Exemple #1
    private void Drink(PlayerScript eater, PlayerScript feeder)
        // Start drinking reagent mix
        var drinkAmount = container.TransferAmount;

        List <Stomach> stomachs = eater.playerHealth.GetStomachs();

        foreach (Stomach currentStomach in stomachs)
            ReagentContainer stomachContainer = currentStomach.StomachContents;

            //fill current stomach as much as we can until empty
            float transferred = Mathf.Min(drinkAmount,
                                          stomachContainer.MaxCapacity - stomachContainer.CurrentReagentMix.Total);
            container.TransferTo(transferred, stomachContainer);

            //update how much is left
            drinkAmount -= transferred;

            //Yeetity, it's empty
            if (drinkAmount <= 0)

            //We didn't empty the drink, but maybe emptying the drink was the friends we made along the way
            if (stomachs.LastOrDefault() == currentStomach)
                Chat.AddExamineMsgFromServer(eater.gameObject, "You cannot drink anymore!");
                if (eater != feeder)
                    Chat.AddExamineMsgFromServer(feeder.gameObject, $"{eater.visibleName} cannot seem to drink anymore!");

        // Play sound
        if (item && drinkSound != null)
            AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(RandomPitch, spatialBlend: 1f);
            SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPos(drinkSound, eater.WorldPos, audioSourceParameters, sourceObj: eater.gameObject);