public DSMedicines GetListOfMed() { DSMedicines ds = new DSMedicines(); try { con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); string Pur = "select lt.ID as MedicineID, lt.[Test (A-Z)] as MedicineName from LabTest lt where lt.IsMedicine=Yes"; if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { da = new OleDbDataAdapter(Pur, con); da.Fill(ds, ds.Tables[0].TableName); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } return(ds); }
public int GetNextTokenNumber() { try { string select = "select max(tokenNumber) from patientregistration where TokenMonthYear=" + Convert.ToInt64(DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + DateTime.Today.Year.ToString()); con = new OleDbConnection(); this.readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); cmd = new OleDbCommand(select, con); object obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); if (DBNull.Value != obj) { return(Convert.ToInt32(obj) + 1); } else { return(1); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public int GetNextTokenNumber(Room r) { PatientRegistration pr = new PatientRegistration(); try { string select = "select min(tokenNumber) from patientregistration where TokenMonthYear=" + System.DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + System.DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + " and Room='" + r.Name + "' and Checked=" + false; con = new OleDbConnection(); this.readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); cmd = new OleDbCommand(select, con); if (DBNull.Value != (cmd.ExecuteScalar())) { int NextTokenNumber = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); return(NextTokenNumber); } else { return(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public List <PatientRegistration> GetPatientLabTestDetail() { try { string select = "select distinct TokenNumber,TokenDate,TokenMonthYear from LabTestPerformed ltp where TestPaid=1 and TestPerformed = 0"; con = new OleDbConnection(); this.readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); cmd = new OleDbCommand(); cmd.CommandText = select; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = con; dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { PatientRegistration pr = new PatientRegistration(); pr.TokenDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["TokenDate"]); pr.TokenMonthYear = Convert.ToInt64(dr["TokenMonthYear"]); pr.TokenNumber = Convert.ToInt64(dr["TokenNumber"]); roomPatients.Add(pr); } dr.Close(); return(roomPatients); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public long GetNextReceiptNumber() { try { string select = "select max(RecievedNumber) from ReceiveMedicine"; con = new OleDbConnection(); this.readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); cmd = new OleDbCommand(select, con); object obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); if (DBNull.Value != obj) { return(Convert.ToInt32(obj) + 1); } else { return(1); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public List <UserRight> GetUserRights(User user) { List <UserRight> userRights = new List <UserRight>(); try { //string select = "Select ScreenName,ScreenCatalog.ScreenID,UserId,RightID,CanAccess from UserRight right outer join ScreenCatalog on UserRight.ScreenId =ScreenCatalog.ScreenId where UserID=" + user.Userno; //string allSelect = "Select ScreenName,ScreenCatalog.ScreenID,0 as UserId,0 as RightID,false as CanAccess from ScreenCatalog "; string select = "Select ScreenName,ScreenCatalog.ScreenID,UserId,RightID,CanAccess from UserRight inner join ScreenCatalog on UserRight.ScreenId =ScreenCatalog.ScreenId where UserRight.UserID=" + user.Userno + " Union " + "Select ScreenName,ScreenCatalog.ScreenID,0 as UserId,0 as RightID,false as CanAccess from ScreenCatalog " + " where ScreenID not in ( Select ScreenID from UserRight where UserRight.UserID=" + user.Userno + ") order by ScreenID"; string allSelect = "Select ScreenName,ScreenCatalog.ScreenID,0 as UserId,0 as RightID,false as CanAccess from ScreenCatalog Order By ScreenID"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { da = new OleDbDataAdapter(allSelect, con); da.Fill(dt); } } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { UserRight userRight = new UserRight(); userRight.Screen.ScreenId = Convert.ToInt32(row["ScreenId"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["ScreenId"]); userRight.Screen.ScreenName = Convert.ToString(row["ScreenName"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["ScreenName"]); userRight.User.Userno = Convert.ToInt32(row["UserID"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["UserID"]); userRight.RightId = Convert.ToInt32(row["RightID"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["RightID"]); userRight.CanAccess = Convert.ToBoolean(row["CanAccess"] == DBNull.Value ? false : row["CanAccess"]); userRights.Add(userRight); } } return(userRights); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public List <InjectionLabTest> GetInjectionLabTests() { inLbs = new List <InjectionLabTest>(); InjectionLabTest inLb; try { string select = "Select * from InjectionLabTest "; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(dt); } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { inLb = new InjectionLabTest(); inLb.TokenNumber = Convert.ToInt64(row["TokenNumber"]); inLb.Patient.FirstName = Convert.ToString(row["PatientFirstName"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["PatientFirstName"]); inLb.Patient.LastName = Convert.ToString(row["PatientLastName"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["PatientLastName"]); inLb.Patient.NIC = Convert.ToString(row["PatientNIC"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["PatientNIC"]); inLb.Patient.RegistrationNumber = Convert.ToString(row["PatientRegistrationNumber"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["PatientRegistrationNumber"]); inLb.Patient.RegistrationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["PatientRegistrationDate"]); inLb.Patient.Address = Convert.ToString(row["PatientAddress"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["PatientAddress"]); inLb.CashReceived = Convert.ToDouble(row["TokenAmount"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["TokenAmount"]); if (row["PatientPayType"] != DBNull.Value) { inLb.Type = (PatientPayType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PatientPayType), row["PatientPayType"].ToString()); } inLb.TokenDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["TokenDate"] == DBNull.Value ? DateTime.MinValue : row["TokenDate"]); inLb.ExistingTokenNo = Convert.ToInt64(row["ExistingTokenID"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["ExistingTokenID"]); int testid = Convert.ToInt32(row["LabTestId"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["LabTestId"]); if (testid != 0) { inLb.Tests.Add(new LabTest(testid)); } inLb.IsInjectionToken = Convert.ToBoolean(testid == 0 ? true : false); inLbs.Add(inLb); } } return(inLbs); // return labTests; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public string DataPath() { this.readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); string ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); ConnectionString = ConnectionString.Split(';').GetValue(1).ToString().Replace("Data Source=", ""); return(ConnectionString); }
public List <LabTest> GetLabTests() { List <LabTest> labTests = new List <LabTest>(); try { string select = "Select * from LabTest"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(dt); } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { LabTest labTest = new LabTest(); labTest.TestName = Convert.ToString(row["Test (A-Z)"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["Test (A-Z)"]); labTest.SampleName = Convert.ToString(row["Sample"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["Sample"]); labTest.Performed = Convert.ToString(row["Performed"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["Performed"]); labTest.LabTestId = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"]); labTest.Report = Convert.ToString(row["Report"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["Report"]); labTest.Deserving = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Deserving"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Deserving"]); labTest.Poor = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Poor"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Poor"]); labTest.YCDO = Convert.ToDecimal(row["YCDO"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["YCDO"]); labTest.General = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Generall"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Generall"]); labTest.Shahab = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Shahab"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Shahab"]); labTest.Ghori = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Ghori"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Ghori"]); labTest.Unit = row["Unit"].ToString(); labTest.OpeningQty = Convert.ToDecimal(row["OpeningQty"] == DBNull.Value ? 0.0 : row["OpeningQty"]); labTest.IsAlwaysPaid = Convert.ToBoolean(row["IsAlwaysPaid"]); labTest.IsMedicine = Convert.ToBoolean(row["IsMedicine"]); labTest.IsRsTenInjection = Convert.ToBoolean(row["IsRsTenInjection"]); labTest.Price = row["PurchasePrice"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(row["PurchasePrice"]); labTest.RetailPrice = row["RetailPrice"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(row["RetailPrice"]); labTest.IsOd = Convert.ToBoolean(row["IsOd"]); labTests.Add(labTest); } } return(labTests); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int a = 0; int b = 10; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { for (int f = 0; f < 5; f++) { for (int i = 0; i <= 10000; i++) { tran = con.BeginTransaction(); cmd = new OleDbCommand("", con); switch (f) { case 0: cmd.CommandText = "Update InjectionLabTest set SecondTurn=false where InjectionId=" + i; break; case 1: cmd.CommandText = "Update InjectionLabTest set DosePerDay=" + a + " where DosePerDay=" + i; break; case 3: cmd.CommandText = "Update LabTest set OpeningQty=" + a + " where OpeningQty=" + i; break; case 4: cmd.CommandText = "Update MedicineIssued set DosePerDay=" + a + " where DosePerDay=" + i; break; case 2: cmd.CommandText = "Update ReceiveMedicine set Qty=" + a + " where Qty=" + i; break; default: cmd.CommandText = "Update InjectionLabTest set SecondTurn=false where InjectionId="; break; } //cmd.Connection = con; cmd.Transaction = tran; //cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); tran.Commit(); } } } MessageBox.Show("congragulation Cleared!"); }
public List <LabTest> GetAvailabeMedicines() { List <LabTest> labTests = new List <LabTest>(); try { string select = "Select LabTest.* from LabTest,QryCurrentStock where IsMedicine=1 and LabTest.ID =QryCurrentStock.ItemNumber and NetQty>0"; // string select = " Select LabTest.* from LabTest where IsMedicine=1"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(dt); } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { LabTest labTest = new LabTest(); labTest.TestName = Convert.ToString(row["Test (A-Z)"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["Test (A-Z)"]); labTest.SampleName = Convert.ToString(row["Sample"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["Sample"]); labTest.Performed = Convert.ToString(row["Performed"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["Performed"]); labTest.LabTestId = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"]); labTest.Report = Convert.ToString(row["Report"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["Report"]); labTest.IsMedicine = Convert.ToBoolean(row["IsMedicine"]); labTest.IsRsTenInjection = Convert.ToBoolean(row["IsRsTenInjection"]); labTest.Deserving = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Deserving"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Deserving"]); labTest.Poor = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Poor"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Poor"]); labTest.YCDO = Convert.ToDecimal(row["YCDO"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["YCDO"]); labTest.General = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Generall"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Generall"]); labTest.Shahab = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Shahab"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Shahab"]); labTest.Ghori = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Ghori"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Ghori"]); labTest.IsOd = Convert.ToBoolean(row["IsOd"]); labTests.Add(labTest); } } return(labTests); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public List <RecieveMedicine> GetRecieveMedicines(string RecieveNumber) { List <RecieveMedicine> LoRec = new List <RecieveMedicine>(); try { string select = "Select * from ReceiveMedicine where RecievedNumber=" + RecieveNumber; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(dt); } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { RecieveMedicine ObjRec = new RecieveMedicine(); ObjRec.RefRec.LineItem.LabTestId = Convert.ToInt32(row["ItemNumber"]); ObjRec.RefRec.LineItem.TestName = row["ItemName"].ToString(); //ObjRec.RefRec.LineItem.MedIssuedID = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"]); ObjRec.RefRec.Quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Qty"]); //ObjRec.RecieveDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["RecieveDate"]); //ObjRec.RecieveNumber = Convert.ToInt64(row["RecievedNumber"]); ObjRec.RefRec.Price = row["Price"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(row["Price"]); ObjRec.RefRec.GrossAmount = row["GrossAmount"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(row["GrossAmount"]); ObjRec.RefRec.NetAmount = row["NetAmount"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(row["NetAmount"]); ObjRec.RefBranch.BranchID = row["BranchID"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt16(row["BranchID"]); LoRec.Add(ObjRec); } } return(LoRec); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public List <Patient> GetPatientData() { Patient pr = new Patient(); try { List <Patient> preg = new List <Patient>(); string select = "select * from patientRegistration "; con = new OleDbConnection(); this.readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); cmd = new OleDbCommand(); cmd.CommandText = select; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = con; dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { pr = new Patient(); pr.FirstName = dr["PatientFirstName"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : Convert.ToString(dr["PatientFirstName"]); pr.LastName = dr["PatientLastName"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : Convert.ToString(dr["PatientLastName"]); pr.NIC = dr["PatientNIC"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : Convert.ToString(dr["PatientNIC"]); pr.Age = (Int16)(dr["PatientAge"] == System.DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt16(dr["PatientAge"])); pr.Mobile = dr["PatientMobile"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : Convert.ToString(dr["PatientMobile"]); pr.RegistrationDate = dr["PatientRegistrationDate"] == System.DBNull.Value ? new DateTime() : Convert.ToDateTime(dr["PatientRegistrationDate"]); pr.RegistrationNumber = dr["PatientRegistrationNumber"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : Convert.ToString(dr["PatientRegistrationNumber"]); pr.Address = dr["PatientAddress"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : Convert.ToString(dr["PatientAddress"]); pr.PatientType = dr["PatientType"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : Convert.ToString(dr["PatientType"]); //pr.CashReceived =dr["TokenAmount"]==System.DBNull.Value?0: Convert.ToDouble(dr["TokenAmount"]); //pr.TokenType = dr["TokenAmount"]==System.DBNull.Value? 0 : (TokenType)Convert.ToInt32(dr["TokenAmount"]); //pr.Room.Name = dr["Room"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : Convert.ToString(dr["Room"]); //pr.TokenDate = dr["TokenDate"] == System.DBNull.Value ? new DateTime() : Convert.ToDateTime(dr["TokenDate"]); //pr.TokenMonthYear = dr["TokenMonthYear"] == System.DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(dr["TokenMonthYear"]); //pr.TokenNumber = dr["TokenNumber"]==System.DBNull.Value?0: Convert.ToInt64(dr["TokenNumber"]); preg.Add(pr); } dr.Close(); return(preg); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public List <PatientRegistration> GetAllPatientNotChecked() { List <LabTest> labTests = new List <LabTest>(); List <PatientRegistration> prs = new List <PatientRegistration>(); try { string select = "SELECT Distinct TokenDate,TokenMonthYear,TokenNumber from PatientRegistration where Checked=No "; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(dt); } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { PatientRegistration pr = new PatientRegistration(); pr.TokenNumber = Convert.ToInt64(row["TokenNumber"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["TokenNumber"]); pr.TokenMonthYear = Convert.ToInt64(row["TokenMonthYear"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["TokenMonthYear"]); pr.TokenDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["TokenDate"] == DBNull.Value ? DateTime.MinValue : row["TokenDate"]); prs.Add(pr); } } return(prs); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public PatientRegistration GetPatientDetail(long tokenNumber) { PatientRegistration pr = new PatientRegistration(); try { string select = "select * from patientregistration where TokenMonthYear=" + System.DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + System.DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + " and TokenNumber=" + tokenNumber; con = new OleDbConnection(); this.readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); cmd = new OleDbCommand(); cmd.CommandText = select; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Connection = con; dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { pr.Patient.FirstName = (string)dr["PatientFirstName"]; pr.Patient.LastName = (string)dr["PatientLastName"]; pr.Patient.NIC = (string)dr["PatientNIC"]; pr.Patient.Age = (Int16)dr["PatientAge"]; pr.Patient.Mobile = (string)dr["PatientMobile"]; pr.Patient.RegistrationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["PatientRegistrationDate"]); pr.Patient.RegistrationNumber = (string)dr["PatientRegistrationNumber"]; pr.Patient.Address = (string)dr["PatientAddress"]; pr.CashReceived = Convert.ToDouble(dr["TokenAmount"]); pr.TokenType = (TokenType)Convert.ToInt32(dr["TokenAmount"]); pr.Room.Name = (string)dr["Room"]; pr.TokenDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["TokenDate"]); pr.TokenMonthYear = Convert.ToInt64(dr["TokenMonthYear"]); pr.TokenNumber = Convert.ToInt64(dr["TokenNumber"]); } dr.Close(); return(pr); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
//public DSTTokenSummryUserWise GetTokenSummaryUserWise(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) public DSTTokenSummryUserWise GetTokenSummaryUserWise(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, Boolean isTime) { DSTTokenSummryUserWise ds = new DSTTokenSummryUserWise(); try { string select; if (isTime == true) { select = "select (Select u.UName from unames u where u.UNo=TokenBy) as UserName , COUNT(ID) as TotalTokens,SUM(TokenAmount) as TotalAmount from PatientRegistration where TokenDate>='" + fromDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm") + "' and TokenDate<='" + toDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm") + "' GROUP by tokenby"; } else { select = "select (Select u.UName from unames u where u.UNo=TokenBy) as UserName , COUNT(ID) as TotalTokens,SUM(TokenAmount) as TotalAmount from PatientRegistration where Convert(date, TokenDate) >='" + fromDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and Convert(date, TokenDate) <='" + toDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' GROUP by tokenby"; } DataTable dt = new DataTable(); con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(ds, ds.Tables[0].TableName); } return(ds); // return labTests; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public DSCurrentStockWithValue.dtCurrentStockWithValueDataTable GetCurrentStockWithValue(bool LabTest, bool Medicine, bool All) { DSCurrentStockWithValue.dtCurrentStockWithValueDataTable dt = new DSCurrentStockWithValue.dtCurrentStockWithValueDataTable(); try { string select = ""; if (All == true) { select = "Select * from QryCurrentStockWithValue"; } else if (Medicine == true) { select = "Select * from QryCurrentStockWithValueWithoutLabTest"; } else if (LabTest == true) { select = "Select * from QryCurrentStockWithValueLabTest"; } con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(dt); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } return(dt); }
public DsCurrentStock.CurrentStockDataTable GetCurrentStock(bool LabTestnMedicine, bool WithoutLabTest, bool LabTest) { DsCurrentStock.CurrentStockDataTable dt = new DsCurrentStock.CurrentStockDataTable(); try { string select = ""; if (LabTestnMedicine == true) { select = "Select QryCurrentStockWithIM.*,LabTest.FixLimit from QryCurrentStockWithIM,LabTest where LabTest.ID=QryCurrentStockWithIM.ItemNumber"; } else if (WithoutLabTest == true) { select = "Select QryCurrentStockWithoutLabTest.*,LabTest.FixLimit from QryCurrentStockWithoutLabTest,LabTest where LabTest.ID=QryCurrentStockWithoutLabTest.ItemNumber"; } else if (LabTest == true) { select = "Select QryCurrentStockLabTest.*,LabTest.FixLimit from QryCurrentStockLabTest,LabTest where LabTest.ID=QryCurrentStockLabTest.ItemNumber"; } con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(dt); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } return(dt); }
public LabTest GetSyring() { LabTest syring = new LabTest(); try { string select = "Select * from Syring where ID=1"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(dt); } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { syring.TestName = Convert.ToString(row["SyringeName"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["SyringeName"]); syring.LabTestId = Convert.ToInt32(row["SyringeCode"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["SyringeCode"]); } } return(syring); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public InjectionLabTest GetInjectionLabTest(InjectionLabTest inLb) { //List<LabTest> labTests = new List<LabTest>(); try { string select = "Select ilt.* ,(select [Test (A-Z)] from LabTest lt where as TestName from InjectionLabTest ilt where TokenNumber=" + inLb.TokenNumber + " and TokenMonthYear=" + inLb.TokenMonthYear + ""; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(dt); } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { double cashRecieved = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { inLb.Patient.FirstName = Convert.ToString(row["PatientFirstName"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["PatientFirstName"]); inLb.Patient.LastName = Convert.ToString(row["PatientLastName"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["PatientLastName"]); inLb.Patient.NIC = Convert.ToString(row["PatientNIC"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["PatientNIC"]); inLb.Patient.RegistrationNumber = Convert.ToString(row["PatientRegistrationNumber"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["PatientRegistrationNumber"]); inLb.Patient.RegistrationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["PatientRegistrationDate"]); inLb.Patient.Address = Convert.ToString(row["PatientAddress"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["PatientAddress"]); inLb.CashReceived = Convert.ToDouble(row["TokenAmount"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["TokenAmount"]); if (row["PatientPayType"] != DBNull.Value) { inLb.Type = (PatientPayType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PatientPayType), row["PatientPayType"].ToString()); } inLb.TokenDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["TokenDate"] == DBNull.Value ? DateTime.MinValue : row["TokenDate"]); inLb.ExistingTokenNo = Convert.ToInt64(row["ExistingTokenID"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["ExistingTokenID"]); int testid = Convert.ToInt32(row["LabTestId"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["LabTestId"]); string testname = Convert.ToString(row["TestName"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["TestName"]); if (testid != 0) { inLb.Tests.Add(new LabTest(testid, testname)); cashRecieved += Convert.ToDouble(row["TokenAmount"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["TokenAmount"]); inLb.CashReceived = cashRecieved; } inLb.IsInjectionToken = Convert.ToBoolean(testid == 0 ? true : false); //return inLb; //LabTest labTest = new LabTest(); //labTest.TestName = Convert.ToString(row["Test (A-Z)"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["Test (A-Z)"]); //labTest.SampleName = Convert.ToString(row["Sample"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["Sample"]); //labTest.Performed = Convert.ToString(row["Performed"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["Performed"]); //labTest.LabTestId = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"]); //labTest.Report = Convert.ToString(row["Report"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["Report"]); //labTest.Deserving = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Deserving"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Deserving"]); //labTest.Poor = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Poor"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Poor"]); //labTest.YCDO = Convert.ToDecimal(row["YCDO"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["YCDO"]); //labTest.General = Convert.ToDecimal(row["General"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["General"]); //labTest.Shahab = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Shahab"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Shahab"]); //labTest.Ghori = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Ghori"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Ghori"]); //labTests.Add(labTest); } } return(inLb); // return labTests; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public PatientRegistration GetPatientRegistration(PatientRegistration pr) { //List<LabTest> labTests = new List<LabTest>(); try { string select = "Select * from patientregistration where TokenNumber=" + pr.TokenNumber + " and TokenMonthYear=" + pr.TokenMonthYear + ""; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(dt); } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { pr.Patient.FirstName = Convert.ToString(row["PatientFirstName"] == DBNull.Value ?"": row["PatientFirstName"]); pr.Patient.LastName = Convert.ToString(row["PatientLastName"] == DBNull.Value ?"": row["PatientLastName"]); pr.Patient.NIC = Convert.ToString(row["PatientNIC"] == DBNull.Value ?"": row["PatientNIC"]); pr.Patient.RegistrationNumber = Convert.ToString(row["PatientRegistrationNumber"] == DBNull.Value ?"": row["PatientRegistrationNumber"]); pr.Patient.RegistrationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["PatientRegistrationDate"]); pr.Patient.Address = Convert.ToString(row["PatientAddress"] == DBNull.Value ?"": row["PatientAddress"]); pr.CashReceived = Convert.ToDouble(row["TokenAmount"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["TokenAmount"]); pr.TokenType = (TokenType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TokenType), Convert.ToString(row["PatientType"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["PatientType"])); pr.Room.Name = Convert.ToString(row["Room"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["Room"]); pr.TokenDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["TokenDate"] == DBNull.Value ? DateTime.MinValue : row["TokenDate"]); return(pr); //LabTest labTest = new LabTest(); //labTest.TestName = Convert.ToString(row["Test (A-Z)"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["Test (A-Z)"]); //labTest.SampleName = Convert.ToString(row["Sample"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["Sample"]); //labTest.Performed = Convert.ToString(row["Performed"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["Performed"]); //labTest.LabTestId = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"]); //labTest.Report = Convert.ToString(row["Report"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["Report"]); //labTest.Deserving = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Deserving"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Deserving"]); //labTest.Poor = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Poor"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Poor"]); //labTest.YCDO = Convert.ToDecimal(row["YCDO"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["YCDO"]); //labTest.General = Convert.ToDecimal(row["General"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["General"]); //labTest.Shahab = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Shahab"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Shahab"]); //labTest.Ghori = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Ghori"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["Ghori"]); //labTests.Add(labTest); } } return(pr); // return labTests; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// it will create Contacts Table in GEN 's database. /// </summary> public void UpdateV2() { OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(); try { ReadConfigFile readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); string conString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile);; OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(); con.ConnectionString = conString; con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; OleDbTransaction transaction = con.BeginTransaction(); cmd.Connection = con; cmd.Transaction = transaction; try { string qry = ""; qry = "Select * from Contacts"; try { cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteScalar(); //error means Contacts table does not exist then create it. } catch (Exception) { qry = "Create Table Contacts "; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table Contacts Add Column CustomerID text(255)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table Contacts add Column ContactFirstName text(255)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table Contacts add Column ContactLastName text(255)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //SecAttDes qry = "Alter Table Contacts add Column CompanyName text(255)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table Contacts add Column isDefaultShipTo text(255)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table Contacts add Column DisplayName text(255)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table Contacts add Column IsBillTo text(255)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table Contacts add Column AttachedAddressNo text(255)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table Contacts add Column CompanyGUID text(255)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); transaction.Commit(); } } catch (Exception ex1) { transaction.Rollback(); throw ex1; } } } catch (Exception ex2) { throw ex2; } finally { con.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// this will drop SaleOrderLineItems Table in Gen and ReCreate it. /// </summary> public void UpdateV1() { OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(); try { ReadConfigFile readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); string conString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile);; OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(); con.ConnectionString = conString; con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; OleDbTransaction transaction = con.BeginTransaction(); cmd.Connection = con; cmd.Transaction = transaction; try { string qry = ""; qry = "Select ExtendedAmount from SaleOrderLineItems"; try { cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteScalar(); //error means ExtendedAmount does not exist then create it. } catch (Exception) { qry = "Alter Table SaleOrderLineItems Drop HRBLineNo"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table SaleOrderLineItems Drop LastCost"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table SaleOrderLineItems add Column DiscPct Decimal(18,2)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table SaleOrderLineItems add Column SecAttID text(255)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //SecAttDes qry = "Alter Table SaleOrderLineItems add Column SecAttDes text(255)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table SaleOrderLineItems add Column DiscUnitPrice Decimal(18,2)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table SaleOrderLineItems add Column LineItemPrice Decimal(18,2)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table SaleOrderLineItems add Column Amount Decimal(18,2)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table SaleOrderLineItems add Column ExtendedAmount Decimal(18,2)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); transaction.Commit(); } } catch (Exception ex1) { transaction.Rollback(); throw ex1; } } } catch (Exception ex2) { throw ex2; } finally { con.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// it will create UserPreferences Table /// </summary> public void UpdateV3() { OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(); try { ReadConfigFile readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); string conString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile);; OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(); con.ConnectionString = conString; con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; OleDbTransaction transaction = con.BeginTransaction(); cmd.Connection = con; cmd.Transaction = transaction; try { string qry = ""; qry = "Select * from UserPreferences"; try { cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteScalar(); //error means UserPreferences table does not exist then create it. } catch (Exception) { qry = "Create Table UserPreferences "; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table UserPreferences Add Column InvoiceLookupPeriod text(255)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table UserPreferences Add Column SaleOrderLookupPeriod text(255)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); qry = "Alter Table UserPreferences add Column CompanyGUID text(255)"; cmd.CommandText = qry; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); transaction.Commit(); } } catch (Exception ex1) { transaction.Rollback(); throw ex1; } } } catch (Exception ex2) { throw ex2; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public DsTokenSummary GetTokenSummary(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, bool All, bool injection, bool Checkup, bool labtest) { DsTokenSummary ds = new DsTokenSummary(); try { string selectCheckup = "SELECT 'Checkup' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAddress,TokenAmount,'' as TestName FROM PatientRegistration where TokenDate>=#" + fromDate.Date + "# and TokenDate<=#" + toDate.Date + "#"; string selectInjection = "SELECT 'Injection' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,'' as TestName FROM InjectionLabtest Where LabtestID is null and TokenDate>=#" + fromDate.Date + "# and TokenDate<=#" + toDate.Date + "#"; string selectLabTest = "SELECT 'LabTest' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,[Test (A-Z)] as TestName FROM LabTest ,InjectionLabtest where LabTest.ID=InjectionLabtest.LabTestid and LabtestID >0 and TokenDate>=#" + fromDate.Date + "# and TokenDate<=#" + toDate.Date + "#"; string selectAll = " SELECT 'Checkup' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,'' as TestName FROM PatientRegistration where TokenDate>=#" + fromDate.Date + "# and TokenDate<=#" + toDate.Date + "#" + "Union ALL" + " SELECT 'Injection' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAddress,TokenAmount,'' as TestName FROM InjectionLabtest where LabtestID is null and TokenDate>=#" + fromDate.Date + "# and TokenDate<=#" + toDate.Date + "#" + " Union All" + " SELECT 'LabTest' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAddress,TokenAmount,[Test (A-Z)] as TestName FROM LabTest ,InjectionLabtest where LabTest.ID=InjectionLabtest.LabTestid and LabtestID >0 and TokenDate>=#" + fromDate.Date + "# and TokenDate<=#" + toDate.Date + "#"; //(select Top 1 [Test (A-Z)] from LabTest lt,InjectionLabtest ilt where lt.ID=ilt.LabTestid) //+ " Union All" //+ " SELECT lt.[Test (A-Z)] as TestName,'LabTest' as TokenType, TokenDate, TokenNumber, PatientFirstName , PatientLastName , PatientNIC, PatientAddress, TokenAmount FROM LabTest lt ,InjectionLabTest ilt where lt.ID = ilt.LabTestId "; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { string select = ""; if (All == true) { select = selectAll; } else if (injection == true) { select = selectInjection; } else if (Checkup == true) { select = selectCheckup; } else if (labtest == true) { select = selectLabTest; } da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(ds, ds.Tables[0].TableName); } return(ds); // return labTests; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public DsTokenSummary GetTokenSummary(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, bool All, bool injection, bool Checkup, bool labtest, bool Medicine, bool rb50, int?uNo) { DsTokenSummary ds = new DsTokenSummary(); try { //IIF(ISNULL(CashRecievedByUser),0,CashRecievedByUser) //string selectCheckup = "SELECT 'Checkup' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAddress,TokenAmount,'' as TestName,TokenAmount as CashRecievedByUser FROM PatientRegistration where TokenDate>='" + fromDate.Date + "' and TokenDate<='" + toDate.Date + "'"; //string selectInjection = "SELECT 'Injection' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,'' as TestName,IIF((CashRecievedByUser)IS NULL,0,CashRecievedByUser) as CashRecievedByUser FROM InjectionLabtest Where LabtestID is null and TokenDate>='" + fromDate.Date + "' and TokenDate<='" + toDate.Date + "'"; //string selectLabTest = "SELECT 'LabTest' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,[Test (A-Z)] as TestName,IIF((CashRecievedByUser)IS NULL,0,CashRecievedByUser) as CashRecievedByUser FROM LabTest ,InjectionLabtest where LabTest.ID=InjectionLabtest.LabTestid and LabtestID >0 and LabTest.IsMedicine=0 and TokenDate>='" + fromDate.Date + "' and TokenDate<='" + toDate.Date + "'"; //string MedicineQry = "SELECT 'Medicines' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,[Test (A-Z)] as TestName,IIF((CashRecievedByUser)IS NULL,0,CashRecievedByUser) as CashRecievedByUser FROM LabTest ,InjectionLabtest where LabTest.ID=InjectionLabtest.LabTestid and LabtestID >0 and LabTest.IsMedicine=1 and TokenDate>='" + fromDate.Date + "' and TokenDate<='" + toDate.Date + "'"; //string selectCheckup50 = "SELECT 'Checkup' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAddress,TokenAmount,'' as TestName,IIF((TokenAmount)IS NULL,0,TokenAmount) as CashRecievedByUser FROM PatientRegistration where TokenDate>='" + fromDate.Date + "' and TokenDate<='" + toDate.Date + // "' and TokenAmount = 50"; //string selectInjection50 = "SELECT 'Injection' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,'' as TestName,IIF((TokenAmount)IS NULL,0,TokenAmount) as CashRecievedByUser FROM InjectionLabtest Where LabtestID is null and TokenDate>='" + fromDate.Date + "' and TokenDate<='" + toDate.Date + "' and TokenAmount = 50"; //string selectLabTest50 = "SELECT 'LabTest' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,[Test (A-Z)] as TestName,IIF((InjectionLabtest.CashRecievedByUser)IS NULL,0,InjectionLabtest.CashRecievedByUser) as CashRecievedByUser FROM LabTest ,InjectionLabtest where LabTest.ID=InjectionLabtest.LabTestid and LabtestID >0 and LabTest.IsMedicine=0 and TokenDate>='" + fromDate.Date + "' and TokenDate<='" + toDate.Date + "' and TokenAmount = 50"; //string MedicineQry50 = "SELECT 'Medicines' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,[Test (A-Z)] as TestName,IIF((InjectionLabtest.CashRecievedByUser)IS NULL,0,InjectionLabtest.CashRecievedByUser) as CashRecievedByUser FROM LabTest ,InjectionLabtest where LabTest.ID=InjectionLabtest.LabTestid and LabtestID >0 and LabTest.IsMedicine=1 and TokenDate>='" + fromDate.Date + "' and TokenDate<='" + toDate.Date + "' and TokenAmount = 50"; //string selectAll50 = selectCheckup50 + " Union ALL " + selectInjection50 + " Union All " + selectLabTest50 + " Union All " + MedicineQry50; if (uNo == 0) { selectCheckup = "SELECT 'Checkup' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAge,PatientMobile,PatientAddress,TokenAmount,'' as TestName,TokenAmount as CashRecievedByUser FROM PatientRegistration where CONVERT(date, TokenDate) >='" + fromDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) <='" + toDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "'"; selectInjection = "SELECT 'Injection' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAge,PatientMobile,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,'' as TestName,IIF((CashRecievedByUser)IS NULL,0,CashRecievedByUser) as CashRecievedByUser FROM InjectionLabtest Where LabtestID is null and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) >='" + fromDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) <='" + toDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "'"; selectLabTest = "SELECT 'LabTest' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAge,PatientMobile,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,[Test (A-Z)] as TestName,IIF((CashRecievedByUser)IS NULL,0,CashRecievedByUser) as CashRecievedByUser FROM LabTest ,InjectionLabtest where LabTest.ID=InjectionLabtest.LabTestid and LabtestID >0 and LabTest.IsMedicine=0 and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) >='" + fromDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) <='" + toDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "'"; MedicineQry = "SELECT 'Medicines' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAge,PatientMobile,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,[Test (A-Z)] as TestName,IIF((CashRecievedByUser)IS NULL,0,CashRecievedByUser) as CashRecievedByUser FROM LabTest ,InjectionLabtest where LabTest.ID=InjectionLabtest.LabTestid and LabtestID >0 and LabTest.IsMedicine=1 and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) >='" + fromDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) <='" + toDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "'"; selectCheckup50 = "SELECT 'Checkup' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAge,PatientMobile,PatientAddress,TokenAmount,'' as TestName,IIF((TokenAmount)IS NULL,0,TokenAmount) as CashRecievedByUser FROM PatientRegistration where CONVERT(date, TokenDate) >='" + fromDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) <='" + toDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and TokenAmount = 50"; selectInjection50 = "SELECT 'Injection' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAge,PatientMobile,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,'' as TestName,IIF((TokenAmount)IS NULL,0,TokenAmount) as CashRecievedByUser FROM InjectionLabtest Where LabtestID is null and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) >='" + fromDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) <='" + toDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and TokenAmount = 50"; selectLabTest50 = "SELECT 'LabTest' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAge,PatientMobile,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,[Test (A-Z)] as TestName,IIF((InjectionLabtest.CashRecievedByUser)IS NULL,0,InjectionLabtest.CashRecievedByUser) as CashRecievedByUser FROM LabTest ,InjectionLabtest where LabTest.ID=InjectionLabtest.LabTestid and LabtestID >0 and LabTest.IsMedicine=0 and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) >='" + fromDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) <='" + toDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and TokenAmount = 50"; MedicineQry50 = "SELECT 'Medicines' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAge,PatientMobile,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,[Test (A-Z)] as TestName,IIF((InjectionLabtest.CashRecievedByUser)IS NULL,0,InjectionLabtest.CashRecievedByUser) as CashRecievedByUser FROM LabTest ,InjectionLabtest where LabTest.ID=InjectionLabtest.LabTestid and LabtestID >0 and LabTest.IsMedicine=1 and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) >='" + fromDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) <='" + toDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and TokenAmount = 50"; } else if (uNo > 0) { selectCheckup = "SELECT 'Checkup' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAge,PatientMobile,PatientAddress,TokenAmount,'' as TestName,TokenAmount as CashRecievedByUser FROM PatientRegistration where CONVERT(date, TokenDate) >='" + fromDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) <='" + toDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and TokenBy = " + uNo + ""; selectInjection = "SELECT 'Injection' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAge,PatientMobile,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,'' as TestName,IIF((CashRecievedByUser)IS NULL,0,CashRecievedByUser) as CashRecievedByUser FROM InjectionLabtest Where LabtestID is null and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) >='" + fromDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) <='" + toDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and TokenBy = " + uNo + ""; selectLabTest = "SELECT 'LabTest' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAge,PatientMobile,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,[Test (A-Z)] as TestName,IIF((CashRecievedByUser)IS NULL,0,CashRecievedByUser) as CashRecievedByUser FROM LabTest ,InjectionLabtest where LabTest.ID=InjectionLabtest.LabTestid and LabtestID >0 and LabTest.IsMedicine=0 and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) >='" + fromDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) <='" + toDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and TokenBy = " + uNo + ""; MedicineQry = "SELECT 'Medicines' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAge,PatientMobile,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,[Test (A-Z)] as TestName,IIF((CashRecievedByUser)IS NULL,0,CashRecievedByUser) as CashRecievedByUser FROM LabTest ,InjectionLabtest where LabTest.ID=InjectionLabtest.LabTestid and LabtestID >0 and LabTest.IsMedicine=1 and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) >='" + fromDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) <='" + toDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and TokenBy = " + uNo + ""; selectCheckup50 = "SELECT 'Checkup' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAge,PatientMobile,PatientAddress,TokenAmount,'' as TestName,IIF((TokenAmount)IS NULL,0,TokenAmount) as CashRecievedByUser FROM PatientRegistration where CONVERT(date, TokenDate) >='" + fromDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) <='" + toDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and TokenAmount = 50 and TokenBy = " + uNo + ""; selectInjection50 = "SELECT 'Injection' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAge,PatientMobile,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,'' as TestName,IIF((TokenAmount)IS NULL,0,TokenAmount) as CashRecievedByUser FROM InjectionLabtest Where LabtestID is null and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) >='" + fromDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) <='" + toDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and TokenAmount = 50 and TokenBy = " + uNo + ""; selectLabTest50 = "SELECT 'LabTest' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAge,PatientMobile,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,[Test (A-Z)] as TestName,IIF((InjectionLabtest.CashRecievedByUser)IS NULL,0,InjectionLabtest.CashRecievedByUser) as CashRecievedByUser FROM LabTest ,InjectionLabtest where LabTest.ID=InjectionLabtest.LabTestid and LabtestID >0 and LabTest.IsMedicine=0 and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) >='" + fromDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) <='" + toDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and TokenAmount = 50 and TokenBy = " + uNo + ""; MedicineQry50 = "SELECT 'Medicines' as TokenType,TokenDate,TokenNumber,PatientFirstName,PatientLastName,PatientNIC,PatientAge,PatientMobile,PatientAddress,TokenAmount ,[Test (A-Z)] as TestName,IIF((InjectionLabtest.CashRecievedByUser)IS NULL,0,InjectionLabtest.CashRecievedByUser) as CashRecievedByUser FROM LabTest ,InjectionLabtest where LabTest.ID=InjectionLabtest.LabTestid and LabtestID >0 and LabTest.IsMedicine=1 and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) >='" + fromDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and CONVERT(date, TokenDate) <='" + toDate.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and TokenAmount = 50 and TokenBy = " + uNo + ""; } selectAll50 = selectCheckup50 + " Union ALL " + selectInjection50 + " Union All " + selectLabTest50 + " Union All " + MedicineQry50; selectAll = selectCheckup + " Union ALL " + selectInjection + " Union All " + selectLabTest + " Union All " + MedicineQry; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { string select = ""; if (All == true) { select = selectAll; } else if (injection == true) { select = selectInjection; } else if (Checkup == true) { select = selectCheckup; } else if (labtest == true) { select = selectLabTest; } else if (Medicine == true) { select = MedicineQry; } if (All == true && rb50 == true) { select = selectAll50; } else if (injection == true && rb50 == true) { select = selectInjection50; } else if (Checkup == true && rb50 == true) { select = selectCheckup50; } else if (labtest == true && rb50 == true) { select = selectLabTest50; } else if (Medicine == true && rb50 == true) { select = MedicineQry50; } da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(ds, ds.Tables[0].TableName); } return(ds); // return labTests; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public DSIssuedMedPur.dtIssuedMedPurDataTable GetIssuedMedPur(bool All, bool Purchase, bool Retail, LabTest MedID, DateTime From, DateTime To) { DSIssuedMedPur.dtIssuedMedPurDataTable dt = new DSIssuedMedPur.dtIssuedMedPurDataTable(); try { string Pur = "select ilt.TokenDate as IssueDate, ilt.LabTestID as MedicineID,lt.[Test (A-Z)] as MedicineName,lt.PurchasePrice as PurchasePrice,'' as BranchName,ilt.DosePerDay*ilt.Days as Quantity from InjectionLabTest ilt,LabTest lt where ilt.LabTestID=lt.ID and lt.ID=" + MedID.LabTestId + " and ilt.TokenDate>=#" + From + "# and ilt.TokenDate<=#" + To + "# union all" + " select mi.TokenDate as IsssueDate,mi.ID as MedicineID,lt.[Test (A-Z)] as MedicineName,lt.PurchasePrice as PurchasePrice,'' as BranchName,mi.DosePerDay as Quantity from MedicineIssued mi,LabTest lt where mi.ID=lt.ID and mi.MedicinesIssued=True and" + " lt.ID=" + MedID.LabTestId + " and mi.TokenDate>=#" + From + "# and mi.TokenDate<=#" + To + "# union all " + " select im.IssueDate as IssueDate,im.MedicineID as MedicineID,im.MedicineName,lt.PurchasePrice as PurchasePrice,im.BranchName as BranchName,im.Qty as Quantity from IssuedMedicine im,LabTest lt where im.MedicineID=lt.ID and lt.ID=" + MedID.LabTestId + "and im.Issuedate>=#" + From + "# and im.Issuedate<=#" + To + "#"; //string PurAll = "select ilt.TokenDate as IssueDate, ilt.LabTestID as MedicineID,lt.[Test (A-Z)] as MedicineName,lt.PurchasePrice as Price,ilt.DosePerDay*ilt.Days as Quantity from InjectionLabTest ilt,LabTest lt where ilt.LabTestID=lt.ID "+ // " union all" + // " select mi.TokenDate as IsssueDate,mi.ID as MedicineID,lt.[Test (A-Z)] as MedicineName,lt.PurchasePrice as Price,mi.DosePerDay as Quantity from MedicineIssued mi,LabTest lt where mi.ID=lt.ID and mi.MedicinesIssued=True" + // " union all " + // " select im.IssueDate as IssueDate,im.MedicineID as MedicineID,im.MedicineName,lt.PurchasePrice as Price,im.Qty as Quantity from IssuedMedicine im,LabTest lt where im.MedicineID=lt.ID"; string Ret = "select ilt.TokenDate as IssueDate, ilt.LabTestID as MedicineID,lt.[Test (A-Z)] as MedicineName,lt.RetailPrice as RetailPrice,'' as BranchName,ilt.DosePerDay*ilt.Days as Quantity from InjectionLabTest ilt,LabTest lt where ilt.LabTestID=lt.ID and lt.ID=" + MedID.LabTestId + " and ilt.TokenDate>=#" + From + "# and ilt.TokenDate<=#" + To + "# union all" + " select mi.TokenDate as IssueDate, mi.ID as MedicineID,lt.[Test (A-Z)] as MedicineName,lt.RetailPrice as RetailPrice,''as BranchName,mi.DosePerDay as Quantity from MedicineIssued mi,LabTest lt where mi.ID=lt.ID and mi.MedicinesIssued=True and" + " lt.ID=" + MedID.LabTestId + " and mi.TokenDate>=#" + From + "# and mi.TokenDate<=#" + To + "# union all" + " select im.IssueDate as IssueDate,im.MedicineID as MedicineID,im.MedicineName,lt.RetailPrice as RetailPrice,im.Branchname as BranchName,im.Qty as Quantity from IssuedMedicine im,LabTest lt where im.MedicineID=lt.ID and lt.ID=" + MedID.LabTestId + " and im.Issuedate>=#" + From + "# and im.Issuedate<=#" + To + "#"; // string RetAll = "select ilt.TokenDate as IssueDate, ilt.LabTestID as MedicineID,lt.[Test (A-Z)] as MedicineName,lt.RetailPrice as Price,ilt.DosePerDay*ilt.Days as Quantity from InjectionLabTest ilt,LabTest lt where ilt.LabTestID=lt.ID"+ // " union all" + // " select mi.TokenDate as IssueDate, mi.ID as MedicineID,lt.[Test (A-Z)] as MedicineName,lt.RetailPrice as Price,mi.DosePerDay as Quantity from MedicineIssued mi,LabTest lt where mi.ID=lt.ID and mi.MedicinesIssued=True" + // " union all" + //" select im.IssueDate as IssueDate,im.MedicineID as MedicineID,im.MedicineName,lt.RetailPrice as Price,im.Qty as Quantity from IssuedMedicine im,LabTest lt where im.MedicineID=lt.ID"; string all = "select ilt.TokenDate as IssueDate,ilt.LabTestID as MedicineID,lt.[Test (A-Z)] as MedicineName,lt.PurchasePrice as PurchasePrice,lt.RetailPrice as RetailPrice,'' as Branchname,ilt.DosePerDay*ilt.Days as Quantity from InjectionLabTest ilt,LabTest lt where ilt.LabTestID=lt.ID " + " and ilt.TokenDate>=#" + From + "# and ilt.TokenDate<=#" + To + "# union all" + " select mi.TokenDate as IssueDate, mi.ID as MedicineID,lt.[Test (A-Z)] as MedicineName,lt.PurchasePrice as PurchasePrice,lt.RetailPrice as RetailPrice,'' as Branchname,mi.DosePerDay as Quantity from MedicineIssued mi,LabTest lt where mi.ID=lt.ID and mi.MedicinesIssued=True" + " and mi.Tokendate>=#" + From + "# and mi.TokenDate<=#" + To + "# union all" + " select im.IssueDate as IssueDate,im.MedicineID as MedicineID,im.MedicineName,lt.PurchasePrice as PurchasePrice,lt.RetailPrice as RetailPrice,im.BranchName as Branchname,im.Qty as Quantity from IssuedMedicine im,LabTest lt where im.MedicineID=lt.ID" + " and im.IssueDate>=#" + From + "# and im.IssueDate<=#" + To + "#"; con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { if (Purchase == true) { da = new OleDbDataAdapter(Pur, con); } else if (Retail == true) { da = new OleDbDataAdapter(Ret, con); } //else if(Purchase==true&&All==true) // da = new OleDbDataAdapter(PurAll, con); //else if (Retail== true && All == true) // da = new OleDbDataAdapter(RetAll, con); // da = new OleDbDataAdapter(all, con); else if (All == true) { da = new OleDbDataAdapter(all, con); } da.Fill(dt); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } return(dt); }
private int medcheck3() { List <int> iteminfo = new List <int>(); List <string> medname = new List <string>(); List <int> medqty = new List <int>(); List <int> medcons = new List <int>(); List <int> mednet = new List <int>(); int itemes = 0; try { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); con = new OleDbConnection(); readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); foreach (RecieveLineItem item in rm.Lines) { string select; //if (rm.RefRec.LineItem.MedIssuedID == 0) //{ select = "SELECT ItemNumber,ItemName,sum(ReceivedQuantity) AS TotalRecieved,sum(ConsumedQuantity)*-1 AS TotalConsumed,(sum(ReceivedQuantity) - (sum(ConsumedQuantity)*-1)) AS NetQty FROM (select ItemNumber,ItemName,0 as ReceivedQuantity, sum(Qty)* -1 as ConsumedQuantity from QryOutStockWithIM group by ItemNumber,ItemName union all select ItemNumber,ItemName,sum(Qty) as ReceivedQuantity, 0 as ConsumedQuantity from QryInStock group by ItemNumber,ItemName) AS final GROUP BY ItemNumber, ItemName;"; //cmdSave.ExecuteNonQuery(); da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { int qty = Convert.ToInt32(row["TotalRecieved"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["TotalRecieved"]); int cons = Convert.ToInt32(row["TotalConsumed"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["TotalConsumed"]); int net = Convert.ToInt32(row["NetQty"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : row["NetQty"]); string name = Convert.ToString(row["ItemName"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["ItemName"]); medqty.Add(qty); medcons.Add(cons); mednet.Add(net); medname.Add(name); } } } for (int i = 0; i < medname.Count; i++) { string s = medname[i]; if (s.Equals(cbxLabTest.SelectedItem.ToString())) { itemes = i; break; } } //else //{ // if (item.LineItem.LabTestId > 0) // { // cmd.CommandText = "update IssuedMedicine set IssueDate=#" + rm.RecieveDate + "#" + "," + "IssueNumber=" + rm.RecieveNumber + "," + "MedicineID=" + item.LineItem.LabTestId + "," + "MedicineName='" + item.LineItem.TestName + "'," + // "Qty=" + item.Quantity + " where ID=" + rm.RefRec.LineItem.MedIssuedID; // } //} //} //tran.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { tran.Rollback(); throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } iteminfo.Add(medqty[itemes]); iteminfo.Add(medcons[itemes]); iteminfo.Add(mednet[itemes]); return(mednet[itemes]); }