/// <summary> /// Shamelessly copied from GLideN64's source. /// </summary> private void LoadTile32b_( ref TileDescriptor tileDescriptor, TimgArgs timgArgs) { var uls = tileDescriptor.ULS; var ult = tileDescriptor.ULT; var lrs = tileDescriptor.LRS; var lrt = tileDescriptor.LRT; var width = lrs - uls + 1; var height = lrt - ult + 1; var line = tileDescriptor.LineSize << 2; var tbase = tileDescriptor.TmemOffset << 2; IoUtil.SplitAddress(timgArgs.Address, out var bank, out var offset); var targetBank = Asserts.Assert(RamBanks.GetBankByIndex(bank)); var timgWidth = timgArgs.Width; for (var j = 0; j < height; ++j) { var tline = tbase + line * j; var s = ((j + ult) * timgWidth) + uls; var xorval = (j & 1) != 0 ? 3 : 1; for (var i = 0; i < width; ++i) { var addr = offset + s + i; var c = IoUtil.ReadUInt32(targetBank, (uint)(4 * addr)); var ptr = ((tline + i) ^ xorval) & 0x3ff; var offset1 = 2 * ptr; IoUtil.WriteInt16(targetBank, ref offset1, (ushort)(c >> 16)); var offset2 = 2 * (ptr | 0x400); IoUtil.WriteInt16(targetBank, ref offset2, (ushort)(c & 0xffff)); } } }
// TODO: Remove combo box input. public static int ReadInDL( DlManager dlManager, uint address, ComboBox dListSelection) { IoUtil.SplitAddress(address, out var bank, out var offset); var data = Asserts.Assert(RamBanks.GetBankByIndex(bank)); try { if (offset < data.Count) { // TODO: This jumps into the lowest level DL, but the 0xDE command (DL) // actually allows returning back up and calling more DLs. So this seems // like it will sometimes overlook any DLs that follow. // This should just be deleted and replaced w/ emulating in // F3DEX2_Parser. if (data[(int)offset] == 0xDE) { while (data[(int)offset] == 0xDE) { offset = IoUtil.ReadUInt24(data, (uint)(offset + 5L)); } } int index = dlManager.Count; var displayList = new N64DisplayList(); dlManager.Add(displayList); uint EPLoc = offset; dListSelection.Items.Add((index + 1).ToString() + ". " + Conversion.Hex(offset)); displayList.StartPos = new ZSegment(); displayList.StartPos.Offset = offset; displayList.StartPos.Bank = data.Segment; displayList.Skip = false; PickerUtil.NextRgb(out var r, out var g, out var b); displayList.PickCol = new Color3UByte { r = r, g = g, b = b }; do { var commands = displayList.Commands; Array.Resize(ref commands, displayList.CommandCount + 1); displayList.Commands = commands; displayList.Commands[displayList.CommandCount] = new DLCommand(data, EPLoc); if (data[(int)EPLoc] == (int)F3DZEX.ENDDL | EPLoc >= data.Count) { EPLoc = (uint)(EPLoc + 8L); break; } EPLoc = (uint)(EPLoc + 8L); displayList.CommandCount += 1; } while (true); return((int)EPLoc); } } catch (Exception ex) { Interaction.MsgBox("Error reading in display list: " + ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Exception"); return(default);
/// <summary> /// Parses a limb hierarchy according to the following spec: /// https://wiki.cloudmodding.com/oot/Animation_Format#Hierarchy /// </summary> public static IList <Limb>?GetHierarchies( IBank Data, bool isLink, DlManager dlManager, StaticDlModel model, ComboBox dListSelection) { uint limbIndexAddress; model.Reset(); int j = 0; for (int i = 0, loopTo = Data.Count - 8; i <= loopTo; i += 4) { limbIndexAddress = IoUtil.ReadUInt32(Data, (uint)i); IoUtil.SplitAddress(limbIndexAddress, out var limbIndexBank, out var limbIndexOffset); uint limbCount = Data[i + 4]; uint limbAddress; // Link has an extra set of values for each limb that define LOD model // display lists. uint limbSize; if (isLink) { limbSize = 16U; } else { limbSize = 12U; } if (RamBanks.IsValidBank((byte)limbIndexBank) & limbCount > 0L) { var limbIndexBankBuffer = RamBanks.GetBankByIndex(limbIndexBank); if (limbIndexBankBuffer != null && limbIndexOffset + 4L * limbCount < limbIndexBankBuffer.Count) { byte firstChild; byte nextSibling; bool isValid = true; bool somethingVisible = false; var loopTo1 = (int)(limbCount - 1L); for (j = 0; j <= loopTo1; j++) { limbAddress = IoUtil.ReadUInt32(limbIndexBankBuffer, (uint)(limbIndexOffset + j * 4)); IoUtil.SplitAddress(limbAddress, out var limbBank, out var limbOffset); if (!RamBanks.IsValidBank(limbBank)) { isValid = false; goto badLimbIndexOffset; } var limbBankBuffer = RamBanks.GetBankByIndex(limbBank); if (limbBankBuffer == null) { isValid = false; goto badLimbIndexOffset; } if (limbOffset + limbSize >= limbBankBuffer.Count) { isValid = false; goto badLimbIndexOffset; } firstChild = limbBankBuffer[(int)(limbOffset + 6L)]; nextSibling = limbBankBuffer[(int)(limbOffset + 7L)]; if (firstChild == j | nextSibling == j) { isValid = false; goto badLimbIndexOffset; } var displayListAddress = IoUtil.ReadUInt32(limbBankBuffer, (uint)(limbOffset + 8L)); IoUtil.SplitAddress(displayListAddress, out var displayListBank, out var displayListOffset); if (displayListBank != 0L) { somethingVisible = true; } if (displayListBank != 0L & !RamBanks.IsValidBank((byte)displayListBank)) { isValid = false; goto badLimbIndexOffset; } } badLimbIndexOffset: if (isValid) { var tmpHierarchy = new Limb[(int)(limbCount - 1L + 1)]; for (int k = 0, loopTo2 = (int)(limbCount - 1L); k <= loopTo2; k++) { limbAddress = IoUtil.ReadUInt32(limbIndexBankBuffer, (uint)(limbIndexOffset + 4 * k)); IoUtil.SplitAddress(limbAddress, out var limbBank, out var limbOffset); var limbBankBuffer = Asserts.Assert(RamBanks.GetBankByIndex(limbBank)); { var limbData = FinMarshal.Deserialize <LimbData>( limbBankBuffer, (int)limbOffset, true); var limb = tmpHierarchy[k] = new Limb(limbData); var displayListAddress = limbData.displayListAddress; IoUtil.SplitAddress(displayListAddress, out var displayListBank, out var displayListOffset); model.AddLimb(limb.Visible, limb.x, limb.y, limb.z, limb.firstChild, limb.nextSibling); if (displayListBank != 0L) { var displayListBankBuffer = RamBanks.GetBankByIndex(displayListBank); DisplayListReader.ReadInDL(dlManager, displayListAddress, dListSelection); } // Far model display list (i.e. LOD model). Only used for Link. // If Data(tmpLimbOff + 12) = Bank Then // .DisplayListLow = ReadUInt24(Data, tmpLimbOff + 13) // ReDim Preserve N64DList(N64DList.Length) // ReadInDL(Data, N64DList, .DisplayListLow, N64DList.Length - 1) // Else // End If PickerUtil.NextRgb(out var r, out var g, out var b); limb.r = r; limb.g = g; limb.b = b; } } if (isValid & !somethingVisible) { throw new NotSupportedException( "model format is not rendering a valid model!"); } return(tmpHierarchy); } } } } return(null); }
// TODO: The other method passes in "texels", not "lrs"??? /// <summary> /// Shamelessly copied from GLideN64's source. /// </summary> public void LoadBlock( ref TileDescriptor tileDescriptor, uint uls, uint ult, uint lrs, uint dxt, TimgArgs timgArgs) { tileDescriptor.ULS = (int)uls >> 2; tileDescriptor.ULT = (int)ult >> 2; // TODO: This feels like a bug? tileDescriptor.LRS = (int)lrs >> 2; tileDescriptor.LRT = (int)dxt >> 2; var tmem = tileDescriptor.TmemOffset; var colorFormat = tileDescriptor.ColorFormat; var bitSize = tileDescriptor.BitSize; /*if (gSP.DMAOffsets.tex_offset != 0) { * if (gSP.DMAOffsets.tex_shift % (((lrs >> 2) + 1) << 3)) { * gDP.textureImage.address -= gSP.DMAOffsets.tex_shift; * gSP.DMAOffsets.tex_offset = 0; * gSP.DMAOffsets.tex_shift = 0; * gSP.DMAOffsets.tex_count = 0; * } else ++gSP.DMAOffsets.tex_count; * }*/ var timgAddress = timgArgs.Address; var timgBitSize = timgArgs.BitSize; var timgWidth = timgArgs.Width; var timgBpl = timgWidth << (int)timgBitSize >> 1; IoUtil.SplitAddress(timgAddress, out var bank, out var offset); tileDescriptor.Address = (int)timgAddress; tileDescriptor.ImageBank = (int)bank; tileDescriptor.Offset = (int)offset; var texture = this.cache_[tileDescriptor]; if (texture != null) { return; } /*gDPLoadTileInfo & info = gDP.loadInfo[gDP.loadTile->tmem]; * info.texAddress = gDP.loadTile->imageAddress; * info.uls = static_cast<u16>(gDP.loadTile->uls); * info.ult = static_cast<u16>(gDP.loadTile->ult); * info.lrs = static_cast<u16>(gDP.loadTile->lrs); * info.lrt = static_cast<u16>(gDP.loadTile->lrt); * info.width = static_cast<u16>(gDP.loadTile->lrs); * info.dxt = dxt; * info.size = static_cast<u8>(gDP.textureImage.size); * info.loadType = LOADTYPE_BLOCK;*/ // TODO: This doesn't look right? uint jankWidth = (lrs - uls + 1) & 0x0FFF; uint bytes = jankWidth << (int)bitSize >> 1; if ((bytes & 7) != 0) { bytes = (bytes & (~7U)) + 8; } //info.bytes = bytes; uint address = (uint)(timgAddress + ult * timgBpl + (uls << (int)timgBitSize >> 1)); IoUtil.SplitAddress(address, out var specBank, out var specOffset); /*if (bytes == 0 || (address + bytes) > RDRAMSize) { * DebugMsg(DEBUG_NORMAL | DEBUG_ERROR, "// Attempting to load texture block out of range\n"); * DebugMsg(DEBUG_NORMAL, "gDPLoadBlock( %i, %i, %i, %i, %i );\n", tile, uls, ult, lrs, dxt); * return; * }*/ /* * gDP.loadTile->frameBufferAddress = 0; * CheckForFrameBufferTexture(address, info.width, bytes); // Load data to TMEM even if FB texture is found. See comment to texturedRectDepthBufferCopy */ /*var texLowerBound = tileDescriptor.TmemOffset; * var texUpperBound = texLowerBound + (bytes >> 3); * for (var i = 0; i < tile; ++i) { * if (gDP.tiles[i].tmem >= texLowerBound && gDP.tiles[i].tmem < texUpperBound) { * gDPLoadTileInfo & info = gDP.loadInfo[gDP.tiles[i].tmem]; * info.loadType = LOADTYPE_BLOCK; * } * }*/ var targetBuffer = RamBanks.GetBankByIndex(specBank); if (targetBuffer == null) { return; } uint tmemAddr = tmem; if (bitSize == BitSize.S_32B) { //gDPLoadBlock32(gDP.loadTile->uls, gDP.loadTile->lrs, dxt); } else if (colorFormat == ColorFormat.YUV) { //memcpy(TMEM, &RDRAM[address], bytes); // HACK! } else { for (var i = 0; i < bytes; ++i) { this.impl_[i] = targetBuffer[(int)(specOffset + i)]; } // TODO: Figure out what the heck this stuff below does. /*this.UnswapCopyWrap_(targetBuffer, * specOffset, * this.impl_, * tmemAddr << 3, * 0xFFF, * bytes);*/ /*if (dxt != 0) { * uint dxtCounter = 0; * uint qwords = (bytes >> 3); * uint line = 0; * while (true) { * do { ++tmemAddr; * --qwords; * if (qwords == 0) * goto end_dxt_test; * dxtCounter += dxt; * } while ((dxtCounter & 0x800) == 0); * do { ++line; * --qwords; * if (qwords == 0) * goto end_dxt_test; * dxtCounter += dxt; * } while ((dxtCounter & 0x800) != 0); * this.DWordInterleaveWrap_(this.impl_, tmemAddr << 1, 0x3FF, line); * tmemAddr += line; * line = 0; * } * end_dxt_test: * * this.DWordInterleaveWrap_(this.impl_, tmemAddr << 1, 0x3FF, line); * }*/ } }
/// <summary> /// Parses a set of animations according to the spec at: /// https://wiki.cloudmodding.com/oot/Animation_Format#Normal_Animations /// </summary> // TODO: Some jank still slips through, is there a proper list of these // addresses somewhere in the file? public IList <IAnimation>?GetCommonAnimations( IBank bank, int limbCount, ListBox animationList) { animationList.Items.Clear(); uint trackCount = (uint)(limbCount * 3); var animations = new List <IAnimation>(); // Guesstimating the index by looking for an spot where the header's angle // address and track address have the same bank as the param at the top. for (var i = 4; i < bank.Count - 12; i += 4) { var attemptOffset = (uint)(i - 4); // Verifies the frame count is positive. var frameCount = IoUtil.ReadUInt16(bank, attemptOffset); if (frameCount == 0) { continue; } var rotationValuesAddress = IoUtil.ReadUInt32( bank, attemptOffset + 4); IoUtil.SplitAddress(rotationValuesAddress, out var rotationValuesBank, out var rotationValuesOffset); // Verifies the rotation values address has a valid bank. if (!RamBanks.IsValidBank(rotationValuesBank)) { continue; } // Verifies the rotation indices address has a valid bank. var rotationIndicesAddress = IoUtil.ReadUInt32( bank, attemptOffset + 8); IoUtil.SplitAddress(rotationIndicesAddress, out var rotationIndicesBank, out var rotationIndicesOffset); if (!RamBanks.IsValidBank(rotationIndicesBank)) { continue; } // Obtains the specified banks. var rotationValuesBuffer = Asserts.Assert(RamBanks.GetBankByIndex(rotationValuesBank)); var rotationIndicesBuffer = Asserts.Assert(RamBanks.GetBankByIndex(rotationIndicesBank)); // Offsets should be within bounds of the bank. var validRotationValuesOffset = rotationValuesOffset < rotationValuesBuffer.Count; var validRotationIndicesOffset = rotationIndicesOffset < rotationIndicesBuffer.Count; if (!validRotationValuesOffset || !validRotationIndicesOffset) { continue; } // Angle count should be greater than 0. var angleCount = (uint)((rotationIndicesOffset - rotationValuesOffset) / 2L); var validAngleCount = rotationIndicesOffset > rotationValuesOffset && angleCount > 0L; if (!validAngleCount) { continue; } // Should have zeroes present in two spots of the animation header. var hasZeroes = IoUtil.ReadUInt16(bank, attemptOffset + 2) == 0 && IoUtil.ReadUInt16(bank, attemptOffset + 14) == 0; if (!hasZeroes) { continue; } // All values of "tTrack" should be within the bounds of .Angles. var validTTracks = true; var limit = IoUtil.ReadUInt16(bank, attemptOffset + 12); for (var i1 = 0; i1 < 3 + trackCount; i1++) { var tTrack = IoUtil.ReadUInt16( rotationIndicesBuffer, (uint)(rotationIndicesOffset + 2 * i1)); if (tTrack < limit) { if (tTrack >= angleCount) { validTTracks = false; goto badTTracks; } } else if ((uint)(tTrack + frameCount) > angleCount) { validTTracks = false; goto badTTracks; } } badTTracks: if (!validTTracks) { continue; } var animation = new NormalAnimation { FrameCount = frameCount, TrackOffset = rotationIndicesOffset, AngleCount = angleCount }; animation.Angles = new ushort[animation.AngleCount]; for (var i1 = 0; i1 < animation.AngleCount; ++i1) { animation.Angles[i1] = IoUtil.ReadUInt16(rotationValuesBuffer, rotationValuesOffset); rotationValuesOffset = (uint)(rotationValuesOffset + 2L); } // Translation is at the start. var xList = ReadFrames_( IoUtil.ReadUInt16(rotationIndicesBuffer, animation.TrackOffset + 0), limit, animation); var yList = ReadFrames_( IoUtil.ReadUInt16(rotationIndicesBuffer, animation.TrackOffset + 2), limit, animation); var zList = ReadFrames_( IoUtil.ReadUInt16(rotationIndicesBuffer, animation.TrackOffset + 4), limit, animation); animation.Positions = new Vec3s[animation.FrameCount]; for (var pi = 0; pi < animation.FrameCount; ++pi) { animation.Positions[pi] = new Vec3s { X = (short)xList[Math.Min(pi, xList.Length - 1)], Y = (short)yList[Math.Min(pi, yList.Length - 1)], Z = (short)zList[Math.Min(pi, zList.Length - 1)], }; } animation.Tracks = new NormalAnimationTrack[trackCount]; var tTrackOffset = (int)(animation.TrackOffset + 6L); for (var i1 = 0; i1 < trackCount; ++i1) { var track = animation.Tracks[i1] = new NormalAnimationTrack(); var tTrack = IoUtil.ReadUInt16(rotationIndicesBuffer, (uint)tTrackOffset); if (tTrack < limit) { // Constant (single value) track.Type = 0; track.Frames = new ushort[1]; track.Frames[0] = animation.Angles[tTrack]; } else { // Keyframes track.Type = 1; track.Frames = new ushort[animation.FrameCount]; for (var i2 = 0; i2 < animation.FrameCount; ++i2) { try { track.Frames[i2] = animation.Angles[tTrack + i2]; } catch { return(null); } } } tTrackOffset += 2; } animations.Add(animation); animationList.Items.Add("0x" + Conversion.Hex(i)); } return(animations.Count > 0 ? animations : null); }