Exemple #1
        private IEnumerator RunTutorial(Action cb)
            IEnumerator wait(Func <bool> cond)
                while (!cond())
                    yield return(null);

            IEnumerator confirm()
                yield return(null);

                yield return(wait(() => UIConfirm.Active && !EngineStateManager.IsPaused));

            DependencyInjection.Find <IUIManager>()
            .SetSpellname("Reduced Tutorial (For Players Too Smart for the Normal Tutorial)");

            var mov = new Movement(new Vector2(-2, 2.5f), 0);

            BulletManager.RequestSimple("lcircle-red/", _ => 4f, null, mov, new ParametricInfo(in mov));
            var nrx = new RealizedLaserOptions(new LaserOptions(), GenCtx.New(this, V2RV2.Zero), FiringCtx.New(), new Vector2(3, 5),
                                               V2RV2.Angle(-90), Cancellable.Null);

            "sync _ <> relrect greenrect level <-2;2.5:1.4;1.4:0> witha 0.7 green".Into <StateMachine>()
            .Start(new SMHandoff(this, Cancellable.Null));
            Message(text10, mtcirc1(UIConfirm.Desc));
            yield return(confirm());

            mov = new Movement(new Vector2(-3, 5), -90);
            BulletManager.RequestLaser(null, "mulaser-blue/b", mov, new ParametricInfo(in mov), 999, 0,
                                       ref nrx);
            mov = new Movement(new Vector2(-2, 5), -90);
            BulletManager.RequestLaser(null, "zonelaser-green/b", mov, new ParametricInfo(in mov), 999, 0,
                                       ref nrx);
            Message(text10, mtsafe2(UIConfirm.Desc));
            yield return(confirm());

Exemple #2
        public static void Request(BEHStyleMetadata style, BehaviorEntity?parent, Movement vel, ParametricInfo pi,
                                   float cold, float hot, SOPlayerHitbox collisionTarget, ref RealizedLaserOptions options)
            Laser created = (Laser)BEHPooler.RequestUninitialized(style.RecolorOrThrow.prefab, out bool isNew);

            created.Initialize(isNew, parent, vel, pi, collisionTarget, cold, hot, style, ref options);
Exemple #3
 private void Initialize(bool isNew, BehaviorEntity?parent, Movement movement, ParametricInfo pi, SOPlayerHitbox _target, float cold, float hot, BEHStyleMetadata style, ref RealizedLaserOptions options)
     pi.ctx.laserController = ctr;
     ctr.SetYScale(options.yScale * defaultWidthMultiplier);                      //Needs to be done before Colorize sets first frame
     base.Initialize(style, options.AsBEH, parent, movement, pi, _target, out _); // Call after Awake/Reset
     if (options.endpoint != null)
         var beh = BEHPooler.INode(Movement.None, new ParametricInfo(Vector2.zero, bpi.index),
                                   Vector2.right, options.endpoint);
         endpt = new PointContainer(beh);
         ctr.SetupEndpoint(new PointContainer(null));
     ctr.Initialize(this, config, style.RecolorOrThrow.material, isNew, bpi, ref options);
     SetColdHot(cold, hot, options.hotsfx, options.repeat);
     ctr.Activate(); //This invokes UpdateMesh
Exemple #4
        private IEnumerator RunTutorial(int skips)
            while (SceneIntermediary.LOADING)
                yield return(null);
            bool canSkip() => skips-- > 0;

            IEnumerator wait(Func <bool> cond)
                if (!canSkip())
                    while (!cond())
                        yield return(null);

            IEnumerator waitlf(Func <bool> cond) => wait(() => ETime.FirstUpdateForScreen && cond());

            IEnumerator waiti(IInputHandler ih)
                yield return(null);

                yield return(waitlf(() => ih.Active));

            IEnumerator waitir(IInputHandler ih)
                yield return(null);

                yield return(waitlf(() => !ih.Active));

            IEnumerator confirm() => waiti(UIConfirm);

            DependencyInjection.Find <IUIManager>().SetSpellname("Tutorial");
            Message(text10, welcome1(UIConfirm.Desc));
            yield return(confirm());

            Prompt(text10, blue2(Pause.Desc));
            yield return(waitlf(() => EngineStateManager.IsPaused));

            UIManager.PauseMenu !.GoToOption(0);
            const float menuLeft = -4.8f;

            Message(text00, pause3, x: menuLeft);
            yield return(confirm());

            Message(text00, shaders4, x: menuLeft);
            yield return(confirm());

            Prompt(text00, shaders5, 1.2f, x: menuLeft);
            var sd = SaveData.s.Shaders;

            yield return(waitlf(() => SaveData.s.Shaders != sd));

            Prompt(text00, res6, 0.85f, x: menuLeft);
            var r = SaveData.s.Resolution;

            yield return(waitlf(() => SaveData.s.Resolution != r));

            Message(text00, refresh7, 0.5f, x: menuLeft);
            yield return(confirm());

            Message(text00, fullscreen8, 0.15f, x: menuLeft);
            yield return(confirm());

            Message(text00, vsync9, -0.25f, x: menuLeft);
            yield return(confirm());

            Message(text00, inputsmooth10, -0.7f, x: menuLeft);
            yield return(confirm());

            Prompt(text00, unpause11(Pause.Desc), x: menuLeft);
            yield return(waitlf(() => !EngineStateManager.IsLoadingOrPaused));

            var mov = new Movement(new Vector2(-2, 2.5f), 0);

            BulletManager.RequestSimple("lcircle-red/", _ => 4f, null, mov, new ParametricInfo(in mov));
            var nrx = new RealizedLaserOptions(new LaserOptions(), GenCtx.New(this, V2RV2.Zero), FiringCtx.New(), new Vector2(3, 5),
                                               V2RV2.Angle(-90), Cancellable.Null);

            mov = new Movement(new Vector2(2, 5), -90);
            BulletManager.RequestLaser(null, "mulaser-blue/b", mov, new ParametricInfo(in mov), 999, 0, ref nrx);
            mov = new Movement(new Vector2(3, 5), -90);
            BulletManager.RequestLaser(null, "zonelaser-green/b", mov, new ParametricInfo(in mov), 999, 0,
                                       ref nrx);
            "sync _ <> relrect greenrect level <-2;2.5:1.4;1.4:0> witha 0.7 green".Into <StateMachine>()
            .Start(new SMHandoff(this));
            Message(text10, redcircle12);
            yield return(confirm());

            Message(text10, legacy13);
            yield return(confirm());

            Message(text10, safelaser14);
            yield return(confirm());


            Prompt(text10, fire15(ShootHold.Desc));
            yield return(waitir(ShootHold));

            yield return(waiti(ShootHold));

            Prompt(text10, move16);
            yield return(waitlf(() => Math.Abs(HorizontalSpeed01) > 0.1 || Math.Abs(VerticalSpeed01) > 0.1));

            Prompt(text10, focus17(FocusHold.Desc));
            yield return(waiti(FocusHold));

            var bcs  = new Cancellable();
            var boss = GameObject.Instantiate(tutorialBoss).GetComponent <BehaviorEntity>();

            boss.Initialize(SMRunner.CullRoot(StateMachine.CreateFromDump(bossSM.text), bcs));
            IEnumerator phase()
                while (boss.PhaseShifter == null)
                    yield return(null);
                var pct = boss.PhaseShifter;

                if (canSkip())
                    yield return(wait(() => pct.Cancelled));
                for (int ii = 0; ii < 244; ++ii)
                    yield return(null); //phase delay

                    if (EngineStateManager.IsRunning)

            IEnumerator shift()
                for (int ii = 0; ii < 4; ++ii)
                    yield return(null);                       //phase delay

            for (int ii = 0; ii < 8; ++ii)
                yield return(null);                       //start delay
            Message(text10, boss18);
            yield return(confirm());

            Message(text10, hpbar19);
            yield return(confirm());

            yield return(shift());

            Prompt(text10, ns20);
            yield return(phase());

            Prompt(text10, nss21);
            yield return(phase());

            Prompt(text10, spell22);
            yield return(phase());

            Prompt(text10, survival23);
            yield return(phase());

            Message(text10, items24);
            yield return(confirm());

            Message(text10, bullets25);
            yield return(confirm());

            yield return(shift());

            Prompt(text10, shoot26);
            yield return(phase());

            Message(text10, lives27, 0.3f);
            yield return(confirm());

            Message(text10, dots28);
            yield return(confirm());

            Message(text10, dots29);
            yield return(confirm());

            Message(text10, dots30);
            yield return(confirm());

            Message(text10, nobombs31);
            yield return(confirm());

            yield return(shift());

            Prompt(text10, pleasedie32);
            yield return(waitlf(() => EngineStateManager.IsDeath));

            Prompt(text00, deathscreen33, x: menuLeft);
            yield return(waitlf(() => !EngineStateManager.IsDeath));

            yield return(shift());

            Message(text10, lifeitems34, -0.3f);
            yield return(confirm());

            yield return(shift());

            Prompt(text10, lifeitems35);
            int currLives = Instance.Lives;

            yield return(waitlf(() => Instance.Lives > currLives));

            yield return(shift());

            Message(text10, valueitems36(InstanceData.valueItemPoints));
            yield return(confirm());

            yield return(shift());

            Prompt(text10, points37);
            yield return(waitlf(() => Instance.Score > 75000));

            yield return(shift());

            Message(text00, scoremult38);
            yield return(confirm());

            Message(text00, faith39(InstanceData.pivFallStep));
            yield return(confirm());

            Message(text00, faithblue40);
            yield return(confirm());

            Message(text10, graze41);
            yield return(confirm());

            yield return(shift());

            Prompt(text10, scoremult42);
            yield return(waitlf(() => Instance.PIV >= 1.11));

            yield return(shift());

            yield return(waitlf(() => Instance.PIV <= 1.0));

            Message(text10, scoreext43);
            yield return(confirm());

            yield return(shift());

            Prompt(text10, scoreext44);
            yield return(waitlf(() => Instance.Score > 2000000));

            yield return(shift());

            Message(text10, ability45);
            yield return(confirm());

            yield return(shift());

            Prompt(text10, ability46(Meter.Desc));
            yield return(waitlf(() => InputManager.IsMeter));

            yield return(shift());

            Message(text10, ability47);
            yield return(confirm());

            Message(text10, meter48);
            yield return(confirm());

            yield return(shift());

            Message(text10, hitbox49);
            yield return(confirm());

            yield return(shift());

            Message(text10, hitbox50);
            yield return(confirm());

            yield return(shift());

            Message(text10, safelaser51);
            yield return(confirm());

            yield return(shift());

            Prompt(text10, end52);