Exemple #1
    public Person CreatePerson(Person parentA, Person parentB, string name = null, Sprite avatar = null, Person.Sexe sexe = Person.Sexe.MALE)
        GameObject g = Instantiate(personGameObject, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

        Person person = g.GetComponent <Person>();

        person.parentA = parentA;
        person.parentB = parentB;

        person.family = RandomFamily();

        person.sexe = sexe;
        if (name == null)
            person.personName = RandomNames.PickName(person.sexe);
            person.personName = name;
        if (avatar == null)
            person.avatar = avatars.RandomAvatar(person.sexe);
            person.avatar = avatar;
        person.naissance = GameController.instance.annee;

Exemple #2
        public PlayerModel()
            PlayerNumber = ++_playerCount;

            Name  = RandomNames.GetRandomName();
            Chips = 3;
Exemple #3
    private void Awake()
        Dude         = GetComponent <Dude>();
        DudeAnimator = GetComponent <DudeAnimator>();

        m_randomNames = new RandomNames();
Exemple #4
 public Dealer(PedHash pedHash)
     Name    = RandomNames.GetRandomName();
     X       = 85.50f;
     Y       = -1959.43f;
     Z       = 21.12f;
     R       = 344.75f;
     PedName = pedHash.ToString();
 void GimmeNames()
     for (int i = 0; i < GameStatus.playerTeam.units.Length; i++)
         UnitSO u = GameStatus.playerTeam.units[i];
         u           = Instantiate(u);
         u.unit.Name = RandomNames.RandomName();
         GameStatus.playerTeam.units[i] = u;
Exemple #6
 public Dealer(float x, float y, float z, float r, string pedName)
     Name    = RandomNames.GetRandomName();
     X       = x;
     Y       = y;
     Z       = z;
     R       = r;
     PedName = pedName;
     Ped     = null;
Exemple #7
 public Dealer()
     Name    = RandomNames.GetRandomName();
     X       = 85.50f;
     Y       = -1959.43f;
     Z       = 21.12f;
     R       = 344.75f;
     PedName = "";
     Ped     = null;
    // Function which will randomly assign character statistics with a +/- 20% variance based on enemy level
    // and will account for manual skill upgrades when the user levels up
    // TO-DO: Refactor this code to improve readability and usability later on, in other words,
    // separate functionalities into their individual functions

	// Hi Unity.
	void Awake() {
		randomNames = new RandomNames();
		enemyName = randomNames.getName (firstNameOrigin, lastNameOrigin);
		enemyHealth = Random.Range ((50 * enemyLevel - 10 * enemyLevel) + 10 * enemyHPSkill, (50 * enemyLevel + 10 * enemyLevel) + 10 * enemyHPSkill);
		enemyMana = Random.Range ((20 * enemyLevel - 4 * enemyLevel) + 4 * enemyMPSkill, (20 * enemyLevel + 4 * enemyLevel) + 4 * enemyMPSkill);
		enemyStrength = Random.Range((10 * enemyLevel - 2 * enemyLevel) + 2 * enemyStrSkill, (10 * enemyLevel + 2 * enemyLevel) + 2 * enemyStrSkill);
		enemyDefense = Random.Range((10 * enemyLevel - 2 * enemyLevel) + 2 * enemyDefSkill, (10 * enemyLevel + 2 * enemyLevel) + 2 * enemyDefSkill);
		enemyIntelligence = Random.Range((10 * enemyLevel - 2 * enemyLevel) + 2 * enemyIntSkill, (10 * enemyLevel + 2 * enemyLevel) + 2 * enemyIntSkill);

		enemyCurrentHP = enemyHealth;
		enemyCurrentMP = enemyMana;
    protected override void Awake()

        if (ExtRandom.SplitChance())
            _gender = Gender.Male;
            _gender = Gender.Female;

        characterName = RandomNames.GetUniqueName(_gender);
Exemple #10
 void GimmeNames()
     for (int i = 0; i < playerTeam.units.Length; i++)
         UnitSO u = playerTeam.units[i];
         if (u == null)
             Debug.LogError("Error( Names): Unit not found");
         u                   = Instantiate(u);
         u.unit.Name         = RandomNames.RandomName();
         playerTeam.units[i] = u;
Exemple #11
    private void OnDestroy()
        int[]    highScores     = GetHighScores();
        string[] highScorenames = GetHighScoreNames();

        string randomName = RandomNames.GetRandomZombieName();

        for (int hIndex = 0; hIndex < highScores.Length; ++hIndex)
            if (highScores[hIndex] < counter)
                highScores     = PushNewValueIntoArray(counter, hIndex, highScores);
                highScorenames = PushNewValueIntoArray(randomName, hIndex, highScorenames);

        UpdateHighscore(highScores, highScorenames);
Exemple #12
    public Person RandomPerson(Person parentA, Person parentB)
        /*GameObject g = Instantiate(personGameObject, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
         * Person person = g.GetComponent<Person>();
         * person.parentA = parentA;
         * person.parentB = parentB;
         * person.sexe = RandomSexe();
         * person.personName = RandomNames.PickName(person.sexe);
         * person.avatar = avatars.RandomAvatar(person.sexe);
         * if (parentA != null)
         * {
         *  person.naissance = parentA.naissance + Random.Range(18, 40);
         * }
        Person.Sexe sexe = RandomSexe();

        Person person = CreatePerson(parentA, parentB, RandomNames.PickName(sexe), avatars.RandomAvatar(sexe), sexe);

    // Create units
    public IEnumerator CreateUnits()
        int length;

        yield return(null);

        // Side A units
        if (teamA.units == null || teamB.units == null || teamA.units.Length == 0 || teamB.units.Length == 0)
            Debug.Log("Teams are invalid!");
            Debug.LogAssertion("Teams are invalid!");
            yield break;

        if (teamA.units.Length <= GridClass.instance.sideAStart.Length)
            length = teamA.units.Length;
            length = GridClass.instance.sideAStart.Length;

        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            UnitClass unit = InstantiateUnit(GridClass.instance.sideAStart[i], teamA.units[i], true);

            if (GameStatus.playerTeam == null)
                unit.Name = "A" + i + ": " + RandomNames.RandomName();
                unit.Name = "A" + i + ": " + unit.Name;

            SetStartFacing(unit, Facing.east);

        if (teamB.units.Length <= GridClass.instance.sideBStart.Length)
            length = teamB.units.Length;
            length = GridClass.instance.sideBStart.Length;
        if (teamB.units.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogAssertion("Here it is");

        // Side B units
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            UnitClass unit = InstantiateUnit(GridClass.instance.sideBStart[i], teamB.units[i], false);
            unit.Name = "B" + i + ": " + RandomNames.RandomName();
            SetStartFacing(unit, Facing.west);
	public string getRandomPerson() {
		randomNames = new RandomNames();
		return randomNames.getFirstName(firstNameOrigin);