void DecideItemRarity()
     if (itemTypeToSpawn != ItemType.Item)
         float itemRarityRanNum = (Random.Range(0, randomMaxNum + 1) / randomMaxNum) * 100;
         if (itemRarityRanNum < rarityChanceSettings.common)
             rarityTypeToSpawn = RarityType.Common;
         else if (itemRarityRanNum < rarityChanceSettings.unCommon)
             rarityTypeToSpawn = RarityType.Uncommon;
         else if (itemRarityRanNum < rarityChanceSettings.rare)
             rarityTypeToSpawn = RarityType.Rare;
         else if (itemRarityRanNum < rarityChanceSettings.epic)
             rarityTypeToSpawn = RarityType.Epic;
         else if (itemRarityRanNum < rarityChanceSettings.legendary)
             rarityTypeToSpawn = RarityType.Legendary;
         rarityTypeToSpawn = RarityType.Uncommon;
Exemple #2
 public Rarity(int id, I18NString name, RarityType type, string colorCode)
     Id        = id;
     Name      = name;
     Type      = type;
     ColorCode = colorCode;
Exemple #3
    public void SetBase(EnemyBase enemyBase, RarityType rarity, int level, EnemyActor actor)
        BaseEnemyData         = enemyBase;
        Name                  = enemyBase.idName;
        Level                 = level;
        CurrentActor          = actor;
        OnHitData.SourceActor = actor;
        BaseHealth            = (float)(Helpers.GetEnemyHealthScaling(level) * enemyBase.healthScaling);
        MaximumHealth         = (int)BaseHealth;
        CurrentHealth         = MaximumHealth;
        movementSpeed         = enemyBase.movementSpeed;
        minAttackDamage       = (int)(enemyBase.attackDamageMinMultiplier * Helpers.GetEnemyDamageScaling(level));
        maxAttackDamage       = (int)(enemyBase.attackDamageMaxMultiplier * Helpers.GetEnemyDamageScaling(level));
        foreach (ElementType element in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ElementType)))
            ElementData[element] = enemyBase.resistances[(int)element];

        CurrentShieldDelay = 0f;

        foreach (AbilityScalingBonusProperty bonusProp in enemyBase.leveledBonusProperties)
            AddStatBonus(bonusProp.bonusType, bonusProp.restriction, bonusProp.modifyType, bonusProp.initialValue + bonusProp.growthValue * level);
Exemple #4
 public Dagger(string name, double damage, string blade, RarityType rarityType)
     this.name       = name;
     this.damage     = damage;
     this.blade      = blade;
     this.rarityType = rarityType;
 public ItemModel(int ID, string name, string description, int level, RarityType rarityType, int stackedCount) : this(ID, level)
     this.Name         = name;
     this.Description  = description;
     this.RarityType   = rarityType;
     this.StackedCount = stackedCount;
Exemple #6
 public Axe(string name, double damage, string shaft, RarityType rarityType)
     this.name       = name;
     this.damage     = damage;
     this.shaft      = shaft;
     this.rarityType = rarityType;
        protected void IncreaseWeaponDamageAccordingToType()
            RarityType rarityType = (RarityType)Enum.Parse(typeof(RarityType), this.RarityType);

            this.MinDamage *= (int)rarityType;
            this.MaxDamage *= (int)rarityType;
Exemple #8
 public Tags(ItemType aItemType, RarityType aRarityType, string aName, string aDescription)
     itemType    = aItemType;
     rarity      = aRarityType;
     name        = aName;
     description = aDescription;
Exemple #9
    private void AddEquipmentDrops(BattleEndWindow battleEndWindow)
        //Get Equipment
        int   additionalDrops   = (int)(survivalLoopCount / 5);
        float rarityBoost       = 1 + (0.25f * survivalLoopCount);
        float nonStageEpicBoost = 1 + (0.4f * survivalLoopCount);
        float stageEpicBoost    = 1 + (0.25f * survivalLoopCount * 5);
        float affixLevelSkew    = 1.2f + (survivalLoopCount * 0.1f);
        int   equipmentDrops    = Random.Range(stageInfo.equipmentDropCountMin + additionalDrops, stageInfo.equipmentDropCountMax + 1 + additionalDrops);

        WeightList <RarityType> nonStageDropRarity = new WeightList <RarityType>();

        nonStageDropRarity.Add(RarityType.UNCOMMON, (int)(BASE_UNCOMMON_DROP_WEIGHT / rarityBoost));
        nonStageDropRarity.Add(RarityType.RARE, (int)(BASE_RARE_DROP_WEIGHT * rarityBoost));
        nonStageDropRarity.Add(RarityType.EPIC, (int)(BASE_EPIC_DROP_WEIGHT * nonStageEpicBoost));
        nonStageDropRarity.Add(RarityType.UNIQUE, (int)(BASE_UNIQUE_DROP_WEIGHT * nonStageEpicBoost));

        WeightList <RarityType> stageDropRarity = new WeightList <RarityType>();

        stageDropRarity.Add(RarityType.UNCOMMON, (int)(BASE_UNCOMMON_DROP_WEIGHT_STAGE_DROP / rarityBoost));
        stageDropRarity.Add(RarityType.RARE, (int)(BASE_RARE_DROP_WEIGHT_STAGE_DROP * rarityBoost));
        stageDropRarity.Add(RarityType.EPIC, (int)(BASE_EPIC_DROP_WEIGHT_STAGE_DROP * stageEpicBoost));

        if (stageInfo.equipmentDropList.Count == 0)
            int boostedRarityDrops = System.Math.Max(equipmentDrops / 2, 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < equipmentDrops; i++)
                RarityType rarity;
                if (i < boostedRarityDrops)
                    rarity = stageDropRarity.ReturnWeightedRandom();
                    rarity = nonStageDropRarity.ReturnWeightedRandom();
                AddNonStagePoolDrop(affixLevelSkew, rarity);
            WeightList <string> weightList = Helpers.CreateWeightListFromWeightBases(stageInfo.equipmentDropList);
            int dropsFromStagePool         = System.Math.Max(equipmentDrops / 2, 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < dropsFromStagePool; i++)
                string baseId = weightList.ReturnWeightedRandom();
                var    equip  = Equipment.CreateEquipmentFromBase(ResourceManager.Instance.GetEquipmentBase(baseId), stageLevel + survivalLoopCount);
                RollEquipmentRarity(equip, stageDropRarity.ReturnWeightedRandom(), affixLevelSkew);

            for (int i = 0; i < equipmentDrops - dropsFromStagePool; i++)
                RarityType rarity = nonStageDropRarity.ReturnWeightedRandom();
                AddNonStagePoolDrop(affixLevelSkew, rarity);
Exemple #10
 public Item(String itemname, int value, Boolean stackable)
     itemName       = itemname;
     itemValue      = value;
     canStack       = stackable;
     thisRarityType = RarityType.Normal;
     thisItemType   = ItemType.Loot;
Exemple #11
 public Tags(ItemType aItemType, RarityType aRarityType, string aName, string aImageURL, string aImageHoverTextURL)
     itemType          = aItemType;
     rarity            = aRarityType;
     name              = aName;
     imageURL          = aImageURL;
     imageHoverTextURL = aImageHoverTextURL;
Exemple #12
 private void RollEquipmentRarity(Equipment equip, RarityType rarity, float affixLevelSkew)
     equip.RerollAffixesAtRarity(null, affixLevelSkew, new HashSet <GroupType>()
Exemple #13
 public Tags(ItemType aItemType, RarityType aRarityType, string aName, string aDescription, string aImageURL, OutfitTags aOutfitTags)
     itemType    = aItemType;
     rarity      = aRarityType;
     name        = aName;
     description = aDescription;
     imageURL    = aImageURL;
     outfitTags  = aOutfitTags;
Exemple #14
 public Weapon(string name, RarityType rarity, int minDamage, int maxDamage, int socketsCount)
     this.Name        = name;
     this.MinDamage   = minDamage;
     this.MaxDamage   = maxDamage;
     this.Sockets     = CreateSocketsForWeapon(socketsCount);
     this.socketCount = socketsCount;
     this.Rarity      = rarity;
 public DefaultItemData(string itemName, string itemDescription, int itemValue, ItemType itemType, RarityType rarityType, Sprite itemIcon)
     this.itemName        = itemName;
     this.itemDescription = itemDescription;
     this.itemValue       = itemValue;
     this.itemType        = itemType;
     this.rarityType      = rarityType;
     this.itemIcon        = itemIcon;
Exemple #16
 public Tags(ItemType aItemType, RarityType aRarityType, string aName, string aDescription, string aImageURL, WeaponTags aWeaponTags)
     itemType    = aItemType;
     rarity      = aRarityType;
     name        = aName;
     description = aDescription;
     imageURL    = aImageURL;
     weaponTags  = aWeaponTags;
Exemple #17
        public ItemTypeAndRarityAlchemyIngredient(string name, string icon, ItemTypeType type, RarityType rarity, int count)
            Name  = name;
            Icon  = icon;
            Count = count;

            this.type   = type;
            this.rarity = rarity;
 protected Weapon(RarityType rarity, string name, string type, int minDamage, int maxDamage, Socket sockets)
     this.rarity    = rarity;
     this.Type      = type;
     this.name      = name;
     this.Mindamage = minDamage;
     this.Maxdamage = maxDamage;
     this.Sockets   = sockets;
     this.gems      = new GemsCollection(sockets);
Exemple #19
        public static bool IsLootable(this ItemEntity item, RarityType filter = RarityType.None)
            var rarity = item.Rarity();

            if ((int)rarity < (int)filter)
Exemple #20
        public Weapon CreateWeapon(string rarity, string weaponType, string weaponName)
            RarityType rarityType = Enum.Parse <RarityType>(rarity);

            Type currentType = Type.GetType($"{StringNamespace}.{weaponType}");

            var    constructorParams = new object[] { weaponName, rarityType };
            Weapon classInstance     = (Weapon)Activator.CreateInstance(currentType, constructorParams);

Exemple #21
        public override void Run()
            Console.WriteLine("Searching for cards...\n");
            bool gotGuaranteedSR = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                var        rand    = new Random();
                var        lottery = rand.Next(100);
                RarityType rarity  = RarityType.R;

                if (lottery < SSRChance)
                    rarity = RarityType.SSR;
                else if (lottery < SRChance)
                    rarity = RarityType.SR;

                if (i == 9 && rarity == RarityType.R && !gotGuaranteedSR)
                    rarity = RarityType.SR;

                while (true)
                    var cardData = CardManager.AllCards().ToArray()[rand.Next(CardManager.AllCards().Count)];

                    if (cardData.Rarity == rarity)
                        bool   isDupe   = CardManager.Cards().Any(item => item.cardId == cardData.GetID());
                        string dupeText = isDupe ? "                 " : rarityNewString[rarity];
                        var    cardText = $"    {dupeText}{cardData.Name.str} ({cardData.Attribute})";
                        foreach (var c in cardText)


                        if (cardData.Rarity != RarityType.R)
                            gotGuaranteedSR = true;

Exemple #22
 public NpcModel(string id, string name, NpcRole npcRole, NpcRace npcRace, NpcSize npcSize, RarityType rarityType,
                 CombatantModel combatantModel, string[] alwaysDroppedItemIDs = null)
     this.ID                   = id;
     this.Name                 = name;
     this.NpcRole              = npcRole;
     this.NpcRace              = npcRace;
     this.NpcSize              = npcSize;
     this.RarityType           = rarityType;
     this.CombatantModel       = combatantModel;
     this.AlwaysDroppedItemIDs = alwaysDroppedItemIDs;
        public List <ItemModel> GetAllItemsOfRarity(RarityType rarityType)
            List <ItemModel> result = new List <ItemModel>();

            for (int i = 0; i < AllItems.Count; i++)
                if (AllItems[i].RarityType == rarityType)
Exemple #24
    private CardModel GetCardData(string name, string spriteName, CardType cardType, RarityType rarityType, int cost, int attack, int life)
        CardModel model = new CardModel();

        model.Name       = name;
        model.SpriteName = spriteName;
        model.Type       = (int)cardType;
        model.RarityType = (int)rarityType;
        model.Cost       = cost;
        model.Attack     = attack;
        model.Life       = life;
Exemple #25
 public CardModel(CardPrototype prototype)
     this.prototype = prototype;
     id             = prototype.id;
     name           = prototype.name;
     description    = prototype.description.Replace("\\n", "\n"); // Allow newlines
     animation      = prototype.animation;
     rarity         = prototype.rarity;
     cost           = prototype.cost;
     effect         = prototype.effect;
     statGainType   = prototype.statGainType;
     statGainAmount = prototype.statGainAmount;
     numCardsToDraw = prototype.numCardsToDraw;
Exemple #26
        public Sword(string name, double damage, string blade, RarityType rarityType)
            this.name       = name;
            this.damage     = damage;
            this.blade      = blade;
            this.rarityType = rarityType;

            //this add different "magical properties" for the sword, which can then be selected
            SwordProperties.Add("+20 Cold Damage, ");
            SwordProperties.Add("+7% Increased Attack Speed, ");
            SwordProperties.Add("Reduced Cooldown of all Skills by 9%, ");
            SwordProperties.Add("+3 Life per Kill");
            SwordProperties.Add("12% Chance to Stun on hit");
Exemple #27
    public void RarityButtonOnClick(RarityType rarityType, int index)
        Image image = rarityButtons[index].GetComponent <Button>().image;

        if (rarityTypes.Contains(rarityType))
            image.color = Color.white;
            image.color = Helpers.SELECTION_COLOR;
Exemple #28
        public void CopyFrom(ItemModel itemModel, bool copyStackCount)
            ID                     = itemModel.ID;
            InstanceID             = itemModel.InstanceID;
            Name                   = itemModel.Name;
            Description            = itemModel.Description;
            RarityType             = itemModel.RarityType;
            _level_ZeroBased       = itemModel.Level_ZeroBased; // Copy to private member to avoid redundant re-building of stats.
            HasBuiltStatsFromLevel = itemModel.HasBuiltStatsFromLevel;
            if (copyStackCount)
                StackedCount = itemModel.StackedCount;

Exemple #29
 public Item(Item data)
     title = data.title;
     type = data.type;
     stats = data.stats;
     desc = data.desc;
     flavour = data.flavour;
     flines = data.flines;
     level = data.level;
     image = data.image;
     back = data.back;
     front = data.front;
     value = data.value;
     rarity = data.rarity;
     id = data.id;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="cost"></param>
        /// <param name="weight"></param>
        /// <param name="description"></param>
        /// <param name="rarityType"></param>
        /// <param name="slotType"></param>
        public BaseItem(string name, double cost, double weight, string description, RarityType rarityType = RarityType.Normal, SlotType slotType = SlotType.None)
            SlotType   = slotType;
            RarityType = rarityType;

            Name        = name;
            Cost        = cost;
            Weight      = weight;
            Description = description;

            Requirements  = new List <Requirement>();
            Modifiers     = new List <Modifier>();
            CombatActions = new List <CombatAction>();

            Owner = null;
Exemple #31
        private ZoneModel buildZone(int minNpcLevel, RarityType minNpcRarityType, RarityType maxNpcRarityType, int npcTeamID, int maxNpcs)
            int       numNpcs   = 1;
            ZoneModel zoneModel = new ZoneModel();

            zoneModel.EnemyNpcModels = new ServerNpcModel[numNpcs];

            for (int i = 0; i < numNpcs; i++)
                int zoneBasedLevel = minNpcLevel;

                ServerNpcModel serverNpcModel = buildRandomNPC(zoneBasedLevel, npcTeamID, minNpcRarityType, maxNpcRarityType);
                zoneModel.EnemyNpcModels[i] = serverNpcModel;

    public Color GetRarityColor(RarityType rarity)
		for (int i = 0; i < rarityColors.Length; i++) {
			if(rarityColors[i].rarity == rarity)
				return rarityColors[i].tintColor;
		return Color.white;
Exemple #33
 public Item()
     value = 0;
     rarity = RarityType.Common;
Exemple #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Item"/> class.
 /// Used for equipment and quest items.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='name'>
 /// Name.
 /// </param>
 public Item(string name)
     _name = name;
     _value = 0;
     _rarity = RarityType.Unique;
Exemple #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance with parameters of the <see cref="Item"/> class.
 /// Used for consummables that can be found or sold.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param>
 /// name = Name of the item.
 /// valye = Value of the item.
 /// rarity = Rarity of the item.
 /// </param>
 public Item(string name, int value, RarityType rare)
     _name = name;
     _value = value;
     _rarity = rare;
Exemple #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a default instance of the <see cref="Item"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public Item()
     _name = "Need Name";
     _value = 0;
     _rarity = RarityType.Common;