private void basicLinkQuery(Realm realm) { showStatus("\nPerforming basic Link Query operation..."); showStatus("Number of persons: " + realm.allObjects(typeof(Person)).size()); RealmResults <Person> results = realm.@where(typeof(Person)).equalTo("", "Tiger").findAll(); showStatus("Size of result set: " + results.size()); }
private string complexQuery() { string status = "\n\nPerforming complex Query operation..."; Realm realm = Realm.getInstance(this); status += "\nNumber of persons: " + realm.allObjects(typeof(Person)).size(); // Find all persons where age between 7 and 9 and name begins with "Person". RealmResults <Person> results = realm.@where(typeof(Person)).between("age", 7, 9).beginsWith("name", "Person").findAll(); // Notice implicit "and" operation status += "\nSize of result set: " + results.size(); realm.close(); return(status); }