Exemple #1
        public void Dispose()
            if (Disposed)

            Disposed = true;


            DataStreamResponse = null;
            DataStream         = null;
Exemple #2
        public async ReusableTask <int> SendAsync(ByteBuffer buffer, int offset, int count)
            SendResult = new TaskCompletionSource <object> ();

            List <RequestMessage> bundle = DecodeMessages(buffer, offset, count);

            if (bundle.Count > 0)
                // The RequestMessages are always sequential
                RequestMessage start = bundle[0];
                RequestMessage end   = bundle[bundle.Count - 1];
                CreateWebRequests(start, end);

            await SendResult.Task;

Exemple #3
        public async ReusableTask <int> ReceiveAsync(ByteBuffer buffer, int offset, int count)
            // This is a little tricky, so let's spell it out in comments...
            if (Disposed)
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            // If this is the first time ReceiveAsync is invoked, then we should get the first PieceMessage from the queue
            if (CurrentRequest == null)
                // When we call 'SendAsync' with request piece messages, we add them to the list and then toggle the handle.
                // When this returns it means we have requests ready to go!
                await Task.Run(() => ReceiveWaiter.WaitOne());

                if (Disposed)
                    throw new OperationCanceledException();

                // Grab the request. We know the 'SendAsync' call won't return until we process all the queued requests, so
                // this is threadsafe now.
                CurrentRequest = new HttpRequestData(RequestMessages[0]);

            // If we have not sent the length header for this message, send it now
            if (!CurrentRequest.SentLength)
                // The message length counts as the first four bytes
                CurrentRequest.SentLength     = true;
                CurrentRequest.TotalReceived += 4;
                Message.Write(buffer.Data, offset, CurrentRequest.TotalToReceive - CurrentRequest.TotalReceived);

            // Once we've sent the length header, the next thing we need to send is the metadata for the 'Piece' message
            int written = 0;

            if (!CurrentRequest.SentHeader)
                CurrentRequest.SentHeader = true;

                // We have *only* written the messageLength to the stream
                // Now we need to write the rest of the PieceMessage header
                written += Message.Write(buffer.Data, offset + written, PieceMessage.MessageId);
                written += Message.Write(buffer.Data, offset + written, CurrentRequest.Request.PieceIndex);
                written += Message.Write(buffer.Data, offset + written, CurrentRequest.Request.StartOffset);
                count   -= written;
                offset  += written;
                CurrentRequest.TotalReceived += written;

            // Once we have sent the message length, and the metadata, we now need to add the actual data from the HTTP server.
            // If we have already connected to the server then DataStream will be non-null and we can just read the next bunch
            // of data from it.
            if (DataStream != null)
                int result = await DataStream.ReadAsync(buffer.Data, offset, count);

                DataStreamCount -= result;
                // If result is zero it means we've read the last data from the stream.
                if (result == 0)
                    using (DataStreamResponse)

                    DataStreamResponse = null;
                    DataStream         = null;

                    // If we requested more data (via the range header) than we were actually given, then it's a truncated
                    // stream and we can give up immediately.
                    if (DataStreamCount > 0)
                        throw new WebException("Unexpected end of stream");
                    // Otherwise if we have received non-zero data we can accumulate that!
                    CurrentRequest.TotalReceived += result;
                    // If the request is complete we should dequeue the next RequestMessage so we can process
                    // that the next ReceiveAsync is invoked. Otherwise, if we have processed all the queued
                    // messages we can mark the 'SendAsync' as complete and we can wait for the piece picker
                    // to add more requests for us to process.
                    if (CurrentRequest.Complete)
                        if (RequestMessages.Count > 0)
                            CurrentRequest = new HttpRequestData(RequestMessages[0]);
                            using (DataStreamResponse)

                            DataStreamResponse = null;
                            DataStream         = null;

                            CurrentRequest = null;

                    return(result + written);

            // Finally, if we have had no datastream what we need to do is execute the next web request in our list,
            // and then begin reading data from that stream.
            while (WebRequests.Count > 0)
                KeyValuePair <WebRequest, int> r = WebRequests.Dequeue();
                using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(ConnectionTimeout);
                using (cts.Token.Register(() => r.Key.Abort())) {
                    DataStreamResponse = await r.Key.GetResponseAsync();

                    DataStream      = DataStreamResponse.GetResponseStream();
                    DataStreamCount = r.Value;
                    return(await ReceiveAsync(buffer, offset, count) + written);

            // If we reach this point it means that we processed all webrequests and still ended up receiving *less* data than we required,
            // and we did not throw an unexpected end of stream exception.
            throw new WebException("Unable to download the required data from the server");