public MainWindowViewModel() { TorrentSelected = new ReactiveCommand(); DownloadAll = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(); DeleteSelected = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(); DeleteSelected.Subscribe(new AnonymousObserver<object>(x => { App.streamza.RemoveTorrent(; })); DownloadAll.Subscribe(new AnonymousObserver<object>(x => { var sel = _selectedTorrent; var s = new VistaFolderBrowserDialog(); var res = s.ShowDialog(); if (!res.HasValue || res.Value != true) return; var files = App.streamza.GetTorrentFiles(sel); foreach (var file in files) { var uri = App.streamza.GetDownloadLink(file); var cl = new WebClient(); var path = Path.Combine(s.SelectedPath, file.path); if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(path))) Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); cl.DownloadFile(new Uri(uri), path); } // This probably works best when there are lots of small files; doesn't // offer any improvement when there are only a couple of large files. // TODO: Check file count and set parallelism appropriately //Parallel.ForEach(files, // new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4 }, // (file) => // { // var uri = App.streamza.GetDownloadLink(file); // var cl = new WebClient(); // var path = Path.Combine(s.SelectedPath, file.path); // if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(path))) // Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); // cl.DownloadFile(new Uri(uri), path); // }); })); _torrents = App.streamza.Torrents; Observable .Start(() => { Observable .Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)) .Subscribe(i => { if (FetchingFiles) return; _torrents = App.streamza.Torrents; raisePropertyChanged("Torrents"); }); }); }
public TrackViewModel(Track model, IFileSystemBrowser fileSystemBrowser, IWebAccessProxy webAccessProxy) { this.Model = model; FileSystemBrowser = fileSystemBrowser; WebAccessProxy = webAccessProxy; var noOngoingDownloadObservable = WebAccessProxy.FileLocationObservable.Select(x => x != FileLocation.Downloading); _TrackLocation = WebAccessProxy.FileLocationObservable .Select(x => x.ToString()).ToProperty(this, x => x.TrackLocation); Download = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(noOngoingDownloadObservable, 1); Download.Subscribe(_ => { string fileName = GetFileName(); string destinationPath = FileSystemBrowser.GetSaveAsLocation(fileName); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(destinationPath)) { log.Info("Download cancelled - " + Model.Uri); return; } log.Info(String.Format("Download started. From {0} to {1}", Model.Uri, destinationPath)); SaveTo(destinationPath); }); _Duration = Model.DurationObservable.Select(DurationToString).ToProperty(this, x => x.Duration); }
public TrackReporter(IObservable <Mix> currentMixObservable, IObservable <double> currentPositionObservable, IRequestExecutor requestExecutor) { this.requestExecutor = new RequestExecutionAdapter(requestExecutor); IObservable <bool> reportingMarkReached = currentPositionObservable .BufferWithCount(2, 1) .Select(positions => (positions[0] < reportingMark && positions[1] > reportingMark)); currentMixObservable.Subscribe(mix => { currentMix = mix; }); ReactiveAsyncCommand reportTrack = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(); reportTrack.Subscribe(_ => { int mixId = currentMix.MixId; Track track = currentMix.GetCurrentTrack(); Report(track, mixId); }); reportingMarkReached .Where(x => x) // we crossed the mark .Where(_ => !currentMix.GetCurrentTrack().IsReported) //it's not previously reported .Subscribe(_ => reportTrack.Execute(null)); }
public ErrorViewModel(IScreen screen, Func <ShellViewModel> getShellViewModel) { HostScreen = screen; Back = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(); Back.Subscribe(_ => HostScreen.Router.NavigateAndReset.Execute(getShellViewModel())); }
public ErrorViewModel(IScreen screen, Func<ShellViewModel> getShellViewModel) { HostScreen = screen; Back = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(); Back.Subscribe(_ => HostScreen.Router.NavigateAndReset.Execute(getShellViewModel())); }
public ApplyUpdatesViewModel( IScreen screen, Func <UpdateManager> getUpdateManager) { this.getUpdateManager = getUpdateManager; HostScreen = screen; Apply = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(); Apply.Subscribe(_ => applyUpdates()); Restart = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(); Restart.Subscribe(_ => restart()); progress = new Subject <int>(); progressObservable = progress.ToProperty(this, vm => vm.Progress); }
public ApplyUpdatesViewModel( IScreen screen, Func<UpdateManager> getUpdateManager) { this.getUpdateManager = getUpdateManager; HostScreen = screen; Apply = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(); Apply.Subscribe(_ => applyUpdates()); Restart = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(); Restart.Subscribe(_ => restart()); progress = new Subject<int>(); progressObservable = progress.ToProperty(this, vm => vm.Progress); }
public CheckForUpdatesViewModel( IScreen screen, ISettingsProvider settingsProvider, Func<UpdateManager> getUpdateManager, Lazy<DownloadUpdatesViewModel> getDownloadViewModel) { HostScreen = screen; this.settingsProvider = settingsProvider; this.getUpdateManager = getUpdateManager; this.getDownloadViewModel = getDownloadViewModel; CheckCommand = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(); CheckCommand.Subscribe(_ => checkForUpdates()); BackCommand = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(); BackCommand.Subscribe(_ => HostScreen.Router.NavigateBack.Execute(null)); progress = new Subject<int>(); progressObservable = progress.ToProperty( this, vm => vm.Progress); }
public CheckForUpdatesViewModel( IScreen screen, ISettingsProvider settingsProvider, Func <UpdateManager> getUpdateManager, Lazy <DownloadUpdatesViewModel> getDownloadViewModel) { HostScreen = screen; this.settingsProvider = settingsProvider; this.getUpdateManager = getUpdateManager; this.getDownloadViewModel = getDownloadViewModel; CheckCommand = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(); CheckCommand.Subscribe(_ => checkForUpdates()); BackCommand = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(); BackCommand.Subscribe(_ => HostScreen.Router.NavigateBack.Execute(null)); progress = new Subject <int>(); progressObservable = progress.ToProperty( this, vm => vm.Progress); }
public DownloadUpdatesViewModel( IScreen screen, Func <UpdateManager> getUpdateManager, Lazy <ApplyUpdatesViewModel> getApplyViewModel) { HostScreen = screen; this.getUpdateManager = getUpdateManager; this.getApplyViewModel = getApplyViewModel; Download = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(); Download.Subscribe(_ => downloadUpdates()); progress = new Subject <int>(); progressObs = progress.ToProperty( this, vm => vm.Progress); var updateInfoChanges = this.WhenAny(vm => vm.UpdateInfo, x => x.Value) .Where(info => info != null); updateCountObs = updateInfoChanges .Select(info => info.ReleasesToApply.Count()) .ToProperty(this, vm => vm.UpdateCount); updateSizeObs = updateInfoChanges .Select(info => info.ReleasesToApply.Sum(x => x.Filesize)) .Select(total => String.Format("({0:n0} bytes)", total)) .ToProperty(this, vm => vm.UpdateSize); latestVersionObs = updateInfoChanges .Select(info => info.FutureReleaseEntry.Version.ToString()) .Where(x => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)) .ToProperty(this, vm => vm.LatestVersion); }
public DownloadUpdatesViewModel( IScreen screen, Func<UpdateManager> getUpdateManager, Lazy<ApplyUpdatesViewModel> getApplyViewModel) { HostScreen = screen; this.getUpdateManager = getUpdateManager; this.getApplyViewModel = getApplyViewModel; Download = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(); Download.Subscribe(_ => downloadUpdates()); progress = new Subject<int>(); progressObs = progress.ToProperty( this, vm => vm.Progress); var updateInfoChanges = this.WhenAny(vm => vm.UpdateInfo, x => x.Value) .Where(info => info != null); updateCountObs = updateInfoChanges .Select(info => info.ReleasesToApply.Count()) .ToProperty(this, vm => vm.UpdateCount); updateSizeObs = updateInfoChanges .Select(info => info.ReleasesToApply.Sum(x => x.Filesize)) .Select(total => String.Format("({0:n0} bytes)", total)) .ToProperty(this, vm => vm.UpdateSize); latestVersionObs = updateInfoChanges .Select(info => info.FutureReleaseEntry.Version.ToString()) .Where(x => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)) .ToProperty(this, vm => vm.LatestVersion); }
public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver <object> a_observer) { return(m_subCommand.Subscribe(a_observer)); }
public PlaybackViewModel(IPlaybackController playbackController, Settings settings, IMixViewModelFactory mixViewModelFactory) { this.playbackController = playbackController; this.settings = settings; var volumeString = (string)settings[volumeKey] ?? "50"; Volume = Double.Parse(volumeString); _CurrentPosition = playbackController.CurrentPositionObservable .ToProperty(this, x => x.CurrentPosition); _CurrentPositionAsString = playbackController.CurrentPositionObservable .Select(TimeSpan.FromSeconds) .Select(DurationToString) .ToProperty(this, x => x.CurrentPositionAsString); // connecting current mix being played to the viewmodel IObservable <MixViewModel> currentMixViewModelObservable = playbackController.CurrentMixObservable.Select(mixViewModelFactory.CreateMixViewModel); _CurrentMixViewModel = currentMixViewModelObservable .ToProperty(this, x => x.CurrentMixViewModel); IObservable <bool> _CurrentMixViewModelPresent = this.WhenAny( x => x.CurrentMixViewModel, mixViewModel => mixViewModel.Value != null && mixViewModel.Value.Model != Mix.NoMixAvailable); _CurrentTrackDurationAsString = playbackController.CurrentDurationObservable .Select(duration => DurationToString(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration))) .ToProperty(this, x => x.CurrentTrackDurationAsString); _CurrentTrackDuration = playbackController.CurrentDurationObservable .ToProperty(this, x => x.CurrentTrackDuration); // commands // going to the next song only if there is a mix currently loaded _NextSong = currentMixViewModelObservable .Select(x => x.NextSong) .ToProperty(this, x => x.NextSong); var audioPlayerState = playbackController.PlayerStateObservable; // both having a current mix and not running var audioPlayerNotRunning = audioPlayerState.Select(status => status == MediaStatus.Stopped || status == MediaStatus.Paused).CombineLatest( _CurrentMixViewModelPresent, (x, y) => x && y); Continue = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(audioPlayerNotRunning, 1); Continue.Subscribe(_ => playbackController.Continue()); var audioPlayerRunning = audioPlayerState.Select(status => status == MediaStatus.Running); Pause = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(audioPlayerRunning, 1); Pause.Subscribe(_ => playbackController.Pause()); var audioPlayerRunningOrPaused = audioPlayerState.Select(status => status == MediaStatus.Running || status == MediaStatus.Paused); Stop = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(audioPlayerRunningOrPaused, 1); Stop.Subscribe(_ => playbackController.Stop()); NextMix = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(_CurrentMixViewModelPresent, 1); NextMix.RegisterAsyncAction(_ => { try { playbackController.NextMix(); } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("Unable to go to the next mix", e); } } ); bool debugModeOn = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AudioPlayer"] != null && ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AudioPlayer"].Equals("DirectX WMI 3.14169"); _IsPositionSliderEnabled = audioPlayerRunningOrPaused .Select(a => a && debugModeOn) .ToProperty(this, x => x.IsPositionSliderEnabled); GoToTrack = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(_CurrentMixViewModelPresent, 1); GoToTrack.Subscribe(_ => { if (debugModeOn) { try { playbackController.GoToTrack(SelectedTrackIndex); } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("Unable to go to track " + SelectedTrackIndex, e); } } }); Skip = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(audioPlayerRunningOrPaused, 1); Skip.Subscribe(step => { double newPosition = CurrentPosition + Double.Parse((string)step); if (newPosition >= 0 && newPosition <= CurrentTrackDuration) { CurrentPosition = newPosition; } }); ChangeVolume = new ReactiveAsyncCommand(null, 1); ChangeVolume.Subscribe(step => { double newVolume = Volume + Double.Parse((string)step); if (newVolume >= 0 && newVolume <= 100) { Volume = newVolume; } }); }