Exemple #1
        public static CalcResult SlabCalc(int[,] CirArrange, CircuitNumber CircuitInfo, int Nrow, int[] Ntube, int Nelement, string[] fluid, double[] composition, //double Npass, int[] N_tubes_pass,
                                          double dh, double l, GeometryResult[,] geo, double[, ,] ta,
                                          double te, double pe, double hri, double mr, double ma, double ha,
                                          double eta_surface, double zh, double zdp, int hexType, double thickness, double conductivity, double Pwater)

            // R2   R1

            // [11   1] <====
            // [12   2] <====
            //          <==== Air
            // [13   3] <====
            // [14   4] <====
            // [15   5]  <====
            // [16   6] <====
            // [17   7] <====
            // [18   8]  <====
            // [19   9] <====
            // [20  10] <====

            //  Ncir=1, 11in, 20->10 1out

            // [19 - 17 - 15 - 13   11   9   7   5   3   1] <====Air
            // [20 - 18 - 16 - 14   12   10  8   6   4   2] <====Air
            //  Ncir=1, 20in, 20->19 1out

            // CirArrange = new int[,] { { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 } };
            // Nrow=2
            // Ncir=2
            double wm    = Refrigerant.WM(fluid, composition).Wm;
            double tri   = te; //Refrigerant.SATP(fluid, composition, pri, 1).Temperature - 273.15;
            double pri   = pe;
            int    Nciri = CircuitInfo.number[0];
            int    Nciro = CircuitInfo.number[1];
            int    Ncir  = (Nciri == Nciro ? Nciri : Nciri + Nciro);

            int N_tube       = Ntube[0];
            int N_tube_total = 0;

            CirArr[] cirArr = new CirArr[Nrow * N_tube];
            cirArr = CirArrangement.ReadCirArr(CirArrange, CircuitInfo, Nrow, Ntube);
            CalcResult res_slab = new CalcResult();

            double[]        pri_cir      = new double[Ncir]; //[element, tube, row]
            double[]        hri_cir      = new double[Ncir];
            double[]        tri_cir      = new double[Ncir];
            double[]        mr_ciri      = new double[Nciri];
            List <double[]> mr_ciri_base = new List <double[]>();

            double[] mr_ciro         = new double[Nciro];
            int[]    Ngroupin        = new int[Nciro];
            int      index           = 0;
            int      restartDP_index = 0;
            int      N_tube2         = 0;

            int[]        index_cir = new int[Ncir];
            CalcResult[] r         = new CalcResult[Ncir];
            CalcResult[] r1        = new CalcResult[Ncir];
            CalcResult[] r2        = new CalcResult[Ncir]; //for NinMout only
            CalcResult[] res_cir2  = new CalcResult[Nciro + 1];

            int flag_ciro  = 0;
            int Ncir_forDP = 0;

            double[] mr_forDP = new double[Nciri];
            int      k;
            double   te_calc = 0;

            CheckDP  dPconverge  = new CheckDP();
            CheckPri priconverge = new CheckPri();

            for (int i = 0; i < Nrow; i++)
                N_tube_total += Ntube[i];
            for (int i = 0; i < Nciro; i++)
                mr_ciro[i] = mr / Nciro;

            bool index_outbig;

            if (CircuitInfo.UnequalCir == null || CircuitInfo.UnequalCir[0] > 0)
                index_outbig = false;
                index_outbig = true;

            if (CircuitInfo.UnequalCir != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < Nciro; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Ncir; i++)
                        if (CircuitInfo.UnequalCir[i] == Nciri + 1 + j)
                    //for (int i = 0; i < Nciri; i++) mr_ciri[i] = mr_ciro[j] / Ngroupin[j];

            int iterforDP  = 0;
            int iterforPri = 0;

            //Starting properties
                r        = new CalcResult[Ncir];
                r1       = new CalcResult[Ncir];
                res_cir2 = new CalcResult[Nciro + 1];

                flag_ciro = (index_outbig ? 1 : 0);
                tri       = Refrigerant.SATP(fluid, composition, pri, 1).Temperature - 273.15;
                for (int j = 0; j < (flag_ciro == 1 ? (index_outbig ? Nciri + 1 : 1) : Nciro + 1); j++)
                    if (j >= Nciro)
                        j         = j - Nciro; //for Nciro
                        flag_ciro = (index_outbig ? 0 : 1);
                    if (j == 1 && index_outbig && index == 0)
                        j         = j - 1;
                        flag_ciro = 0;

                    index = 0;
                        k = 0;
                        if (!index_outbig)
                            for (int i = 0; i < (flag_ciro == 1 ? Nciro : (Nciri == Nciro ? Ncir : Ncir - Nciro)); i++)
                                if (flag_ciro == 1)
                                    pri_cir[i + Ncir - Nciro] = res_cir2[i].Pro;
                                    hri_cir[i + Ncir - Nciro] = res_cir2[i].hro;
                                    tri_cir[i + Ncir - Nciro] = res_cir2[i].Tro;
                                    pri_cir[i] = pri;
                                    hri_cir[i] = hri;
                                    tri_cir[i] = tri;
                            for (int i = 0; i < (flag_ciro == 1 ? Nciro : Ncir); i++)
                                if (flag_ciro == 1)
                                    pri_cir[i] = pri;
                                    hri_cir[i] = hri;
                                    tri_cir[i] = tri;
                                    if (CircuitInfo.UnequalCir[i] == Nciri + 1 + j)
                                        pri_cir[i] = r2[j].Pro;
                                        hri_cir[i] = r2[j].hro;
                                        tri_cir[i] = r2[j].Tro;

                        for (int i = 0; i < Ncir; i++)
                            if (flag_ciro == 1)
                                if (CircuitInfo.UnequalCir[i] <= 0)
                                    //for (int i = 0; i < Ncir; i++)
                                    r[i] = Circuit.CircuitCalc(i, cirArr, CircuitInfo, Nrow, Ntube, Nelement, fluid, composition, dh, l, geo, ta,
                                                               tri_cir[i], pri_cir[i], hri_cir[i], mr_ciro[k], ma, ha, eta_surface, zh, zdp, hexType, thickness, conductivity, Pwater);
                                    r1[k] = r[i].ShallowCopy();
                                    r2[k] = r[i].ShallowCopy();
                                    if (!index_outbig)
                                        r1[k].DP += res_cir2[k].DP;

                                    index_cir[k] = i;
                                    Ncir_forDP = Nciro;
                                    mr_forDP   = (double[])mr_ciro.Clone(); // mr_forDP = mr_ciro
                                    if (k == Nciro)
                            else if (Nciri == Nciro || CircuitInfo.UnequalCir[i] == Nciri + 1 + j)
                                if (index == 0)
                                    if (Nciri == Nciro)
                                        mr_ciro.CopyTo(mr_ciri, 0);
                                        if (restartDP_index == 1 || !priconverge.flag)
                                            mr_ciri[k] = mr_ciri_base[j][k] * mr_ciro[j] / (mr / Nciro);
                                            mr_ciri[k] = mr_ciro[j] / Ngroupin[j];
                                //else mr_ciri_base.CopyTo(mr_ciri[k], 0);

                                //for (int i = 0; i < Ncir; i++)
                                r[i] = Circuit.CircuitCalc(i, cirArr, CircuitInfo, Nrow, Ntube, Nelement, fluid, composition, dh, l, geo, ta,
                                                           tri_cir[i], pri_cir[i], hri_cir[i], mr_ciri[k], ma, ha, eta_surface, zh, zdp, hexType, thickness, conductivity, Pwater);
                                r1[k]        = r[i].ShallowCopy();
                                index_cir[k] = i;

                                if (k == (Nciri == Nciro ? Ncir : Ngroupin[j]))
                                    Ncir_forDP = (Nciri == Nciro ? Ncir : Ngroupin[j]);
                                    mr_forDP   = (double[])mr_ciri.Clone();

                        if (index_outbig && flag_ciro == 1)

                        //dPconverge = CheckDPforCircuits.CheckDPConverge(mr, mr_ciri, r, Ncir);
                        dPconverge = CheckDPforCircuits.CheckDPConverge(flag_ciro, mr_forDP, r1, Ncir_forDP);
                        if (flag_ciro == 0)
                            restartDP_index = 0;
                            if (!dPconverge.flag)
                                dPconverge.mr.CopyTo(mr_ciri, 0);                  //mr_ciri = dPconverge.mr;
                        else //(flag_ciro == 1)
                            if (dPconverge.flag)
                                restartDP_index = 0;
                                restartDP_index = 1;
                                dPconverge.mr.CopyTo(mr_ciro, 0); //mr_ciro = dPconverge.mr;

                        N_tube2 = 0;
                        #region //Result print out
                        if (dPconverge.flag)
                            if (Nciri == Nciro)
                                te_calc = Refrigerant.SATP(fluid, composition, r[j].Pro, 1).Temperature;
                                if (mr_ciri_base.Count < Nciro)
                                    mr_ciri_base.Add(mr_forDP);                             //keep original mr ratio for fast iter
                                j           = (flag_ciro == 1 ? j + Nciro : j);
                                res_cir2[j] = new CalcResult();
                                for (int i = 0; i < (flag_ciro == 1 ? Nciro : Ngroupin[j]); i++)
                                    res_cir2[j].Q   += r1[i].Q;
                                    res_cir2[j].M   += r1[i].M;
                                    res_cir2[j].hro += (flag_ciro == 1 ? mr_ciro[i] : mr_ciri[i]) * r1[i].hro;
                                    if (fluid[0] == "Water")
                                        res_cir2[j].Tro += (flag_ciro == 1 ? mr_ciro[i] : mr_ciri[i]) * r1[i].Tro;

                                    res_cir2[j].Vel_r = r1[i].Vel_r;
                                    res_cir2[j].href += r1[i].href * CircuitInfo.TubeofCir[index_cir[i]];
                                    res_cir2[j].R_1  += r1[i].R_1 * CircuitInfo.TubeofCir[index_cir[i]];
                                    res_cir2[j].R_1a += r1[i].R_1a * CircuitInfo.TubeofCir[index_cir[i]];
                                    res_cir2[j].R_1r += r1[i].R_1r * CircuitInfo.TubeofCir[index_cir[i]];

                                    N_tube2 += CircuitInfo.TubeofCir[index_cir[i]];
                                res_cir2[j].DP         = r1[(flag_ciro == 1 ? Nciro : Ngroupin[j]) - 1].DP;
                                res_cir2[j].Tao_Detail = ta;
                                res_cir2[j].Pro        = r1[(flag_ciro == 1 ? Nciro : Ngroupin[j]) - 1].Pro;
                                res_cir2[j].hro        = res_cir2[j].hro / (flag_ciro == 1 ? mr : mr_ciro[j]);

                                res_cir2[j].href = res_cir2[j].href / N_tube2;
                                res_cir2[j].R_1  = res_cir2[j].R_1 / N_tube2;
                                res_cir2[j].R_1a = res_cir2[j].R_1a / N_tube2;
                                res_cir2[j].R_1r = res_cir2[j].R_1r / N_tube2;

                                te_calc = Refrigerant.SATP(fluid, composition, res_cir2[j].Pro, 1).Temperature;
                                if (fluid[0] == "Water")
                                    res_cir2[j].Tro = res_cir2[j].Tro / (flag_ciro == 1 ? mr : mr_ciro[j]);
                                    res_cir2[j].Tro = Refrigerant.PHFLSH(fluid, composition, res_cir2[j].Pro, (res_cir2[j].hro + 140) * wm).t - 273.15;
                    } while (!dPconverge.flag && iterforDP < 100);

                    if (Nciri == Nciro)

                    if (index_outbig && j == Nciro - 1)
                        for (int i = 0; i < Nciro; i++)
                            r2[i].DP += res_cir2[i].DP;
                        flag_ciro  = 1;
                        Ncir_forDP = Nciro;
                        mr_forDP   = (double[])mr_ciro.Clone(); // mr_forDP = mr_ciro
                        dPconverge = CheckDPforCircuits.CheckDPConverge(flag_ciro, mr_forDP, r2, Ncir_forDP);
                        if (!dPconverge.flag)
                            restartDP_index = 1;
                            dPconverge.mr.CopyTo(mr_ciro, 0); //mr_ciro = dPconverge.mr;

                using (StreamWriter wr = File.AppendText(@"D:\Work\Simulation\Test\MinNout.txt"))
                    for (int i = 0; i < Ncir; i++)
                        wr.WriteLine("Q, {0}, DP, {1}, href, {2}, Ra_ratio, {3}, Tao, {4}, Tro, {5}, mr, {6}", r[i].Q, r[i].DP, r[i].href, r[i].Ra_ratio, r[i].Tao, r[i].Tro, r[i].mr);

                if (restartDP_index == 1)
                    priconverge.flag = false;
                else if (hexType == 0 && (fluid[0] != "Water"))
                    priconverge = CheckPin.CheckPriConverge(te, te_calc - 273.15, pri, pe, r[Ncir - 1].Pro); //res_slab.Pro
                    pri = priconverge.pri;
                    if (priconverge.flag && iterforPri == 1 && iterforDP == 1)
                        priconverge.flag = false;                                                        //to avoid not even iterate but converge by chance
                    priconverge.flag = true;
            } while (!priconverge.flag && iterforPri < 20);

            if (iterforDP >= 100)
                throw new Exception("iter for DPConverge > 100.");
            if (iterforPri >= 20)
                throw new Exception("iter for DPPri > 20.");

            #region //Result print out

            for (int i = 0; i < Ncir; i++)
                res_slab.Q += r[i].Q;
                res_slab.M += r[i].M;
                if (Nciri == Nciro)
                    res_slab.hro += mr_ciri[i] * r[i].hro;
                res_slab.href += r[i].href * CircuitInfo.TubeofCir[i];
                res_slab.R_1  += r[i].R_1 * CircuitInfo.TubeofCir[i];
                res_slab.R_1a += r[i].R_1a * CircuitInfo.TubeofCir[i];
                res_slab.R_1r += r[i].R_1r * CircuitInfo.TubeofCir[i];
            if (Nciri == Nciro)
                res_slab.hro   = res_slab.hro / mr;
                res_slab.Pro   = r[Ncir - 1].Pro;
                res_slab.Vel_r = r[Ncir - 1].Vel_r;
            else if (!index_outbig)
                res_slab.hro   = res_cir2[Nciro].hro;
                res_slab.Pro   = res_cir2[Nciro].Pro;
                res_slab.Vel_r = res_cir2[Nciro].Vel_r;
                res_slab.hro   = res_cir2[Nciro - 1].hro;
                res_slab.Pro   = res_cir2[Nciro - 1].Pro;
                res_slab.Vel_r = res_cir2[Nciro - 1].Vel_r;
            res_slab.Pri        = pri;
            res_slab.Tri        = tri;
            res_slab.hri        = hri;
            res_slab.mr         = mr;
            res_slab.DP         = pri - res_slab.Pro;
            res_slab.Tao_Detail = ta;
            res_slab.href       = res_slab.href / N_tube_total;
            res_slab.ha         = ha;
            res_slab.R_1        = res_slab.R_1 / N_tube_total;
            res_slab.R_1a       = res_slab.R_1a / N_tube_total;
            res_slab.R_1r       = res_slab.R_1r / N_tube_total;

            te_calc = Refrigerant.SATP(fluid, composition, res_slab.Pro, 1).Temperature;
            double densityLo = Refrigerant.SATT(fluid, composition, te_calc, 1).DensityL;  //mol/L
            double densityVo = Refrigerant.SATT(fluid, composition, te_calc, 2).DensityV;  //mol/L
            //double wm = Refrigerant.WM(fluid, composition).Wm;
            double hlo = Refrigerant.ENTHAL(fluid, composition, te_calc, densityLo).Enthalpy / wm - (fluid[0] == "Water" ? 0 : 140);
            double hvo = Refrigerant.ENTHAL(fluid, composition, te_calc, densityVo).Enthalpy / wm - (fluid[0] == "Water" ? 0 : 140);
            res_slab.x_o = (res_slab.hro - hlo) / (hvo - hlo);
            double densityLi = Refrigerant.SATT(fluid, composition, tri + 273.15, 1).DensityL;  //mol/L
            double densityVi = Refrigerant.SATT(fluid, composition, tri + 273.15, 2).DensityV;  //mol/L
            //double wm = Refrigerant.WM(fluid, composition).Wm;
            double hli = Refrigerant.ENTHAL(fluid, composition, tri + 273.15, densityLi).Enthalpy / wm - (fluid[0] == "Water" ? 0 : 140);
            double hvi = Refrigerant.ENTHAL(fluid, composition, tri + 273.15, densityVi).Enthalpy / wm - (fluid[0] == "Water" ? 0 : 140);
            res_slab.x_i = (res_slab.hri - hli) / (hvi - hli);
            res_slab.Tro = Refrigerant.PHFLSH(fluid, composition, res_slab.Pro, (res_slab.hro + (fluid[0] == "Water" ? 0 : 140)) * wm).t - 273.15;

            for (int j = 0; j < N_tube; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < Nelement; i++)
                    res_slab.Tao += res_slab.Tao_Detail[i, j, Nrow];
            res_slab.Tao      = res_slab.Tao / N_tube;
            res_slab.Ra_ratio = res_slab.R_1a / res_slab.R_1;
            res_slab.ma       = ma;
            res_slab.Va       = ma / 1.2 * 3600;

Exemple #2
        public static CalcResult ElementCalc(string[] fluid, double[] composition, double dh, double l, double Aa_fin, double Aa_tube, double A_r_cs, double Ar, double tai,
                                             double tri, double pri, double hri, double mr, double g, double ma, double ha,
                                             double eta_surface, double zh, double zdp, int hexType, double thickness, double conductivity)
            double r_metal = thickness / conductivity / Ar;
            double gg      = 9.8;
            //double temperature;
            int    phase1    = 1;
            int    phase2    = 2;
            double q_initial = 0.01;
            double q         = q_initial;
            double err       = 0.01;
            bool   flag      = false;
            int    iter      = 1;

            CalcResult res = new CalcResult();
            //res.Tao[0] = new double();
            var r = new Refrigerant.SATTTotalResult();

            //temperature = Refrigerant.SATP(fluid, composition, pri, phase1).Temperature;
            r       = Refrigerant.SATTTotal(fluid, composition, tri + 273.15).SATTTotalResult; //temperature
            res.x_i = (hri - r.EnthalpyL) / (r.EnthalpyV - r.EnthalpyL);                       //+ 140 for reference state, to be changed

            RefHTCandDPResult htc_dp = new RefHTCandDPResult();

                flag   = false;
                htc_dp = RefrigerantHTCandDP.HTCandDP(fluid, composition, dh, g, pri, res.x_i, l, q, zh, zdp);

                res.href = htc_dp.Href;
                res.DP   = htc_dp.DPref;
                double cp_a = 1.0; //keep it for now as a constant
                cp_a = (hexType == 0 ? 1.027 : 1.02);
                double C_a = ma * cp_a;
                res.R_1a = 1 / ((eta_surface * Aa_fin + Aa_tube) * ha);
                res.R_1r = 1 / (res.href * Ar);
                res.R_1  = res.R_1a + res.R_1r + r_metal;
                double UA      = 1 / res.R_1;
                double NTU     = UA / (C_a * 1000);
                double epsilon = 1 - Math.Exp(-NTU);
                res.Q   = epsilon * C_a * Math.Abs(tai - tri);
                res.Tao = tai + Math.Pow(-1, (hexType + 1)) * res.Q / C_a;
                res.hro = hri + Math.Pow(-1, hexType) * res.Q / mr;
                //0:evap, 1:cond

                res.x_o = (res.hro - r.EnthalpyL) / (r.EnthalpyV - r.EnthalpyL); //+ 139.17 for reference state, to be changed
                //res.DP = 0;
                res.Pro = pri - res.DP;
                res.Tro = Refrigerant.PHFLSH(fluid, composition, res.Pro, (res.hro + (fluid[0] == "Water" ? 0 : 140)) * r.Wm).t; //
                double rho_o = Refrigerant.TQFLSH(fluid, composition, res.Tro, res.x_o).D *r.Wm;
                //    .TPFLSH(fluid, composition, res.Tro, res.Pro).D * r.Wm;//wrong value
                //double rho_o = Refrigerant.PHFLSH(fluid, composition, res.Pro, (res.hro + 140) * r.Wm).D * r.Wm;
                //if (res.x_o > 1 || res.x_o < 0)
                //    rho_o = Refrigerant.PHFLSH(fluid, composition, res.Pro, res.hro).D;
                ////rho_o=density(ref$, P=Pri, T=Tro)
                //    rho_o = 0;
                //    //rho_o=density(ref$, P=Pri, x=x_o)
                res.Tro   = res.Tro - 273.15;
                res.Vel_r = g / rho_o;
                if (Math.Abs(q - res.Q) / res.Q > err)
                    q    = res.Q;
                    flag = true;
            } while (flag && iter < 100);

            if (iter >= 100)
                throw new Exception("iter for href > 100.");