public void Use_Raven_Db_Embedded_For_Tests_With_Custom_Int_Key() { var documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore() { RunInMemory = true }; using (var repos = new RavenDbRepository <RavenTestCustomIntKey, int>(documentStore)) { repos.Add(new RavenTestCustomIntKey() { Name = "Jeff", Age = 33 }); repos.Add(new RavenTestCustomIntKey() { Name = "Ben", Age = 53 }); // :) var items = repos.GetAll().ToList(); items.Count.ShouldEqual(2); // this works but won't work if the primary key is [ClassName]Id instead of just Id var item1 = repos.Get(1); item1.Name.ShouldEqual("Jeff"); var item2 = repos.Get(2); item2.Name.ShouldEqual("Ben"); } }
public void Use_Raven_Db_Embedded_For_Tests() { var documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore() { RunInMemory = true }; using (var repos = new RavenDbRepository <RavenTestStringKey>(documentStore)) { repos.Add(new RavenTestStringKey() { Name = "Jeff", Age = 33 }); repos.Add(new RavenTestStringKey() { Name = "Ben", Age = 53 }); // :) var items = repos.GetAll().ToList(); items.Count.ShouldEqual(2); var item2 = repos.Get("RavenTestStringKeys/2"); // is there a way we could allow them to just pass in 2 or the full string, or is that a bad idea item2.Name.ShouldEqual("Ben"); } }
public void Use_Raven_Db_Embedded_For_Tests_With_Int_Key() { var documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore() { RunInMemory = true }; using (var repos = new RavenDbRepository<RavenTestIntKey, int>(documentStore)) { repos.Add(new RavenTestIntKey() {Name = "Jeff", Age = 33}); repos.Add(new RavenTestIntKey() {Name = "Ben", Age = 53}); // :) var items = repos.GetAll().ToList(); items.Count.ShouldEqual(2); // this works but won't work if the primary key is [ClassName]Id instead of just Id var item1 = repos.Get(1); item1.Name.ShouldEqual("Jeff"); var item2 = repos.Get(2); item2.Name.ShouldEqual("Ben"); } }
public void Use_Raven_Db_Embedded_For_Tests() { var documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore() {RunInMemory = true}; using (var repos = new RavenDbRepository<RavenTestStringKey>(documentStore)) { repos.Add(new RavenTestStringKey() {Name = "Jeff", Age = 33}); repos.Add(new RavenTestStringKey() {Name = "Ben", Age = 53}); // :) var items = repos.GetAll().ToList(); items.Count.ShouldEqual(2); var item2 = repos.Get("RavenTestStringKeys/2"); // is there a way we could allow them to just pass in 2 or the full string, or is that a bad idea item2.Name.ShouldEqual("Ben"); } }