static void Main(string[] args) { string startComment = "# everything with # will be ignored First line Folder to check second line amount of backups to keep" + Environment.NewLine + "# /home/user/backups/" + Environment.NewLine + "# 5"; string fileToCheck = "Cleaner.cnf"; Logger logger = new FileLogger(); environement envir = new environement(logger, startComment, fileToCheck); ReadConfig config = new ReadConfig(logger, fileToCheck); List <string> folder = new List <string>(); List <string> amountS = new List <string>(); List <int> amountI = new List <int>(); envir.check(); config.readSettings(folder, amountS); for (int i = 0; i < amountS.Count; i++) { try { amountI.Add(Convert.ToInt32(amountS[i])); } catch (InvalidCastException e) { logger.log("Something is wrong with config file: " + e); logger.stopLogging(); Environment.Exit(1); } } amountS = null; Cleaner c = new Cleaner(logger, folder, amountI); c.StartRemoving(); Environment.Exit(0); }