Exemple #1
        protected virtual void OnFinishCommand(object obj)
            ReferenceWindow referenceWindow = (ReferenceWindow)obj;

            referenceWindow.DialogResult = true;
Exemple #2
        protected virtual void OnCancelCommand(object obj)
            ReferenceWindow referenceWindow = (ReferenceWindow)obj;

            referenceWindow.DialogResult = false;
 private void btnEditSetName_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (var refWindow = new ReferenceWindow())
         var eng = refWindow.ShowWindow(txtSetName.Text.TrimStart(new[] { '#' }));
         if (eng.Label != null)
             txtSetName.Text = "#" + eng.Label;
        public static TreeNavigationItem OpenReferenceWindow(Func <Task <List <TreeNavigationItem> > > actionToGetProposals)
            BaseReferenceWindowModelView referenceWindowModelView = new BaseReferenceWindowModelView();

            referenceWindowModelView.LoadProposals(new List <TreeNavigationItem>()
                new TreeNavigationItem(Guid.Empty, "Loading...", NavigationType.FOLDER)
            ReferenceWindow baseReferenceWindow = new ReferenceWindow(referenceWindowModelView, actionToGetProposals);

            baseReferenceWindow.Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow;
            baseReferenceWindow.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner;
            if (baseReferenceWindow.ShowDialog() == true)
Exemple #5
        static void Main()

            // Hook 'shell' events into the capturing form.

            // TESTING:

             * using (var gf = new GifWriter(@"W:\work\tmp.gif", new Size(320,240)))
             * {
             *  for (var x = 0; x < 100; x++)
             *  {
             *      gf.WriteScreenFrame(new Point(10+x, 10));
             *  }
             * }
             * Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString());// manages about 30fps, almost regardless of capture size (up to a limit)
            // END TEST

            // Hook into system wide windowing events
            using (var winHook = new WindowHookManager())
                using (var switcherForm = new SwitcherForm(winHook))
                    using (var concentrationForm = new ConcentrationForm(winHook))
                        using (var popupWindows = new PopupWindows())
                            using (var pushback = new Pushback())
                                using (var arranger = new WindowArranger())
                                    using (var experimental = new ReferenceWindow(winHook))
                                        using (var hotKeys = new HotkeyCore())
                                            // General features
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LWin, Keys.Tab }, switcherForm.Toggle);
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LShiftKey, Keys.F12 }, concentrationForm.Toggle);
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.RShiftKey, Keys.F12 }, concentrationForm.Toggle);
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LWin, Keys.Space }, popupWindows.ToggleVisibility);
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LControlKey, Keys.LWin, Keys.Space }, popupWindows.ToggleFade);
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LWin, Keys.Escape }, pushback.PushBackFrontWindow);

                                            // re-arrangement of top-window that breaks less things than the Windows built-in
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LWin, Keys.LControlKey, Keys.D1 }, arranger.SetTopLeft);
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LWin, Keys.LControlKey, Keys.D2 }, arranger.SetTop);
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LWin, Keys.LControlKey, Keys.D3 }, arranger.SetTopRight);
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LWin, Keys.LControlKey, Keys.D4 }, arranger.SetLeft);
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LWin, Keys.LControlKey, Keys.D5 }, arranger.SetCentre);
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LWin, Keys.LControlKey, Keys.D6 }, arranger.SetRight);
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LWin, Keys.LControlKey, Keys.D7 }, arranger.SetBottomLeft);
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LWin, Keys.LControlKey, Keys.D8 }, arranger.SetBottom);
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LWin, Keys.LControlKey, Keys.D9 }, arranger.SetBottomRight);

                                            // win-arrow to move screen
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LWin, Keys.Left }, arranger.MoveScreenLeft);
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LWin, Keys.Up }, arranger.MoveScreenUp);
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LWin, Keys.Right }, arranger.MoveScreenRight);
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LWin, Keys.Down }, arranger.MoveScreenDown);

                                            // Reference window
                                            hotKeys.Bind(new[] { Keys.LWin, Keys.OemMinus }, experimental.SetReferenceWindow);

                                            TrayIcon = new NotifyTrayApp("Windows Jedi", Resources.JediIcon, "https://github.com/i-e-b/WindowsJedi");
                                            TrayIcon.AddMenuItem("Settings", delegate { new Settings().ShowDialog(); });
                                            TrayIcon.AddMenuItem("Re-type file", delegate { new FileRetypeChooser().Show(); });
                                            TrayIcon.AddMenuItem("Screen Capture to GIF", delegate { new ScreenCaptureForm().Show(); });

                                            Application.ThreadException += Application_ThreadException;

Exemple #6
        private void OpenReferences(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ReferenceWindow w = new ReferenceWindow(this.Root);
