public static List <DimensionUsage> GetDimensionUsage(Cube c)
            List <CubeDimension> listCubeDimensions = new List <CubeDimension>();

            foreach (CubeDimension cd in c.Dimensions)

            List <DimensionUsage> dimUsage = new List <DimensionUsage>();

            foreach (MeasureGroup mg in c.MeasureGroups)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write("mg " + mg.Name);
                foreach (MeasureGroupDimension mgdim in mg.Dimensions)
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(",mgdim " + mgdim.Dimension.Name);
                    if (mgdim is ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension)
                        ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension refMgDim = (ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension)mgdim;
                        getReferencedMeasureGroupAttributeUsage(dimUsage, mg, refMgDim);
                    else if (mgdim is DegenerateMeasureGroupDimension)
                        DegenerateMeasureGroupDimension degMgDim = (DegenerateMeasureGroupDimension)mgdim;
                        getFactMeasureGroupAttributeUsage(dimUsage, mg, degMgDim);
                    else if (mgdim is ManyToManyMeasureGroupDimension)
                        ManyToManyMeasureGroupDimension m2mMgDim = (ManyToManyMeasureGroupDimension)mgdim;
                        getManyToManyMeasureGroupAttributeUsage(dimUsage, mg, m2mMgDim);
                    else if (mgdim is DataMiningMeasureGroupDimension)
                        DataMiningMeasureGroupDimension dmMgDim = (DataMiningMeasureGroupDimension)mgdim;
                        getDataMiningMeasureGroupAttributeUsage(dimUsage, mg, dmMgDim);
                    else if (mgdim is RegularMeasureGroupDimension)
                        RegularMeasureGroupDimension regMDdim = (RegularMeasureGroupDimension)mgdim;
                        getRegularMeasureGroupAttributeUsage(dimUsage, mg, regMDdim);
                    if (listCubeDimensions.Contains(mgdim.CubeDimension))

            //add any cube dimensions which aren't related to any measure groups
            foreach (CubeDimension cd in listCubeDimensions)
                DimensionUsage du = new DimensionUsage(string.Empty, null, cd, cd.Dimension);

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add reference dim usage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="measureGroup"></param>
        /// <param name="referenceDimID"></param>
        /// <param name="referenceDimAttrID"></param>
        /// <param name="interDimID"></param>
        /// <param name="interDimAttrID"></param>
        internal static void ADD_DIM_USAGE_REFERENCE_RELATIONSHIP(
            MeasureGroup measureGroup,
            String referenceDimID,
            String referenceDimAttrID,
            String interDimID,
            String interDimAttrID)
            MeasureGroupDimension regDim = measureGroup.Dimensions.Find(referenceDimID);

            if (regDim != null)
            ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension regMgDim = new ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension();

            regMgDim.CubeDimensionID             = referenceDimID;
            regMgDim.IntermediateCubeDimensionID = interDimID;
            MeasureGroupAttribute mgAttr = regMgDim.Attributes.Add(referenceDimAttrID);

            mgAttr.Type = MeasureGroupAttributeType.Granularity;
            regMgDim.IntermediateGranularityAttributeID = interDimAttrID;
            regMgDim.Materialization = ReferenceDimensionMaterialization.Regular;
         * Referenced Col1 - Ref Dim Attrib Name
         *            Col2 - Intermediate Dim Name
         *            Col3 - Intermediate Dim Attib Name
         *            Col4 - Path
         *  ?? Materialized
        private static void getReferencedMeasureGroupAttributeUsage(List <DimensionUsage> dimUsage, MeasureGroup mg, ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension refMgDim)
            DimensionUsage usage   = new DimensionUsage("Referenced", mg, refMgDim.CubeDimension, refMgDim.Dimension);
            string         tableId = string.Empty;

            usage.Column1Name = "Reference Dimension Attribute";
            foreach (CubeAttribute a in refMgDim.CubeDimension.Attributes)
                if (a.Attribute.Usage == AttributeUsage.Key)
                    usage.Column1Value = a.Attribute.Name;
            usage.Column2Name  = "Intermediate Dimension";
            usage.Column2Value = refMgDim.IntermediateDimension.Name;

            usage.Column3Name  = "Intermediate Dimension Attribute";
            usage.Column3Value = refMgDim.IntermediateGranularityAttribute.Attribute.Name;

            // not currently exposed on the report due to space limitation
            // the string (Materialized) is added after the dim name instead.
            usage.Column4Name  = "Materialized";
            usage.Column4Value = refMgDim.Materialization.ToString();
            usage.Materialized = (refMgDim.Materialization == ReferenceDimensionMaterialization.Regular);

        private static List <DimensionUsage> RecurseTabularRelationships(Dimension dMG, MeasureGroup mgOuter, bool bIsBusMatrix)
            List <DimensionUsage> list = new List <DimensionUsage>();

            foreach (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Relationship relOuter in dMG.Relationships)
                bool               bFound  = false;
                MeasureGroup       mgFrom  = dMG.Parent.Cubes[0].MeasureGroups[relOuter.FromRelationshipEnd.DimensionID];
                DimensionAttribute daFrom  = dMG.Attributes[relOuter.FromRelationshipEnd.Attributes[0].AttributeID];
                Dimension          dTo     = dMG.Parent.Dimensions[relOuter.ToRelationshipEnd.DimensionID];
                DimensionAttribute daTo    = dTo.Attributes[relOuter.ToRelationshipEnd.Attributes[0].AttributeID];
                CubeDimension      dToCube = dMG.Parent.Cubes[0].Dimensions[relOuter.ToRelationshipEnd.DimensionID];
                foreach (MeasureGroupDimension mgdOuter in mgFrom.Dimensions)
                    ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension rmgdOuter = mgdOuter as ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension;
                    if (rmgdOuter != null && rmgdOuter.Materialization == ReferenceDimensionMaterialization.Regular && rmgdOuter.RelationshipID == relOuter.ID)
                        //active relationships have a materialized reference relationship
                        bFound = true;
                string sActiveFlag = "Active";
                if (!bFound)
                    sActiveFlag = "Inactive";
                    if (bIsBusMatrix)
                        continue;               //don't show inactive relationships in bus matrix view

                DimensionUsage usage = new DimensionUsage(sActiveFlag, mgOuter, dToCube, dTo);
                usage.Column1Name  = "Foreign Key Column";
                usage.Column1Value = daFrom.Name;
                usage.Column2Name  = "Primary Key Column";
                usage.Column2Value = daTo.Name;

                bool bFoundVisibleAttribute = false;
                foreach (DimensionAttribute da in dTo.Attributes)
                    if (da.AttributeHierarchyVisible)
                        bFoundVisibleAttribute = true;
                if (bFoundVisibleAttribute) //only if the To end has visible attributes should we show it as a dimension

                if (bIsBusMatrix)
                    //recurse if it's the bus matrix view
                    list.AddRange(RecurseTabularRelationships(dTo, mgOuter, bIsBusMatrix));

Exemple #5
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Hold the Calculated Member info here
        String cms = null;

        //Connection vars
        String ConnStr        = null;
        String OLAPServerName = null;
        String OLAPDB         = null;
        String OLAPCube       = null;
        bool   shallipause    = false; // do u want me to wait at the end of the run?
        bool   includeschema  = false; // shall i include the SQL Server schema names in the Schema XML syntax output?
        bool   boolM2M        = true;  // Include Many-to-many dimensions?
        bool   boolAll        = false; // Set to false by command-line switch to inlude Al member
        String schemaname     = null;

        // for testing ...

         * OLAPDB = "AdventureWorks";
         * OLAPCube = "Adventure Works";
         * OLAPServerName = "localhost";

        // process command line switches
            foreach (string arg in args)
                switch (arg.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper())
                case "/S":     //Server name REQUIRED
                    OLAPServerName = arg.Substring(2);

                case "/C":     //Cube Name REQUIRED
                    OLAPCube = arg.Substring(2);

                case "/D":     // source SSAS Database name where the cube is located REQUIRED
                    OLAPDB = arg.Substring(2);

                case "/M":     // include M:M dims OPTIONAL
                    boolM2M = true;

                case "/N":     // what do you want to call the resulting Mondrian schema? OPTIONAL
                    schemaname = arg.Substring(2);

                case "/P":     // do you want to pause at the end of the migration tool run? OPTIONAL
                    shallipause = true;

                case "/A":     // shall I include the SQL Server schema from the source DB? OPTIONAL
                    includeschema = true;

                case "/L":     // shall I include the All member? OPTIONAL
                    boolAll = true;

                case "/?":
                case "/H":
                case "/HELP":

        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Sorry, the command line is very simplistic for this small program and requires no spaces between switch and value.");

        // Set the output Mondrian schema name here
        if (schemaname == null)
            schemaname = OLAPDB;
        Server OLAPServer = new Server();

        ConnStr = "Provider=MSOLAP;Data Source=" + OLAPServerName + ";";

        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Problem connecting to SSAS");

        // For Virtual Cubes, keep track of dims, meas and cubes
        List <String> Cubes = new List <String>();
        Dictionary <String, List <String> > VCubeDims = new Dictionary <String, List <String> >();
        Dictionary <String, List <String> > VCubeMeas = new Dictionary <String, List <String> >();

        Console.WriteLine("<Schema name=\"" + schemaname + "\">");

        // Database
        foreach (Database OLAPDatabase in OLAPServer.Databases)
            if (OLAPDB == "" || OLAPDatabase.Name.ToString() == OLAPDB)
                // Cube
                foreach (Cube OLAPCubex in OLAPDatabase.Cubes)
                    if (OLAPCube == "" || OLAPCubex.Name == OLAPCube)
                        List <String> dnames            = new List <String>();
                        List <String> d2                = new List <String>();               // List of dimension names to be shared throughout XML
                        Dictionary <String, String> fks = new Dictionary <String, String>(); // List of FKs for dimensions
                        List <String> ignoredim         = new List <String>();
                        Hashtable     refdims           = new Hashtable();
                        Hashtable     specialFK         = new Hashtable();

                        // Check for incompatible dimension types
                        foreach (MeasureGroup OLAPMeasureGroup in OLAPCubex.MeasureGroups)
                            foreach (MeasureGroupDimension mgdim in OLAPMeasureGroup.Dimensions)
                                // If this is a reference dim, we'll need to store the snowflake joins
                                if (mgdim is ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension)
                                    ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension refdim = (ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension)mgdim;
                                        refdims.Add(mgdim.Dimension.Name, refdim.CubeDimension.Dimension.KeyAttribute.KeyColumns[0].ToString());
                                        refdims.Add(mgdim.Dimension.Name + "XX", refdim.IntermediateGranularityAttribute.Attribute.KeyColumns[0].ToString());
                                        string [] temps = splitField(refdim.IntermediateCubeDimension.Dimension.KeyAttribute.KeyColumns[0].ToString());
                                        // Need to add special FK to satisfy Mondrian Snowflake schema
                                        specialFK.Add(mgdim.Dimension.Name, temps[1]);
                                    catch (Exception e) { };

                                if (boolM2M && mgdim is ManyToManyMeasureGroupDimension)
                                if (mgdim is DataMiningMeasureGroupDimension)

                        foreach (CubeDimension OLAPDimension in OLAPCubex.Dimensions)
                            // Set this to set table name = a for snowflake
                            bool   boolSnow   = false;
                            string snowstring = " ";

                            // Check to see if we should skip this dim
                            if (ignoredim.Contains(OLAPDimension.Name))

                            // We can't handle composite keys in Mondrian, so I'm just taking the first key column
                            string[] myspl = splitField(OLAPDimension.Attributes[0].Attribute.KeyColumns[0].ToString());

                            // Mondrian only has 2 types of Dimensions: StandardDimension and TimeDimension
                            String dimtype = "StandardDimension";
                            if (OLAPDimension.Dimension.Type.ToString().Equals("Time"))
                                dimtype = "TimeDimension";

                            String dname = "visible=\"" + OLAPDimension.Visible + "\" type=\"" + dimtype + "\" highCardinality=\"false\" name=\"" + OLAPDimension.Name + "\">";

                            // if not already set, set the foreign key for this Dimension
                            string fstring = myspl[1];
                            if (specialFK.ContainsKey(OLAPDimension.Name))
                                fstring = specialFK[OLAPDimension.Name].ToString();

                            fks.Add(dname, fstring);

                            Console.WriteLine("<Dimension " + dname);

                            // if this is a reference dim, then we need to build the JOIN syntax
                            if (refdims.ContainsKey(OLAPDimension.Name.ToString()))
                                boolSnow = true;
                                string[] ms = splitField(refdims[OLAPDimension.Name].ToString());
                                string[] ks = splitField(refdims[OLAPDimension.Name + "XX"].ToString());

                                // Turn attributes into default hierarchy
                                Console.WriteLine("<Hierarchy name=\"Default\" visible=\"true\" hasAll=\"true\" primaryKey=\"" + specialFK[OLAPDimension.Name].ToString() + "\" primaryKeyTable=\"a\">");
                                Console.WriteLine("<Join leftAlias=\"a\" leftKey=\"" + ks[1] + "\" rightAlias=\"b\" rightKey=\"" + ms[1] + "\">");

                                if (includeschema)
                                    Console.WriteLine("<Table name=\"" + myspl[0] + "\" schema=\"" + sschema + "\" alias=\"a\"></Table>");
                                    Console.WriteLine("<Table name=\"" + ks[0] + "\" schema=\"" + sschema + "\" alias=\"b\"></Table>");
                                    Console.WriteLine("<Table name=\"" + myspl[0] + "\" alias=\"a\"></Table>");
                                    Console.WriteLine("<Table name=\"" + ks[0] + "\" alias=\"b\"></Table>");

                            else // if not a snowflake ...
                                // Turn attributes into default hierarchy
                                Console.WriteLine("<Hierarchy name=\"Default\" visible=\"true\" hasAll=\"true\" primaryKey=\"" + myspl[1] + "\">");

                                if (includeschema)
                                    Console.WriteLine("<Table name=\"" + myspl[0] + "\" schema=\"" + sschema + "\"></Table>");
                                    Console.WriteLine("<Table name=\"" + myspl[0] + "\"></Table>");

                            foreach (CubeAttribute OLAPDimAttribute in OLAPDimension.Attributes)
                                String    mystring = OLAPDimAttribute.Attribute.KeyColumns[0].ToString();
                                string [] mysplit  = mystring.Split('.');

                                String   ss1             = convertDataType(OLAPDimAttribute.Attribute.KeyColumns[0].DataType.ToString());
                                string[] splitNameColumn = OLAPDimAttribute.Attribute.NameColumn.ToString().Split('.');

                                String ss2 = "Regular";
                                // Convert SSAS DimType to Mondrian LevelType, but ONLY if it is a TimeDim
                                if (OLAPDimension.Dimension.Type.ToString().Equals("Time"))
                                    ss2 = convertLevelType(OLAPDimAttribute.Attribute.Type.ToString());

                                if (boolSnow)
                                    snowstring = " table=\"b\" ";

                                Console.WriteLine("<Level name=\"" + OLAPDimAttribute.Attribute.Name + "\" visible=\"" + OLAPDimAttribute.AttributeHierarchyVisible +
                                                  "\"" + snowstring + " column=\"" + mysplit[1] + "\" type=\"" + ss1 +
                                                  "\" levelType=\"" + ss2 + "\" hideMemberIf=\"Never\">");

                            //Dimension Hierarchy
                            foreach (CubeHierarchy OLAPDimHierarchy in OLAPDimension.Hierarchies)
                                string [] mysplit   = splitField(OLAPDimHierarchy.Hierarchy.Levels[0].SourceAttribute.KeyColumns[0].ToString());
                                string    allmember = null;
                                if (boolAll)
                                    allmember = "allMemberName=\"" + OLAPDimHierarchy.Hierarchy.AllMemberName + "\"";

                                // check for snowflake
                                if (boolSnow)
                                    Console.WriteLine("<Hierarchy name=\"" + OLAPDimHierarchy.Hierarchy.Name + "\" visible=\"" + OLAPDimHierarchy.Visible +
                                                      "\" hasAll=\"true\" " + allmember + " primaryKey=\"" + specialFK[OLAPDimension.Name].ToString() + "\" primaryKeyTable=\"a\">");

                                    string[] ms = splitField(refdims[OLAPDimension.Name].ToString());
                                    string[] ks = splitField(refdims[OLAPDimension.Name + "XX"].ToString());

                                    Console.WriteLine("<Join leftAlias=\"a\" leftKey=\"" + ks[1] + "\" rightAlias=\"b\" rightKey=\"" + ms[1] + "\">");

                                    if (includeschema)
                                        Console.WriteLine("<Table name=\"" + myspl[0] + "\" schema=\"" + sschema + "\" alias=\"a\"></Table>");
                                        Console.WriteLine("<Table name=\"" + ks[0] + "\" schema=\"" + sschema + "\" alias=\"b\"></Table>");
                                        Console.WriteLine("<Table name=\"" + myspl[0] + "\" alias=\"a\"></Table>");
                                        Console.WriteLine("<Table name=\"" + ks[0] + "\" alias=\"b\"></Table>");

                                else //else not a snowflake join
                                    Console.WriteLine("<Hierarchy name=\"" + OLAPDimHierarchy.Hierarchy.Name + "\" visible=\"" + OLAPDimHierarchy.Visible +
                                                      "\" hasAll=\"true\" " + allmember + " primaryKey=\"" + mysplit[1] + "\">");

                                    if (includeschema)
                                        Console.WriteLine("<Table name=\"" + mysplit[0] + "\" schema=\"" + sschema + "\"></Table>");
                                        Console.WriteLine("<Table name=\"" + mysplit[0] + "\"></Table>");

                                foreach (Level OLAPDimHierachyLevel in OLAPDimHierarchy.Hierarchy.Levels)
                                    string[] ksplit = splitField(OLAPDimHierachyLevel.SourceAttribute.KeyColumns[0].ToString());

                                    String leveltype = "Regular";
                                    // Convert SSAS DimType to Mondrian LevelType, but ONLY if it is a TimeDim
                                    if (OLAPDimension.Dimension.Type.ToString().Equals("Time"))
                                        leveltype = convertLevelType(OLAPDimHierachyLevel.SourceAttribute.Type.ToString());

                                    string dt1 = convertDataType(OLAPDimHierachyLevel.SourceAttribute.KeyColumns[0].DataType.ToString());

                                    Console.WriteLine("<Level name=\"" + OLAPDimHierachyLevel.Name + "\" visible=\"" + OLAPDimHierarchy.Visible + "\" " + snowstring + " column=\"" +
                                                      ksplit[1] + "\" type=\"" + dt1 + "\" levelType=\"" + leveltype + "\" hideMemberIf=\"Never\">");
                        } // NEXT OLAPDimension

                        //Measure Group
                        int i2 = 0;

                        foreach (MeasureGroup OLAPMeasureGroup in OLAPCubex.MeasureGroups)
                            string[] mysplit = splitField(OLAPMeasureGroup.Measures[0].Source.Source.ToString());
                            Cubes.Add(OLAPMeasureGroup.Name); // for VCube
                            Console.WriteLine("<Cube name=\"" + OLAPMeasureGroup.Name + "\" visible=\"true\" cache=\"true\" enabled=\"true\">");

                            if (includeschema)
                                if (OLAPMeasureGroup.Measures[0].Source.Source.ToString().Contains("_"))
                                    sschema = ((ColumnBinding)OLAPMeasureGroup.Measures[0].Source.Source).TableID.Split('_')[0];
                                Console.WriteLine("<Table name=\"" + mysplit[0] + "\" schema=\"" + sschema + "\"></Table>");
                                Console.WriteLine("<Table name=\"" + mysplit[0] + "\"></Table>");

                            int ii = 0;
                            foreach (String d in dnames)
                                Console.WriteLine("<DimensionUsage source=\"" + d2[ii] + "\" foreignKey=\"" + fks[d] + "\" " + d + "</DimensionUsage>");
                                if (!VCubeDims.ContainsKey(OLAPMeasureGroup.Name))
                                    List <String> t = new List <String> {
                                    VCubeDims.Add(OLAPMeasureGroup.Name, t);
                            // Measures
                            int i3 = 0;
                            //cms = null;
                            foreach (Measure OLAPMeasure in OLAPMeasureGroup.Measures)
                                String mtl = OLAPMeasure.AggregateFunction.ToString();
                                if (mtl != null)
                                    mtl = mtl.ToLower();

                                // Convert the aggregation types
                                switch (mtl)
                                case "distinctcount":
                                    mtl = "distinct count";

                                case "none":
                                case "byaccount":
                                    mtl = "sum";

                                case "averageofchildren":
                                    mtl = "avg";

                                case "lastnonempty":
                                    mtl = "sum";

                                string[] mn = splitField(OLAPMeasure.Source.Source.ToString());

                                bool   isl      = false;
                                String omeasure = null;

                                // Check to see if there is a measure expression in the measure definition
                                // If so, we can make it a calculate measure
                                try {
                                    omeasure = OLAPMeasure.MeasureExpression;
                                    if (omeasure.Length > 0)
                                        isl = true;
                                catch (Exception e) {}

                                if (isl)
                                    // This measure has a measure expression, so let's add it to the string of calculated measures (cms)
                                    cms += "<CalculatedMember name=\"" + OLAPMeasure.Name + "\" dimension=\"Measures\" visible=\"" + OLAPMeasure.Visible + "\">" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                           "  <Formula>    <![CDATA[" + omeasure + "]]> </Formula>" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                           "  <CalculatedMemberProperty name=\"FORMAT_STRING\" value=\"" + OLAPMeasure.FormatString + "\">  </CalculatedMemberProperty>" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                           "</CalculatedMember>" + System.Environment.NewLine;
                                if (mn.Count() > 1)
                                    // This measure does not have an expression, so just spit out the measure def without making it a calculated measure
                                    Console.WriteLine("<Measure name=\"" + OLAPMeasure.Name + "\" column=\"" + mn[1] + "\" formatString=\"" + OLAPMeasure.FormatString + "\" aggregator=\"" + mtl + "\">");
                                    if (!VCubeMeas.ContainsKey(OLAPMeasureGroup.Name))
                                        List <String> t = new List <String> {
                                        VCubeMeas.Add(OLAPMeasureGroup.Name, t);


                            // Output the Calculated Members for Measures here
                            if (cms != null)

                        } // MeasureGroups
                    }     // Cube

        // Wrap it into a single Virtual Cube
        Console.WriteLine("<VirtualCube enabled=\"true\" name=\"" + schemaname + "\">");

        // Iterate through cubes for the purposes of outputing the virtual cube(s)
        foreach (String cube in Cubes)
                foreach (String vcd in VCubeDims[cube])
                    Console.WriteLine("<VirtualCubeDimension cubeName=\"" + cube + "\" name=\"" + vcd + "\"></VirtualCubeDimension>");
            catch (Exception e) { };

        foreach (String cube in Cubes)
                foreach (String vcm in VCubeMeas[cube])
                    Console.WriteLine("<VirtualCubeMeasure cubeName=\"" + cube + "\" name=\"[Measures].[" + vcm + "]\" visible=\"true\"></VirtualCubeMeasure>");
            catch (Exception e) { };

        if (cms != null)
        if (shallipause)
        * Referenced Col1 - Ref Dim Attrib Name
        *            Col2 - Intermediate Dim Name
        *            Col3 - Intermediate Dim Attib Name
        *            Col4 - Path 
         *  ?? Materialized
        private static void getReferencedMeasureGroupAttributeUsage(List<DimensionUsage> dimUsage, MeasureGroup mg, ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension refMgDim)
            DimensionUsage usage = new DimensionUsage("Referenced",mg, refMgDim.CubeDimension, refMgDim.Dimension);
            string tableId = string.Empty;

            usage.Column1Name = "Reference Dimension Attribute";
            foreach (CubeAttribute a in refMgDim.CubeDimension.Attributes)
                if (a.Attribute.Usage == AttributeUsage.Key)
                    usage.Column1Value = a.Attribute.Name;
            usage.Column2Name = "Intermediate Dimension";
            usage.Column2Value = refMgDim.IntermediateDimension.Name;

            usage.Column3Name = "Intermediate Dimension Attribute";
            usage.Column3Value = refMgDim.IntermediateGranularityAttribute.Attribute.Name;

            // not currently exposed on the report due to space limitation
            // the string (Materialized) is added after the dim name instead.
            usage.Column4Name = "Materialized";
            usage.Column4Value = refMgDim.Materialization.ToString();
            usage.Materialized = (refMgDim.Materialization == ReferenceDimensionMaterialization.Regular);

        private static List <AggValidationWarning> CheckAggDesign(AggregationDesign aggDesign, string sCorrectAggregationDesignName, string sReportTitle)
            List <AggValidationWarning> masterWarnings = new List <AggValidationWarning>();

            //check for m2m agg problems
            foreach (Aggregation agg in aggDesign.Aggregations)
                foreach (AggregationDimension aggDim in agg.Dimensions)
                    if (aggDim.Attributes.Count > 0 && aggDim.MeasureGroupDimension is ManyToManyMeasureGroupDimension)
                        ManyToManyMeasureGroupDimension m2mDim = (ManyToManyMeasureGroupDimension)aggDim.MeasureGroupDimension;
                        MeasureGroup intermediateMG            = m2mDim.MeasureGroup;
                        List <MeasureGroupAttribute> missing   = new List <MeasureGroupAttribute>();
                        foreach (MeasureGroupDimension commonDim in intermediateMG.Dimensions)
                            RegularMeasureGroupDimension regCommonDim = commonDim as RegularMeasureGroupDimension;
                            if (commonDim.CubeDimensionID != aggDim.CubeDimensionID || regCommonDim == null)
                                if (!aggDim.ParentMeasureGroup.Dimensions.Contains(commonDim.CubeDimensionID))
                                    continue;                                                                            //this isn't a shared dimension
                                MeasureGroupDimension dataMeasureGroupDim = aggDim.ParentMeasureGroup.Dimensions[commonDim.CubeDimensionID];
                                if (dataMeasureGroupDim is ManyToManyMeasureGroupDimension)
                                    continue;                                                         //this shared dimension is m2m on the data measure group so don't include it
                                //this is a common dimension and the granularity attribute on the intermediate measure group needs to be in the agg
                                bool bFoundGranularityAgg          = false;
                                MeasureGroupAttribute mga          = GetGranularityAttribute(regCommonDim);
                                AggregationDimension  aggCommonDim = agg.Dimensions.Find(commonDim.CubeDimensionID);
                                if (aggCommonDim != null)
                                    if (aggCommonDim.Attributes.Find(mga.AttributeID) != null)
                                        bFoundGranularityAgg = true;
                                if (!bFoundGranularityAgg && mga != null)
                        string sWarning = "This aggregation contains many-to-many dimension [" + m2mDim.CubeDimension.Name + "]. It will not be used unless it also contains ";
                        for (int i = 0; i < missing.Count; i++)
                            MeasureGroupAttribute mga = missing[i];
                            if (i > 0)
                                sWarning += " and ";
                            sWarning += "[" + mga.Parent.CubeDimension.Name + "].[" + mga.Attribute.Name + "]";

                        if (missing.Count == 0)
                            sWarning = "";
                            sWarning += ". ";
                        sWarning += "The many-to-many dimension [" + m2mDim.CubeDimension.Name + "] itself should not be included in the aggregation to workaround a bug.";

                        masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));

            //check for non-materialized reference dimensions
            foreach (Aggregation agg in aggDesign.Aggregations)
                foreach (AggregationDimension aggDim in agg.Dimensions)
                    if (aggDim.Attributes.Count > 0 && aggDim.MeasureGroupDimension is ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension)
                        ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension refDim = (ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension)aggDim.MeasureGroupDimension;
                        if (refDim.Materialization == ReferenceDimensionMaterialization.Indirect)
                            string sWarning = "This aggregation contains a non-materialized reference dimension [" + refDim.CubeDimension.Name + "] which is not supported.";
                            masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));

            //check whether all measures are semi-additive
            bool bAllMeasuresAreSemiAdditive = true;

            foreach (Measure m in aggDesign.Parent.Measures)
                if (m.AggregateFunction == AggregationFunction.Count || m.AggregateFunction == AggregationFunction.DistinctCount || m.AggregateFunction == AggregationFunction.Sum || m.AggregateFunction == AggregationFunction.Min || m.AggregateFunction == AggregationFunction.Max || m.AggregateFunction == AggregationFunction.None)
                    bAllMeasuresAreSemiAdditive = false;
                else if (m.AggregateFunction == AggregationFunction.ByAccount)
                    //if it's a ByAccount measure, we need to check the list of AggregationFunctions on each account
                    foreach (Account acct in aggDesign.ParentDatabase.Accounts)
                        if (acct.AggregationFunction == AggregationFunction.Sum) //Sum is the only additive AggregationFunction allowed in account intelligence
                            bAllMeasuresAreSemiAdditive = false;

            //if all measures are semi-additive, find the Time dimension the semi-additive behavior operates on (which we think is the first Time dimension)
            if (bAllMeasuresAreSemiAdditive)
                CubeDimension         semiAdditiveDim   = null;
                MeasureGroupDimension semiAdditiveMgDim = null;
                foreach (CubeDimension cd in aggDesign.ParentCube.Dimensions)
                    MeasureGroupDimension mgd = aggDesign.Parent.Dimensions.Find(cd.ID);
                    if (mgd != null && mgd.Dimension.Type == DimensionType.Time)
                        semiAdditiveDim   = mgd.CubeDimension;
                        semiAdditiveMgDim = mgd;

                if (semiAdditiveDim == null || semiAdditiveMgDim == null || !(semiAdditiveMgDim is RegularMeasureGroupDimension))
                    //TODO: should we warn about this?
                    foreach (Aggregation agg in aggDesign.Aggregations)
                        AggregationDimension  semiAdditiveAggDim = agg.Dimensions.Find(semiAdditiveDim.ID);
                        MeasureGroupAttribute granularity        = GetGranularityAttribute((RegularMeasureGroupDimension)semiAdditiveMgDim);
                        if (semiAdditiveAggDim == null || semiAdditiveAggDim.Attributes.Find(granularity.AttributeID) == null)
                            string sWarning = "This measure group contains only semi-additive measures. This aggregation will not be used when semi-additive measure values are retrieved because it does not include the granularity attribute of the semi-additive dimension ([" + semiAdditiveDim.Name + "].[" + granularity.Attribute.Name + "]). (The Exists-with-a-measure-group function can still run off this aggregation, though.)";
                            masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));

            //check for aggs on parent-child attributes
            foreach (Aggregation agg in aggDesign.Aggregations)
                foreach (AggregationDimension aggDim in agg.Dimensions)
                    foreach (AggregationAttribute attr in aggDim.Attributes)
                        if (attr.Attribute.Usage == AttributeUsage.Parent)
                            string sWarning = "This aggregation contains [" + aggDim.CubeDimension.Name + "].[" + attr.Attribute.Name + "] which is a parent-child attribute. This is not allowed. The aggregation should include [" + aggDim.CubeDimension.Name + "].[" + aggDim.Dimension.KeyAttribute.Name + "] instead.";
                            masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));

            //check for aggs on AttributeHierarchyEnabled=false attributes
            foreach (Aggregation agg in aggDesign.Aggregations)
                foreach (AggregationDimension aggDim in agg.Dimensions)
                    foreach (AggregationAttribute attr in aggDim.Attributes)
                        if (!attr.CubeAttribute.AttributeHierarchyEnabled)
                            string sWarning = "This aggregation contains [" + aggDim.CubeDimension.Name + "].[" + attr.Attribute.Name + "] which is not enabled as an attribute hierarchy. This is not allowed.";
                            masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));

            //find a list of ALTER statements that alter the DEFAULT_MEMBER property in the calc script
            List <string> attributesWithDefaultMemberAlteredInCalcScript = new List <string>();

            System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regEx = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"ALTER\s+CUBE\s+(CURRENTCUBE|\[?" + aggDesign.ParentCube.Name + @"\]?)\s+UPDATE\s+DIMENSION\s+(.+?)\s*\,\s*DEFAULT_MEMBER\s+", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline);
            foreach (MdxScript script in aggDesign.ParentCube.MdxScripts)
                if (script.DefaultScript)
                    StringBuilder sCommands = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (Command cmd in script.Commands)
                    foreach (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match in regEx.Matches(sCommands.ToString()))
                        catch { }

            //build list of cube dimension attributes that have default members, are not aggregatable, or are marked as AggregationUsage=Full
            foreach (MeasureGroupDimension mgDim in aggDesign.Parent.Dimensions)
                if (mgDim is ManyToManyMeasureGroupDimension)
                    continue;                                           //don't suggest adding any m2m dimensions
                CubeDimension cd = mgDim.CubeDimension;
                foreach (CubeAttribute ca in cd.Attributes)
                    if (!ca.AttributeHierarchyEnabled)
                    if (!IsAtOrAboveGranularity(ca.Attribute, mgDim))

                    foreach (Aggregation agg in aggDesign.Aggregations)
                        AggregationDimension aggDim = agg.Dimensions.Find(cd.ID);
                        if (ca.Attribute.Usage == AttributeUsage.Parent)
                            if (!(mgDim is RegularMeasureGroupDimension))
                            if (!IsAtOrAboveGranularity(cd.Dimension.KeyAttribute, mgDim))

                            //if this is a parent-child attribute and the key isn't in the agg, then check whether the parent-child attribute has a DefaultMember or is aggregatable
                            if (aggDim == null || aggDim.Attributes.Find(cd.Dimension.KeyAttribute.ID) == null)
                                string sWarning = "";
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ca.Attribute.DefaultMember) || attributesWithDefaultMemberAlteredInCalcScript.Contains(((string)("[" + cd.Name + "].[" + ca.Attribute.Name + "]")).ToLower()))
                                    sWarning += "has a DefaultMember";

                                if (!ca.Attribute.IsAggregatable)
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sWarning))
                                        sWarning += " and ";
                                    sWarning += "is not aggregatable";

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sWarning))
                                    sWarning = "This aggregation should probably contain [" + cd.Name + "].[" + cd.Dimension.KeyAttribute.Name + "] because [" + cd.Name + "].[" + ca.Attribute.Name + "] is a parent-child attribute which " + sWarning + ".";
                                    masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));
                        //for non-parent-child attributes...
                        else if (aggDim == null || aggDim.Attributes.Find(ca.AttributeID) == null)
                            string sWarning = "";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ca.Attribute.DefaultMember) || attributesWithDefaultMemberAlteredInCalcScript.Contains(((string)("[" + cd.Name + "].[" + ca.Attribute.Name + "]")).ToLower()))
                                sWarning += "has a DefaultMember";

                            if (!ca.Attribute.IsAggregatable)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sWarning))
                                    sWarning += " and ";
                                sWarning += "is not aggregatable";

                            if (ca.AggregationUsage == AggregationUsage.Full)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sWarning))
                                    sWarning += " and ";
                                sWarning += "is marked as AggregationUsage=Full";

                            if (aggDim != null && AggContainsChild(aggDim, ca.Attribute))
                                continue;                                                           //if this attribute is redundant, then no need to warn about it
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sWarning))
                                sWarning = "This aggregation should probably contain [" + cd.Name + "].[" + ca.Attribute.Name + "] which " + sWarning + ".";
                                masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));

            //look for aggs with redundant attributes
            foreach (Aggregation agg in aggDesign.Aggregations)
                bool bHasRedundancy = false;
                foreach (AggregationDimension aggDim in agg.Dimensions)
                    foreach (AggregationAttribute attr in aggDim.Attributes)
                        if (AggContainsParent(aggDim, attr.Attribute))
                            bHasRedundancy = true;
                    if (bHasRedundancy)
                if (bHasRedundancy)
                    string sWarning = "This aggregation contains redundant attributes which unnecessarily bloat the size of the aggregation.";
                    masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));

            //check for aggs on below granularity attributes
            foreach (Aggregation agg in aggDesign.Aggregations)
                foreach (AggregationDimension aggDim in agg.Dimensions)
                    foreach (AggregationAttribute attr in aggDim.Attributes)
                        if (!IsAtOrAboveGranularity(attr.Attribute, aggDim.MeasureGroupDimension))
                            string sWarning = "This aggregation contains [" + aggDim.CubeDimension.Name + "].[" + attr.Attribute.Name + "] which is below granularity. This is not allowed.";
                            masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));
