public void ShouldPreserveReferences(
            [Values(ReferencePreservation.Preserve, ReferencePreservation.UseWeakReference)]
            ReferencePreservation referencePreservation)
            var localSettings = settings.With(referencePreservation: referencePreservation);

            var someObject  = Tuple.Create(0, 1);
            var otherObject = Tuple.Create(1, 2);

            var serializer = new Serializer(localSettings);
            var stream     = new MemoryStream();

            using (var osSerializer = serializer.ObtainOpenStreamSerializer(stream))

            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            using (var osDeserializer = serializer.ObtainOpenStreamDeserializer(stream))
                var objs = new object[3];
                for (var i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++)
                    objs[i] = osDeserializer.Deserialize <Tuple <int, int> >();
                Assert.AreSame(objs[0], objs[1]);
                Assert.AreNotSame(objs[1], objs[2]);
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Antmicro.Migrant.ObjectWriter" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='stream'>
 /// Stream to which data will be written.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='preSerializationCallback'>
 /// Callback which is called once on every unique object before its serialization. Contains this object in its only parameter.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='postSerializationCallback'>
 /// Callback which is called once on every unique object after its serialization. Contains this object in its only parameter.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='writeMethodCache'>
 /// Cache in which generated write methods are stored and reused between instances of <see cref="Antmicro.Migrant.ObjectWriter" />.
 /// Can be null if one does not want to use the cache. Note for the life of the cache you always have to provide the same
 /// <paramref name="surrogatesForObjects"/>.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='surrogatesForObjects'>
 /// Dictionary, containing callbacks that provide surrogate for given type. Callbacks have to be of type Func&lt;T, object&gt; where
 /// typeof(T) is given type. Note that the list always have to be in sync with <paramref name="writeMethodCache"/>.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='isGenerating'>
 /// True if write methods are to be generated, false if one wants to use reflection.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name = "treatCollectionAsUserObject">
 /// True if collection objects are to be serialized without optimization (treated as normal user objects).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="useBuffering">
 /// True if buffering is used. False if all writes should directly go to the stream and no padding should be used.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="referencePreservation">
 /// Tells serializer how to treat object identity between the calls to <see cref="Antmicro.Migrant.ObjectWriter.WriteObject" />.
 /// </param>
 public ObjectWriter(Stream stream, Action <object> preSerializationCallback = null,
                     Action <object> postSerializationCallback            = null, IDictionary <Type, DynamicMethod> writeMethodCache = null,
                     InheritanceAwareList <Delegate> surrogatesForObjects = null, bool isGenerating = true, bool treatCollectionAsUserObject = false,
                     bool useBuffering = true, ReferencePreservation referencePreservation          = ReferencePreservation.Preserve)
     if (surrogatesForObjects == null)
         surrogatesForObjects = new InheritanceAwareList <Delegate>();
     currentlyWrittenTypes            = new Stack <Type>();
     transientTypeCache               = new Dictionary <Type, bool>();
     writeMethods                     = new Dictionary <Type, Action <PrimitiveWriter, object> >();
     postSerializationHooks           = new List <Action>();
     this.writeMethodCache            = writeMethodCache;
     this.isGenerating                = isGenerating;
     this.treatCollectionAsUserObject = treatCollectionAsUserObject;
     this.surrogatesForObjects        = surrogatesForObjects;
     typeIndices     = new Dictionary <TypeDescriptor, int>();
     methodIndices   = new Dictionary <MethodInfo, int>();
     assemblyIndices = new Dictionary <AssemblyDescriptor, int>();
     this.preSerializationCallback  = preSerializationCallback;
     this.postSerializationCallback = postSerializationCallback;
     writer        = new PrimitiveWriter(stream, useBuffering);
     inlineWritten = new HashSet <int>();
     this.referencePreservation = referencePreservation;
     if (referencePreservation == ReferencePreservation.Preserve)
         identifier = new ObjectIdentifier();
Exemple #3
        public ObjectWriter(Stream stream, Serializer.WriteMethods writeMethods, Action <object> preSerializationCallback = null,
                            Action <object> postSerializationCallback   = null, SwapList surrogatesForObjects = null, SwapList objectsForSurrogates = null,
                            bool treatCollectionAsUserObject            = false, bool useBuffering = true, bool disableStamping = false,
                            ReferencePreservation referencePreservation = ReferencePreservation.Preserve)
            this.treatCollectionAsUserObject = treatCollectionAsUserObject;
            this.objectsForSurrogates        = objectsForSurrogates;
            this.referencePreservation       = referencePreservation;
            this.preSerializationCallback    = preSerializationCallback;
            this.postSerializationCallback   = postSerializationCallback;
            this.writeMethods         = writeMethods;
            this.surrogatesForObjects = surrogatesForObjects ?? new SwapList();

            parentObjects          = new Dictionary <object, object>();
            postSerializationHooks = new List <Action>();
            types      = new IdentifiedElementsDictionary <TypeDescriptor>(this);
            Methods    = new IdentifiedElementsDictionary <MethodDescriptor>(this);
            Assemblies = new IdentifiedElementsDictionary <AssemblyDescriptor>(this);
            Modules    = new IdentifiedElementsDictionary <ModuleDescriptor>(this);
            writer     = new PrimitiveWriter(stream, useBuffering);
            if (referencePreservation == ReferencePreservation.Preserve)
                identifier = new ObjectIdentifier();
            touchTypeMethod      = disableStamping ? (Func <Type, int>)TouchAndWriteTypeIdWithSimpleStamp : TouchAndWriteTypeIdWithFullStamp;
            objectsWrittenInline = new HashSet <int>();
Exemple #4
        public ObjectReader(Stream stream,
                            Serializer.ReadMethods readMethods,
                            SwapList objectsForSurrogates,
                            IDictionary <Type, Recipe> recipes,
                            Action <object> postDeserializationCallback,
                            bool treatCollectionAsUserObject,
                            VersionToleranceLevel versionToleranceLevel,
                            bool useBuffering,
                            bool disableStamping,
                            ReferencePreservation referencePreservation,
                            bool forceStampVerification)
            this.readMethods = readMethods;
            this.postDeserializationCallback = postDeserializationCallback;
            this.treatCollectionAsUserObject = treatCollectionAsUserObject;
            this.referencePreservation       = referencePreservation;
            this.objectsForSurrogates        = objectsForSurrogates;
   = recipes;

            VersionToleranceLevel = versionToleranceLevel;
            types      = new List <TypeDescriptor>();
            Methods    = new IdentifiedElementsList <MethodDescriptor>(this);
            Assemblies = new IdentifiedElementsList <AssemblyDescriptor>(this);
            Modules    = new IdentifiedElementsList <ModuleDescriptor>(this);
            HashCodeBasedWaitingValues   = new Dictionary <int, (object Dictionary, object Value)>();
            latePostDeserializationHooks = new List <Action>();

            reader = new PrimitiveReader(stream, useBuffering);
            surrogatesWhileReading = new OneToOneMap <int, object>();

            readTypeMethod         = disableStamping ? (Func <TypeDescriptor>)ReadSimpleTypeDescriptor : ReadFullTypeDescriptor;
            ForceStampVerification = forceStampVerification;
        public void ShouldReadPreservationOptionFromTheStream(
            [Values(ReferencePreservation.Preserve, ReferencePreservation.DoNotPreserve)]
            ReferencePreservation referencePreservation)
            var localSettings    = settings.With(referencePreservation: referencePreservation);
            var oppositeSettings = settings.With(referencePreservation:
                                                 referencePreservation == ReferencePreservation.Preserve
                ? ReferencePreservation.DoNotPreserve : ReferencePreservation.Preserve);

            var someObject = Tuple.Create(0, 1);

            var serializer = new Serializer(localSettings);
            var stream     = new MemoryStream();

            using (var osSerializer = serializer.ObtainOpenStreamSerializer(stream))

            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            serializer = new Serializer(oppositeSettings);

            using (var osDeserializer = serializer.ObtainOpenStreamDeserializer(stream))
                var first  = osDeserializer.Deserialize <object>();
                var second = osDeserializer.Deserialize <object>();
                Assert.AreEqual(first, second);
                Assert.AreEqual(first, someObject);
        public ObjectWriter(Stream stream, Action<object> preSerializationCallback = null,
                      Action<object> postSerializationCallback = null, IDictionary<Type, Action<ObjectWriter, PrimitiveWriter, object>> writeMethods = null,
                      SwapList surrogatesForObjects = null, bool isGenerating = true, bool treatCollectionAsUserObject = false,
                      bool useBuffering = true, bool disableStamping = false, ReferencePreservation referencePreservation = ReferencePreservation.Preserve)
            if(surrogatesForObjects == null)
                surrogatesForObjects = new SwapList();
            currentlyWrittenTypes = new Stack<Type>();
            this.writeMethods = writeMethods ?? new Dictionary<Type, Action<ObjectWriter, PrimitiveWriter, object>>();
            postSerializationHooks = new List<Action>();
            this.isGenerating = isGenerating;
            this.treatCollectionAsUserObject = treatCollectionAsUserObject;
            this.surrogatesForObjects = surrogatesForObjects;
            types = new IdentifiedElementsDictionary<TypeDescriptor>(this);
            Methods = new IdentifiedElementsDictionary<MethodDescriptor>(this);
            Assemblies = new IdentifiedElementsDictionary<AssemblyDescriptor>(this);
            Modules = new IdentifiedElementsDictionary<ModuleDescriptor>(this);
            this.preSerializationCallback = preSerializationCallback;
            this.postSerializationCallback = postSerializationCallback;
            writer = new PrimitiveWriter(stream, useBuffering);
            this.referencePreservation = referencePreservation;
            if(referencePreservation == ReferencePreservation.Preserve)
                identifier = new ObjectIdentifier();

            touchTypeMethod = disableStamping ? (Func<Type, int>)TouchAndWriteTypeIdWithSimpleStamp : TouchAndWriteTypeIdWithFullStamp;
        public ObjectReader(Stream stream, Serializer.ReadMethods readMethods, SwapList objectsForSurrogates = null, Action <object> postDeserializationCallback = null,
                            bool treatCollectionAsUserObject            = false,
                            VersionToleranceLevel versionToleranceLevel = 0, bool useBuffering = true, bool disableStamping = false,
                            ReferencePreservation referencePreservation = ReferencePreservation.Preserve,
                            bool forceStampVerification = false)
            this.readMethods = readMethods;
            this.postDeserializationCallback = postDeserializationCallback;
            this.treatCollectionAsUserObject = treatCollectionAsUserObject;
            this.referencePreservation       = referencePreservation;
            this.objectsForSurrogates        = objectsForSurrogates ?? new SwapList();

            VersionToleranceLevel = versionToleranceLevel;
            types      = new List <TypeDescriptor>();
            Methods    = new IdentifiedElementsList <MethodDescriptor>(this);
            Assemblies = new IdentifiedElementsList <AssemblyDescriptor>(this);
            Modules    = new IdentifiedElementsList <ModuleDescriptor>(this);
            latePostDeserializationHooks = new List <Action>();

            reader = new PrimitiveReader(stream, useBuffering);
            surrogatesWhileReading = new OneToOneMap <int, object>();

            readTypeMethod         = disableStamping ? (Func <TypeDescriptor>)ReadSimpleTypeDescriptor : ReadFullTypeDescriptor;
            ForceStampVerification = forceStampVerification;
Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Antmicro.Migrant.Customization.Settings"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='serializationMethod'>
 /// Method used for serialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='deserializationMethod'>
 /// Method used for deserialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='versionTolerance'>
 /// Specifies the possible level of difference between class layout when it was serialized and in the
 /// moment of deserialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name = "treatCollectionAsUserObject">
 /// Specifies if collection objects are to be deserialized without optimization (treated as normal user objects).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name = "supportForISerializable">
 /// Specifies whether Migrant should use GetObjectData approach for serialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="useBuffering">
 /// True if buffering should be used, false if writes should directly go to the stream and reads should never read
 /// data in advance. Disabling buffering also disables padding.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="referencePreservation">
 /// Tells serializer how to treat references between sessions of open stream serialization.
 /// </param>
 public Settings(Method serializationMethod   = Method.Generated, Method deserializationMethod = Method.Generated, VersionToleranceLevel versionTolerance = 0,
                 bool supportForISerializable = false, bool treatCollectionAsUserObject        = false, bool useBuffering = true,
                 ReferencePreservation referencePreservation = ReferencePreservation.Preserve)
     SerializationMethod         = serializationMethod;
     DeserializationMethod       = deserializationMethod;
     VersionTolerance            = versionTolerance;
     SupportForISerializable     = supportForISerializable;
     TreatCollectionAsUserObject = treatCollectionAsUserObject;
     UseBuffering          = useBuffering;
     ReferencePreservation = referencePreservation;
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Antmicro.Migrant.Customization.Settings"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='serializationMethod'>
 /// Method used for serialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='deserializationMethod'>
 /// Method used for deserialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='versionTolerance'>
 /// Specifies the possible level of difference between class layout when it was serialized and in the
 /// moment of deserialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name = "treatCollectionAsUserObject">
 /// Specifies if collection objects are to be deserialized without optimization (treated as normal user objects).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name = "supportForISerializable">
 /// Specifies whether Migrant should use GetObjectData approach for serialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="supportForIXmlSerializable"> 
 /// Specifies whether Migrant should use xml serialization on objects implementing IXmlSerializable.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="useBuffering"> 
 /// True if buffering should be used, false if writes should directly go to the stream and reads should never read
 /// data in advance. Disabling buffering also disables padding.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="disableTypeStamping"> 
 /// Specifies if type stamping should be disabled in order to improve performance and limit output stream size.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="referencePreservation"> 
 /// Tells serializer how to treat references between sessions of open stream serialization.
 /// </param>
 public Settings(Method serializationMethod = Method.Generated, Method deserializationMethod = Method.Generated, VersionToleranceLevel versionTolerance = 0,
                 bool supportForISerializable = false, bool supportForIXmlSerializable = false, bool treatCollectionAsUserObject = false,
                 bool useBuffering = true, bool disableTypeStamping = false, ReferencePreservation referencePreservation = ReferencePreservation.Preserve)
     SerializationMethod = serializationMethod;
     DeserializationMethod = deserializationMethod;
     VersionTolerance = versionTolerance;
     SupportForISerializable = supportForISerializable;
     SupportForIXmlSerializable = supportForIXmlSerializable;
     TreatCollectionAsUserObject = treatCollectionAsUserObject;
     UseBuffering = useBuffering;
     ReferencePreservation = referencePreservation;
     DisableTypeStamping = disableTypeStamping;
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Antmicro.Migrant.Customization.Settings"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='serializationMethod'>
        /// Method used for serialization.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='deserializationMethod'>
        /// Method used for deserialization.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='versionTolerance'>
        /// Specifies the possible level of difference between class layout when it was serialized and in the
        /// moment of deserialization.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name = "treatCollectionAsUserObject">
        /// Specifies if collection objects are to be deserialized without optimization (treated as normal user objects).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name = "supportForISerializable">
        /// Specifies whether Migrant should use GetObjectData approach for serialization.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="useBuffering">
        /// True if buffering should be used, false if writes should directly go to the stream and reads should never read
        /// data in advance. Disabling buffering also disables padding.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="referencePreservation">
        /// Tells serializer how to treat references between sessions of open stream serialization.
        /// </param>
        public Settings With(Method serializationMethod   = Method.Generated, Method deserializationMethod = Method.Generated, VersionToleranceLevel versionTolerance = 0,
                             bool supportForISerializable = false, bool treatCollectionAsUserObject        = false, bool useBuffering = true,
                             ReferencePreservation referencePreservation = ReferencePreservation.Preserve)
            var result = new Settings {
                SerializationMethod         = serializationMethod,
                DeserializationMethod       = deserializationMethod,
                VersionTolerance            = versionTolerance,
                SupportForISerializable     = supportForISerializable,
                TreatCollectionAsUserObject = treatCollectionAsUserObject,
                UseBuffering          = useBuffering,
                ReferencePreservation = referencePreservation

Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Antmicro.Migrant.ObjectReader" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='stream'>
 /// Stream from which objects will be read.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='objectsForSurrogates'>
 /// Dictionary, containing callbacks that provide objects for given type of surrogate. Callbacks have to be of type Func&lt;T, object&gt; where
 /// typeof(T) is type of surrogate.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='postDeserializationCallback'>
 /// Callback which will be called after deserialization of every unique object. Deserialized
 /// object is given in the callback's only parameter.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='readMethods'>
 /// Cache in which generated read methods are stored and reused between instances of <see cref="Antmicro.Migrant.ObjectReader" />.
 /// Can be null if one does not want to use the cache.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='isGenerating'>
 /// True if read methods are to be generated, false if one wants to use reflection.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name = "treatCollectionAsUserObject">
 /// True if collection objects are to be deserialized without optimization (treated as normal user objects).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="versionToleranceLevel">
 /// Describes the tolerance level of this reader when handling discrepancies in type description (new or missing fields, etc.).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="useBuffering">
 /// True if buffering was used with the corresponding ObjectWriter or false otherwise - i.e. when no padding and buffering is used.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="referencePreservation">
 /// Tells deserializer whether open stream serialization preserved objects identieties between serialization. Note that this option should
 /// be consistent with what was used during serialization.
 /// </param>
 public ObjectReader(Stream stream, InheritanceAwareList <Delegate> objectsForSurrogates = null, Action <object> postDeserializationCallback = null,
                     IDictionary <Type, DynamicMethod> readMethods = null, bool isGenerating = false, bool treatCollectionAsUserObject = false,
                     VersionToleranceLevel versionToleranceLevel   = 0, bool useBuffering    = true,
                     ReferencePreservation referencePreservation   = ReferencePreservation.Preserve)
     if (objectsForSurrogates == null)
         objectsForSurrogates = new InheritanceAwareList <Delegate>();
     this.objectsForSurrogates        = objectsForSurrogates;
     this.readMethodsCache            = readMethods ?? new Dictionary <Type, DynamicMethod>();
     this.useGeneratedDeserialization = isGenerating;
     typeList   = new List <Type>();
     methodList = new List <MethodInfo>();
     postDeserializationHooks         = new List <Action>();
     this.postDeserializationCallback = postDeserializationCallback;
     this.treatCollectionAsUserObject = treatCollectionAsUserObject;
     delegatesCache             = new Dictionary <Type, Func <int, object> >();
     reader                     = new PrimitiveReader(stream, useBuffering);
     stamper                    = new TypeStampReader(reader, versionToleranceLevel);
     this.referencePreservation = referencePreservation;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Antmicro.Migrant.Customization.Settings"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='serializationMethod'>
 /// Method used for serialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='deserializationMethod'>
 /// Method used for deserialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='versionTolerance'>
 /// Specifies the possible level of difference between class layout when it was serialized and in the
 /// moment of deserialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name = "treatCollectionAsUserObject">
 /// Specifies if collection objects are to be deserialized without optimization (treated as normal user objects).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name = "supportForISerializable">
 /// Specifies whether Migrant should use GetObjectData approach for serialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="useBuffering"> 
 /// True if buffering should be used, false if writes should directly go to the stream and reads should never read
 /// data in advance. Disabling buffering also disables padding.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="disableTypeStamping"> 
 /// Specifies if type stamping should be disabled in order to improve performance and limit output stream size.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="referencePreservation"> 
 /// Tells serializer how to treat references between sessions of open stream serialization.
 /// </param>
 public Settings With(Method serializationMethod = Method.Generated, Method deserializationMethod = Method.Generated, VersionToleranceLevel versionTolerance = 0,
                      bool supportForISerializable = false, bool treatCollectionAsUserObject = false, bool useBuffering = true, bool disableTypeStamping = false,
                      ReferencePreservation referencePreservation = ReferencePreservation.Preserve)
     var result = new Settings {
         SerializationMethod = serializationMethod,
         DeserializationMethod = deserializationMethod,
         VersionTolerance = versionTolerance,
         SupportForISerializable = supportForISerializable,
         TreatCollectionAsUserObject = treatCollectionAsUserObject,
         UseBuffering = useBuffering,
         DisableTypeStamping = disableTypeStamping,
         ReferencePreservation = referencePreservation
     return result;
Exemple #13
        public ObjectWriter(Stream stream, Serializer.WriteMethods writeMethods, Action<object> preSerializationCallback = null,
                            Action<object> postSerializationCallback = null, SwapList surrogatesForObjects = null, SwapList objectsForSurrogates = null, 
                            bool treatCollectionAsUserObject = false, bool useBuffering = true, bool disableStamping = false, 
                            ReferencePreservation referencePreservation = ReferencePreservation.Preserve)
            this.treatCollectionAsUserObject = treatCollectionAsUserObject;
            this.objectsForSurrogates = objectsForSurrogates;
            this.referencePreservation = referencePreservation;
            this.preSerializationCallback = preSerializationCallback;
            this.postSerializationCallback = postSerializationCallback;
            this.writeMethods = writeMethods;
            this.surrogatesForObjects = surrogatesForObjects ?? new SwapList();

            parentObjects = new Dictionary<object, object>();
            postSerializationHooks = new List<Action>();
            types = new IdentifiedElementsDictionary<TypeDescriptor>(this);
            Methods = new IdentifiedElementsDictionary<MethodDescriptor>(this);
            Assemblies = new IdentifiedElementsDictionary<AssemblyDescriptor>(this);
            Modules = new IdentifiedElementsDictionary<ModuleDescriptor>(this);
            writer = new PrimitiveWriter(stream, useBuffering);
            if(referencePreservation == ReferencePreservation.Preserve)
                identifier = new ObjectIdentifier();
            touchTypeMethod = disableStamping ? (Func<Type, int>)TouchAndWriteTypeIdWithSimpleStamp : TouchAndWriteTypeIdWithFullStamp;
            objectsWrittenInline = new HashSet<int>();
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Antmicro.Migrant.Customization.Settings"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='serializationMethod'>
 /// Method used for serialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='deserializationMethod'>
 /// Method used for deserialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='versionTolerance'>
 /// Specifies the possible level of difference between class layout when it was serialized and in the
 /// moment of deserialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name = "treatCollectionAsUserObject">
 /// Specifies if collection objects are to be deserialized without optimization (treated as normal user objects).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name = "supportForISerializable">
 /// Specifies whether Migrant should use GetObjectData approach for serialization.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="useBuffering"> 
 /// True if buffering should be used, false if writes should directly go to the stream and reads should never read
 /// data in advance. Disabling buffering also disables padding.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="disableTypeStamping"> 
 /// Specifies if type stamping should be disabled in order to improve performance and limit output stream size.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="referencePreservation"> 
 /// Tells serializer how to treat references between sessions of open stream serialization.
 /// </param>
 public Settings With(Method? serializationMethod = null, Method? deserializationMethod = null, VersionToleranceLevel? versionTolerance = null,
                      bool? supportForISerializable = null, bool? treatCollectionAsUserObject = null, bool? useBuffering = null, bool? disableTypeStamping = null,
                      ReferencePreservation? referencePreservation = null)
     var result = new Settings {
         SerializationMethod = serializationMethod ?? SerializationMethod,
         DeserializationMethod = deserializationMethod ?? DeserializationMethod,
         VersionTolerance = versionTolerance ?? VersionTolerance,
         SupportForISerializable = supportForISerializable ?? SupportForISerializable,
         TreatCollectionAsUserObject = treatCollectionAsUserObject ?? TreatCollectionAsUserObject,
         UseBuffering = useBuffering ?? UseBuffering,
         DisableTypeStamping = disableTypeStamping ?? DisableTypeStamping,
         ReferencePreservation = referencePreservation ?? ReferencePreservation
     return result;
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Antmicro.Migrant.ObjectWriter" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='stream'>
 /// Stream to which data will be written.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='preSerializationCallback'>
 /// Callback which is called once on every unique object before its serialization. Contains this object in its only parameter.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='postSerializationCallback'>
 /// Callback which is called once on every unique object after its serialization. Contains this object in its only parameter.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='writeMethodCache'>
 /// Cache in which generated write methods are stored and reused between instances of <see cref="Antmicro.Migrant.ObjectWriter" />.
 /// Can be null if one does not want to use the cache. Note for the life of the cache you always have to provide the same
 /// <paramref name="surrogatesForObjects"/>.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='surrogatesForObjects'>
 /// Dictionary, containing callbacks that provide surrogate for given type. Callbacks have to be of type Func&lt;T, object&gt; where
 /// typeof(T) is given type. Note that the list always have to be in sync with <paramref name="writeMethodCache"/>.
 /// </param>			
 /// <param name='isGenerating'>
 /// True if write methods are to be generated, false if one wants to use reflection.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name = "treatCollectionAsUserObject">
 /// True if collection objects are to be serialized without optimization (treated as normal user objects).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="useBuffering"> 
 /// True if buffering is used. False if all writes should directly go to the stream and no padding should be used.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="referencePreservation"> 
 /// Tells serializer how to treat object identity between the calls to <see cref="Antmicro.Migrant.ObjectWriter.WriteObject" />.
 /// </param>
 public ObjectWriter(Stream stream, Action<object> preSerializationCallback = null, 
               Action<object> postSerializationCallback = null, IDictionary<Type, DynamicMethod> writeMethodCache = null,
               InheritanceAwareList<Delegate> surrogatesForObjects = null, bool isGenerating = true, bool treatCollectionAsUserObject = false,
               bool useBuffering = true, ReferencePreservation referencePreservation = ReferencePreservation.Preserve)
     if(surrogatesForObjects == null)
         surrogatesForObjects = new InheritanceAwareList<Delegate>();
     currentlyWrittenTypes = new Stack<Type>();
     transientTypeCache = new Dictionary<Type, bool>();
     writeMethods = new Dictionary<Type, Action<PrimitiveWriter, object>>();
     postSerializationHooks = new List<Action>();
     this.writeMethodCache = writeMethodCache;
     this.isGenerating = isGenerating;
     this.treatCollectionAsUserObject = treatCollectionAsUserObject;
     this.surrogatesForObjects = surrogatesForObjects;
     typeIndices = new Dictionary<TypeDescriptor, int>();
     methodIndices = new Dictionary<MethodInfo, int>();
     assemblyIndices = new Dictionary<AssemblyDescriptor, int>();
     this.preSerializationCallback = preSerializationCallback;
     this.postSerializationCallback = postSerializationCallback;
     writer = new PrimitiveWriter(stream, useBuffering);
     inlineWritten = new HashSet<int>();
     this.referencePreservation = referencePreservation;
     if(referencePreservation == ReferencePreservation.Preserve)
         identifier = new ObjectIdentifier();