SHR_Waypoint wp => (SHR_Waypoint)target; //are we using the Inspector to look at a Waypoint? public void SnapToGround() { var hitResult = RayCollider.Raycast(wp.transform.position, Vector3.down, 100); if (hitResult.AnyGround) { wp.transform.position = hitResult.hit.point; } }
void Rule_Climbing() { #region Rule if (newRule) { velXZ =; velY = 0; anim.Set(Anim.ClimbWallStart, 1); if (col.wall.hit.normal != && Mathf.Abs(col.wall.hit.normal.y) < 0.707f) { pos = col.wall.hit.point + col.wall.hit.normal * 0.5f; } colClimb = col.wall; } if ((colClimb = RayCollider.Raycast(pos + colClimb.hit.normal, -colClimb.hit.normal, 3)).ClimbableWall && Mathf.Abs(colClimb.hit.normal.y) < 0.707f) { LookAt(pos - colClimb.hit.normal); pos = colClimb.hit.point + colClimb.hit.normal * 0.5f; if (lStick.magnitude > deadZone) { pos += matRot.MultiplyVector(lStick_s) * 6 * dt; } } else if (apprVel.y > 2 && lStickAngle * Mathf.Sign(lStickAngle) < 30) { Jump(4, false); } col.wallEnabled = false; #endregion #region Animation float la = 0; if (lStick_s.magnitude > deadZone) { la = lStickAngle; anim.SetSpeed(lStick_s.magnitude * 35); if (la > -45 && la < 45) { anim.Set(Anim.ClimbWallUpStart, 1); } else if (la >= 45 && la <= 135) { anim.Set(Anim.ClimbWallRightStart, 1); } else if (la > 135 || la < -135) { anim.Set(Anim.ClimbWallDownStart, 1); } else if (la >= -135 && la <= -45) { anim.Set(Anim.ClimbWallLeftStart, 1); } } else { anim.SetSpeed(25); if (la > -45 && la < 45) { anim.Set(Anim.ClimbWallUpEnd, 1); } else if (la > 45 && la < 135) { anim.Set(Anim.ClimbWallRightEnd, 1); } else if (la > 135 || la < -135) { anim.Set(Anim.ClimbWallDownEnd, 1); } else if (la > -135 && la < -45) { anim.Set(Anim.ClimbWallLeftEnd, 1); } } #endregion }
void Rule_Air() { #region Rule col.groundDepth = 0; col.UpdateGroundCollision(); if (newRule) { liftOffVel = velXZ.magnitude; } if (col.ground.AnyGround && velY <= 0) { velY = 0; SetRule("Ground"); return; } else if (col.ground.Slide) { SetRule("Sliding"); return; } else if (col.ground.Water && velY < 0 && !col.waterIsShallow) { SetRule("Swimming"); return; } else if (! && col.ceiling.HangableCeiling) { SetRule("Hanging"); return; } if (jumping) { gravity = -20; if (velY < jumpCutoff) { jumping = false; } } else { gravity = -30; } // Ledgegrab var lh = Raycast(forward * 2 + upward * 3, -upward, 1); if (lh.AnyGround) { float dist = DistTo(lh); CollideInfo ledge = new CollideInfo(); for (float d = dist; d > 0; d -= 0.05f) { var lh2 = RayCollider.Raycast(pos + d * Vec2D(pos, lh.hit.point), -upward, 2); if (!lh2.AnyGround) { ledge = lh2; break; } } if (ledge.AnyGround) { this.ledge = ledge; SetRule("Ledgegrab"); return; } } ApplyGravity(); if (helic) { if (superHelicAscend) { superHelicRev = Mathf.Lerp(superHelicRev, 42, dt * 45); } else { superHelicRev = Mathf.Lerp(superHelicRev, 0, dt * 1); } SFX("Rayman2/Rayman/helic").asrc.pitch = 1 + superHelicRev / 300; anim.SetSpeed(30 + superHelicRev / 7); SetFriction(6.5f, hasSuperHelic ? 2.6f : 7.5f); velY += dt * superHelicRev; velY = Mathf.Clamp(velY, hasSuperHelic ? -25 : -5, 5); selfJump = false; } else { if (slideJump) { SetFriction(0.1f, 0); } else { SetFriction(5, 0); } moveSpeed = 10; } MoveOrStrafe(6, helic ? 5 : -1); AlignY(10); if (pos.y < startPos.y - 1100) { SetRule("Falling"); } #endregion #region Animation if (helic) { anim.Set(Anim.HelicEnable, 1); } else if (liftOffVel < 5 || !selfJump) { if (velY > 5 + jumpLiftOffVelY) { anim.Set(Anim.JumpIdleLoop, 0); } else { if (newRule) { anim.Set(Anim.FallIdleLoop, 0); } else { anim.Set(Anim.FallIdleStart, 1); } } } else { if (velY > 5 + jumpLiftOffVelY) { anim.Set(Anim.JumpRunLoop, 0); } else { if (newRule) { anim.Set(Anim.FallRunLoop, 0); } else { anim.Set(Anim.FallRunStart, 1); } } } #endregion }