenght, RegexValidation regexValidation = RegexValidation.None) { return(new Column(columnName, columnIndexInFile, isRequired, false, ValueType.String, stringMaxLenght, null, null, 0, 0, regexValidation)); }
public async Task <AddRecordVoteResponse> AddRecordVoteAsync(Dictionary <ParameterTypeEnum, object> parameters) { telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Starting helper"); AddRecordVoteResponse result = new AddRecordVoteResponse { IsSucceded = true, ResultId = (int)AddRecordVoteResultEnum.Success }; try { telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Getting parameters"); parameters.TryGetValue(ParameterTypeEnum.Username, out global::System.Object ousername); string username = ousername.ToString().ToLower(); parameters.TryGetValue(ParameterTypeEnum.Hash, out global::System.Object ohash); string hash = ohash.ToString().ToLower(); parameters.TryGetValue(ParameterTypeEnum.IsApproval, out global::System.Object oisApproval); bool isApproval = Convert.ToBoolean(oisApproval.ToString()); parameters.TryGetValue(ParameterTypeEnum.MasterAddress, out global::System.Object omasterAddress); string masterAddress = omasterAddress.ToString(); parameters.TryGetValue(ParameterTypeEnum.MasterPrivateKey, out global::System.Object omasterPrivateKey); string masterPrivateKey = omasterPrivateKey.ToString(); parameters.TryGetValue(ParameterTypeEnum.ContractAddress, out global::System.Object ocontractAddress); string contractAddress = ocontractAddress.ToString(); parameters.TryGetValue(ParameterTypeEnum.ContractABI, out global::System.Object ocontractABI); string contractABI = ocontractABI.ToString(); //database helpers DBUserAccountHelper dbUserAccountHelper = new DBUserAccountHelper(DBCONNECTION_INFO); DBRecordItemHelper dbRecordItemHelper = new DBRecordItemHelper(DBCONNECTION_INFO); DBRecordVoteHelper dbRecordVoteHelper = new DBRecordVoteHelper(DBCONNECTION_INFO); //blockchain helper BlockchainHelper bh = new BlockchainHelper(telemetryClient, STORAGE_ACCOUNT, RPC_CLIENT, masterAddress, masterPrivateKey); telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Validating username length"); //validate username length if (!RegexValidation.IsValidUsername(username)) { result.IsSucceded = false; result.ResultId = (int)AddRecordVoteResultEnum.InvalidUsernameLength; return(result); } telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Validating username existance"); //validate if account exists UserAccount userAccount = dbUserAccountHelper.GetUser(username); if (userAccount == null) { result.IsSucceded = false; result.ResultId = (int)AddRecordVoteResultEnum.UsernameNotExists; return(result); } telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Validating record item existance"); //validate if record item exists for voting RecordItem recordItem = dbRecordItemHelper.GetRecordItem(hash); if (recordItem == null) { //there is no record item linked with this vote result.IsSucceded = false; result.ResultId = (int)AddRecordVoteResultEnum.NotExists; return(result); } else { telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Validating record vote existance"); //validate if user has voted submit a vote before RecordVote vote = dbRecordVoteHelper.GetRecordVote(hash, username); if (vote != null) { //the user already voted result.IsSucceded = false; result.ResultId = (int)AddRecordVoteResultEnum.AlreadyVoted; return(result); } else { telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Adding record vote to blockchain"); //sending to the blockchain var res_IncreaseOperationAsync = string.Empty; if ((bool)isApproval) { res_IncreaseOperationAsync = await bh.IncreaseApprovalsAsync(hash, contractAddress, contractABI); System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation($"Add record for approval vote result: {res_IncreaseOperationAsync}"); } else { res_IncreaseOperationAsync = await bh.IncreaseDisapprovalsAsync(hash, contractAddress, contractABI); System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation($"Add record for disapproval vote result: {res_IncreaseOperationAsync }"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res_IncreaseOperationAsync)) { //there was an error voting the record in the blockchain result.IsSucceded = false; result.ResultId = (int)AddRecordVoteResultEnum.BlockchainIssue; return(result); } telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Adding record vote to database"); //save record in mongodb vote = new RecordVote { username = username, hash = hash, isApproval = isApproval, transactionId = res_IncreaseOperationAsync, createdDate = Timezone.GetCustomTimeZone() }; //perform insert in mongodb await dbRecordVoteHelper.CreateRecordVote(vote); } } } catch (AggregateException ex) { foreach (var innerException in ex.Flatten().InnerExceptions) { telemetryClient.TrackException(innerException); } result.IsSucceded = false; result.ResultId = (int)AddRecordVoteResultEnum.Failed; } catch (Exception ex) { telemetryClient.TrackException(ex); result.IsSucceded = false; result.ResultId = (int)AddRecordVoteResultEnum.Failed; } telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Finishing helper"); return(result); }