public List <Record> GetModifiedRecords(string identityId, string datasetName) { lock (sqlite_lock) { List <Record> records = new List <Record>(); SQLiteStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = db.Prepare( RecordColumns.BuildQuery( RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @whereDatasetName AND " + RecordColumns.MODIFIED + " = @whereModified" )); stmt.BindText(1, identityId); stmt.BindText(2, datasetName); stmt.BindInt(3, 1); while (stmt.Read()) { records.Add(this.SqliteStmtToRecord(stmt)); } } finally { stmt.FinalizeStm(); } return(records); } }
public Record GetRecord(string identityId, string datasetName, string key) { lock (sqlite_lock) { Record record = null; SQLiteStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = db.Prepare(RecordColumns.BuildQuery( RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @identityId AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @datasetName AND " + RecordColumns.KEY + " = @key" )); stmt.BindText(1, identityId); stmt.BindText(2, datasetName); stmt.BindText(3, key); if (stmt.Read()) { record = this.SqliteStmtToRecord(stmt); } } finally { stmt.FinalizeStm(); } return(record); } }
internal void UpdateOrInsertRecord(string identityId, string datasetName, Record record) { lock (sqlite_lock) { string checkRecordExistsQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + SQLiteLocalStorage.TABLE_RECORDS + " WHERE " + RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @whereDatasetName AND " + RecordColumns.KEY + " = @whereKey "; bool recordsFound = false; using (var command = connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = checkRecordExistsQuery; BindData(command, identityId, datasetName, record.Key); using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.Read()) { recordsFound = reader.GetInt32(0) > 0; } } } if (recordsFound) { string updateRecordQuery = RecordColumns.BuildUpdate( new string[] { RecordColumns.VALUE, RecordColumns.SYNC_COUNT, RecordColumns.MODIFIED, RecordColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP, RecordColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_BY, RecordColumns.DEVICE_LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP }, RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @whereDatasetName AND " + RecordColumns.KEY + " = @whereKey " ); using (var command = connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = updateRecordQuery; BindData(command, record.Value, record.SyncCount, record.IsModified ? 1 : 0, record.LastModifiedDate, record.LastModifiedBy, record.DeviceLastModifiedDate, identityId, datasetName, record.Key); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else { string insertRecord = RecordColumns.BuildInsert(); using (var command = new SQLiteCommand(insertRecord, connection)) { BindData(command, identityId, datasetName, record.Key, record.Value, record.SyncCount, record.LastModifiedDate, record.LastModifiedBy, record.DeviceLastModifiedDate, record.IsModified ? 1 : 0); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } }
public void WipeData() { lock (sqlite_lock) { db.Exec(DatasetColumns.BuildDelete(null)); db.Exec(RecordColumns.BuildDelete(null)); } }
public override void WipeData() { lock (SQLiteDatabase.SQLiteLock) { db.Exec(DatasetColumns.BuildDelete(null)); db.Exec(RecordColumns.BuildDelete(null)); } }
internal void UpdateOrInsertRecord(string identityId, string datasetName, Record record) { lock (sqlite_lock) { string checkRecordExistsQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM " + SQLiteLocalStorage.TABLE_RECORDS + " WHERE " + RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @whereDatasetName AND " + RecordColumns.KEY + " = @whereKey "; bool recordsFound = false; Sqlite3Statement stmt = null; try { stmt = ExecuteQuery(checkRecordExistsQuery, identityId, datasetName, record.Key); while (Sqlite3.sqlite3_step(stmt) == Sqlite3.SQLITE_ROW) { recordsFound = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0) > 0; } } finally { if (stmt != null) { Sqlite3.sqlite3_finalize(stmt); } } if (recordsFound) { string updateRecordQuery = RecordColumns.BuildUpdate( new string[] { RecordColumns.VALUE, RecordColumns.SYNC_COUNT, RecordColumns.MODIFIED, RecordColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP, RecordColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_BY, RecordColumns.DEVICE_LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP }, RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @whereDatasetName AND " + RecordColumns.KEY + " = @whereKey " ); Execute(updateRecordQuery, record.Value, record.SyncCount, record.IsModified ? 1 : 0, record.LastModifiedDate, record.LastModifiedBy, record.DeviceLastModifiedDate, identityId, datasetName, record.Key); } else { string insertRecord = RecordColumns.BuildInsert(); Execute(insertRecord, identityId, datasetName, record.Key, record.Value, record.SyncCount, record.LastModifiedDate, record.LastModifiedBy, record.DeviceLastModifiedDate, record.IsModified ? 1 : 0); } } }
internal void UpdateOrInsertRecord(string identityId, string datasetName, Record record) { lock (sqlite_lock) { string checkRecordExistsQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM " + SQLiteLocalStorage.TABLE_RECORDS + " WHERE " + RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @whereDatasetName AND " + RecordColumns.KEY + " = @whereKey "; bool recordsFound = false; using (var sqliteStatement = connection.Prepare(checkRecordExistsQuery)) { BindData(sqliteStatement, identityId, datasetName, record.Key); var result = sqliteStatement.Step(); recordsFound = sqliteStatement.GetInteger(0) > 0; } if (recordsFound) { string updateRecordQuery = RecordColumns.BuildUpdate( new string[] { RecordColumns.VALUE, RecordColumns.SYNC_COUNT, RecordColumns.MODIFIED, RecordColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP, RecordColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_BY, RecordColumns.DEVICE_LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP }, RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @whereDatasetName AND " + RecordColumns.KEY + " = @whereKey " ); using (var sqliteStatement = connection.Prepare(updateRecordQuery)) { BindData(sqliteStatement, record.Value, record.SyncCount, record.IsModified ? 1 : 0, record.LastModifiedDate, record.LastModifiedBy, record.DeviceLastModifiedDate, identityId, datasetName, record.Key); var result = sqliteStatement.Step(); } } else { string insertRecord = RecordColumns.BuildInsert(); using (var sqliteStatement = connection.Prepare(insertRecord)) { BindData(sqliteStatement, identityId, datasetName, record.Key, record.Value, record.SyncCount, record.LastModifiedDate, record.LastModifiedBy, record.DeviceLastModifiedDate, record.IsModified ? 1 : 0); sqliteStatement.Step(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves a list of locally modified records since last successful sync /// operation. /// </summary> /// <returns>a list of locally modified records</returns> /// <param name="identityId">Identity identifier.</param> /// <param name="datasetName">Dataset name.</param> public List <Record> GetModifiedRecords(string identityId, string datasetName) { lock (sqlite_lock) { string query = RecordColumns.BuildQuery( RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @whereDatasetName AND " + RecordColumns.MODIFIED + " = @whereModified " ); return(GetModifiedRecordsHelper(query, identityId, datasetName, 1));; } }
/// <summary> /// Gets a raw record from local store. If the dataset/key combo doesn't /// // exist, null will be returned. /// </summary> /// <returns>a Record object if found, null otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="identityId">Identity identifier.</param> /// <param name="datasetName">Dataset name.</param> /// <param name="key">Key for the record.</param> public Record GetRecord(string identityId, string datasetName, string key) { lock (sqlite_lock) { Record record = null; string query = RecordColumns.BuildQuery( RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @identityId AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @datasetName AND " + RecordColumns.KEY + " = @key " ); record = GetRecordHelper(query, identityId, datasetName, key); return(record); } }
/// <summary> /// Wipes all locally cached data including dataset metadata and records. All /// opened dataset handler should not perform further operations to avoid /// inconsistent state. /// </summary> public void WipeData() { lock (sqlite_lock) { string query1 = DatasetColumns.BuildDelete(null); string query2 = RecordColumns.BuildDelete(null); ExecuteMultipleHelper(new List <Statement>() { new Statement { Query = query1 }, new Statement { Query = query2 } }); } }
private void DeleteDataset(string identityId, string datasetName, List <Statement> additionalStatements) { lock (sqlite_lock) { string deleteRecordsQuery = RecordColumns.BuildDelete( RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @whereDatasetName " ); Statement s1 = new Statement { Query = deleteRecordsQuery, Parameters = new string[] { identityId, datasetName } }; string deleteDatasetQuery = DatasetColumns.BuildUpdate( new string[] { DatasetColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP, DatasetColumns.LAST_SYNC_COUNT }, DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId AND " + DatasetColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @whereDatasetName " ); Statement s2 = new Statement { Query = deleteDatasetQuery, Parameters = new object[] { AWSSDKUtils.CorrectedUtcNow.ToLocalTime(), -1, identityId, datasetName } }; List <Statement> statementsToExecute = new List <Statement>() { s1, s2 }; if (additionalStatements != null) { statementsToExecute.AddRange(additionalStatements); } ExecuteMultipleHelper(statementsToExecute); } }
private bool PutValueHelper(string identityId, string datasetName, string key, string value) { lock (sqlite_lock) { Record record = GetRecord(identityId, datasetName, key); if (record != null && string.Equals(record.Value, value)) { return(true); } if (record == null) { string insertRecord = RecordColumns.BuildInsert(); ExecuteMultipleHelper(new List <Statement> { new Statement { Query = insertRecord, Parameters = new object[] { identityId, datasetName, key, value, 0, AWSSDKUtils.CorrectedUtcNow.ToLocalTime(), string.Empty, AWSSDKUtils.CorrectedUtcNow.ToLocalTime(), 1 } } }); return(true); } else { string insertRecord = RecordColumns.BuildUpdate( new string[] { RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID, RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME, RecordColumns.KEY, RecordColumns.VALUE, RecordColumns.MODIFIED, RecordColumns.SYNC_COUNT, RecordColumns.DEVICE_LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP }, RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @whereDatasetName AND " + RecordColumns.KEY + " = @whereKey " ); ExecuteMultipleHelper(new List <Statement> { new Statement { Query = insertRecord, Parameters = new object[] { identityId, datasetName, key, value, 1, record.SyncCount, AWSSDKUtils.CorrectedUtcNow.ToLocalTime(), identityId, datasetName, key } } }); return(true); } } }
public void DeleteDataset(string identityId, string datasetName) { lock (sqlite_lock) { SQLiteStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = db.Prepare( RecordColumns.BuildDelete( RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @whereDatasetName" )); stmt.BindText(1, identityId); stmt.BindText(2, datasetName); stmt.Step(); stmt.FinalizeStm(); stmt = db.Prepare( DatasetColumns.BuildUpdate( new string[] { DatasetColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP, DatasetColumns.LAST_SYNC_COUNT }, DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId AND " + DatasetColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @whereDatasetName" )); stmt.BindDateTime(1, DateTime.Now); stmt.BindInt(2, -1); stmt.BindText(3, identityId); stmt.BindText(4, datasetName); stmt.Step(); } finally { stmt.FinalizeStm(); } } }
public override void ChangeIdentityId(string oldIdentityId, string newIdentityId) { lock (SQLiteDatabase.SQLiteLock) { SQLiteStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = db.Prepare( DatasetColumns.BuildUpdate( new string[] { DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID }, DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId" )); stmt.BindText(1, newIdentityId); stmt.BindText(2, oldIdentityId); stmt.Step(); stmt.FinalizeStm(); stmt = db.Prepare( RecordColumns.BuildUpdate( new string[] { RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID }, RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId" )); stmt.BindText(1, newIdentityId); stmt.BindText(2, oldIdentityId); stmt.Step(); } finally { stmt.FinalizeStm(); } } }
private bool PutValueInternal(string identityId, string datasetName, string key, string value) { lock (sqlite_lock) { Record record = this.GetRecord(identityId, datasetName, key); if (record != null && string.Equals(record.Value, value)) { return(true); } SQLiteStatement stmt = null; try { if (record == null) { stmt = db.Prepare(RecordColumns.BuildInsert()); stmt.BindText(1, identityId); stmt.BindText(2, datasetName); stmt.BindText(3, key); stmt.BindText(4, value); stmt.BindInt(5, 0); stmt.BindDateTime(6, DateTime.Now); stmt.BindText(7, ""); stmt.BindInt(8, 0); stmt.BindInt(9, 1); stmt.Step(); return(true); } else { stmt = db.Prepare( RecordColumns.BuildUpdate( new string[] { RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID, RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME, RecordColumns.KEY, RecordColumns.VALUE, RecordColumns.MODIFIED, RecordColumns.SYNC_COUNT, RecordColumns.DEVICE_LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP }, RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @whereDatasetName AND " + RecordColumns.KEY + " = @whereKey " )); stmt.BindText(1, identityId); stmt.BindText(2, datasetName); stmt.BindText(3, key); stmt.BindText(4, value); stmt.BindInt(5, 1); stmt.BindInt(6, record.SyncCount); stmt.BindDateTime(7, DateTime.Now); stmt.BindText(8, identityId); stmt.BindText(9, datasetName); stmt.BindText(10, key); stmt.Step(); return(true); } } finally { stmt.FinalizeStm(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Reparents all datasets from old identity id to a new one. /// </summary> /// <param name="oldIdentityId">Old identity identifier.</param> /// <param name="newIdentityId">New identity identifier.</param> public void ChangeIdentityId(string oldIdentityId, string newIdentityId) { _logger.DebugFormat("Reparenting datasets from {0} to {1}", oldIdentityId, newIdentityId); lock (sqlite_lock) { List <Statement> statements = new List <Statement>(); // if oldIdentityId is unknown, aka the dataset is created prior to // having a cognito id, just reparent datasets from unknown to // newIdentityId if (DatasetUtils.UNKNOWN_IDENTITY_ID == oldIdentityId) { HashSet <string> commonDatasetNames = GetCommonDatasetNames(oldIdentityId, newIdentityId); // append UNKNOWN to the name of all non unique datasets foreach (String oldDatasetName in commonDatasetNames) { string updateDatasetQuery = "UPDATE " + TABLE_DATASETS + " SET " + DatasetColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @" + DatasetColumns.DATASET_NAME + " WHERE " + DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @" + DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " AND " + DatasetColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @old" + DatasetColumns.DATASET_NAME + " "; string timestamp = AWSSDKUtils.ConvertToUnixEpochMilliSeconds(AWSSDKUtils.CorrectedUtcNow).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Statement updateDatasetStatement = new Statement() { Query = updateDatasetQuery, Parameters = new string[] { oldDatasetName + "." + oldIdentityId + "-" + timestamp, oldIdentityId, oldDatasetName } }; statements.Add(updateDatasetStatement); string updateRecordsQuery = "UPDATE " + TABLE_RECORDS + " SET " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @" + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " WHERE " + RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @" + RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @old" + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " "; Statement updateRecordsStatement = new Statement() { Query = updateRecordsQuery, Parameters = new string[] { oldDatasetName + "." + oldIdentityId + "-" + timestamp, oldIdentityId, oldDatasetName } }; statements.Add(updateRecordsStatement); } string updateIdentityDatasetQuery = DatasetColumns.BuildUpdate( new string[] { DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID }, DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @oldIdentityId " ); Statement UpdateIdentityDatasetStatement = new Statement() { Query = updateIdentityDatasetQuery, Parameters = new string[] { newIdentityId, oldIdentityId } }; statements.Add(UpdateIdentityDatasetStatement); string updateRecordsIdentityQuery = RecordColumns.BuildUpdate( new string[] { RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID }, RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @oldIdentityId " ); Statement UpdateIdentityRecordsStatement = new Statement() { Query = updateRecordsIdentityQuery, Parameters = new string[] { newIdentityId, oldIdentityId } }; statements.Add(UpdateIdentityRecordsStatement); } else { // 1. copy oldIdentityId/dataset to newIdentityId/dataset // datasets table string copyDatasetToNewIdentity = "INSERT INTO " + TABLE_DATASETS + "(" + DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + "," + DatasetColumns.DATASET_NAME + "," + DatasetColumns.CREATION_TIMESTAMP + "," + DatasetColumns.STORAGE_SIZE_BYTES + "," + DatasetColumns.RECORD_COUNT // last sync count is reset to default 0 + ")" + " SELECT " + "'" + newIdentityId + "'," // assign new owner + DatasetColumns.DATASET_NAME + "," + DatasetColumns.CREATION_TIMESTAMP + "," + DatasetColumns.STORAGE_SIZE_BYTES + "," + DatasetColumns.RECORD_COUNT + " FROM " + TABLE_DATASETS + " WHERE " + DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @" + DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " "; statements.Add(new Statement { Query = copyDatasetToNewIdentity, Parameters = new string[] { oldIdentityId } }); // records table string copyRecordsToNewIdentity = "INSERT INTO " + TABLE_RECORDS + "(" + RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + "," + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + "," + RecordColumns.KEY + "," + RecordColumns.VALUE + "," // sync count is resset to default 0 + RecordColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP + "," + RecordColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_BY + "," + RecordColumns.DEVICE_LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP // modified is reset to default 1 (dirty) + ")" + " SELECT " + "'" + newIdentityId + "'," // assign new owner + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + "," + RecordColumns.KEY + "," + RecordColumns.VALUE + "," + RecordColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP + "," + RecordColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_BY + "," + RecordColumns.DEVICE_LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP + " FROM " + TABLE_RECORDS + " WHERE " + RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @" + RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " "; statements.Add(new Statement { Query = copyRecordsToNewIdentity, Parameters = new string[] { oldIdentityId } }); // 2. rename oldIdentityId/dataset to // newIdentityId/dataset.oldIdentityId // datasets table string updateDatasetToNewIdentityQuery = "UPDATE " + TABLE_DATASETS + " SET " + DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = '" + newIdentityId + "', " + DatasetColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = " + DatasetColumns.DATASET_NAME + " || '." + oldIdentityId + "', " + DatasetColumns.LAST_SYNC_COUNT + " = 1" // set the sync count to one, because that is what the server did + " WHERE " + DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @" + DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " "; statements.Add(new Statement { Query = updateDatasetToNewIdentityQuery, Parameters = new string[] { oldIdentityId } }); // records table string updateRecordsToNewIdentityQuery = "UPDATE " + TABLE_RECORDS + " SET " + RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = '" + newIdentityId + "', " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " || '." + oldIdentityId + "'" + " WHERE " + RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @" + RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " "; statements.Add(new Statement { Query = updateRecordsToNewIdentityQuery, Parameters = new string[] { oldIdentityId } }); } //execute all of them ExecuteMultipleHelper(statements); } }
public static string BuildInsert() { return(RecordColumns.BuildInsert(ALL)); }
private void UpdateOrInsertRecord(string identityId, string datasetName, Record record) { lock (sqlite_lock) { SQLiteStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = db.Prepare( RecordColumns.BuildQuery( RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @whereDatasetName AND " + RecordColumns.KEY + " = @whereKey " )); stmt.BindText(1, identityId); stmt.BindText(2, datasetName); stmt.BindText(3, record.Key); bool recordsFound = false; while (stmt.Read()) { recordsFound = true; } stmt.FinalizeStm(); if (recordsFound) { stmt = db.Prepare( RecordColumns.BuildUpdate( new string[] { RecordColumns.VALUE, RecordColumns.SYNC_COUNT, RecordColumns.MODIFIED, RecordColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP, RecordColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_BY, RecordColumns.DEVICE_LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP }, RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = @whereIdentityId AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = @whereDatasetName AND " + RecordColumns.KEY + " = @whereKey " )); stmt.BindText(1, record.Value); stmt.BindInt(2, record.SyncCount); stmt.BindInt(3, record.IsModified ? 1 : 0); stmt.BindDateTime(4, record.LastModifiedDate); stmt.BindText(5, record.LastModifiedBy); stmt.BindDateTime(6, record.DeviceLastModifiedDate); stmt.BindText(7, identityId); stmt.BindText(8, datasetName); stmt.BindText(9, record.Key); stmt.Step(); } else { stmt = db.Prepare(RecordColumns.BuildInsert()); stmt.BindText(1, identityId); stmt.BindText(2, datasetName); stmt.BindText(3, record.Key); stmt.BindText(4, record.Value); stmt.BindInt(5, record.SyncCount); stmt.BindDateTime(6, record.LastModifiedDate); stmt.BindText(7, record.LastModifiedBy); stmt.BindDateTime(8, record.DeviceLastModifiedDate); stmt.BindInt(9, record.IsModified ? 1 : 0); stmt.Step(); } } finally { stmt.FinalizeStm(); } } }
public void ChangeIdentityId(string oldIdentityId, string newIdentityId) { Debug.Log("Reparenting datasets from " + oldIdentityId + " to " + newIdentityId); GetCommonDatasetNames(oldIdentityId, newIdentityId); lock (sqlite_lock) { SQLiteStatement stmt = null; try { // if oldIdentityId is unknown, aka the dataset is created prior to // having a cognito id, just reparent datasets from unknown to // newIdentityId if (DatasetUtils.UNKNOWN_IDENTITY_ID == oldIdentityId) { HashSet <string> commonDatasetNames = GetCommonDatasetNames(oldIdentityId, newIdentityId); // append UNKNOWN to the name of all non unique datasets foreach (String oldDatasetName in commonDatasetNames) { stmt = db.Prepare("UPDATE " + TABLE_DATASETS + " SET " + DatasetColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = ?" + " WHERE " + DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = ?" + " AND " + DatasetColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = ?" ); DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); string timestamp = ((DateTime.UtcNow - epoch).TotalSeconds).ToString(); stmt.BindText(1, oldDatasetName + "." + oldIdentityId + "-" + timestamp); stmt.BindText(2, oldIdentityId); stmt.BindText(3, oldDatasetName); stmt.Step(); stmt.FinalizeStm(); stmt = db.Prepare("UPDATE " + TABLE_RECORDS + " SET " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = ?" + " WHERE " + RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = ?" + " AND " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = ?" ); stmt.BindText(1, oldDatasetName + "." + oldIdentityId + "-" + timestamp); stmt.BindText(2, oldIdentityId); stmt.BindText(3, oldDatasetName); stmt.Step(); stmt.FinalizeStm(); } stmt = db.Prepare( DatasetColumns.BuildUpdate( new string[] { DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID }, DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = ?" ) ); stmt.BindText(1, newIdentityId); stmt.BindText(2, oldIdentityId); stmt.Step(); stmt.FinalizeStm(); stmt = db.Prepare( RecordColumns.BuildUpdate( new string[] { RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID }, RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = ?" ) ); stmt.BindText(1, newIdentityId); stmt.BindText(2, oldIdentityId); stmt.Step(); } else { // 1. copy oldIdentityId/dataset to newIdentityId/dataset // datasets table stmt = db.Prepare("INSERT INTO " + TABLE_DATASETS + "(" + DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + "," + DatasetColumns.DATASET_NAME + "," + DatasetColumns.CREATION_TIMESTAMP + "," + DatasetColumns.STORAGE_SIZE_BYTES + "," + DatasetColumns.RECORD_COUNT // last sync count is reset to default 0 + ")" + " SELECT " + "'" + newIdentityId + "'," // assign new owner + DatasetColumns.DATASET_NAME + "," + DatasetColumns.CREATION_TIMESTAMP + "," + DatasetColumns.STORAGE_SIZE_BYTES + "," + DatasetColumns.RECORD_COUNT + " FROM " + TABLE_DATASETS + " WHERE " + DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = ?" ); stmt.BindText(1, oldIdentityId); stmt.Step(); stmt.FinalizeStm(); // records table stmt = db.Prepare("INSERT INTO " + TABLE_RECORDS + "(" + RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + "," + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + "," + RecordColumns.KEY + "," + RecordColumns.VALUE + "," // sync count is resset to default 0 + RecordColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP + "," + RecordColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_BY + "," + RecordColumns.DEVICE_LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP // modified is reset to default 1 (dirty) + ")" + " SELECT " + "'" + newIdentityId + "'," // assign new owner + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + "," + RecordColumns.KEY + "," + RecordColumns.VALUE + "," + RecordColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP + "," + RecordColumns.LAST_MODIFIED_BY + "," + RecordColumns.DEVICE_LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP + " FROM " + TABLE_RECORDS + " WHERE " + RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = ?" ); stmt.BindText(1, oldIdentityId); stmt.Step(); stmt.FinalizeStm(); // 2. rename oldIdentityId/dataset to // newIdentityId/dataset.oldIdentityId // datasets table stmt = db.Prepare("UPDATE " + TABLE_DATASETS + " SET " + DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = '" + newIdentityId + "', " + DatasetColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = " + DatasetColumns.DATASET_NAME + " || '." + oldIdentityId + "'" + " WHERE " + DatasetColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = ?" ); stmt.BindText(1, oldIdentityId); stmt.Step(); stmt.FinalizeStm(); // records table stmt = db.Prepare("UPDATE " + TABLE_RECORDS + " SET " + RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = '" + newIdentityId + "', " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " = " + RecordColumns.DATASET_NAME + " || '." + oldIdentityId + "'" + " WHERE " + RecordColumns.IDENTITY_ID + " = ?" ); stmt.BindText(1, oldIdentityId); stmt.Step(); } } finally { stmt.FinalizeStm(); } } }