/// <summary>Write the given ref update to the ref's log</summary> /// <param name="update"></param> /// <param name="msg"></param> /// <param name="deref"></param> /// <returns>this writer</returns> /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">System.IO.IOException</exception> public virtual NGit.Storage.File.ReflogWriter Log(RefUpdate update, string msg, bool deref) { ObjectId oldId = update.GetOldObjectId(); ObjectId newId = update.GetNewObjectId(); Ref @ref = update.GetRef(); PersonIdent ident = update.GetRefLogIdent(); if (ident == null) { ident = new PersonIdent(parent); } else { ident = new PersonIdent(ident); } byte[] rec = Encode(oldId, newId, ident, msg); if (deref && @ref.IsSymbolic()) { Log(@ref.GetName(), rec); Log(@ref.GetLeaf().GetName(), rec); } else { Log(@ref.GetName(), rec); } return(this); }