Exemple #1
        /// <summary> Add the content of the method GetXmlEnumValue(). </summary>
        public static void FillGetXmlEnumValue(Refly.CodeDom.MethodDeclaration method)
            method.Attributes = System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Public | System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Overloaded;
            method.Doc.Summary.AddText(" Gets the xml enum value from the associated attributed enum. ");             // Create the <summary />
            method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Type), "enumType");
            method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(object), "enumValue");
            method.Signature.ReturnType = new Refly.CodeDom.TypeTypeDeclaration(typeof(string));

                                @"// Enumeration's members have a XmlEnumAttribute; its Name is the value to return
			System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fields = enumType.GetFields();
			foreach( System.Reflection.FieldInfo field in fields )
				if( field.Name == System.Enum.GetName(enumType, enumValue) )
					System.Xml.Serialization.XmlEnumAttribute attribute =
						System.Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( field, typeof(System.Xml.Serialization.XmlEnumAttribute), false ) as System.Xml.Serialization.XmlEnumAttribute;
					if( attribute != null )
						return attribute.Name;
						throw new MappingException( string.Format( ""{0} is missing XmlEnumAttribute on {1} value. Please, contact the NHibernate team to fix this issue."", enumType, enumValue ) );
			throw new MappingException( string.Format( ""{0} doesn't contain the field {1}. Please, contact the NHibernate team to fix this issue."", enumType, enumValue ) );"            ));
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemple #2
        /// <summary> Add the content of the method GetAttributeValue(). </summary>
        public static void FillGetAttributeValue(Refly.CodeDom.MethodDeclaration method)
            method.Attributes = System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Public | System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Overloaded;
            method.Doc.Summary.AddText(" Returns the value received or uses it as an identifier to find its value in a AttributeIdentifierAttribute in the mapped class. ");             // Create the <summary />
            method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(string), "val");
            method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Type), "mappedClass");
            method.Signature.ReturnType = new Refly.CodeDom.TypeTypeDeclaration(typeof(string));

				throw new MappingException(""Value is null"");
			if(val.StartsWith(StartQuote) && val.EndsWith(EndQuote))
				int nameLength = val.Length - StartQuote.Length - EndQuote.Length;
				if(nameLength <= 0)
					throw new MappingException(""The value '"" + val + ""' of the class "" + mappedClass.Name + "" doesn't contain a name (just the quotes)"");
				string name = val.Substring(StartQuote.Length, nameLength);

				// Now look for a AttributeIdentifierAttribute with this name
				System.Type type = mappedClass;
				while( type != null ) // Search the attribute in the mapped class progressively going backward to the base classes
					// First, look in the header
					object[] attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AttributeIdentifierAttribute), false);
					foreach(AttributeIdentifierAttribute attrib in attributes)
						if(attrib.Name == name) // Found
								throw new MappingException(""The value of the AttributeIdentifierAttribute with the name '"" + name + ""' in the class "" + type.Name + "" is not specified."");
								return attrib.Value;

					// Now, look in the members
					const System.Reflection.BindingFlags bindings = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance
						| System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly;
					foreach( System.Reflection.MemberInfo member in type.GetMembers(bindings) )
						attributes = member.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AttributeIdentifierAttribute), false);
						foreach(AttributeIdentifierAttribute attrib in attributes)
							if(attrib.Name == name) // Found
									throw new MappingException(""The value of the AttributeIdentifierAttribute with the name '"" + name + ""' in the class "" + type.Name + "" is not specified."");
									return attrib.Value;
					type = type.BaseType;
				// Not found
				throw new MappingException(""Can not find a AttributeIdentifierAttribute with the name '"" + name + ""' in the class "" + mappedClass.Name + "" (and its base classes)"");
			return val; // Not an identifier"            ));
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemple #3
        /// <summary> Add the content of the method GetSortedAttributes(). </summary>
        public static void FillGetSortedAttributes(Refly.CodeDom.MethodDeclaration method)
            method.Attributes = System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Public | System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Overloaded;
            method.Doc.Summary.AddText(" Return all (BaseAttribute derived) attributes in the MethodDeclaration sorted using their position. ");             // Create the <summary />
            method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Reflection.MemberInfo), "member");
            method.Signature.ReturnType = new Refly.CodeDom.TypeTypeDeclaration(typeof(System.Collections.ArrayList));

                                @"System.Collections.ArrayList list = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
			if(member != null)
				foreach(object attrib in member.GetCustomAttributes(false))
					if(attrib is BaseAttribute)
			return list;"            ));
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemple #4
 /// <summary> Generate the empty method WriteUserDefinedContent(). </summary>
 public static void FillWriteUserDefinedContent(Refly.CodeDom.MethodDeclaration methodType, Refly.CodeDom.MethodDeclaration methodMember)
     Refly.CodeDom.MethodDeclaration method = methodType;
     method.Attributes = System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Public | System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Overloaded;
     method.Doc.Summary.AddText(" Write user-defined content; should be of the specified contentAttributeType. ");             // Create the <summary />
     method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Xml.XmlWriter), "writer");
     method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Type), "classType");
     method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Type), "contentAttributeType");
     method.Signature.Parameters.Add("BaseAttribute", "parentAttribute");
     method            = methodMember;
     method.Attributes = System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Public | System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Overloaded;
     method.Doc.Summary.AddText(" Write user-defined content; should be of the specified contentAttributeType. ");             // Create the <summary />
     method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Xml.XmlWriter), "writer");
     method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Reflection.MemberInfo), "memberInfo");
     method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Type), "contentAttributeType");
     method.Signature.Parameters.Add("BaseAttribute", "parentAttribute");
     // Both empty
Exemple #5
        /// <summary> Add the content of the method FindAttributedMembers(). </summary>
        public static void FillFindAttributedMembers(Refly.CodeDom.MethodDeclaration method)
            method.Attributes = System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Public | System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Overloaded;
            method.Doc.Summary.AddText(" Searches the members of the class for any member with the attribute defined. ");             // Create the <summary />
            method.Signature.Parameters.Add("BaseAttribute", "rootAttrib");
            method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Type), "attributeType");
            method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Type), "classType");
            method.Signature.ReturnType = new Refly.CodeDom.TypeTypeDeclaration(typeof(System.Collections.ArrayList));

                                @"// Return all members from the classType (and its base types) decorated with this attributeType
			System.Collections.ArrayList list = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
			const System.Reflection.BindingFlags bindings = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance
				| System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly;

			System.Type type = classType;
			while( type != null )
				foreach( System.Reflection.MemberInfo member in type.GetMembers(bindings) )
					foreach(BaseAttribute memberAttrib in GetSortedAttributes(member))
						if( IsNextElement(memberAttrib, rootAttrib, attributeType) )
							break; // next attributes are for <sub-elements>
						else if( memberAttrib.GetType() == attributeType || memberAttrib.GetType().IsSubclassOf(attributeType) )
							list.Add( member );
				type = type.BaseType;
                if (type != null
                  && ( type.IsDefined(typeof(ComponentAttribute), false) || type.IsDefined(typeof(ClassAttribute), false)
                    || type.IsDefined(typeof(SubclassAttribute), false) || type.IsDefined(typeof(JoinedSubclassAttribute), false)
                    || type.IsDefined(typeof(UnionSubclassAttribute), false) ))
                    break; // don't use members of a mapped base class

			return list;"            ));
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemple #6
        /// <summary> Generate a Writer method for a XmlSchemaElement. </summary>
        public static void FillWriteNestedTypes(string schemaEltName, Refly.CodeDom.MethodDeclaration method)
            method.Attributes = System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Public | System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Overloaded;
            method.Doc.Summary.AddText(" Write " + schemaEltName + " XML Elements from nested mapped classes in a not-mapped class. ");             // Create the <summary />
            method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Xml.XmlWriter), "writer");
            method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Type), "type");

                                @"foreach(System.Type nestedType in type.GetNestedTypes(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic))
				if(nestedType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ClassAttribute), false).Length != 0)
                                + (schemaEltName != "Component" ? "" : @"
				if(nestedType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SubclassAttribute), false).Length != 0)
				if(nestedType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JoinedSubclassAttribute), false).Length != 0)
					continue;"                    )
                                + string.Format(@"
				if(nestedType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof({0}Attribute), false).Length == 0)
					WriteNested{0}Types(writer, nestedType); // Not mapped (try its nested types)
				else // Mapped
					Write{0}(writer, nestedType);
			"            , schemaEltName) + "}"));
Exemple #7
        /// <summary> Add the content of the method IsNextElement(). </summary>
        public static void FillIsNextElement(Refly.CodeDom.MethodDeclaration method, System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection schemaItems)
            method.Attributes = System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Public | System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Overloaded;
            method.Doc.Summary.AddText(" Tells if 'element1' come after 'element2' in rootType's 'sub-elements' order. ");             // Create the <summary />
            method.Signature.Parameters.Add("BaseAttribute", "element1");
            method.Signature.Parameters.Add("BaseAttribute", "baseAttrib");
            method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Type), "typeOfElement2");
            method.Signature.ReturnType = new Refly.CodeDom.TypeTypeDeclaration(typeof(bool));

                                @"if( element1 == null )
				return false;"                ));

            foreach (System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject obj in schemaItems)
                if (obj is System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement)
                    System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement elt = obj as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement;
			if( baseAttrib is "             + Utils.Capitalize(elt.Name) + @"Attribute )
			{"            ));

                    if (elt.SchemaType is System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType)
                        System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType type = elt.SchemaType as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType;

                        // Add the elements
                        if (type.Particle is System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence)
                            System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence seq     = (elt.SchemaType as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType).Particle as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence;
                            System.Collections.ArrayList        members = Utils.GetElements(seq.Items, schemaItems);
                            for (int i = 0; i < members.Count; i++)
                                System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement member = members[i] as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement;
                                if (member.RefName.Name == string.Empty)
                                    continue;                                                            // Ignore elements like <query> and <sql-query>
                                string memberName = Utils.Capitalize(member.Name + member.RefName.Name); // One of them is empty

                                System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                                    @"	if( typeOfElement2 == typeof("+ memberName + @"Attribute) )
					if( "                    );
                                for (int j = i + 1; j < members.Count; j++)
                                    System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement nextMember = members[j] as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement;
                                    if (nextMember.RefName.Name == string.Empty)
                                        continue;                                                                        // Ignore elements like <query> and <sql-query>
                                    string nextMemberName = Utils.Capitalize(nextMember.Name + nextMember.RefName.Name); // One of them is empty
                                    sb.Append("element1 is " + nextMemberName + "Attribute || ");
                                // Add "typeOfElement2 == null" at the end to handle "||" and empty "if()" without compilation warning
                                sb.Append(@"typeOfElement2 == null )
						return true;
				}"                );

            method.Body.Add(Refly.CodeDom.Stm.Snippet("return false;"));
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemple #8
        /// <summary> Generate a Writer method for a XmlSchemaElement. </summary>
        public static void GenerateElementWriter(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement schemaElt, string schemaEltName, Refly.CodeDom.MethodDeclaration method, System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType refSchemaType, System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection schemaItems)
            bool schemaEltIsRoot = Utils.IsRoot(schemaEltName);

            method.Attributes = System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Public | System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes.Overloaded;
            method.Doc.Summary.AddText(" Write a " + schemaEltName + " XML Element from attributes in a " + (schemaEltIsRoot?"type":"member") + ". ");             // Create the <summary />
            method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Xml.XmlWriter), "writer");
            if (schemaEltIsRoot)
                method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Type), "type");
                method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Reflection.MemberInfo), "member");
                method.Signature.Parameters.Add(schemaEltName + "Attribute", "attribute");
                method.Signature.Parameters.Add("BaseAttribute", "parentAttribute");
                method.Signature.Parameters.Add(typeof(System.Type), "mappedClass");

            // Beginning of the method's body
            if (schemaEltIsRoot)
                                                              @"object[] attributes = {1}.GetCustomAttributes(typeof({0}Attribute), false);
			if(attributes.Length == 0)
			{0}Attribute attribute = attributes[0] as {0}Attribute;
", schemaEltName, schemaEltIsRoot ? "type" : "member"))); // Note : Root should never allow multiple !
                                                          "writer.WriteStartElement( \"{0}\" );", schemaElt.Name)));

            System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType type = schemaElt.SchemaType as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType;
            if (type == null && !schemaElt.SchemaTypeName.IsEmpty)            // eg:  <xs:element name="cache" type="cacheType" />
                type = refSchemaType;

            if (type != null)
                // Add the attributes
                System.Collections.ArrayList attributes = Utils.GetAttributes(type.Attributes);
                log.Debug("Add Attributes: Count=" + attributes.Count);
                foreach (System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute attrib in attributes)
                    string attribName       = attrib.Name + attrib.RefName.Name;               // One is empty
                    string methodAttribName = "attribute." + Utils.Capitalize(attribName);
                    method.Body.Add(Refly.CodeDom.Stm.Comment("Attribute: <" + attribName + ">"));

                    // If the attribute is not explicitly marked required, then we consider it optionnal
                    if (attrib.Use != System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaUse.Required)
                        if ("System.Boolean" == Utils.GetAttributeTypeName(schemaElt, attrib))
                                                string.Format(@"if( {0} )", methodAttribName + "Specified")));
                                                string.Format(@"if({0} != {1})", methodAttribName,
                                                              Utils.GetUnspecifiedValue(schemaElt, attrib))));
                    // Write the value
                    if (attrib.Use == System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaUse.Required)
                        // Here, we use a helper if the field is not specified (mainly used for "name" which is the name of the member)
                        log.Debug("  Create Helper for " + (schemaEltIsRoot ? "ClassType" : "MemberInfo") + " <" + schemaElt.Name + "> <" + attribName + ">");
                        string helper = string.Format(@"{0}=={1} ? DefaultHelper.Get_{2}_{3}_DefaultValue({4}) : ",                          // "typed" method name :)
                                                      methodAttribName, Utils.GetUnspecifiedValue(schemaElt, attrib), schemaEltName,
                                                      schemaEltIsRoot ? "type" : "member");
                                            string.Format(@"writer.WriteAttributeString(""{0}"", {2}{1});",
                                                          attribName, AttributeToXmlValue(schemaElt, attrib, attribName, schemaEltIsRoot), helper)));
                                            string.Format(@"writer.WriteAttributeString(""{0}"", {1});",
                                                          attribName, AttributeToXmlValue(schemaElt, attrib, attribName, schemaEltIsRoot))));
                        if (schemaEltName == "Property" && attribName == "type")
                            // Special case to handle Patterns for <property ... type="..." />
                            // Eg: set Nullables.NHibernate.NullableXXXType for Nullables.NullableXXX
				System.Type type = null;
				if(member is System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)
					type = (member as System.Reflection.PropertyInfo).PropertyType;
				else if(member is System.Reflection.FieldInfo)
					type = (member as System.Reflection.FieldInfo).FieldType;
				if(type != null) // Transform using RegularExpressions
					string typeName = HbmWriterHelper.GetNameWithAssembly(type);
					foreach(System.Collections.DictionaryEntry pattern in Patterns)
						if(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(typeName, pattern.Key as string))
							writer.WriteAttributeString( ""type"",
									pattern.Key as string,
									pattern.Value as string) );
			}"            ));

                // Add the elements
                                    schemaEltIsRoot ? @"
			WriteUserDefinedContent(writer, type, null, attribute);"             : @"
			WriteUserDefinedContent(writer, member, null, attribute);"

                if (type.Particle is System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence)
                    System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence seq     = (schemaElt.SchemaType as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType).Particle as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence;
                    System.Collections.ArrayList        members = Utils.GetElements(seq.Items, schemaItems);
                    if (!schemaEltIsRoot)
			System.Collections.ArrayList memberAttribs = GetSortedAttributes(member);
			int attribPos; // Find the position of the {0}Attribute (its <sub-element>s must be after it)
			for(attribPos=0; attribPos<memberAttribs.Count; attribPos++)
				if( memberAttribs[attribPos] is {0}Attribute
					&& ((BaseAttribute)memberAttribs[attribPos]).Position == attribute.Position )
					break; // found
			int i = attribPos + 1;
", schemaEltName)));

                    foreach (System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement member in members)
                        if (member.RefName.Name != null && member.RefName.Name != string.Empty &&
                            member.Name != null && member.Name != string.Empty)
                            log.Error(string.Format("Both member.RefName.Name({0}) & member.Name({1}) are not empty", member.RefName.Name, member.Name));
                        string realMemberName = member.Name + member.RefName.Name;                         // One of them should be empty
                        string memberName     = Utils.Capitalize(realMemberName);
                        string listName       = memberName + "List";
                        string attributeName  = memberName + "Attribute";
                        log.Debug(schemaEltName + " Element: <" + realMemberName + ">");
                        method.Body.Add(Refly.CodeDom.Stm.Comment("Element: <" + realMemberName + ">"));
                        // There are three way to treat elements:
                        // if(eltName is root)
                        //     if(memberName is root)
                        //         => They are both root, so we process the nestedTypes (eg. <class> to <sub-class>)
                        //     else
                        //         => It is an element of a root => we add them as element
                        // else
                        //     => They are both members, so we use the member again (eg. <list> to <one-to-many>)
                        if (schemaEltIsRoot)
                            if (Utils.IsRoot(memberName))
                                                                              @"WriteNested{0}Types(writer, type);", memberName)));
                                                                              @"System.Collections.ArrayList {1} = FindAttributedMembers( attribute, typeof({2}), type );
			foreach( System.Reflection.MemberInfo member in {1} )
			"            , memberName, listName, attributeName) + "{"
                                                                          + string.Format(
				object[] objects = member.GetCustomAttributes(typeof({2}), false);
				System.Collections.ArrayList memberAttribs = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
" + (Utils.CanContainItself(memberName) ?
     // => Just take the first (others will be inside it)
     @"				Write{0}(writer, member, memberAttribs[0] as {2}, attribute, type);"
     @"				foreach(object memberAttrib in memberAttribs)
					Write{0}(writer, member, memberAttrib as {2}, attribute, type);"                    ),
                                                                              memberName, listName, attributeName) + @"
			}"            ));
                                                "WriteUserDefinedContent(writer, type, typeof(" + attributeName + "), attribute);"));
                                                @"for(; i<memberAttribs.Count; i++)
				BaseAttribute memberAttrib = memberAttribs[i] as BaseAttribute;
				if( IsNextElement(memberAttrib, parentAttribute, attribute.GetType())
					|| IsNextElement(memberAttrib, attribute, typeof("                     + attributeName + @")) )
					break; // next attributes are 'elements' of the same level OR for 'sub-elements'"
                                                + (Utils.IsRoot(memberName) ? ""                  // A NotRoot can not contain a Root! eg. [DynComp] can't contain a [Comp] (instead, use [CompProp])
                                                                : @"
                                                   + (Utils.CanContainItself(memberName) ? "" : @"
					if( memberAttrib is "                     + schemaEltName + @"Attribute )
						break; // Following attributes are for this "                         + schemaEltName) + @"
					if( memberAttrib is "                     + attributeName + @" )
						Write"                         + memberName + @"(writer, member, memberAttrib as " + attributeName + @", attribute, mappedClass);
				}"                ) + @"
			}"            ));
                                                "WriteUserDefinedContent(writer, member, typeof(" + attributeName + "), attribute);"));

                if (type.IsMixed)                // used by elements like <param>
			// Write the content of this element (mixed=""true"")
			writer.WriteString(attribute.Content);"            ));
                System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                sb.Append("Unknow Element: ").Append(schemaElt.Name);
                if (schemaElt.SchemaType != null)
                    sb.Append(", SchemaType = ").Append(schemaElt.SchemaType).Append(" - ").Append(schemaElt.SchemaType.Name);
                if (!schemaElt.SchemaTypeName.IsEmpty)
                    sb.Append(", SchemaTypeName = ").Append(schemaElt.SchemaTypeName.Name);
                if (schemaElt.ElementSchemaType != null)
                    sb.Append(", ElementType = ").Append(schemaElt.ElementSchemaType.Name);

			writer.WriteEndElement();"            ));