Exemple #1
        /// <summary> 将从Pycharm中复制到word中的代码进行格式化</summary>
        /// <param name="wdApp"></param>
        public static void FormatCodeFromIDE(Application wdApp)
            Document doc = wdApp.ActiveDocument;

            Selection sel = wdApp.Selection;
            Range     rg  = sel.Range;

            if (rg != null)
                    wdApp.ScreenUpdating = false;

                    // 1. change the font size
                    rg.Font.Size = 12;
                    rg.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";

                    // 2. change the shadow color to none
                    var     format = rg.ParagraphFormat;
                    Shading shade  = format.Shading;
                    shade.Texture = WdTextureIndex.wdTextureNone;
                    shade.ForegroundPatternColor = WdColor.wdColorAutomatic;
                    shade.BackgroundPatternColor = WdColor.wdColorAutomatic;

                    // 3. clear all tabs

                    // 4. unBold the range
                    rg.Font.Bold = 0;

                    foreach (Table tb in rg.Tables)
                        // 5. change  the talbe style

                        foreach (Row row in tb.Rows)
                            // 6. change the indent if the code is in a table
                            var rowFormat = row.Range.ParagraphFormat;
                            rowFormat.SpaceBeforeAuto = 0;
                            rowFormat.SpaceAfterAuto  = 0;
                            rowFormat.FirstLineIndent = wdApp.CentimetersToPoints(0);

                    // 7. replace the charactors
                    RangeUtils.ReplaceCharactors(rg, "^l", "^p");

                    rg.HighlightColorIndex = WdColorIndex.wdNoHighlight;
                    wdApp.ScreenUpdating = true;