public async Task AddMessage(ReceivedMessageViewModel newMessage)
     await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
         TryRemovePreviousMessageFromFriend((FriendViewModel) newMessage.Sender);
         RecentMessages.Insert(0, newMessage);
Exemple #2
 public ReceivedMessageView()
     DataContext = new ReceivedMessageViewModel();
Exemple #3
        public SavingResult SaveEmployeeAttendanceDetail(ReceivedMessageViewModel Message)
            SavingResult res = new SavingResult();

            DateTime AttendanceDate = Message.LogTime.Date;

            if (AttendanceDate < SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value)
                AttendanceDate = SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value;

            using (dbVisionEntities db = new dbVisionEntities())
                // Searching for employee
                tblEmployee EmployeeSaveModel = db.tblEmployees.FirstOrDefault(r => r.TACode == Message.EmployeeTACode);
                if (EmployeeSaveModel == null)
                    res.MessageAfterSave = $"TA Code {Message.EmployeeTACode} not found.";

                else if (EmployeeSaveModel.tblEmployeeServiceDetail == null)
                    res.MessageAfterSave = $"Employe is not in service, Name : {EmployeeSaveModel.EmployeeFirstName} {EmployeeSaveModel.EmployeeLastName}, TA Code : {Message.EmployeeTACode}.";

                if (EmployeeSaveModel == null || EmployeeSaveModel.tblEmployeeServiceDetail == null)
                    var detailSaveModel = new tblEmployeeAttendanceDetail()
                        EmployeeTACode = Message.EmployeeTACode,

                        LogTime          = (Message.LogTime < SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value ? SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value : Message.LogTime),
                        LogTimeType      = 0,
                        TerminalType     = Message.TerminalType,
                        TerminalID       = Message.TerminaID,
                        DeviceSerialNo   = Message.DeviceSerialNo,
                        TransactionID    = Message.TransactionID,
                        EventType        = Message.EventType,
                        PunchType        = Message.PunchType,
                        VerificationMode = Message.VerificationMode,
                        rcdt             = DateTime.Now,

                        res.ExecutionResult = eExecutionResult.CommitedSucessfuly;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        CommonFunctions.GetFinalError(res, ex);

                // Searching for employee shift
                Model.Employee.eEmployeeShiftType EmployeeShiftType = (Model.Employee.eEmployeeShiftType)EmployeeSaveModel.tblEmployeeServiceDetail.EmployeeShiftType;

                tblEmployeeShift EmployeeShift = null;
                if (EmployeeShiftType == Model.Employee.eEmployeeShiftType.Fixed)
                    if (EmployeeSaveModel.tblEmployeeServiceDetail.EmployeeShiftID == null)
                        //res.ExecutionResult = eExecutionResult.ValidationError;
                        res.MessageAfterSave = $"Shift not allocated, Name : {EmployeeSaveModel.EmployeeFirstName} {EmployeeSaveModel.EmployeeLastName}, TA Code : {Message.EmployeeTACode}.";
                        EmployeeShift = db.tblEmployeeShifts.FirstOrDefault(r => r.EmployeeShiftID == EmployeeSaveModel.tblEmployeeServiceDetail.EmployeeShiftID.Value);
                    var RotationShift = db.tblEmployeeShiftAllocations.Where(rs => rs.EmployeeID == EmployeeSaveModel.EmployeeID &&
                                                                             (rs.WEDateFrom == null || rs.WEDateFrom <= Message.LogTime)).OrderByDescending(rs => rs.WEDateFrom).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (RotationShift == null)
                        //res.ExecutionResult = eExecutionResult.ValidationError;
                        res.MessageAfterSave = $"Shift not allocated, Name : {EmployeeSaveModel.EmployeeFirstName} {EmployeeSaveModel.EmployeeLastName}, TA Code : {Message.EmployeeTACode}.";
                        EmployeeShift = db.tblEmployeeShifts.FirstOrDefault(r => r.EmployeeShiftID == RotationShift.EmployeeShiftID);

                if (EmployeeShift == null)
                    res.MessageAfterSave = $"Employee Shift not found, Name : {EmployeeSaveModel.EmployeeFirstName} {EmployeeSaveModel.EmployeeLastName}, TA Code : {Message.EmployeeTACode}.";

                    var detailSaveModel = new tblEmployeeAttendanceDetail()
                        EmployeeTACode = Message.EmployeeTACode,

                        LogTime          = (Message.LogTime < SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value ? SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value : Message.LogTime),
                        LogTimeType      = (byte)eLogTimeType.Unknown,
                        TerminalType     = Message.TerminalType,
                        TerminalID       = Message.TerminaID,
                        DeviceSerialNo   = Message.DeviceSerialNo,
                        TransactionID    = Message.TransactionID,
                        EventType        = Message.EventType,
                        PunchType        = Message.PunchType,
                        VerificationMode = Message.VerificationMode,
                        rcdt             = DateTime.Now,

                        res.ExecutionResult = eExecutionResult.CommitedSucessfuly;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        CommonFunctions.GetFinalError(res, ex);


                // Searching for last logged time.
                var LastLog = db.tblEmployeeAttendanceDetails.Where(r => r.EmployeeID == EmployeeSaveModel.EmployeeID).OrderByDescending(r => r.LogTime).FirstOrDefault();

                TimeSpan ShiftStartRangeFrom = EmployeeShift.ShiftStartTime.Add(new TimeSpan(-2, 0, 0));
                TimeSpan ShiftStartRangeTo   = EmployeeShift.ShiftStartTime.Add(new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0));

                TimeSpan ShiftEndRangeFrom = EmployeeShift.ShiftEndTime.Add(new TimeSpan(-2, 0, 0));
                TimeSpan ShiftEndRangeTo   = EmployeeShift.ShiftEndTime.Add(new TimeSpan(10, 0, 0));

                tblEmployeeAttendanceDetail DetailSaveModel = null;
                // if the log time is not in valid shift range, before shift start -2 hours and after shift end +10 hours, then it is invalid time, log it but dont consider it as attendance
                // If Shift Start Range from and Shift End Range to does not eqal, it happens if we have 12 hours shifts.
                if (ShiftStartRangeFrom != ShiftEndRangeTo && !CheckTimeInRange(Message.LogTime.TimeOfDay, ShiftStartRangeFrom, ShiftEndRangeTo))
                    if (LastLog != null)
                        DetailSaveModel = new tblEmployeeAttendanceDetail()
                            tblEmployeeAttendance = LastLog.tblEmployeeAttendance,
                            tblEmployee           = EmployeeSaveModel,
                            CompanyID             = (EmployeeSaveModel != null ? (int?)EmployeeSaveModel.CompanyID : null),

                            LogTime          = (Message.LogTime < SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value ? SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value : Message.LogTime),
                            LogTimeType      = (byte)eLogTimeType.Unknown,
                            TerminalType     = Message.TerminalType,
                            TerminalID       = Message.TerminaID,
                            DeviceSerialNo   = Message.DeviceSerialNo,
                            TransactionID    = Message.TransactionID,
                            EventType        = Message.EventType,
                            PunchType        = "Invalid Punch Time", //Message.AttendanceStatus,
                            VerificationMode = Message.VerificationMode,
                            rcdt             = DateTime.Now
                        res.MessageAfterSave = $"Invalid Punch Time, Name : {EmployeeSaveModel.EmployeeFirstName} {EmployeeSaveModel.EmployeeLastName}, TA Code : {Message.EmployeeTACode}, Time : {Message.LogTime.ToString("g")}";
                    bool IsLastLogInTime = (LastLog != null && (eLogTimeType)LastLog.LogTimeType == eLogTimeType.In);

                    //bool IsLastLogInTime = (LastLog != null && (LastLog.AttendanceStatus.ToUpper() == Model.BMDevice.DataReceiverViewModel.PunchType_DutyOn.ToUpper() ||
                    //        LastLog.AttendanceStatus.ToUpper() == Model.BMDevice.DataReceiverViewModel.PunchType_In.ToUpper() ||
                    //        LastLog.AttendanceStatus.ToUpper() == Model.BMDevice.DataReceiverViewModel.PunchType_OverTimeOn.ToUpper()));

                    // Checking to consider this punch as a new attendance or not.
                    bool IsNewAttendance = false;
                    // if last log not found or last log doesn't have a header attendance record then treat it as new attendance record
                    if (LastLog == null || LastLog.tblEmployeeAttendance == null)
                        IsNewAttendance = true;
                        // ** we are testing time range by subtracting values, becasue we have date values also, otherwise we use CheckTimeInRange Function **

                        // If Last log In time was recorded then, if diff. of Last Shift Start Time and Current Punched time > 18 hours then new shift, A shift can not be greater than 18 hours
                        if (LastLog.tblEmployeeAttendance.InTime != null)
                            if ((Message.LogTime - LastLog.tblEmployeeAttendance.AttendanceDate.Add(LastLog.tblEmployeeAttendance.InTime.Value)).TotalHours > 18)
                                IsNewAttendance = true;
                        else if (Message.LogTime.Subtract(LastLog.LogTime).TotalHours > 10) // If In time was not found then diff of Last log time and Punched time > 10 hours then new shift
                            IsNewAttendance = true;

                    // Checking to consider this punch as In time or out time.
                    bool IsInTime = false;

                    // if it is new attendance and punched time is not the range of shift end time, then treat it as in time.
                    // If not a new attendance then all punch after first punch will be considered as out time.
                    if (IsNewAttendance && !CheckTimeInRange(Message.LogTime.TimeOfDay, ShiftEndRangeFrom, ShiftEndRangeTo))
                        IsInTime = true;

                    // If it is night shift and ends at next day, current punched time is punched after midnight then, it means attendance date must be prev date.

                    // 1. Shift ends next Day == Shift End time is less than Shift Start time
                    // 3. Log Time Less then Shift Start time, this logic confirms the time punched after mid night. see notes:
                    // Possible Shifts for cross day timings
                    /// 15 - 00
                    /// 16 - 01
                    /// 17 - 02
                    /// 18 - 03
                    /// 19 - 04
                    /// 20 - 05, if the time is punched upto 23:59, it will qualify [LogTime is less than Shift Start Time], if time punched after 00:00, only then it will qualify.
                    /// 21 - 06
                    /// 22 - 07
                    /// 23 - 08
                    /// If the punched time < Shift Start Range From, because if the punched time is less than shift start range from time, it means it is invalid punch
                    /// we are already dealing with invalid punch time in above codes, it means invalid punch time can not process to this code, so,
                    /// if the punch time is still less than shift start range from, it means it is punched after midnight
                    if (EmployeeShift.ShiftEndTime < ShiftStartRangeFrom && Message.LogTime.TimeOfDay < ShiftStartRangeFrom)
                        // There must be no attendance for the previous date
                        AttendanceDate = AttendanceDate.AddDays(-1);

                    tblEmployeeAttendance AttendanceSaveModel = null;
                    if (!IsNewAttendance && LastLog != null && LastLog.tblEmployeeAttendance != null && LastLog.tblEmployeeAttendance.AttendanceDate == AttendanceDate)
                        AttendanceSaveModel = LastLog.tblEmployeeAttendance;
                    if (AttendanceSaveModel != null)
                        DateTime?LastOutTime = (!IsLastLogInTime ? (DateTime?)LastLog.LogTime : null);

                        if (IsInTime)
                            AttendanceSaveModel.InTime = Message.LogTime.TimeOfDay;
                        else if (LastOutTime == null || Message.LogTime > LastOutTime)
                            AttendanceSaveModel.OutTime = Message.LogTime.TimeOfDay;

                        AttendanceSaveModel.redt = DateTime.Now;
                        db.Entry(AttendanceSaveModel).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
                        AttendanceSaveModel = new tblEmployeeAttendance();
                        AttendanceSaveModel.AttendanceDate = AttendanceDate;

                        if (IsInTime)
                            AttendanceSaveModel.InTime = Message.LogTime.TimeOfDay;
                            AttendanceSaveModel.OutTime = Message.LogTime.TimeOfDay;

                        AttendanceSaveModel.EmployeeID      = EmployeeSaveModel.EmployeeID;
                        AttendanceSaveModel.CompanyID       = EmployeeSaveModel.CompanyID;
                        AttendanceSaveModel.EmployeeShiftID = EmployeeShift.EmployeeShiftID;
                        AttendanceSaveModel.ShiftStartTime  = EmployeeShift.ShiftStartTime;
                        AttendanceSaveModel.ShiftEndTime    = EmployeeShift.ShiftEndTime;

                        AttendanceSaveModel.rcdt = DateTime.Now;

                    DetailSaveModel = new tblEmployeeAttendanceDetail()
                        tblEmployeeAttendance = AttendanceSaveModel,
                        tblEmployee           = EmployeeSaveModel,
                        CompanyID             = (EmployeeSaveModel != null ? (int?)EmployeeSaveModel.CompanyID : null),
                        EmployeeTACode        = Message.EmployeeTACode,

                        LogTime          = (Message.LogTime < SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value ? SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value : Message.LogTime),
                        LogTimeType      = (byte)(IsInTime ? eLogTimeType.In : eLogTimeType.Out),
                        TerminalType     = Message.TerminalType,
                        TerminalID       = Message.TerminaID,
                        DeviceSerialNo   = Message.DeviceSerialNo,
                        TransactionID    = Message.TransactionID,
                        EventType        = Message.EventType,
                        PunchType        = Message.PunchType,
                        VerificationMode = Message.VerificationMode,
                        rcdt             = DateTime.Now
                    res.PrimeKeyValue   = DetailSaveModel.EmployeeAttendanceDetailID;
                    res.ExecutionResult = eExecutionResult.CommitedSucessfuly;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    CommonFunctions.GetFinalError(res, ex);
Exemple #4
        // Process a message
        private void ProcMessage(string message)
            frmLogStatus.LogMessage(new Model.BMDevice.LogViewModel()
                LogMessage = "Processing raw data"

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            //const ulong invalid_val64 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
            const uint invalid_val = 0xFFFFFFFF;
            uint       year = invalid_val, month = invalid_val, day = invalid_val,
                       hour = invalid_val, minute = invalid_val, second = invalid_val;

            doc.Load(new StringReader(message));

            ReceivedMessageViewModel myMessage   = new ReceivedMessageViewModel();
            MessageReceivedEventArgs MsgRecdArgs = new MessageReceivedEventArgs()
                Message = myMessage, ProcessAcknowledgement = false

            // Terminal type
                myMessage.TerminalType = GetElementValue(doc, "TerminalType");
            catch (System.Exception) { }

            // Terminal ID
                myMessage.TerminaID = (int)uint.Parse(GetElementValue(doc, "TerminalID"));
            catch (System.Exception) { }

            // Serial Number
                myMessage.DeviceSerialNo = GetElementValue(doc, "DeviceSerialNo");
            catch (System.Exception) { }

            // Transaction ID
                myMessage.TransactionID = (int)uint.Parse(GetElementValue(doc, "TransID"));
            catch (System.Exception) { }

            // Event
                myMessage.EventType = GetElementValue(doc, "Event");
            catch (System.Exception) { }

            string msgReply = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><Message>";

            if (myMessage.EventType == "TimeLog")
                // Date and time of log

                // Year
                    year = uint.Parse(GetElementValue(doc, "Year"));
                catch (System.Exception) { }

                // Month
                    month = uint.Parse(GetElementValue(doc, "Month"));
                catch (System.Exception) { }

                // Day
                    day = uint.Parse(GetElementValue(doc, "Day"));
                catch (System.Exception) { }

                // Hour
                    hour = uint.Parse(GetElementValue(doc, "Hour"));
                catch (System.Exception) { }

                // Minute
                    minute = uint.Parse(GetElementValue(doc, "Minute"));
                catch (System.Exception) { }

                // Second
                    second = uint.Parse(GetElementValue(doc, "Second"));
                catch (System.Exception) { }

                myMessage.LogTime = new DateTime((int)year, (int)month, (int)day, (int)hour, (int)minute, (int)second);

                // User ID
                    myMessage.EmployeeTACode = (int)ulong.Parse(GetElementValue(doc, "UserID"));
                catch (System.Exception) { }

                // Time attendance status
                    myMessage.PunchType = GetElementValue(doc, "AttendStat");
                catch (System.Exception) { }

                // Verification mode
                    myMessage.VerificationMode = GetElementValue(doc, "VerifMode");
                catch (System.Exception) { }

                // Action
                    myMessage.Action = GetElementValue(doc, "Action");
                catch (System.Exception) { }


                // Concatenate a message to send back
                msgReply += "<Request>UploadedLog</Request><TransID>" + myMessage.TransactionID.ToString() + "</TransID></Message>";
            else if (myMessage.EventType == "AdminLog")
                // Date and time of log
                // Year
                    year = uint.Parse(GetElementValue(doc, "Year"));
                catch (System.Exception) { }

                // Month
                    month = uint.Parse(GetElementValue(doc, "Month"));
                catch (System.Exception) { }

                // Day
                    day = uint.Parse(GetElementValue(doc, "Day"));
                catch (System.Exception) { }

                // Hour
                    hour = uint.Parse(GetElementValue(doc, "Hour"));
                catch (System.Exception) { }

                // Minute
                    minute = uint.Parse(GetElementValue(doc, "Minute"));
                catch (System.Exception) { }

                // Second
                    second = uint.Parse(GetElementValue(doc, "Second"));
                catch (System.Exception) { }

                myMessage.LogTime = new DateTime((int)year, (int)month, (int)day, (int)hour, (int)minute, (int)second);

                // User ID
                    myMessage.EmployeeTACode = (int)ulong.Parse(GetElementValue(doc, "UserID"));
                catch (System.Exception) { }

                // Action
                    myMessage.Action = GetElementValue(doc, "Action");
                catch (System.Exception) { }

                // Concatenate a message to send back
                msgReply += "<Request>UploadedLog</Request><TransID>" + myMessage.TransactionID.ToString() + "</TransID></Message>";
                MsgRecdArgs.ProcessAcknowledgement = true;
                MsgRecdArgs.ProcessAcknowledgement = true;
                // Concatenate a message to send back
                msgReply += "<Request>KeptAlive</Request><TransID>" + myMessage.TransactionID.ToString() + "</TransID></Message>";

            frmLogStatus.LogMessage(new Model.BMDevice.LogViewModel(myMessage)
                LogMessage = "Raw data processed."

            if (myMessage.EventType == "TimeLog")
            //// Display the message on the form
            //    MainForm.theForm.theDelegateAppendMessage, dispMessage);

            // It ensures this message was saved in database, only then upload read mark for this transaction id.
            if (MsgRecdArgs.ProcessAcknowledgement && stream.CanWrite)
                // Reply the message
                byte[] buffer = new byte[msgReply.Length + 1];
                System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msgReply).CopyTo(buffer, 0);
                buffer[msgReply.Length] = 0;         // Insert null character as end token of message
                                  0, buffer.Length, new AsyncCallback(Terminal.OnSend), this);