Exemple #1
        public void GetAndResolveReceiveBag(object obj)
            this.dtuid = obj as string;
            ReceiveBytes receivedata = ReceiveBytes.GetReceiveBytes();

            while (true)
                if (receivedata.GetDtuReceivedBytesCount(this.dtuid) > 7)
                    ReceiveDataInfo recedata = receivedata.GetReceivePackage(this.dtuid);
                    if (recedata != null)
                            var bt = new object();
                            bt = ReloveCustomTransData.GetInstance.ProtocolOrder(recedata);
                        catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #2
        void CollectThread_ReceiveLog(ReceiveDataInfo e)
            var data = CVT.ByteToHexStr(e.PackagesBytes);

            SetRecText(string.Format("收到数据,ID:{0},长度:{1},数据:{2}", e.Sender, e.PackagesBytes.Length, data));
            SetLogText(string.Format("收到数据,ID:{0},长度:{1}", e.Sender, e.PackagesBytes.Length));

        private byte[] WriteReadData(byte[] writeData, int writeCount, int readCount)
            // Send the request and return the response
            lock (responseSignal)
                responsePacket = null;

                // Initialise the receive data info
                ReceiveDataInfo rdi = this.receiveDataInfo;
                rdi.bytesRead            = 0;
                rdi.bufferIndex          = 0;
                rdi.expectedPacketLength = readCount;

                // Write the data to the serial LCD
                this.SendData(writeData, writeCount);

                // Wait for the response packet
                if (Monitor.Wait(responseSignal, MAX_RESPONSE_TIME))

        /// <summary>
        /// The protocol order.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">
        /// The data.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="object"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public object ProtocolOrder(ReceiveDataInfo data)
            if (String.CompareOrdinal(data.Sender, LCJDTUCODE) == 0)
                return(new ReloveCustomTransLCJData().ProtocolOrder(data));
            var packet = data.PackagesBytes;

            if (data.PackagesBytes != null && packet != null)
                var    dataTypeFactory = new DataTypeFactory();
                string dtuId           = data.Sender;
                dataTypeFactory.ReloveTransData(dtuId, packet);
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// The wrapper_ receive data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buff"></param>
 private void Wrapper_ReceiveData(ReceiveDataInfo buff)
         if (buff != null)
             if (DataHexShowStringLogEventArgs != null)
             var str = new StringBuilder();
             ReceiveBytes.GetReceiveBytes().AddReceiveBytes(buff.Sender, buff.PackagesBytes);
     catch (Exception ex)

        protected void ReceiveData(byte[] data, int dataLength)
            ReceiveDataInfo rdi = this.receiveDataInfo;

                // Copy all of the data to the receive buffer
                Array.Copy(data, 0, rdi.receiveBuffer, rdi.bufferIndex, dataLength);
                rdi.bytesRead   += dataLength;
                rdi.bufferIndex += dataLength;

                // Check if all of the expected data has been read
                if (rdi.bytesRead >= rdi.expectedPacketLength)
                    // The buffer has at least as many bytes for this packet
                    this.responsePacket = new byte[rdi.expectedPacketLength];
                    Array.Copy(rdi.receiveBuffer, 0, this.responsePacket, 0, rdi.expectedPacketLength);

                    // Signal the waiting thread that the data has been received
                    lock (responseSignal)
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="labEquipmentConfiguration"></param>
        public DeviceSerialLcdSerial(LabEquipmentConfiguration labEquipmentConfiguration)
            : base(labEquipmentConfiguration)
            const String methodName = "DeviceSerialLcdSerial";
            Logfile.WriteCalled(Logfile.Level.Info, STR_ClassName, methodName);

                 * Serial port settings
                XmlNode xmlNode = XmlUtilities.GetChildNode(this.xmlNodeDevice, Consts.STRXML_Serial);
                this.serialport = XmlUtilities.GetChildValue(xmlNode, Consts.STRXML_Port);
                this.baudrate = XmlUtilities.GetChildValueAsInt(xmlNode, Consts.STRXML_Baud);

                Logfile.Write(Logfile.Level.Config, String.Format(STRLOG_SerialPort_arg2, serialport, baudrate));

                 * Create the receive and report objects
                this.receiveDataInfo = new ReceiveDataInfo();
                this.reportQueue = new Queue<LCDPacket>();
                this.reportSignal = new Object();
                this.responseSignal = new Object();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(Logfile.Level.Info, STR_ClassName, methodName);
        public ST360Counter(XmlNode xmlNodeEquipmentConfig)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "ST360Counter";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(null, STRLOG_MethodName);

            // Initialise local variables
            this.disposed = true;
            this.initialised = false;
            this.lastError = null;
            this.configured = false;

            // Initialise properties
            this.online = false;
            this.statusMessage = STRLOG_NotInitialised;

            // Determine the logging level for this class
                this.logLevel = (Logfile.LoggingLevels)Utilities.GetIntAppSetting(STRLOG_ClassName);
                this.logLevel = Logfile.LoggingLevels.Minimum;
            Logfile.Write(Logfile.STRLOG_LogLevel + this.logLevel.ToString());

            // Get initialisation delay
            XmlNode xmlNodeST360Counter = XmlUtilities.GetXmlNode(xmlNodeEquipmentConfig, Consts.STRXML_st360Counter);
                this.initialiseDelay = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlNodeST360Counter, Consts.STRXML_initialiseDelay);
                if (this.initialiseDelay < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_NumberIsNegative);
            catch (ArgumentNullException)
                throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_InitialiseDelayNotSpecified);
            catch (FormatException)
                // Value cannot be converted
                throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_NumberIsInvalid, Consts.STRXML_initialiseDelay);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message, Consts.STRXML_initialiseDelay);

            // Get Geiger tube voltage from application's configuration file
            this.geigerTubeVoltage = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlNodeST360Counter, Consts.STRXML_voltage, DEFAULT_HighVoltage);

            // Make sure that the high voltage is within range
            if (this.geigerTubeVoltage < MIN_HighVoltage)
                this.geigerTubeVoltage = MIN_HighVoltage;
            else if (this.geigerTubeVoltage > MAX_HighVoltage)
                this.geigerTubeVoltage = MAX_HighVoltage;
            Logfile.Write(STRLOG_HighVoltage + this.geigerTubeVoltage.ToString());

            // Get speaker volume from application's configuration file
            this.speakerVolume = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlNodeST360Counter, Consts.STRXML_volume, MIN_SpeakerVolume);

            // Make sure that the speaker volume is within range
            if (this.speakerVolume < MIN_SpeakerVolume)
                this.speakerVolume = MIN_SpeakerVolume;
            else if (this.speakerVolume > MAX_SpeakerVolume)
                this.speakerVolume = MAX_SpeakerVolume;
            Logfile.Write(STRLOG_SpeakerVolume + this.speakerVolume.ToString());

            // Get capture time adjustment: y = Mx + C
            XmlNode xmlNode = XmlUtilities.GetXmlNode(xmlNodeST360Counter, Consts.STRXML_timeAdjustment, false);
            string capture = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(xmlNode, Consts.STRXML_capture, false);
            string[] strSplit = capture.Split(new char[] { Engine.Consts.CHR_CsvSplitterChar });
            this.timeAdjustmentCapture = new double[strSplit.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < strSplit.Length; i++)
                this.timeAdjustmentCapture[i] = Double.Parse(strSplit[i]);

            // Create the receive objects
            this.receiveDataInfo = new ReceiveDataInfo();
            this.responseSignal = new Object();

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(null, STRLOG_MethodName);
Exemple #9

        protected void ReceiveData(byte[] data, int dataLength)
            ReceiveDataInfo rdi = this.receiveDataInfo;
            int             bytesReceived;

            while (dataLength > 0)
                // Copy the data into the receive buffer
                if (dataLength <= rdi.numBytesToRead)
                    // Copy all of the data to the receive buffer
                    Array.Copy(data, 0, rdi.receiveBuffer, rdi.bufferIndex, dataLength);
                    bytesReceived = dataLength;
                    // Copy only some of the data to the receive buffer
                    Array.Copy(data, 0, rdi.receiveBuffer, rdi.bufferIndex, rdi.numBytesToRead);
                    bytesReceived = rdi.numBytesToRead;
                dataLength -= bytesReceived;

                // Check if dataLength for the packet has been determined
                if (rdi.expectedPacketLengthIsSet || rdi.bytesRead <= 1)
                    // This covers the case when more than 1 entire packet has been read in at a time
                    rdi.bytesRead  += bytesReceived;
                    rdi.bufferIndex = rdi.startPacketIndex + rdi.bytesRead;

                if (rdi.bytesRead > 1)
                    // The buffer has the dataLength for the packet
                    if (rdi.expectedPacketLengthIsSet == false)
                        rdi.expectedPacketLength      = rdi.receiveBuffer[(1 + rdi.startPacketIndex) % rdi.receiveBuffer.Length] + 4;
                        rdi.expectedPacketLengthIsSet = true;

                    if (rdi.bytesRead >= rdi.expectedPacketLength)
                        // The buffer has at least as many bytes for this packet
                        AddPacket(rdi.receiveBuffer, rdi.startPacketIndex);

                        rdi.expectedPacketLengthIsSet = false;
                        if (rdi.bytesRead == rdi.expectedPacketLength)
                            // The buffer contains only the bytes for this packet
                            rdi.bytesRead   = 0;
                            rdi.bufferIndex = rdi.startPacketIndex;
                            // The buffer also has bytes for the next packet
                            rdi.startPacketIndex += rdi.expectedPacketLength;
                            rdi.startPacketIndex %= rdi.receiveBuffer.Length;
                            rdi.bytesRead        -= rdi.expectedPacketLength;
                            rdi.bufferIndex       = rdi.startPacketIndex + rdi.bytesRead;

                // Update buffer and remaining space, wrapping around end of buffer if necessary
                rdi.bufferIndex %= rdi.receiveBuffer.Length;
                if (rdi.bufferIndex < rdi.startPacketIndex)
                    rdi.numBytesToRead = rdi.startPacketIndex - rdi.bufferIndex;
                    rdi.numBytesToRead = rdi.receiveBuffer.Length - rdi.bufferIndex;
Exemple #10

        public SerialLcd(XmlNode xmlNodeEquipmentConfig)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "SerialLcd";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(null, STRLOG_MethodName);

            // Initialise local variables
            this.disposed      = true;
            this.initialised   = false;
            this.lastError     = null;
            this.reportRunning = false;
            this.captureData   = -1;
            this.lcdKey        = LCDKey.None;

            // Initialise properties
            this.online        = false;
            this.statusMessage = STRLOG_NotInitialised;

            // Determine the logging level for this class
                this.logLevel = (Logfile.LoggingLevels)Utilities.GetIntAppSetting(STRLOG_ClassName);
                this.logLevel = Logfile.LoggingLevels.Minimum;
            Logfile.Write(Logfile.STRLOG_LogLevel + this.logLevel.ToString());

            // Get initialisation delay
            XmlNode xmlNodeSerialLcd = XmlUtilities.GetXmlNode(xmlNodeEquipmentConfig, Consts.STRXML_serialLcd);

                this.initialiseDelay = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlNodeSerialLcd, Consts.STRXML_initialiseDelay);
                if (this.initialiseDelay < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_NumberIsNegative);
            catch (ArgumentNullException)
                throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_InitialiseDelayNotSpecified);
            catch (FormatException)
                // Value cannot be converted
                throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_NumberIsInvalid, Consts.STRXML_initialiseDelay);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message, Consts.STRXML_initialiseDelay);

            // Get WriteLine() time
                this.writeLineTime = XmlUtilities.GetRealValue(xmlNodeSerialLcd, Consts.STRXML_writeLineTime, 0.0);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message, Consts.STRXML_writeLineTime);

            // Create the receive and report objects
            this.receiveDataInfo = new ReceiveDataInfo();
            this.reportQueue     = new Queue <LCDPacket>();
            this.reportSignal    = new Object();
            this.responseSignal  = new Object();

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(null, STRLOG_MethodName);
        public SerialLcd(XmlNode xmlNodeEquipmentConfig)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "SerialLcd";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(null, STRLOG_MethodName);

            // Initialise local variables
            this.disposed = true;
            this.initialised = false;
            this.lastError = null;
            this.reportRunning = false;
            this.captureData = -1;
            this.lcdKey = LCDKey.None;

            // Initialise properties
            this.online = false;
            this.statusMessage = STRLOG_NotInitialised;

            // Determine the logging level for this class
                this.logLevel = (Logfile.LoggingLevels)Utilities.GetIntAppSetting(STRLOG_ClassName);
                this.logLevel = Logfile.LoggingLevels.Minimum;
            Logfile.Write(Logfile.STRLOG_LogLevel + this.logLevel.ToString());

            // Get initialisation delay
            XmlNode xmlNodeSerialLcd = XmlUtilities.GetXmlNode(xmlNodeEquipmentConfig, Consts.STRXML_serialLcd);
                this.initialiseDelay = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlNodeSerialLcd, Consts.STRXML_initialiseDelay);
                if (this.initialiseDelay < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_NumberIsNegative);
            catch (ArgumentNullException)
                throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_InitialiseDelayNotSpecified);
            catch (FormatException)
                // Value cannot be converted
                throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_NumberIsInvalid, Consts.STRXML_initialiseDelay);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message, Consts.STRXML_initialiseDelay);

            // Get WriteLine() time
                this.writeLineTime = XmlUtilities.GetRealValue(xmlNodeSerialLcd, Consts.STRXML_writeLineTime, 0.0);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message, Consts.STRXML_writeLineTime);

            // Create the receive and report objects
            this.receiveDataInfo = new ReceiveDataInfo();
            this.reportQueue = new Queue<LCDPacket>();
            this.reportSignal = new Object();
            this.responseSignal = new Object();

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(null, STRLOG_MethodName);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="labEquipmentConfiguration"></param>
        public DeviceST360CounterSerial(LabEquipmentConfiguration labEquipmentConfiguration)
            : base(labEquipmentConfiguration)
            const String methodName = "DeviceST360CounterSerial";
            Logfile.WriteCalled(Logfile.Level.Info, STR_ClassName, methodName);

                 * Serial port settings
                XmlNode xmlNode = XmlUtilities.GetChildNode(this.xmlNodeDevice, Consts.STRXML_Serial);
                this.serialport = XmlUtilities.GetChildValue(xmlNode, Consts.STRXML_Port);
                this.baudrate = XmlUtilities.GetChildValueAsInt(xmlNode, Consts.STRXML_Baud);

                 * Create the receive objects
                this.receiveDataInfo = new ReceiveDataInfo();
                this.responseSignal = new Object();

                 * Create an instance of the serial port, set read and write timeouts
                this.serialPort = new SerialPort(serialport, baudrate);
                this.serialPort.ReadTimeout = 1000;
                this.serialPort.WriteTimeout = 3000;

                Logfile.Write(String.Format(STRLOG_SerialPortBaudRate_arg2, serialport, baudrate));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(Logfile.Level.Info, STR_ClassName, methodName);
        /// <summary>
        /// The protocol order.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">
        /// The data.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="object"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public object ProtocolOrder(ReceiveDataInfo data)
            var packet = data.PackagesBytes;

            if (packet != null)
                var package = new ArrayList(packet);
                var bll     = new Bll();
                while (package.Count > 0)
                    string dtuId = data.Sender;
                    int    len   = (byte)package[LengthOfFrame];
                    var    by    = new byte[len];
                    package.CopyTo(0, @by, 0, len);
                    int    project     = BitConverter.ToInt16(@by, ProjectCodeOfFrame);
                    int    typeOfData  = @by[TypeOfDataOfFrame];
                    string moduleID    = BitConverter.ToInt16(@by, ModuleNumOfFrame).ToString();
                    int    channelId   = @by[ChannelIDOfFrame];
                    var    ticks       = BitConverter.ToInt64(@by, AcqTimeOfFrame);
                    var    acqTime     = new DateTime(ticks);
                    var    countOfData = (len - 20) / 4; // 一个float数据占4个字节
                    var    value       = new float[countOfData];
                    for (int i = 0; i < countOfData; i++)
                        value[i] = BitConverter.ToSingle(@by, DataValueOfFrame + (4 * i));

                    package.RemoveRange(0, len);
                        int    sensorID  = bll.GetSensorID(project, typeOfData, dtuId, moduleID, channelId);
                        string tableName = bll.GetTableName(typeOfData);
                        switch (typeOfData)
                        case BridgeVibration:     // 27桥面振动
                            for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
                                value[i] = value[i] * 100;


                        case BridgeDeflection:     // 21梁段挠度
                                var oridata = new[] { project, value[0] };
                                bll.InsertDataValues(OriginalDataTable, oridata, sensorID, typeOfData, acqTime);
                                float calData = pressureProcess.CalculatePressValue(sensorID, value[0]);
                                value[0] = calData;
                            catch (Exception ex)


                        case BridgeSettle:     // 19GPS
                                var oridata = new[] { project, value[0], value[1], value[2] };
                                bll.InsertDataValues(OriginalDataTable, oridata, sensorID, typeOfData, acqTime);
                                float[] calData = gpsProcess.CalulateGpsDataValue(sensorID, value);
                                value = calData;
                            catch (Exception ex)


                        bll.InsertDataValues(tableName, value, sensorID, typeOfData, acqTime);
                    catch (Exception ex)


        public ST360Counter(XmlNode xmlNodeEquipmentConfig)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "ST360Counter";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(null, STRLOG_MethodName);

            // Initialise local variables
            this.disposed    = true;
            this.initialised = false;
            this.lastError   = null;
            this.configured  = false;

            // Initialise properties
            this.online        = false;
            this.statusMessage = STRLOG_NotInitialised;

            // Determine the logging level for this class
                this.logLevel = (Logfile.LoggingLevels)Utilities.GetIntAppSetting(STRLOG_ClassName);
                this.logLevel = Logfile.LoggingLevels.Minimum;
            Logfile.Write(Logfile.STRLOG_LogLevel + this.logLevel.ToString());

            // Get initialisation delay
            XmlNode xmlNodeST360Counter = XmlUtilities.GetXmlNode(xmlNodeEquipmentConfig, Consts.STRXML_st360Counter);

                this.initialiseDelay = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlNodeST360Counter, Consts.STRXML_initialiseDelay);
                if (this.initialiseDelay < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_NumberIsNegative);
            catch (ArgumentNullException)
                throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_InitialiseDelayNotSpecified);
            catch (FormatException)
                // Value cannot be converted
                throw new ArgumentException(STRERR_NumberIsInvalid, Consts.STRXML_initialiseDelay);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message, Consts.STRXML_initialiseDelay);

            // Get Geiger tube voltage from application's configuration file
            this.geigerTubeVoltage = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlNodeST360Counter, Consts.STRXML_voltage, DEFAULT_HighVoltage);

            // Make sure that the high voltage is within range
            if (this.geigerTubeVoltage < MIN_HighVoltage)
                this.geigerTubeVoltage = MIN_HighVoltage;
            else if (this.geigerTubeVoltage > MAX_HighVoltage)
                this.geigerTubeVoltage = MAX_HighVoltage;
            Logfile.Write(STRLOG_HighVoltage + this.geigerTubeVoltage.ToString());

            // Get speaker volume from application's configuration file
            this.speakerVolume = XmlUtilities.GetIntValue(xmlNodeST360Counter, Consts.STRXML_volume, MIN_SpeakerVolume);

            // Make sure that the speaker volume is within range
            if (this.speakerVolume < MIN_SpeakerVolume)
                this.speakerVolume = MIN_SpeakerVolume;
            else if (this.speakerVolume > MAX_SpeakerVolume)
                this.speakerVolume = MAX_SpeakerVolume;
            Logfile.Write(STRLOG_SpeakerVolume + this.speakerVolume.ToString());

            // Get capture time adjustment: y = Mx + C
            XmlNode xmlNode = XmlUtilities.GetXmlNode(xmlNodeST360Counter, Consts.STRXML_timeAdjustment, false);
            string  capture = XmlUtilities.GetXmlValue(xmlNode, Consts.STRXML_capture, false);

            string[] strSplit = capture.Split(new char[] { Engine.Consts.CHR_CsvSplitterChar });
            this.timeAdjustmentCapture = new double[strSplit.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < strSplit.Length; i++)
                this.timeAdjustmentCapture[i] = Double.Parse(strSplit[i]);

            // Create the receive objects
            this.receiveDataInfo = new ReceiveDataInfo();
            this.responseSignal  = new Object();

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(null, STRLOG_MethodName);
 public void CopyTo(ReceiveDataInfo obj)
     obj.PartID = PartID;
     obj.LotID = LotID;
     obj.Serial = Serial;
Exemple #16
        private async Task<ReceiveDataInfo> ReceiveDataAsync(ServerAddress address, byte[] data, CancellationToken ct, params char[] header)
            var udpClient = new UdpClient();
            var ipAddr = IPAddress.Parse(address.Ip);
                udpClient.Connect(ipAddr, address.Port);

                var sendTime = DateTime.Now;
                await udpClient.SendAsync(data, data.Length);

                Packet packet = null;            
                return await Task.Run(async () =>
                    while (true)
                        var clientResult = await udpClient.ReceiveAsync().WithCancellation(ct);
                        var remoteIp = clientResult.RemoteEndPoint.Address.ToString();
                        var remotePort = clientResult.RemoteEndPoint.Port;
                        var receiveDate = DateTime.Now;
                        var packetReader = new PacketReader(clientResult.Buffer);
                        var packetheader = packetReader.ReadLong();
                        if (packet == null)
                            packet = engineFactory.CreatePacket(packetheader);
                        if (packet.IsCompleted)
                            var messageReader = new PacketReader(packet.Payload);
                            var messageheader = messageReader.ReadByte();
                            var messageHeaderChar = Convert.ToChar(messageheader);
                            if (header.Contains(messageHeaderChar))
                                var result = new ReceiveDataInfo
                                    Ping = (int)(DateTime.Now - sendTime).TotalMilliseconds,
                                    Data = packet.Payload,
                                    MessageHeaderChar = messageHeaderChar,
                                return result;
                throw new OperationCanceledException();