public RedisCacheService()
     conf = new RedisEndpoint {
         Host = "localhost", Port = 6379, Password = "", RetryTimeout = 1000
     //conf = new RedisEndpoint { Host = _devnotConfig.Value.RedisEndPoint, Port = _devnotConfig.Value.RedisPort, Password = "" };
Exemple #2
        public void Does_set_all_properties_on_Client_using_ClientsManagers()
            var connStr =
            var expected = new RedisEndpoint {
                Host            = "host",
                Port            = 1,
                Ssl             = true,
                Client          = "nunit",
                Password        = "******",
                Db              = 0,
                ConnectTimeout  = 2,
                SendTimeout     = 3,
                ReceiveTimeout  = 4,
                IdleTimeoutSecs = 5,
                NamespacePrefix = "prefix."

            using (var pooledManager = new RedisManagerPool(connStr)) {
                AssertClientManager(pooledManager, expected);

            using (var pooledManager = new PooledRedisClientManager(connStr)) {
                AssertClientManager(pooledManager, expected);

            using (var basicManager = new BasicRedisClientManager(connStr)) {
                AssertClientManager(basicManager, expected);
        public RedisCacheHelper()
            var host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["redisCacheHost"];
            var port = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["redisCachePort"]);

            _redisEndpoint = new RedisEndpoint(host, port);
 public RedisCacheRepository(IConfiguration configuration)
     _configuration      = configuration;
     _redisConfiguration = new RedisEndpoint()
         Host = _configuration["RedisConfig:Host"], Password = _configuration["RedisConfig:Password"], Port = Convert.ToInt32(_configuration["RedisConfig:Port"]), Ssl = Convert.ToBoolean(_configuration["RedisConfig:Ssl"])
Exemple #5
        public Form1()

            host          = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("host");
            port          = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("port"));
            redisEndpoint = new RedisEndpoint(host, port);
Exemple #6
        public void Can_use_password_with_equals()
            var connString = ""******"p@55w0rd=");

            var config = RedisEndpoint.Create(connString);

            Assert.That(config.Password, Is.EqualTo("p@55w0rd="));
 public RedisCacheService(IConfiguration configuration)
     _configuration      = configuration;
     _redisConfiguration = new RedisEndpoint()
         Host = _configuration["RedisConfig:Host"], Password = _configuration["RedisConfig:Password"], Port = _configuration["RedisConfig:Port"].ToInt()
 public RedisCacheService(IOptions <DevnotConfig> devnotConfig)
     _devnotConfig = devnotConfig;
     conf          = new RedisEndpoint {
         Host = _devnotConfig.Value.RedisEndPoint, Port = _devnotConfig.Value.RedisPort, Password = "", RetryTimeout = 1000
     //conf = new RedisEndpoint { Host = _devnotConfig.Value.RedisEndPoint, Port = _devnotConfig.Value.RedisPort, Password = "" };
Exemple #9
        public RedisEndpoint ToRedisEndpoint()
            RedisEndpoint endpoint = new RedisEndpoint();

            endpoint.Host = Host;
            endpoint.Port = Port;
            endpoint.Db   = DbNumber;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the redis client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns Interface of Redis Client</returns>
        private IRedisClient GetRedisClient()
            var redisEndpoint = new RedisEndpoint(, this.port);

            var redisClient = this.redisClientFactory.CreateRedisClient(redisEndpoint);

            redisClient.Db = this.db;

        public RedisCacheService()
            _config = new RedisConfig
                Host       = Shell.GetConfigAs <string>("RedisConfig:Host"),
                Port       = Shell.GetConfigAs <int>("RedisConfig:Port"),
                DatabaseId = GetDatabaseId()

            _endPoint = new RedisEndpoint(_config.Host, _config.Port, null, _config.DatabaseId);
Exemple #12
 public RedisService(IOptions <RedisConfigModel> redisConfig)
     _redisConfig = redisConfig;
     if (_redisConfig != null)
         conf = new RedisEndpoint {
             Host = _redisConfig.Value.RedisEndPoint, Port = _redisConfig.Value.RedisPort, Password = "", RetryTimeout = 1000
        public RedisCacheProvider(string connect)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(connect))
                var hostAndPort = connect.Split(':');
                host = hostAndPort[0];
                port = hostAndPort[1];

            _endPoint = new RedisEndpoint(host, Convert.ToInt32(port));
Exemple #14
        private static void AssertClientManager(IRedisClientsManager redisManager, RedisEndpoint expected)
            using var readWrite          = (RedisClient)redisManager.GetClient();
            using var readOnly           = (RedisClient)redisManager.GetReadOnlyClient();
            using var cacheClientWrapper = (RedisClientManagerCacheClient)redisManager.GetCacheClient();
            AssertClient(readWrite, expected);
            AssertClient(readOnly, expected);

            using var cacheClient = (RedisClient)cacheClientWrapper.GetClient();
            AssertClient(cacheClient, expected);
Exemple #15
        public void UpdateItem(Item item)
            var conf = new RedisEndpoint()
                Host = "", Password = "******", Ssl = true, Port = 6380

            using (IRedisClient client = new RedisClient(conf))
                IRedisTypedClient <Item> itemClient = client.As <Item>();
                IRedisList <Item>        itemList   = itemClient.Lists["urn:item:" + item.ProductID];

                var index = itemList.Select((Value, Index) => new { Value, Index })
                            .Single(p => p.Value.Id == item.Id).Index;

                var toUpdateItem = itemList.First(x => x.Id == item.Id);

                //var index = itemList.IndexOf(toUpdateItem);

                toUpdateItem.Name  = item.Name;
                toUpdateItem.Price = item.Price;

                if (itemList.Count - 1 < index)
                    itemList.Insert(index, toUpdateItem);

                client.RemoveItemFromSortedSet("urn:Rank", item.Name);
                client.AddItemToSortedSet("urn:Rank", item.Name, item.Price);

                //Publis top 5 Ranked Items
                IDictionary <string, double> Data = client.GetRangeWithScoresFromSortedSet("urn:Rank", 0, 4);
                List <Item> RankList = new List <Item>();
                int         counter  = 0;
                foreach (var itm in Data)
                    RankList.Add(new Item()
                        Name = itm.Key, Price = (int)itm.Value, Id = counter

                var itemJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(RankList);
                client.PublishMessage("Rank", itemJson);
Exemple #16
        public void Can_Parse_Host()
            var hosts     = new[] { "[email protected]:6123" };
            var endPoints = RedisEndpoint.Create(hosts);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, endPoints.Count);
            var ep = endPoints[0];

            Assert.AreEqual("", ep.Host);
            Assert.AreEqual(6123, ep.Port);
            Assert.AreEqual("pass", ep.Password);
Exemple #17
        public void Host_May_Contain_AtChar()
            var hosts     = new[] { "@pa1@ss@localhost:6123" };
            var endPoints = RedisEndpoint.Create(hosts);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, endPoints.Count);
            var ep = endPoints[0];

            Assert.AreEqual("@pa1@ss", ep.Password);
            Assert.AreEqual("localhost", ep.Host);
            Assert.AreEqual(6123, ep.Port);
Exemple #18
        public ActionResult Counter()
            var           host          = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["host"].ToString();
            var           port          = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["port"]);
            RedisEndpoint redisEndpoint = new RedisEndpoint(host, port);

            using (var client = new RedisClient(redisEndpoint))
                ViewBag.Visit = client.Increment("Website_Counter", 1);

Exemple #19
        public RedisCacheManager()
            var configuration = (IConfiguration)ServiceTool.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(IConfiguration));

            var redisConnectionInfo = configuration.GetValue <string>("RedisHostInformation").Split(':');

            if (redisConnectionInfo.Length != 2 || int.TryParse(redisConnectionInfo[1], out var port) == false || port == 0)
                throw new NullReferenceException();

            _redisEndpoint = new RedisEndpoint(redisConnectionInfo[0], port);
Exemple #20
        public JsonResult GetProducts()
            var conf = new RedisEndpoint()
                Host = "", Password = "******", Ssl = true, Port = 6380

            using (IRedisClient client = new RedisClient(conf))
                var productClient = client.As <Product>();
                var products      = productClient.GetAll();
                return(Json(products, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var conf = new RedisEndpoint()
                Host = "", Port = 6379

            Console.WriteLine("Services Start...");
            using (IRedisClient client = new RedisClient(conf))
                IRedisSubscription sub = null;
                using (sub = client.CreateSubscription())
                    sub.OnMessage += (channel, news) =>
                            News _news = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <News>(news);

                            //Güncellenecek 1. Redis Server'ı
                            var conf2 = new RedisEndpoint()
                                Host = "", Port = 6379
                            using (IRedisClient clientServer = new RedisClient(conf2))
                                clientServer.Set <News>("RedisNews", _news);

                            //Güncellenecek 2. Redis Server'ı
                            var conf3 = new RedisEndpoint()
                                Host = "", Port = 6379
                            using (IRedisClient clientServer2 = new RedisClient(conf3))
                                clientServer2.Set <News>("RedisNews", _news);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine("Hata :" + ex.Message);
                    sub.SubscribeToChannels(new string[] { "News" });
 private static void AssertClient(RedisClient redis, RedisEndpoint expected)
     Assert.That(redis.Host, Is.EqualTo(expected.Host));
     Assert.That(redis.Port, Is.EqualTo(expected.Port));
     Assert.That(redis.Ssl, Is.EqualTo(expected.Ssl));
     Assert.That(redis.Client, Is.EqualTo(expected.Client));
     Assert.That(redis.Password, Is.EqualTo(expected.Password));
     Assert.That(redis.Db, Is.EqualTo(expected.Db));
     Assert.That(redis.ConnectTimeout, Is.EqualTo(expected.ConnectTimeout));
     Assert.That(redis.SendTimeout, Is.EqualTo(expected.SendTimeout));
     Assert.That(redis.ReceiveTimeout, Is.EqualTo(expected.ReceiveTimeout));
     Assert.That(redis.IdleTimeOutSecs, Is.EqualTo(expected.IdleTimeOutSecs));
     Assert.That(redis.NamespacePrefix, Is.EqualTo(expected.NamespacePrefix));
        public RedisEndpoint GetMaster()
            var sentinelWorker = this.GetValidSentinelWorker();
            var host           = sentinelWorker.GetMasterHost(this.MasterName);

            if (this.ScanForOtherSentinels && DateTime.UtcNow - this._lastSentinelsRefresh > this.RefreshSentinelHostsAfter)

            return(host != null
                ? RedisEndpoint.Create(this.HostFilter != null?this.HostFilter(host) : host)
                : null);
Exemple #24
        public void SaveProduct(Product product)
            var conf = new RedisEndpoint()
                Host = "", Password = "******", Ssl = true, Port = 6380

            using (IRedisClient client = new RedisClient(conf))
                var userClient = client.As <Product>();
                product.Id = userClient.GetNextSequence();
Exemple #25
        public JsonResult GetItems(int?productID)
            var conf = new RedisEndpoint()
                Host = "", Password = "******", Ssl = true, Port = 6380

            using (IRedisClient client = new RedisClient(conf))
                var itemClient = client.As <Item>();
                var itemList   = itemClient.Lists["urn:item:" + productID];
                var items      = itemList.GetAll();
                return(Json(items, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #26
        public IActionResult Dummy()
            var           host          = "redis-server";
            var           port          = Convert.ToInt32("6379");
            RedisEndpoint redisEndpoint = new RedisEndpoint(host, port);

            using (var client = new RedisClient(redisEndpoint))
                ViewBag.Visit = client.Increment("Website_Counter", 1);
                // session["pagehit"] = ViewBag.Visit;
                // ViewBag.tempvar = client.IncrBy("testvar", 5);

        private static void AssertClientManager(IRedisClientsManager redisManager, RedisEndpoint expected)
            using (var readWrite = (RedisClient) redisManager.GetClient())
            using (var readOnly = (RedisClient) redisManager.GetReadOnlyClient())
            using (var cacheClientWrapper = (RedisClientManagerCacheClient) redisManager.GetCacheClient())
                AssertClient(readWrite, expected);
                AssertClient(readOnly, expected);

                using (var cacheClient = (RedisClient) cacheClientWrapper.GetClient())
                    AssertClient(cacheClient, expected);
Exemple #28
        public JsonResult GetEditItem(int ProductID, int Id)
            var conf = new RedisEndpoint()
                Host = "", Password = "******", Ssl = true, Port = 6380

            using (IRedisClient client = new RedisClient(conf))
                var itemClient   = client.As <Item>();
                var itemList     = itemClient.Lists["urn:item:" + ProductID];
                var toUpdateItem = itemList.First(x => x.Id == Id);
                return(Json(toUpdateItem, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #29
        protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
            _logger.LogInformation("Worker running at: {time}", DateTimeOffset.Now);
            await Task.Delay(1000, stoppingToken);

            var conf = new RedisEndpoint()
                Host = "****", Port = 6379, Password = "******"

            Console.WriteLine("Services Start...");
            using (IRedisClient client = new RedisClient(conf))
                IRedisSubscription sub = null;
                using (sub = client.CreateSubscription())
                    sub.OnMessage += (channel, exchange) =>
                            ExchangeModel _exchange = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ExchangeModel>(exchange);
                            Console.WriteLine(_exchange.Name + ": " + _exchange.Value);

                            //Redis UPDATE
                            using (IRedisClient clientServer = new RedisClient(conf))
                                string redisKey = "Exchange:" + _exchange.ID;
                                clientServer.Set <ExchangeModel>(redisKey, _exchange);

                            //Sql UPDATE
                            using (BlackJackContext context = new BlackJackContext())
                                var exchangeModel = context.Exchange.FirstOrDefault(ex => ex.Id == _exchange.ID);
                                exchangeModel.Value      = (decimal)_exchange.Value;
                                exchangeModel.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                    sub.SubscribeToChannels(new string[] { "Exchange" });
Exemple #30
        public void RedisManagerPool_can_execute_CustomResolver()
            var resolver = new FixedResolver(RedisEndpoint.Create(Config.Sentinel6380), RedisEndpoint.Create(Config.Sentinel6381));

            using (var redisManager = new RedisManagerPool("")
                RedisResolver = resolver
            }) {
                using (var master = redisManager.GetClient()) {
                    Assert.That(master.GetHostString(), Is.EqualTo(Config.Sentinel6380));
                    master.SetValue("KEY", "1");

                using (var master = redisManager.GetClient()) {
                    Assert.That(master.GetHostString(), Is.EqualTo(Config.Sentinel6380));
                    master.Increment("KEY", 1);

                Assert.That(resolver.NewClientsInitialized, Is.EqualTo(1));

                for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    using (var slave = redisManager.GetReadOnlyClient()) {
                        Assert.That(slave.GetHostString(), Is.EqualTo(Config.Sentinel6380));
                        Assert.That(slave.GetValue("KEY"), Is.EqualTo("2"));

                Assert.That(resolver.NewClientsInitialized, Is.EqualTo(1));

                redisManager.FailoverTo("", "");

                for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    using (var master = redisManager.GetClient()) {
                        Assert.That(master.GetHostString(), Is.EqualTo(Config.Sentinel6380));
                        Assert.That(master.GetValue("KEY"), Is.EqualTo("2"));

                    using (var slave = redisManager.GetReadOnlyClient()) {
                        Assert.That(slave.GetHostString(), Is.EqualTo(Config.Sentinel6380));
                        Assert.That(slave.GetValue("KEY"), Is.EqualTo("2"));

                Assert.That(resolver.NewClientsInitialized, Is.EqualTo(2));
Exemple #31
 protected bool hasDataOnRedis()
     #region conf
     var conf = new RedisEndpoint()
         Host = "*************************", Password = "******", Ssl = true, Port = 6380
     using (IRedisClient client = new RedisClient(conf))
         if (client.SearchKeys("flag*").Count == 0)
 public FixedResolver(RedisEndpoint master, RedisEndpoint slave)
     this.master = master;
     this.slave = slave;
 public RedisClient CreateRedisClient(RedisEndpoint config, bool readWrite)
     return RedisConfig.ClientFactory(config);
 public SerializingRedisClient(RedisEndpoint config)
     : base(config) {}
 public FixedResolver(RedisEndpoint master, RedisEndpoint slave)
     this.master = master;
     this.slave = slave;
     this.ClientFactory = RedisConfig.ClientFactory;
 public RedisClient CreateRedisClient(RedisEndpoint config, bool master)
     return ClientFactory(config);