Exemple #1
        public override void Configure(Funq.Container container)

            var razor3 = new RazorFormat();

            this.Plugins.Add(new RequestLogsFeature()
                    EnableErrorTracking = true,
                    EnableResponseTracking = true,
                    EnableSessionTracking = true,
                    EnableRequestBodyTracking = true,
                    RequiredRoles = new string[0]



            //this.SetConfig( new EndpointHostConfig()
            //    {
            //        DebugMode = false,

            //    } );

Exemple #2
 public void SetUp()
     RazorFormat.Instance = null;
     RazorFormat          = new RazorFormat
         PageBaseType       = typeof(CustomRazorBasePage <>),
         VirtualFileSources = new InMemoryVirtualPathProvider(new BasicAppHost()),
 public void SetUp()
     RazorFormat.Instance = null;
     RazorFormat          = new RazorFormat
         PageBaseType       = typeof(CustomRazorBasePage <>),
         VirtualFileSources = new MemoryVirtualFiles(),
 public void SetUp()
     RazorFormat = new RazorFormat {
         DefaultBaseType     = typeof(CustomRazorBasePage <>),
         VirtualPathProvider = new InMemoryVirtualPathProvider(new BasicAppHost()),
         TemplateProvider    = { CompileInParallelWithNoOfThreads = 0 },
        public RazorFormat Create(string pageTemplate)
            var razorFormat = new RazorFormat();

                new RazorPage(razorFormat, "/path/to/tpl", PageName, pageTemplate));

Exemple #6
        public void Pages_with_errors_still_throw_exceptions_when_rendering()
            const string template = "This is a bad template, Hello @SomeInvalidMember.Name!";

            Assert.Throws <HttpCompileException>(() => {
                RazorFormat.AddFileAndPage("/simple.cshtml", template);
                RazorFormat.RenderToHtml("/simple.cshtml", new { Name = "World" });
        public void Can_Use_HtmlHelper_In_Page()
            const string pageSource = "@Html.TextBox(\"textBox\")";
            var          page       = RazorFormat.CreatePage(pageSource);

            var output = RazorFormat.RenderToHtml(page, model: templateArgs);

            Assert.That(output, Is.EqualTo(@"<input id=""textBox"" name=""textBox"" type=""text"" value="""" />"));
        public void Can_Use_Model_Directive_With_HtmlHelper()
            string pageSource = "@model " + typeof(Person).FullName + @"
@Html.TextBoxFor(a => a.FirstName)";

            var page   = RazorFormat.CreatePage(pageSource);
            var output = RazorFormat.RenderToHtml(page, model: templateArgs);

            Assert.That(output, Is.EqualTo(@"<input id=""FirstName"" name=""FirstName"" type=""text"" value=""Demis"" />"));
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure ServiceStack Razor views.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container">The container.</param>
        private void ConfigureView(Container container)
            // Enable ServiceStack Razor
            var razor = new RazorFormat();


            container.Register <IRedisClientsManager>(c => new RedisManagerPool());

            Plugins.Add(new OpenApiFeature
                ApiDeclarationFilter = api =>
                    foreach (var path in new[] { api.Paths["/auth"], api.Paths["/auth/{provider}"] })
                        path.Get = path.Put = path.Delete = null;
                OperationFilter = (verb, op) => {
                    if (op.RequestType == nameof(SwaggerRangeTest))
                        var intRange     = op.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == nameof(SwaggerRangeTest.IntRange));
                        intRange.Minimum = 1;
                        intRange.Maximum = 2;

                        var dobleRange     = op.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == nameof(SwaggerRangeTest.DoubleRange));
                        dobleRange.Minimum = 1.1;
                        dobleRange.Maximum = 2.2;
                Tags =
                    new OpenApiTag
                        Name         = "TheTag",
                        Description  = "TheTag Description",
                        ExternalDocs = new OpenApiExternalDocumentation
                            Description = "Link to External Docs Desc",
                            Url         = "http://example.org/docs/path",

            // Enable support for Swagger API browser
            //Plugins.Add(new SwaggerFeature
            //    UseBootstrapTheme = true,
            //    LogoUrl = "//lh6.googleusercontent.com/-lh7Gk4ZoVAM/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/_0CgCb4s1e0/s32-c/photo.jpg"
            //Plugins.Add(new CorsFeature()); // Uncomment if the services to be available from external sites
        public void New_pages_begin_compilation_when_added()
            const string template = "This is my sample template, Hello @Model.Name!";

            RazorFormat.AddFileAndPage("/simple.cshtml", template);

            var page = RazorFormat.GetContentPage("/simple.cshtml");

            FuncUtils.WaitWhile(() => page.MarkedForCompilation || page.IsCompiling, millisecondTimeout: 5000);
        public void Pages_with_errors_dont_cause_exceptions_on_thread_starting_the_precompilation()
            const string template = "This is a bad template, Hello @SomeInvalidMember.Name!";

            RazorFormat.AddFileAndPage("/simple.cshtml", template);

            var page = RazorFormat.GetContentPage("/simple.cshtml");

            FuncUtils.WaitWhile(() => page.MarkedForCompilation || page.IsCompiling, millisecondTimeout: 5000);
            Assert.That(page.CompileException, Is.Not.Null);
        public void OnBeforeEachTest()
            RazorFormat.Instance = null;

            var fileSystem = new InMemoryVirtualPathProvider(new BasicAppHost());

            RazorFormat = new RazorFormat
                VirtualPathProvider = fileSystem,
                EnableLiveReload    = false,
Exemple #13
        public void OnBeforeEachTest()
            RazorFormat.Instance = null;
            razorFormat          = new RazorFormat
                VirtualPathProvider = new InMemoryVirtualPathProvider(new BasicAppHost()),
                PageBaseType        = typeof(CustomRazorBasePage <>),
                EnableLiveReload    = false,

            razorFormat.AddFileAndPage("/views/TheLayout.cshtml", LayoutHtml);
 public static RazorFormat AddPage(this RazorFormat razor,
                                   string pageTemplate, string pageName = "Page")
         new ViewPageRef(razor, "/path/to/tpl", pageName, pageTemplate)
         Service = razor.TemplateService
     razor.TemplateService.RegisterPage("/path/to/tpl", pageName);
        public void Can_Access_ViewData()
            const string val        = "Hello";
            const string pageSource = @"@{ Html.ViewData[""X""] = """ + val + @"""; }

            var page   = RazorFormat.CreatePage(pageSource);
            var output = RazorFormat.RenderToHtml(page, model: templateArgs).Trim();

            Assert.That(output, Is.EqualTo(val));
        public void OnBeforeEachTest()
            RazorFormat.Instance = null;

            var fileSystem = new MemoryVirtualFiles();

            RazorFormat = new RazorFormat
                VirtualFileSources = fileSystem,
                EnableLiveReload   = false,
        public void Can_Access_ViewBag_From_Layout()
            const string val        = "Hello";
            const string pageSource = @"@{ ViewBag.X = """ + val + @"""; }@ViewBag.X";

            var page = RazorFormat.CreatePage(pageSource);

            RazorFormat.AddFileAndPage(staticTemplatePath, @"<title>@ViewBag.X</title><body>@RenderBody()</body>");
            var output = RazorFormat.RenderToHtml(page, model: templateArgs).Trim();

            Assert.That(output, Is.EqualTo(@"<title>Hello</title><body>Hello</body>"));
Exemple #18
        public RazorFormat Create(string websiteTemplate, string pageTemplate)
            var razorFormat = new RazorFormat();

            razorFormat.AddTemplate("/path/to/websitetpl", websiteTemplate);
                new RazorPage(razorFormat, "/path/to/tpl", PageName, pageTemplate)
                TemplatePath = "/path/to/websitetpl",

        public void Can_Render_RazorTemplate()
            const string mockContents = "[Replaced with Template]";

            RazorFormat.AddFileAndPage(staticTemplatePath, staticTemplateContent);
            var page = RazorFormat.CreatePage(mockContents);

            var expectedHtml = staticTemplateContent.ReplaceFirst(RazorFormat.TemplatePlaceHolder, mockContents);

            var templateOutput = RazorFormat.RenderToHtml(page, model: templateArgs);

            Assert.That(templateOutput, Is.EqualTo(expectedHtml));
        public void HTML_encoding()
            var template =
                @"<p>Some Content @Model.stringContainingHtml</p>

            var expectedHtml =
                @"<p>Some Content &lt;span&gt;html&lt;/span&gt;</p>

            var html = RazorFormat.CreateAndRenderToHtml(template, new { stringContainingHtml = "<span>html</span>" });

            Assert.That(html, Is.EqualTo(expectedHtml));
        public void Integrating_content_and_code()
            var template =
                @"<p>Send mail to [email protected] telling him the time: @DateTime.Now.</p>

            var expectedHtml =
                @"<p>Send mail to [email protected] telling him the time: 02/06/2011 06:38:34.</p>

            var html = RazorFormat.CreateAndRenderToHtml(template, model: productArgs);

            Assert.That(html, Does.Match(expectedHtml.Substring(0, expectedHtml.Length - 25)));
        public void TestFixtureSetUp()
            this.products = new List <Product> {
                new Product("Pen", 1.99m),
                new Product("Glass", 9.99m),
                new Product("Book", 14.99m),
                new Product("DVD", 11.99m),
            productArgs = new { products = products };

            var mvcRazorFormat = new RazorFormat();

            mvcRazorFormat.Init(typeof(CustomRazorBasePage <>));
Exemple #23
        public HtmlBodyMail()
            VirtualPathProvider = new FileSystemVirtualPathProvider(new BasicAppHost(),
                                                                    Path.Combine("~".MapHostAbsolutePath(), TemplateDir));

            RazorFormat.Instance = null;
            Razor = new RazorFormat {
                VirtualPathProvider            = VirtualPathProvider,
                EnableLiveReload               = false,
                PrecompilePages                = true,
                WaitForPrecompilationOnStartup = true,
                //PageBaseType = typeof(ViewPage<>),
        public override void ProcessRequest(IHttpRequest httpReq, IHttpResponse httpRes, string operationName)
            httpRes.ContentType = ContentType.Html;
            if (RazorFormat == null)
                RazorFormat = RazorFormat.Instance;

            RazorPage contentPage;

            if (RazorFormat is CmsRazorFormat)
                var cmsRazorFormat = (RazorFormat as CmsRazorFormat);
                contentPage = RazorPage ?? cmsRazorFormat.GetPageByPathInfo(PathInfo, httpReq);
                if (contentPage == null) // also search the views directories
                    // Search for the item in the views before you give up!!!
                    var pageName = PathInfo.Split(new[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Last();
                    contentPage = cmsRazorFormat.GetPageByName(pageName, httpReq, null);
                contentPage = RazorPage ?? RazorFormat.FindByPathInfo(PathInfo);

            if (contentPage == null)
                httpRes.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;

            var model = Model;

            if (model == null)
                httpReq.Items.TryGetValue("Model", out model);
            if (model == null)
                var modelType = RazorPage != null ? RazorPage.ModelType : null;
                model = modelType == null || modelType == typeof(DynamicRequestObject)
                    ? null
                    : DeserializeHttpRequest(modelType, httpReq, httpReq.ContentType);

            RazorFormat.ProcessRazorPage(httpReq, contentPage, model, httpRes);
Exemple #25
        public void Can_Render_RazorTemplate()
            const string mockContents = "[Replaced with Template]";

            RazorFormat.AddFileAndTemplate(staticTemplatePath, staticTemplateContent);
            var page = AddViewPage("MockPage", "/path/to/page", mockContents, staticTemplatePath);

            var expectedHtml = staticTemplateContent.ReplaceFirst(RazorFormat.TemplatePlaceHolder, mockContents);

            var templateOutput = page.RenderToString(templateArgs);


            Assert.That(templateOutput, Is.EqualTo(expectedHtml));
        public void Can_Render_RazorPage()
            RazorFormat.AddFileAndPage(staticTemplatePath, staticTemplateContent);
            var dynamicPage = RazorFormat.AddFileAndPage(dynamicPagePath, dynamicPageContent);

            var expectedHtml = dynamicPageContent
                               .Replace("@Model.FirstName", person.FirstName)
                               .Replace("@Model.LastName", person.LastName);

            expectedHtml = staticTemplateContent.Replace(RazorFormat.TemplatePlaceHolder, expectedHtml);

            var templateOutput = RazorFormat.RenderToHtml(dynamicPage, model: templateArgs);

            Assert.That(templateOutput, Is.EqualTo(expectedHtml));
        public void Simple_static_example()
            RazorFormat.Instance = null;
            var razor = new RazorFormat {
                VirtualPathProvider = new InMemoryVirtualPathProvider(new BasicAppHost()),
                EnableLiveReload    = false,

            var page = razor.CreatePage("Hello @Model.Name! Welcome to Razor!");
            var html = razor.RenderToHtml(page, new { Name = "World" });


            Assert.That(html, Is.EqualTo("Hello World! Welcome to Razor!"));
Exemple #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure ServiceStack Razor views.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container">The container.</param>
        private void ConfigureView(Container container)
            // Enable ServiceStack Razor
            var razor = new RazorFormat();


            // Enable support for Swagger API browser
            Plugins.Add(new SwaggerFeature
                UseBootstrapTheme = true,
                LogoUrl           = "//lh6.googleusercontent.com/-lh7Gk4ZoVAM/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/_0CgCb4s1e0/s32-c/photo.jpg"
            //Plugins.Add(new CorsFeature()); // Uncomment if the services to be available from external sites
Exemple #29
        public void Can_Render_RazorPage()
            RazorFormat.AddFileAndTemplate(staticTemplatePath, staticTemplateContent);
            var dynamicPage = AddViewPage("DynamicTpl", dynamicPagePath, dynamicPageContent, staticTemplatePath);

            var expectedHtml = dynamicPageContent
                               .Replace("@Model.FirstName", person.FirstName)
                               .Replace("@Model.LastName", person.LastName);

            expectedHtml = staticTemplateContent.Replace(RazorFormat.TemplatePlaceHolder, expectedHtml);

            var templateOutput = dynamicPage.RenderToHtml(templateArgs);


            Assert.That(templateOutput, Is.EqualTo(expectedHtml));
        public void OnBeforeEachTest()
            RazorFormat.Instance = null;

            var fileSystem = new InMemoryVirtualPathProvider();

            fileSystem.WriteFile("/views/TheLayout.cshtml", LayoutHtml);

            RazorFormat = new RazorFormat
                VirtualFileSources             = fileSystem,
                PageBaseType                   = typeof(CustomRazorBasePage <>),
                EnableLiveReload               = false,
                PrecompilePages                = PrecompileEnabled,
                WaitForPrecompilationOnStartup = WaitForPrecompileEnabled,
Exemple #31
        public void Simple_static_example()
            var razor = new RazorFormat
                //DefaultBaseType = typeof(CustomRazorBasePage<>), //Change custom base ViewPage
                VirtualPathProvider = new InMemoryVirtualPathProvider(new BasicAppHost()),
                TemplateProvider    = { CompileInParallelWithNoOfThreads = 0 },


            razor.AddPage("Hello @Model.Name! Welcome to Razor!");
            var html = razor.RenderToHtml(new { Name = "World" });


            Assert.That(html, Is.EqualTo("Hello World! Welcome to Razor!"));
        public void TestFixtureSetUp()
            this.products = new List<Product> {
                new Product("Pen", 1.99m),
                new Product("Glass", 9.99m),
                new Product("Book", 14.99m),
                new Product("DVD", 11.99m),
            productArgs = new { products = products };

            var mvcRazorFormat = new RazorFormat();
 public void TestFixtureSetUp()
     var mvcRazorFormat = new RazorFormat();