Exemple #1
        public Operation <ReferralNode> AffixNewUser(string userId, string refereeCode)
        => _authorizer.AuthorizeAccess(UserContext.CurrentProcessPermissionProfile(), () =>
            //lock because referal placement is not thread safe!
            lock (UniversalLock)
                var referee   = _query.GetReferalNode(refereeCode).ThrowIfNull("invalid referee code");
                var downlines = _query.AllDownlines(referee);
                var user      = _query.GetUserById(userId);

                //affix to the referee if he has no downlines
                if (downlines.Count() == 0)
                    var @ref = new ReferralNode
                        UplineCode    = refereeCode,
                        ReferrerCode  = refereeCode,
                        ReferenceCode = ReferralHelper.GenerateCode(userId),
                        User          = user


                //generate a map for each downline referal node, with its reference code as key
                var hierarchyMap = GenerateHierarchyMap(downlines);

                //calculate and assign levels based on distance from the referee node in the hierarchy
                hierarchyMap.ForAll((cnt, duo) => duo.Value.Level = DistanceFromReferee(referee, duo.Key, hierarchyMap));

                //rearrange and order the downlines, then get the first incomplete duo, and place the new referal in the slot
                       .OrderBy(_duo => _duo.Level)
                       .ThenBy(_duo => _duo.Count)
                       .FirstOrDefault(_duo => _duo.Count < 2)
                       .Pipe(_duo =>
                    var @ref = new ReferralNode
                        UplineCode = _duo.UplineCode,
                        ReferrerCode = refereeCode,
                        ReferenceCode = ReferralHelper.GenerateCode(userId),
                        User = user

                    return _pcommand.Add(@ref);
Exemple #2
        private int DistanceFromReferee(ReferralNode referee, string referenceCode, Dictionary <string, DownlineDuo> map)
            var count = 1;

            if (referenceCode == referee.ReferenceCode)
                    referenceCode = map.Values
                                    .FirstOrDefault(_duo => _duo.ContainsNode(referenceCode))

                }while (referenceCode != referee.ReferenceCode);

        public IEnumerable <ReferralNode> AllDownlines(ReferralNode node)
            var query =
WITH DownLinesCTE (ReferenceCode, [rank])
-- Anchor member definition
    SELECT r.ReferenceCode, 0
    FROM dbo.ReferralNode AS r
    WHERE r.UplineCode = @reference


-- Recursive member definition
    SELECT downline.ReferenceCode, code.[rank] + 1
    FROM DownLinesCTE as code
    JOIN dbo.ReferralNode AS downline ON downline.UplineCode = code.ReferenceCode

-- Statement that executes the CTE
SELECT r.ReferenceCode, r.ReferrerCode, r.UplineCode, r.CreatedOn, r.ModifiedOn, r.Id, 
       u.EntityId AS u_EntityId, u.CreatedOn AS u_CreatedOn, u.ModifiedOn AS u_ModifiedOn, u.Status as u_Status, u.UId AS u_UId,
       bd.FirstName, bd.LastName, cd.Phone as u_Phone, ud.Data AS u_ProfileImage
FROM dbo.ReferralNode AS r
JOIN dbo.[User] AS u ON u.EntityId = r.UserId
JOIN DownLinesCTE AS dl ON dl.ReferenceCode = r.ReferenceCode
LEFT JOIN dbo.BioData AS bd ON bd.OwnerId = u.EntityId
LEFT JOIN dbo.ContactData AS cd ON cd.OwnerId = u.EntityId
LEFT JOIN dbo.UserData AS ud ON ud.OwnerId = u.EntityId and ud.Name = '" + Constants.UserData_ProfileImage + @"'
ORDER BY dl.[rank]

            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EuropaContext"].ConnectionString))
                var qcommand = new SqlCommand
                    Connection  = connection,
                    CommandText = query,
                    //CommandTimeout =
                qcommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("reference", node.ReferenceCode));

                using (var row = qcommand.ExecuteReader())
                    var refnodes  = new List <ReferralNode>();
                    var userCache = new Dictionary <string, User>();
                    while (row.Read())
                        refnodes.Add(new ReferralNode
                            ReferenceCode = row.IsDBNull(0) ? null : row.GetString(0),
                            ReferrerCode  = row.IsDBNull(1) ? null : row.GetString(1),
                            UplineCode    = row.IsDBNull(3) ? null : row.GetString(2),
                            CreatedOn     = row.GetDateTime(3),
                            ModifiedOn    = row.IsDBNull(4) ? (DateTime?)null : row.GetDateTime(4),
                            Id            = row.GetInt64(5),
                            User          = userCache.GetOrAdd(row.GetString(6), _uid => new User //<-- the UserId of the ReferralNode is also set behind the scenes
                                EntityId   = _uid,
                                CreatedOn  = row.GetDateTime(7),
                                ModifiedOn = row.IsDBNull(8) ? (DateTime?)null : row.GetDateTime(8),
                                Status     = row.GetInt32(9),
                                UId        = row.GetGuid(10)
                            UserBio = !hasBio(row)? null: new BioData
                                FirstName = row.IsDBNull(11) ? null : row.GetString(11),
                                LastName  = row.IsDBNull(12) ? null : row.GetString(12)
                            UserContact = row.IsDBNull(13) ? null : new ContactData
                                Phone = row.GetString(13)
Exemple #4
 public Operation <IEnumerable <ReferralNode> > Uplines(ReferralNode node)
 => _authorizer.AuthorizeAccess(UserContext.CurrentProcessPermissionProfile(), () =>
 public IEnumerable <ReferralNode> DirectDownlines(ReferralNode node)
 => _europa.Store <ReferralNode>()
 .QueryWith(_r => _r.User)
 .Where(_r => _r.UplineCode == node.ReferenceCode)