Exemple #1
 public override bool MoveNext()
     if (m_Random == null)
         m_Random = RealRandom.Create(MinValue, MaxValue);
     Current = m_Random.Next();
        public async Task FetchWallpaper(CommandContext ctx, params string[] args)
            await ctx.TriggerTypingAsync();

            string tags = GetTagsString(args.ToList());

            int postCount = (await GetPosts(tags))?.Count ?? 0;

            if (postCount <= 0)
                await ctx.RespondAsync("No posts found with the given tag");


            int page = new RealRandom().Next(postCount);

            KonachanRoot posts = await GetPosts(tags, page);

            ERating rating = posts.KonachanPost.Rating switch
                "e" => ERating.Explicit,
                "q" => ERating.Questionable,
                "s" => ERating.Safe,
                _ => ERating.Safe

            DiscordEmbed embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
                $"**Rating:** {rating}\n" +
                $"**Score:** {posts.KonachanPost.Score}\n" +
                $"**Tags:** {posts.KonachanPost.Tags}"

            await ctx.RespondAsync(embed : embed);
 public void Initialize()
     //init spinner
     randomizer = new RealRandom();
 public void Initialize()
     //init spinner
     randomizer = new RealRandom();