Exemple #1
        public IActionResult UpdateBetRecord(RecordOfBets updateBet)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                RecordOfBets oldBet = _context.RecordOfBets.Find(updateBet.BetId);
                oldBet.EventId   = updateBet.EventId;
                oldBet.BetType   = updateBet.BetType;
                oldBet.EventDate = updateBet.EventDate;
                oldBet.AmountBet = updateBet.AmountBet;

                _context.Entry(oldBet).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified;
            // not sure of the view to send to; would prefer to be able to do this on the home page.
            // if we cannot i would assume this would go to a view that shows all bets
Exemple #2
        public IActionResult AddBet(RecordOfBets addBet)
            UserData user = new UserData();

            foreach (UserData userOne in _context.UserData.ToList())
                if (userOne.UserId == User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value)
                    user = userOne;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //validation to see if amount bet is less than or equal to Bet Bank amount
                if (addBet.AmountBet <= user.BetBankBalance)
                    DepositsAndWithdrawls newTransaction = new DepositsAndWithdrawls();
                    newTransaction.AmountOfTransaction = addBet.AmountBet * -1;
                    newTransaction.TimeOfTransaction   = DateTime.Now;
                    newTransaction.UserId = user.UserId;
                    newTransaction.UserMadeTransAction = true;
                    AddPayout(newTransaction, true, user);
                    user.BetBankBalance -= addBet.AmountBet;

                    ViewBag.error = "Not enough money in account to place bet! Enter new amount.";

            // Not sure where to return fully
Exemple #3
        public IActionResult UpdateBet(int id)
            RecordOfBets bet      = _context.RecordOfBets.Find(id);
            EventsTable  betEvent = _context.EventsTable.Find(bet.EventId);

            //gets the points spread and use a random number gen to get winner and set score for the eventstable
            betEvent.EventStatus = "STATUS_FINAL";

            //gets base score for both teams, used for all lines
            Random random    = new Random();
            var    baseScore = random.Next(0, 35);

            //sportid: 2 = NFL, 4 = NBA

            betEvent.HomeScore = GenScore(betEvent.SportId);
            betEvent.AwayScore = GenScore(betEvent.SportId);

            _context.SaveChanges();            //activate BetPayoutCheck();

            return(RedirectToAction("PayoutCheck", "Home", new { eventId = betEvent.EventId }));