Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            IGH_Goo goo   = null;
            Image   image = new Image();

            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref goo))
            if (!goo.TryGetImage(ref image))

            Rectangle3d region = new Rectangle3d();

            DA.GetData(1, ref region);

            bool original = false;

            DA.GetData(2, ref original);

            Color color = Color.Black;

            DA.GetData(3, ref color);

            Filter filter = new Af.Crop(original, color, region.ToDrawingRect(image.Bitmap.Height));

            image.Filters.Add(new Af.Crop(original, color, region.ToDrawingRect(image.Bitmap.Height)));

            DA.SetData(0, image);
            DA.SetData(1, filter);
        public WorldMap(Rectangle3d _boundary, double _resolution, Mesh _m, List <Point3d> _waterSource, List <Point3d> _plantSource)
            step = 0;

            resolution = _resolution;
            boundary = _boundary;

            //register your map here
            terrainMap = new TerrainMap(this, _m);
            waterMap   = new WaterMap(this, _waterSource);
            plantMap   = new PlantMap(this, _plantSource);
            Random rnd = new Random();

            for (int no_turtles = 0; no_turtles < _plantSource.Count(); no_turtles++)
                int locX = (int)_plantSource[no_turtles].X;
                int locY = (int)_plantSource[no_turtles].Y;
                int Xmax = plantMap.xLen - 1;
                int Ymax = plantMap.yLen - 1;
                locX = locX <0 ? 0 : locX> Xmax ? Xmax : locX;
                locY = locY <0 ? 0 : locY> Ymax ? Ymax : locY;
                plant_turtles.Add(new Plant_Turtle(locX, locY, rnd.NextDouble() * 360.0, this));
Exemple #3
        public static List <Point3d> CreateForLineFromRectangle(Rectangle3d rectangle, int position, CoverDimensions coverDimensions, RebarProperties props)
            Point3d startPoint;
            Point3d endPoint;

            if (position == 0)
                startPoint = new Point3d(rectangle.X.Min + coverDimensions.Left, rectangle.Y.Max - coverDimensions.Top - props.Radius, 0);
                endPoint   = new Point3d(rectangle.X.Max - coverDimensions.Right, rectangle.Y.Max - coverDimensions.Top - props.Radius, 0);
            else if (position == 1)
                startPoint = new Point3d(rectangle.X.Max - coverDimensions.Right - props.Radius, rectangle.Y.Max - coverDimensions.Top, 0);
                endPoint   = new Point3d(rectangle.X.Max - coverDimensions.Right - props.Radius, rectangle.Y.Min + coverDimensions.Bottom, 0);
            else if (position == 2)
                startPoint = new Point3d(rectangle.X.Min + coverDimensions.Left, rectangle.Y.Min + coverDimensions.Bottom + props.Radius, 0);
                endPoint   = new Point3d(rectangle.X.Max - coverDimensions.Right, rectangle.Y.Min + coverDimensions.Bottom + props.Radius, 0);
            else if (position == 3)
                startPoint = new Point3d(rectangle.X.Min + coverDimensions.Left + props.Radius, rectangle.Y.Min + coverDimensions.Bottom, 0);
                endPoint   = new Point3d(rectangle.X.Min + coverDimensions.Left + props.Radius, rectangle.Y.Max - coverDimensions.Top, 0);
                throw new ArgumentException("Position should be between 0 and 3");

            return(new List <Point3d> {
                startPoint, endPoint
        public static List <Rectangle3d> HorizontalTiles(Rectangle3d B, List <double> R, double H, double WP, double HP, out Rectangle3d rest)
            var   m_tileSet   = new List <Rectangle3d>();
            Plane m_basePlane = new Plane(B.Corner(0), B.Plane.XAxis, B.Plane.YAxis);

            var m_available = B.Width - (WP * B.Width);

            double m_total    = R.Sum();
            double m_hPadding = (HP * B.Height) / 2;
            double m_wPadding = (WP * B.Width) / (R.Count + 1);
            double m_height   = B.Height * H - (HP * B.Height) / 2;

            double m_xValue = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < R.Count; i++)
                m_xValue += m_wPadding;
                double      m_nextX   = m_xValue + (R[i] / m_total) * m_available;
                Rectangle3d relayRect = new Rectangle3d(m_basePlane,
                                                        m_basePlane.PointAt(m_xValue, m_hPadding, 0),
                                                        m_basePlane.PointAt(m_nextX, m_height, 0));
                m_tileSet.Add(new Rectangle3d(new Plane(relayRect.Corner(0), relayRect.Plane.XAxis, relayRect.Plane.YAxis), relayRect.Width, relayRect.Height));
                m_xValue = m_nextX;

            rest = new Rectangle3d(m_basePlane, new Interval(0, B.Width), new Interval(B.Height * H, B.Height));
Exemple #5
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        var plane    = new Rhino.Geometry.Plane(Point3d.Origin, Vector3d.ZAxis);
        var interval = new Interval(-0.5, 0.5);

        rect = new Rectangle3d(plane, interval, interval);
        var intervalR = new Interval(-5, 5);

        region = new Rectangle3d(plane, intervalR, intervalR);
        pts    = RhinoWrapper.RandomPt(rect, numSphere);

        _relax  = gameObject.AddComponent <Relax>();
        spheres = new List <GameObject>();

        var col = new Color(0.5f, 0, 0, 0.01f);

        for (int i = 0; i < pts.Count; i++)
            var sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad);
            sphere.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = Random.ColorHSV(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 0, 0);

        RhinoPreview.PolyLineShow(region.ToPolyline(), col, 0.3f);
Exemple #6
        private static bool CheckDistanceFromBorder(Mesh buiding, Grid grid)
            Plane          planeWorldXY = Plane.WorldXY;
            List <Point3d> points       = grid.GridXY();
            Point3d        pMin         = points.Min();
            Point3d        pMax         = points.Max();

            Point3d    ptMin  = new Point3d(pMin.X + (grid.DimX * Grid.MIN_NUM_BORDER_CELLS), pMin.Y + (grid.DimY * Grid.MIN_NUM_BORDER_CELLS), 0);
            Point3d    ptMax  = new Point3d(pMax.X - (grid.DimX * Grid.MIN_NUM_BORDER_CELLS), pMax.Y - (grid.DimY * Grid.MIN_NUM_BORDER_CELLS), 0);
            NurbsCurve border = new Rectangle3d(planeWorldXY, ptMin, ptMax).ToNurbsCurve();

            Brep      bbox = buiding.GetBoundingBox(true).ToBrep();
            Transform xprj = Transform.PlanarProjection(planeWorldXY);


            foreach (BrepVertex v in bbox.Vertices)
                if (border.Contains(v.Location, planeWorldXY, tolerance: 0.01) == PointContainment.Outside)
Exemple #7
            private static List <Polyline> DrawCorridor(List <Point3d> anchors, List <Line> mainAxis)
                List <Polyline> corridor = new List <Polyline>();

                if (anchors.Count < 2)

                List <Rectangle3d> rectList = new List <Rectangle3d>();

                for (int i = 0; i < anchors.Count - 1; i++)
                    Rectangle3d tempRect = RectangleTools.DrawP2PRect(anchors[i], anchors[i + 1], CorridorDimension.OneWayWidth);

                if (rectList.Count > 1)
                    Curve intersected = rectList[0].ToNurbsCurve();

                    for (int i = 0; i < rectList.Count - 1; i++)
                        List <Curve> unionCurves = new List <Curve>();
                        unionCurves.Add(rectList[i + 1].ToNurbsCurve());
                        intersected = Curve.CreateBooleanUnion(unionCurves)[0];


Exemple #8
 public MyRectangle(Rectangle3d rect3d)
     LowerLeft  = rect3d.LowerLeft;
     LowerRight = rect3d.LowerRight;
     UpperLeft  = rect3d.UpperLeft;
     UpperRight = rect3d.UpperRight;
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Rectangle3d B = Rectangle3d.Unset;

            DA.GetData(0, ref B);

            List <double> XR = new List <double>();

            DA.GetDataList(1, XR);

            List <double> YR = new List <double>();

            DA.GetDataList(2, YR);

            double IP = 0.02;

            DA.GetData(3, ref IP);

            double EP = 0.02;

            DA.GetData(4, ref EP);

            int PA = 0;

            DA.GetData(5, ref PA);

            DA.SetDataList(0, RectSolution.IrregularTiles(B, XR, YR, EP, IP, PA));
Exemple #10
        public override bool TryLoad(JObject data, Model model, RhinoDoc document)
            if (!data.HasType(out int index, "Box2D", "Box3D"))

            var attributes = GetAttributes(document, data);

            if (index == 0) // 2D
                var a = data["min"].AsPoint2d();
                var b = data["max"].AsPoint2d();

                var rectangle = new Rectangle3d(Plane.WorldXY, a.ToPoint3d(), b.ToPoint3d());

                document.Objects.AddRectangle(rectangle, attributes);
            else            // 3D
                var a = data["min"].AsPoint3d();
                var b = data["max"].AsPoint3d();

                var bbox = new BoundingBox(a, b);
                var box  = new Box(bbox);

                document.Objects.AddBox(box, attributes);

Exemple #11
        public static List <Line> SegmentBounds(Polyline siteBound, Rectangle3d rectangle, int seed, double minAmount) //TODO: remove seed, not used
            if (!Query.IsClockwise(siteBound, new Vector3d(0, 0, -1)))

            List <double> lengths  = new List <double>();
            List <Line>   segments = new List <Line>();

            double segmentWidth  = rectangle.Width;
            double segmentHeight = rectangle.Height;

            double shortestSegm = Math.Min(segmentWidth, segmentHeight);

            foreach (var segm in siteBound.GetSegments())
                if (segm.Length > shortestSegm * minAmount)

            List <Line> shuffledSegments = segments.OrderBy(x => x.Length).ToList();

Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Bitmap sourceImage = null;

            DA.GetData(0, ref sourceImage);
            Rectangle3d rec1 = new Rectangle3d();

            DA.GetData(1, ref rec1);
            List <Rectangle3d> rec2 = new List <Rectangle3d>();

            DA.GetDataList(2, rec2);

            Bitmap clone = new Bitmap(sourceImage.Width, sourceImage.Height, sourceImage.PixelFormat);

            Graphics  g      = Graphics.FromImage(clone);
            Rectangle source = ShapeUtil.toRec2D(rec1);

            foreach (var r in rec2)
                Rectangle dest = ShapeUtil.toRec2D(r);
                g.DrawImage(sourceImage, dest, source, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            DA.SetData(0, clone);
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Rectangle3d rec = new Rectangle3d(); //new Rectangle3d(new Plane(), sourceImage.Width, sourceImage.Height);

            DA.GetData(0, ref rec);

            Pen outline = null;

            DA.GetData(1, ref outline);

            Pen fill = null;

            DA.GetData(2, ref fill);

            RectangleShape shape = new RectangleShape(rec);

            if (outline != null)
            if (fill != null)

            DA.SetData(0, shape);
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Rectangle3d B = Rectangle3d.Unset;

            DA.GetData(0, ref B);

            int C = 5;

            DA.GetData(1, ref C);

            int R = 5;

            DA.GetData(2, ref R);

            double IP = 0.02;

            DA.GetData(3, ref IP);

            double EP = 0.02;

            DA.GetData(4, ref EP);

            int PA = 0;

            DA.GetData(5, ref PA);

            DA.SetDataList(0, RectSolution.GridTiles(B, IP, EP, C, R, PA));
Exemple #15
        protected override void OnDynamicDraw(GetPointDrawEventArgs e)
            if (From == Point3d.Unset)

            var cPlane = e.RhinoDoc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport.ConstructionPlane();

            Line = new Line(From, e.CurrentPoint);

            var yAxis = Vector3d.CrossProduct(Line.Direction, cPlane.ZAxis);

            if (Flip.CurrentValue)
            var plane = new Plane(From, Line.Direction, yAxis);


            var sideLength = Area.CurrentValue / Line.Length;

            Rectangle = new Rectangle3d(plane, Line.Length, sideLength);

            var color = e.RhinoDoc.Layers.CurrentLayer.Color;

            e.Display.DrawPolyline(Rectangle.ToPolyline(), color);
        internal void AddPreviewItem(string bitmap, Curve c, Rectangle3d bounds)
            var            mesh = Mesh.CreateFromPlanarBoundary(c, MeshingParameters.FastRenderMesh, 0.1);
            TextureMapping tm   = TextureMapping.CreatePlaneMapping(bounds.Plane, bounds.X, bounds.Y, new Interval(-1, 1));

            mesh.SetTextureCoordinates(tm, Transform.Identity, true);
            var mat = new DisplayMaterial(System.Drawing.Color.White);

            ///Force bitmap to redraw
            //string docBitmapName = string.Empty;
            //var docBitmap = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Bitmaps.Find(bitmap, true, out docBitmapName);
            //mat.SetBitmapTexture(docBitmapName, true);

            mat.SetBitmapTexture(bitmap, true);

            _previewItems.Add(new HeronRasterPreviewItem()
                mesh = mesh,
                mat  = mat

            ///Use Wait to refresh images
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Rectangle3d rec = new Rectangle3d();

            DA.GetData(0, ref rec);

            Pen outline = null;

            DA.GetData(1, ref outline);

            Pen fill = null;

            DA.GetData(2, ref fill);

            EllipseShape shape = new EllipseShape(rec);

            if (outline != null)
            if (fill != null)

            DA.SetData(0, shape);
Exemple #18
        public void BuildStirrupShape(Plane plane, double height, double width, BendingRoller bendingRoller, int hooksType, double hookLength)
            Rectangle3d     rectangle       = new Rectangle3d(plane, width, height);
            CoverDimensions coverDimensions = new CoverDimensions(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            BuildRectangleToStirrupShape(rectangle, bendingRoller, hooksType, coverDimensions, hookLength);
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object can be used to retrieve data from input parameters and
        /// to store data in output parameters.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            //Create class instances
            Rectangle3d gardenBound = new Rectangle3d();
            Brep        carportGeom = new Brep();
            Point3d     accessPoint = new Point3d();

            //Get Data
            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref gardenBound))
            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref carportGeom))
            if (!DA.GetData(2, ref accessPoint))

            //Set properties
            PlotPlanning.ObjectModel.Carport carport = new ObjectModel.Carport();
            carport.AccessPoint = accessPoint;
            carport.CarportGeom = carportGeom;
            carport.GardenBound = gardenBound.ToPolyline();

            //Set data
            DA.SetData(0, carport);
Exemple #20
        public SvgDocument(Rectangle3d bounds)
            Bounds = bounds;

            Curves = new List <Curve>();
            Styles = new List <Style>();
Exemple #21
        protected RhinoList <Rectangle3d> generateNetRects(Vector3d widthHeightDepthVect,
                                                           out Point3d bottomRightmostPoint,
                                                           double thickness = 0)
            RhinoList <Rectangle3d> rectList = new RhinoList <Rectangle3d>();

            double xDist = widthHeightDepthVect.X;
            double yDist = widthHeightDepthVect.Y;
            double zDist = widthHeightDepthVect.Z;

            // Add thickness for fingering gaps
            Point3d origin1 = ORIGIN + new Vector3d(xDist + thickness, 0, 0);
            Point3d origin2 = origin1 + new Vector3d(yDist + thickness, 0, 0);
            Point3d origin3 = origin2 + new Vector3d(xDist + thickness, 0, 0);

            // Line 4 rectangles X, Y, X, Y; all Z tall
            Rectangle3d rect0 = MakeRect(ORIGIN, xDist, zDist, margin: BIRCH_CM);
            Rectangle3d rect1 = MakeRect(origin1, yDist, zDist, margin: BIRCH_CM);
            Rectangle3d rect2 = MakeRect(origin2, xDist, zDist, margin: BIRCH_CM);
            Rectangle3d rect3 = MakeRect(origin3, yDist, zDist, margin: BIRCH_CM);


            // Set the bottomRightmost point so caller function can keep drawing
            // where we leave off
            bottomRightmostPoint = origin3 + new Vector3d(rect3.Width, 0, 0);

Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Rectangle3d B = Rectangle3d.Unset;

            DA.GetData(0, ref B);

            List <double> R = new List <double>();

            DA.GetDataList(1, R);

            double H = 0.25;

            DA.GetData(2, ref H);

            double WP = 0.02;

            DA.GetData(3, ref WP);

            double HP = 0.02;

            DA.GetData(4, ref HP);

            Rectangle3d rest;

            DA.SetDataList(1, RectSolution.HorizontalTiles(B, R, H, WP, HP, out rest));
            DA.SetData(0, rest);
        public static List <Rectangle3d> GridTiles(Rectangle3d B, double IP, double EP, int C, int R, int PA)
            var   m_tileSet   = new List <Rectangle3d>();
            Plane m_basePlane = new Plane(B.Corner(0), B.Plane.XAxis, B.Plane.YAxis);

            double m_padSource = (PA == 0 ? B.Width : B.Height);
            var    m_iPadding  = IP * m_padSource;
            var    m_ePadding  = EP * m_padSource;

            var m_cellWidth  = (B.Width - (m_iPadding * (C - 1)) - (m_ePadding * 2)) / C;
            var m_cellHeight = (B.Height - (m_iPadding * (R - 1)) - (m_ePadding * 2)) / R;

            for (int i = 0; i < R; i++)
                double m_llY = m_ePadding + m_cellHeight * i + m_iPadding * i;
                double m_urY = m_ePadding + (m_cellHeight * (i + 1)) + m_iPadding * i;
                for (int j = 0; j < C; j++)
                    double      m_llX     = m_ePadding + m_cellWidth * j + m_iPadding * j;
                    double      m_urX     = m_ePadding + (m_cellWidth * (j + 1)) + m_iPadding * j;
                    Rectangle3d relayRect = new Rectangle3d(m_basePlane, m_basePlane.PointAt(m_llX, m_llY, 0), m_basePlane.PointAt(m_urX, m_urY, 0));
                    m_tileSet.Add(new Rectangle3d(new Plane(relayRect.Corner(0), relayRect.Plane.XAxis, relayRect.Plane.YAxis), relayRect.Width, relayRect.Height));
Exemple #24
        // <Custom additional code>
        private List <double> FindSpacing(Rectangle3d rect, double offset)
            List <double> spacing = new List <double>(2);
            double        dX      = 0;
            double        dY      = 0;

            Vector3d v1 = rect.Plane.XAxis;
            Vector3d v2 = Plane.WorldXY.XAxis;

            Vector3d translationVector = new Vector3d(rect.Plane.XAxis.X, rect.Plane.YAxis.Y, 1);

            // translationVector.Unitize();

            if (Vector3d.VectorAngle(v1, v2) < 0.5)
                dX = (offset * 2 + rect.Width) * translationVector.X;
                dY = (offset * 2 + rect.Height) * translationVector.Y;
                dX = (offset * 2 + rect.Height) * translationVector.Y;
                dY = (offset * 2 + rect.Width) * translationVector.X;

            /* dX = (offset + rect.Width) * translationVector.X;
             * dY = (offset + rect.Height) * translationVector.Y; */


Exemple #25
        public static Curve GetBoundingBoxCurve(Brep region)
            var curveBounds = region.GetBoundingBox(Plane.WorldXY);
            var rect        = new Rectangle3d(Plane.WorldXY, curveBounds.Min, curveBounds.Max).ToNurbsCurve();

Exemple #26
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object can be used to retrieve data from input parameters and
        /// to store data in output parameters.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            List <Curve>  boundaries    = new List <Curve>();
            Rectangle3d   fitRect       = new Rectangle3d();
            List <double> orientations  = new List <double>();
            bool          bRotation     = false;
            bool          bAxisAligned  = false;
            double        searchSpacing = 1.0;
            double        offset        = 5.0;

            DA.GetData(0, ref boundaries);
            DA.GetData(1, ref fitRect);
            DA.GetData(2, ref orientations);
            DA.GetData(3, ref offset);
            DA.GetData(4, ref searchSpacing);
            DA.GetData(5, ref bRotation);
            DA.GetData(6, ref bAxisAligned);

            List <Rectangle3d> foundRects = new List <Rectangle3d>();
            List <Point3d>     pts        = new List <Point3d>();
            List <Vector3d>    vs         = new List <Vector3d>();

            foreach (Curve boundary in boundaries)
                if (fitRect.IsValid)
                    BoundingBox bx = boundary.GetBoundingBox(false);
                    foundRects.AddRange(CheckFit(bx, fitRect, boundary, offset, bRotation, pts, searchSpacing, bAxisAligned, vs));

            DA.SetData(0, foundRects);
            DA.SetData(1, pts);
            DA.SetData(2, vs);
 // Rectangles now and forever forward will become polylines
 public static SpecklePolyline ToSpeckle(this Rectangle3d rect)
     return(new SpecklePolyline((new Point3d[] { rect.Corner(0), rect.Corner(1), rect.Corner(2), rect.Corner(3) }).ToFlatArray())
         Closed = true
Exemple #28
        public static void drawText_section(Rectangle3d tempBoundingBox, Rhino.Display.Text3d textToDraw, double tempScaleFactor, System.Windows.Point tempOrigin, ref Canvas UnitPlanCanvas, double fontSize, System.Windows.Media.Brush foreGround)
            System.Windows.Point tempTransformedPoint = pointConverter(tempBoundingBox, textToDraw.TextPlane.Origin, tempScaleFactor, tempOrigin);

            Border tempBorder = new Border();

            tempBorder.Height = 200;
            tempBorder.Width  = 200;
            Canvas.SetLeft(tempBorder, pointConverter(tempBoundingBox, textToDraw.TextPlane.Origin, tempScaleFactor, tempOrigin).X - 200 / 2);
            Canvas.SetTop(tempBorder, pointConverter(tempBoundingBox, textToDraw.TextPlane.Origin, tempScaleFactor, tempOrigin).Y - 200 / 2);

            TextBlock textBlockToDraw = new TextBlock();

            textBlockToDraw.Text                = textToDraw.Text;
            textBlockToDraw.Foreground          = foreGround;
            textBlockToDraw.FontSize            = fontSize;
            textBlockToDraw.VerticalAlignment   = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Center;
            textBlockToDraw.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center;

            System.Windows.Media.RotateTransform tempRotater = new System.Windows.Media.RotateTransform(90);
            textBlockToDraw.RenderTransform       = tempRotater;
            textBlockToDraw.RenderTransformOrigin = new System.Windows.Point(.5, .5);

            tempBorder.Child = textBlockToDraw;

Exemple #29
        private static Point3d _getAlignmentPoint(Rectangle3d rectg)
            Vector3d vector    = (rectg.UpperRight - rectg.LowerLeft);
            Point3d  alignment = rectg.LowerLeft.Add(vector.MultiplyBy(0.5d));

Exemple #30
        private void createParkingspace(Plane parkingspacePlane, LocalRules localRules, Boolean Flip)
            //Create Parking rectangle
            Box = new Rectangle3d(parkingspacePlane, localRules.BoothWidth, localRules.BoothDepth);
            //Create ManeuveringArea
            Vector3d reverseVector = parkingspacePlane.YAxis;

            parkingspacePlane = new Plane(parkingspacePlane.Origin, parkingspacePlane.XAxis, reverseVector);
            if (Flip)
                reverseVector = Vector3d.Multiply(localRules.ManeuveringArea + localRules.BoothDepth, -parkingspacePlane.YAxis);
            ManeuveringBox = new Rectangle3d(parkingspacePlane, localRules.BoothWidth, localRules.ManeuveringArea);

            //Create Parking Curves
            Center = Box.Center;
            Polyline     polylineBox = Box.ToPolyline();
            List <Curve> boxSegments = new List <Curve>();

            if (Flip)

            Curves = Curve.JoinCurves(boxSegments)[0];