Exemple #1
        // GET: Test
        public ActionResult Index()
            var es        = new EmailService();
            var datasetId = 1;
            var title     = "my cool dataset";

                    MessageHelper.GetCreateDatasetMessage(datasetId, title, "David Schöne"),

            string name = "test";
            var    x    = RegExHelper.IsFilenameValid(name);

            name = "test | filename";

            x = RegExHelper.IsFilenameValid(name);

            name = RegExHelper.GetCleanedFilename(name);

            name = "des<>";
            x    = RegExHelper.IsFilenameValid(name);
            name = RegExHelper.GetCleanedFilename(name);

            name = "123\"";
            x    = RegExHelper.IsFilenameValid(name);
            name = RegExHelper.GetCleanedFilename(name);

Exemple #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts an email address to a reasonable file name
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="emailName"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string EmailToFilename(string emailName)
        if (!RegExHelper.IsEmail(emailName))
            throw new Exception("1030-1035: Not an email");

        var emailNameMunged = emailName.ToLower();

        emailNameMunged = emailName.Replace("@", "_");

        var sbOut = new StringBuilder();

        foreach (char c in emailNameMunged)
            if (((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) ||
                ((c >= '0') & (c <= '9')) ||
                (c == '_')

Exemple #3
        public Dictionary <Units, int> GetMyUnitsInVillage(RequestManager reqManager, int village)
            CQ  html  = GetPlaceHtml(reqManager, village);
            var units = new Dictionary <Units, int>();

            var selector = "form#command-data-form table tbody table.vis td.nowrap a.units-entry-all";
            var linkList = html.Select(selector).ToList();

            foreach (var item in linkList)
                var typeStr = RegExHelper.GetTextWithRegEx(@"units_entry_all_([a-z]+)", item.Id);
                var type    = UnitHelper.GetTypeForString(typeStr);

                var nrOfUnits = RegExHelper.GetNumberWithRegEx(@"\((\d+)\)", item.InnerText);

                if (nrOfUnits == 0)

                units.Add(type, nrOfUnits);

Exemple #4
        private static int GetOrderQueueId(IDomObject item, string building)
            var pattern        = @"/game\.php\?village=\d+&screen=__building__&action=cancel&id=(\d+)";
            var replacedString = pattern.Replace("__building__", building);

            return(RegExHelper.GetNumberWithRegEx(replacedString, item.OuterHTML));
Exemple #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="userNode">XML for user</param>
    /// <param name="userIdFixed">NULL if ID is expected in the XML.  If non-NULL we will use the handed in user-id</param>
    private SiteUser(XmlNode userNode, string userIdFixed, SiteUserAuth?siteUserAuthFixed)
        if (userNode.Name.ToLower() != "user")
            AppDiagnostics.Assert(false, "Not a user");
            throw new Exception("Unexpected content - not user");

        //If we have not been handed a user-id, then it must be in the XML
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userIdFixed))
            this.Id = userNode.Attributes["id"].Value;
            this.Id = userIdFixed;

        this.Name     = userNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
        this.SiteRole = userNode.Attributes["siteRole"].Value;

        this.LastLogin       = XmlHelper.GetAttributeDateTimeIfExists(userNode, "lastLogin");
        this.LastLoginAsText = XmlHelper.GetAttributeIfExists(userNode, "lastLogin", null);

        //Not all of the REST APIs return full name
        this.FullName = XmlHelper.GetAttributeIfExists(userNode, "fullName", "");

        this.SiteRoleParsed = ParseUserRole(this.SiteRole);
        AppDiagnostics.Assert(this.SiteRoleParsed != SiteUserRole.Unknown, "Unknown user role: " + this.SiteRole);

        //If we were not passed in an explicit user authentication, then it needs to be in the XML
        if (siteUserAuthFixed == null)
            this.SiteAuthentication = userNode.Attributes["authSetting"].Value;

            this.SiteAuthenticationParsed = ParseUserAuthentication(this.SiteAuthentication);
            AppDiagnostics.Assert(this.SiteAuthenticationParsed != SiteUserAuth.Unknown, "Unknown user auth: " + this.SiteAuthenticationParsed);
            //Use the explicitly passed in value
            this.SiteAuthenticationParsed = siteUserAuthFixed.Value;
            this.SiteAuthentication       = UserAuthenticationToString(this.SiteAuthenticationParsed);

        this.IsSiteAdmin = ParseIsSiteAdmin(this.SiteRole);

        //[2019-10-30] Currently Query User APIs do not return the user's email.
        //If the User Name is the email (as it is in Tableau Online) then grab that
        string candidateEmail = this.Name;

        if (RegExHelper.IsEmail(candidateEmail))
            this.Email = candidateEmail;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a standard type mapping based on namespace RegEx replace and filter patterns
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nsSourceReplaceRegEx">RegEx replace pattern for source namespace</param>
        /// <param name="nsSourceFilterRegEx">RegEx filter pattern for source namespace</param>
        /// <param name="nsTargetsRegEx">Array of RegEx replace values for target namespaces</param>
        /// <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>
        public static void AddTypeMapping(string nsSourceReplaceRegEx, string nsSourceFilterRegEx, string[] nsTargetsRegEx, string viewSuffix = "View")

            var          replist   = new List <string>();
            var          repsuffix = useNameSuffixesInMappings ? viewSuffix : String.Empty;
            const string basegrp   = "${basename}";

            foreach (var t in nsTargetsRegEx)
                replist.Add(t + String.Format(nameFormat, basegrp, repsuffix));

            var rxbase = RegExHelper.GetNameCaptureGroup("basename");
            var suffix = String.Empty;

            if (useNameSuffixesInMappings)
                suffix = viewModelSuffix;
                if (!viewModelSuffix.Contains(viewSuffix) && includeViewSuffixInVmNames)
                    suffix = viewSuffix + suffix;
            var rxsrcfilter = String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsSourceFilterRegEx)
                ? null
                : String.Concat(nsSourceFilterRegEx, String.Format(nameFormat, RegExHelper.NameRegEx, suffix), "$");
            var rxsuffix = RegExHelper.GetCaptureGroup("suffix", suffix);

                String.Concat(nsSourceReplaceRegEx, String.Format(nameFormat, rxbase, rxsuffix), "$"),
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a standard type mapping by substituting one subnamespace for another
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nsSource">Subnamespace of source type</param>
        /// <param name="nsTargets">Subnamespaces of target type as an array</param>
        /// <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>
        public static void AddSubNamespaceMapping(string nsSource, string[] nsTargets, string viewSuffix = DefaultViewSuffix)
            //need to terminate with "." in order to concatenate with type name later
            var nsencoded = RegExHelper.NamespaceToRegEx(nsSource + ".");

            string rxbeforetgt, rxaftersrc, rxaftertgt;
            string rxbeforesrc = rxbeforetgt = rxaftersrc = rxaftertgt = String.Empty;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsSource))
                if (!nsSource.StartsWith("*"))
                    rxbeforesrc = RegExHelper.GetNamespaceCaptureGroup("nsbefore");
                    rxbeforetgt = @"${nsbefore}";

                if (!nsSource.EndsWith("*"))
                    rxaftersrc = RegExHelper.GetNamespaceCaptureGroup("nsafter");
                    rxaftertgt = "${nsafter}";

            var rxmid     = RegExHelper.GetCaptureGroup("subns", nsencoded);
            var nsreplace = String.Concat(rxbeforesrc, rxmid, rxaftersrc);

            var nsTargetsRegEx = nsTargets.Select(t => String.Concat(rxbeforetgt, t, ".", rxaftertgt)).ToArray();

            AddTypeMapping(nsreplace, null, nsTargetsRegEx, viewSuffix);
        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms a ViewModel type name into all of its possible View type names. Optionally accepts an instance
        /// of context object
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Enumeration of transformed names</returns>
        /// <remarks>Arguments:
        /// typeName = The name of the ViewModel type being resolved to its companion View.
        /// context = An instance of the context or null.
        /// </remarks>
        public IList <string> TransformName(string typeName, object context)
            Func <string, string> getReplaceString;

            if (context == null)
                getReplaceString = r => r;
                return(_nameTransformer.Transform(typeName, getReplaceString).ToList());

            var    contextstr = _contextSeparator + context;
            string grpsuffix  = String.Empty;

            if (_useNameSuffixesInMappings)
                //Create RegEx for matching any of the synonyms registered
                var synonymregex = "(" + String.Join("|", _viewSuffixList.ToArray()) + ")";
                grpsuffix = RegExHelper.GetCaptureGroup("suffix", synonymregex);

            const string grpbase      = @"\${basename}";
            var          patternregex = String.Format(_nameFormat, grpbase, grpsuffix) + "$";

            //Strip out any synonym by just using contents of base capture group with context string
            var replaceregex = "${basename}" + contextstr;

            //Strip out the synonym
            getReplaceString = r => Regex.Replace(r, patternregex, replaceregex);

            //Return only the names for the context
            return(_nameTransformer.Transform(typeName, getReplaceString).Where(n => n.EndsWith(contextstr)).ToList());
        public JsonResult SetSchemaName(string name)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                return(Json("A Metadata structure must have a name.", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

            if (!RegExHelper.IsFilenameValid(name))
                return(Json("Name : \" " + name + " \" is invalid. These special characters are not allowed : \\/:*?\"<>|", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

            if (SchemaNameExist(name))
                return(Json("A Metadata structure with this name already exist. Please choose a other name.", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

            TaskManager = (ImportMetadataStructureTaskManager)Session["TaskManager"];

            if (TaskManager.Bus.ContainsKey(ImportMetadataStructureTaskManager.SCHEMA_NAME))
                TaskManager.Bus[ImportMetadataStructureTaskManager.SCHEMA_NAME] = name;
                TaskManager.Bus.Add(ImportMetadataStructureTaskManager.SCHEMA_NAME, name);

            return(Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #10
        public Report GetReport(RequestManager requestManager, int village, int reportItemId)
            var html = GetReportHtml(requestManager, village, reportItemId);
            var topLevelTableRows =
                html.Select("table.vis tbody tr td.nopad table.vis:nth-child(2) tr").ToList();

            var title         = HtmlParse.GetElementFromHtmlTable(topLevelTableRows, 0, 1).InnerText.Trim();
            var timeReceived  = HtmlParse.GetElementFromHtmlTable(topLevelTableRows, 1, 1).InnerText.Trim();
            var reportDataEle = HtmlParse.GetElementFromHtmlTable(topLevelTableRows, 2, 0);

            var luckStr = reportDataEle.Cq()["#attack_luck tbody tr"].Text().Trim();
            var luck    = RegExHelper.GetdoubleWithRegEx(@"(-?\d+\.\d+)%", luckStr);

            var report = new Report();

            report.Attacker     = GetAttackInfo(reportDataEle.Cq(), true);
            report.Defernder    = GetAttackInfo(reportDataEle.Cq(), false);
            report.Title        = title;
            report.TimeReceived = timeReceived;
            report.Id           = reportItemId;

            report.AtteckersLuck = luck;

Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a standard type mapping based on namespace RegEx replace and filter patterns
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nsSourceReplaceRegEx">RegEx replace pattern for source namespace</param>
        /// <param name="nsSourceFilterRegEx">RegEx filter pattern for source namespace</param>
        /// <param name="nsTargetsRegEx">Array of RegEx replace values for target namespaces</param>
        /// <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>
        public static void AddTypeMapping(string nsSourceReplaceRegEx, string nsSourceFilterRegEx, string[] nsTargetsRegEx, string viewSuffix = DefaultViewSuffix)
            var             replist = new List <string>();
            Action <string> func;

            const string basegrp      = "${basename}";
            var          interfacegrp = "${" + InterfaceCaptureGroupName + "}";

            if (useNameSuffixesInMappings)
                if (viewModelSuffix.Contains(viewSuffix) || !includeViewSuffixInVmNames)
                    var nameregex = String.Format(nameFormat, basegrp, viewModelSuffix);
                    func = t =>
                        replist.Add(t + "I" + nameregex + interfacegrp);
                        replist.Add(t + "I" + basegrp + interfacegrp);
                        replist.Add(t + nameregex);
                        replist.Add(t + basegrp);
                    var nameregex = String.Format(nameFormat, basegrp, "${suffix}" + viewModelSuffix);
                    func = t =>
                        replist.Add(t + "I" + nameregex + interfacegrp);
                        replist.Add(t + nameregex);
                func = t =>
                    replist.Add(t + "I" + basegrp + interfacegrp);
                    replist.Add(t + basegrp);

            nsTargetsRegEx.ToList().Apply(t => func(t));

            string suffix = useNameSuffixesInMappings ? viewSuffix : String.Empty;

            var srcfilterregx = String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsSourceFilterRegEx)
                ? null
                : String.Concat(nsSourceFilterRegEx, String.Format(nameFormat, RegExHelper.NameRegEx, suffix), "$");
            var rxbase   = RegExHelper.GetNameCaptureGroup("basename");
            var rxsuffix = RegExHelper.GetCaptureGroup("suffix", suffix);

            //Add a dummy capture group -- place after the "$" so it can never capture anything
            var rxinterface = RegExHelper.GetCaptureGroup(InterfaceCaptureGroupName, String.Empty);

                String.Concat(nsSourceReplaceRegEx, String.Format(nameFormat, rxbase, rxsuffix), "$", rxinterface),
 private void btnInfo_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cboAbilities.Text))
         var description = Lists.Abilities.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == cboAbilities.Text).Description;
         _toolTip.Show(RegExHelper.Wordwrap(description, 100), this.btnInfo, 32767);
        public void GetNameCaptureGroupShouldUseNameSpaceRegEx()
            var groupName = "group";

            var result = RegExHelper.GetNamespaceCaptureGroup(groupName);

            Assert.Equal(@"(?<group>([\p{Lu}\p{Ll}\p{Lt}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{Nl}_][\p{Lu}\p{Ll}\p{Lt}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{Nl}\p{Mn}\p{Mc}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}\p{Cf}_]*\.)*)", result);
Exemple #14
        public void GetNameCaptureGroupShouldUseNameSpaceRegEx()
            var groupName = "group";

            var result = RegExHelper.GetNamespaceCaptureGroup(groupName);

            Assert.Equal(@"(?<group>([A-Za-z_]\w*\.)*)", result);
        public void ShouldInsertRegexWhenNamespaceHasAsterix()
            var ns = "Caliburn.*.WPF.Tests";

            var result = RegExHelper.NamespaceToRegEx(ns);

            Assert.Equal(@"Caliburn\.([\p{Lu}\p{Ll}\p{Lt}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{Nl}_][\p{Lu}\p{Ll}\p{Lt}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{Nl}\p{Mn}\p{Mc}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}\p{Cf}_]*\.)*WPF\.Tests", result);
        public void ShouldEscapeDotsInNamespace()
            var ns = "Caliburn.Micro.WPF.Tests";

            var result = RegExHelper.NamespaceToRegEx(ns);

            Assert.Equal(@"Caliburn\.Micro\.WPF\.Tests", result);
Exemple #17
        public void ShouldInsertRegexWhenNamespaceHasAsterix()
            var ns = "Caliburn.*.WPF.Tests";

            var result = RegExHelper.NamespaceToRegEx(ns);

            Assert.Equal(@"Caliburn\.([A-Za-z_]\w*\.)*WPF\.Tests", result);
        public void GetCaptureGroupReturnsGroupNameAndRegex()
            var groupName = "group";
            var regex     = ".*";

            var result = RegExHelper.GetCaptureGroup(groupName, regex);

            Assert.Equal("(?<group>.*)", result);
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        /// <seealso cref=""/>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string Encode(string value)
            string encodedValue = value;

            // has special characters
            if (RegExHelper.IsMatch(value, RegExHelper.LUCENE_INVALID_CHARS_REGEX))
                encodedValue = ReplaceSpecialCharacters(value);

    /// <summary>
    /// Queries for the set of workbooks that the specified user can access
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="signIn"></param>
    /// <param name="queryForUserId"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static DownloadWorkbooksList CreateAndExecute(TableauServerSignIn signIn, string queryForUserId)
        if (!RegExHelper.IsValidIdTableauContentId(queryForUserId))
            throw new Exception("1030-910: User id syntax invalid: " + queryForUserId);

        var downloader = new DownloadWorkbooksList(signIn, queryForUserId);

    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor: Call when we want to query the Workbooks on behalf of an explicitly specified user
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="onlineUrls"></param>
    /// <param name="login"></param>
    /// <param name="user"></param>
    public DownloadWorkbooksList(TableauServerSignIn login, string userId, int maxNumberItems = int.MaxValue) : base(login)
        //Sanity test
        if (!RegExHelper.IsValidIdTableauContentId(userId))
            throw new Exception("1030-139: Invalid user ID");

        _onlineUrls             = login.ServerUrls;
        _userIdForWorkbookQuery = userId;
        _maxNumberItemsReturned = maxNumberItems;
        _sort = DownloadWorkbooksList.Sort.NoSort; //[2019-10-29] This is currently the only option
Exemple #22
    /// <summary>
    /// Path for storing site thumbnails
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="siteSignIn"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string LocalFileSystemPath_TempSpace_SiteWorkbookThumbnails(TableauServerSignIn siteSignIn, string workbookId)
        if (!RegExHelper.IsValidIdTableauContentId(workbookId))
            throw new Exception("1029-816, invalid workbook id");

        var fullPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(
            LocalFileSystemPath_TempSpace_Site(siteSignIn), "wb_thumb_" + workbookId);

        //Create the directory if we need to
        private static void AddCustomNamingConventions()
            const string groupName    = "subname";
            string       captureGroup = RegExHelper.GetNamespaceCaptureGroup("subname");

            string       viewPattern     = captureGroup + @"View";
            const string viewReplacement = @"${" + groupName + "}ViewModel";

            ViewModelLocator.NameTransformer.AddRule(viewPattern, viewReplacement);

            string       viewModelPattern     = captureGroup + @"ViewModel";
            const string viewModelReplacement = @"${" + groupName + "}View";

            ViewLocator.NameTransformer.AddRule(viewModelPattern, viewModelReplacement);
Exemple #24
        private ReportItem GetReportItemFromTableRow(IDomObject col1, IDomObject col2)
            var textEle  = col1.Cq().Select("span.quickedit-content");
            var text     = textEle.FirstElement().InnerText.Trim();
            var url      = textEle.Select("span.quickedit-content a").FirstElement().GetAttribute("href");
            var dateTime = col2.InnerText;

            var id =
                    @"/game\.php\?village=\d+&screen=report&mode=attack&group_id=-1&view=(\d+)", url);
            var reportItem = new ReportItem
                Id           = id,
                Title        = text,
                TimeReceived = dateTime

Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a standard type mapping based on simple namespace mapping
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nsSource">Namespace of source type</param>
        /// <param name="nsTargets">Namespaces of target type as an array</param>
        /// <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should  be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>
        public static void AddNamespaceMapping(string nsSource, string[] nsTargets, string viewSuffix = DefaultViewSuffix)
            //need to terminate with "." in order to concatenate with type name later
            var nsencoded = RegExHelper.NamespaceToRegEx(nsSource + ".");

            //Start pattern search from beginning of string ("^")
            //unless original string was blank (i.e. special case to indicate "append target to source")
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsSource))
                nsencoded = "^" + nsencoded;

            //Capture namespace as "origns" in case we need to use it in the output in the future
            var nsreplace = RegExHelper.GetCaptureGroup("origns", nsencoded);

            var nsTargetsRegEx = nsTargets.Select(t => t + ".").ToArray();

            AddTypeMapping(nsreplace, null, nsTargetsRegEx, viewSuffix);
Exemple #26
        private Dictionary <Units, int> GetUnitsFromReport(List <IDomObject> table, bool lostUnits, bool isAttackTable)
            var maxIndex = isAttackTable ? 11 : 12;
            var row      = lostUnits ? 2 : 1;

            var dict = new Dictionary <Units, int>();

            for (var i = 1; i < maxIndex; i++)
                var classes = HtmlParse.GetElementFromHtmlTable(table, row, i).ClassName;
                var typeStr = RegExHelper.GetTextWithRegEx("unit-item-([a-z]+)", classes);
                var type    = UnitHelper.GetTypeForString(typeStr);

                var nrStr = HtmlParse.GetElementFromHtmlTable(table, row, i).InnerText;
                var nr    = int.Parse(nrStr);
                dict.Add(type, nr);

Exemple #27
    /// <summary>
    /// Path for storing temp data about a site (e.g. downloaded thumbnails)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="siteSignIn"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string LocalFileSystemPath_TempSpace_Site(TableauServerSignIn siteSignIn)
        if ((siteSignIn == null) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(siteSignIn.SiteId)))
            throw new Exception("1025-1053: No signed in site info");

        var siteId = siteSignIn.SiteId;

        if (!RegExHelper.IsValidIdTableauContentId(siteId))
            throw new Exception("1029-815, invalid site id");

        var fullPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppSettings.LocalFileSystemPath_TempSpace, @"Sites");

        fullPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(fullPath, "site_" + siteId);
        //Create the directory if we need to

Exemple #28
        public void GetMatchesTest()
            var verbEx = VerbalExpressions
                         .AnythingBut(" ")

            const string testMe = "https://www.google.com";

            var matches = RegExHelper.GetMatches(verbEx, testMe);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, matches.Count);

            matches = RegExHelper.GetMatches(verbEx, testMe + " ");

            Assert.AreEqual(null, matches);
Exemple #29
    /// <summary>
    /// Writes out a chunk of text to a diagnostic file
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="filenameBase">(e.g. 'assert', 'debug').  Must be only A-Z characters</param>
    /// <param name="writeText"></param>
    private static void WriteDiagnisticTextToFile(string filenameBase, string writeText)
        //SECURITY CHECK: Allow only simple alphabetic filename.
        //We should NEVER hit this if we are called with normal file names
        if (!RegExHelper.IsAlphabeticText(filenameBase))
            throw new Exception("67-1258: Unexpected debugging filename: " + filenameBase);

        var    dateTimeNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
        string filename    = filenameBase + dateTimeNow.Year.ToString() + dateTimeNow.Month.ToString("00") + dateTimeNow.Day.ToString("00") + ".txt";

        //Gent the directory
        var directoryAsserts = AppSettings.LocalFileSystemPath_Diagnostics;


        var filenameWithPath = Path.Combine(directoryAsserts, filename);

        //Write the assert contents into the file
        File.AppendAllText(filenameWithPath, writeText);
Exemple #30
        private static UnitQueueItem GetUnitQueueItem(IDomObject item, string typeStr)
            CQ  itemCq           = item.OuterHTML;
            var queantAndTypeStr = itemCq.Select("div.unit_sprite.unit_sprite_smaller").ToList().First();

            var type        = UnitHelper.GetTypeForString(queantAndTypeStr.Classes.ToList().Last());
            var domElements = item.ChildElements.ToList();
            var quantity    = RegExHelper.GetNumberWithRegEx(@"(\d+)", domElements[0].InnerText);

            var timeUntillCompleeteStr = itemCq.Text();
            var timeUntillCompleete    = RegExHelper.GetTimeFromString(timeUntillCompleeteStr);

            var queueItem = new UnitQueueItem
                Quantity = quantity,
                Type     = type,
                TimeLeft = timeUntillCompleete,
                Id       = GetOrderQueueId(item, typeStr)
