private void CalculateRaysForOrthographic()
        var aspectRatio = (float)width / height;

        // In orthographic rendering direction is same for all rays.
        var direction = transform.rotation * Vector3.forward;

        for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                // Firstly we transform from texture space into normalized texture space.
                var pixelNormalizedX = ((i + 0.5f)) / width;
                var pixelNormalizedY = ((j + 0.5f)) / height;

                // Then we offset the space from [0:1] to [-1:1]
                var pixelScreenX = pixelNormalizedX * 2 - 1;
                var pixelScreenY = pixelNormalizedY * 2 - 1;

                // Taking field of view into calculation and aspect ration in case screen is not uniform.
                var pixelCameraX = pixelScreenX * aspectRatio * orthographicSize;
                var pixelCameraY = pixelScreenY * orthographicSize;

                var position = new Vector3(pixelCameraX, pixelCameraY, 0);
                position += transform.position;                 // To world space.

                var rayData = new RayCastingRayData();
                rayData.position        = position;
                rayData.direction       = direction;
                rayDatas[j * width + i] = rayData;
    private void CalculateRaysForPerspective()
        // Calculate the field of view transformation.
        // TODO: Cache.
        var degress      = fieldOfView * Mathf.Deg2Rad / 2;
        var sizeOfOffset = Mathf.Tan(degress);
        var aspectRatio  = (float)Screen.width / Screen.height;

        // In projection rendering position is same for all rays.
        var position = transform.position;

        for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                // Firstly we transform from texture space into normalized texture space.
                var pixelNormalizedX = ((i + 0.5f)) / width;
                var pixelNormalizedY = ((j + 0.5f)) / height;

                // Then we offset the space from [0:1] to [-1:1]
                var pixelScreenX = pixelNormalizedX * 2 - 1;
                var pixelScreenY = pixelNormalizedY * 2 - 1;

                // Taking field of view into calculation and aspect ration in case screen is not uniform.
                var pixelCameraX = pixelScreenX * sizeOfOffset * aspectRatio;
                var pixelCameraY = pixelScreenY * sizeOfOffset;

                var direction = new Vector3(pixelCameraX, pixelCameraY, 1);
                direction = transform.rotation * direction.normalized;                 // To world space.

                var rayData = new RayCastingRayData();
                rayData.position        = position;
                rayData.direction       = direction;
                rayDatas[j * width + i] = rayData;