private void OnMouseOver() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) { Rainity.OpenFile(filePath); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (TimerManager.instance == null) { return; } TimerManager.instance.Update(); if (!GameEngine.instance.cpuNode.gameObject.activeSelf) { return; } MemoryInformation memInfo = Rainity.GetMemoryInformation(); Ramt.text = Mathf.Round(memInfo.ramUsed / memInfo.ramTotal * 100).ToString() + "%"; RAM.fillAmount = memInfo.ramUsed / memInfo.ramTotal; // DiskInformation diskInfo = Rainity.GetDiskInformation("C:\\"); if (timer <= 0) { timer = 1f; var cpuUsage = GetCPUPercent() / 1000000f; cput.text = Mathf.Round(cpuUsage).ToString() + "%"; cpu.fillAmount = cpuUsage / 100; } timer -= Time.deltaTime; //var d = Rainity.GetWeatherInformation(); // Rainity.GetWallpaperImage(); //int x = 0; }
public void InitTray() { var tray = Rainity.CreateSystemTrayIcon(); if (tray != null) { tray.AddItem("Exit", Quit); tray.SetTitle("35Miko"); } }
// 创建托盘图标、添加选项 void AddSystemTray() { _icon = Rainity.CreateSystemTrayIcon(); _icon.AddItem("切换置顶显示", ToggleTopMost); _icon.AddItem("切换开机自启", ToggleRunOnStartup); _icon.AddSeparator(); // _icon.AddItem("检查更新", CheckUpdate);// 必然闪退 _icon.AddItem("清除设置并退出", Clean); _icon.AddSeparator(); _icon.AddItem("退出", Exit); }
public void SimulateKey(int id) { RainityInput.VirtualKeys[] keys = { RainityInput.VirtualKeys.MediaPlayPause, RainityInput.VirtualKeys.MediaNextTrack, RainityInput.VirtualKeys.MediaPrevTrack }; Rainity.SimulateKey((uint)keys[id]); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { filePath = filePath.Replace("\"", ""); if (File.Exists(filePath)) { iconVisual.material.mainTexture = Rainity.GetFileIcon(filePath); //border.material.SetColor("_Color", Rainity.GetAverageColorOfTexture((Texture2D)iconVisual.material.mainTexture)); } else { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Please assign a valid file path to the ProgramIcon script on " + + "."); } iconParent = transform.GetChild(0); }
void ToggleRunOnStartup() { bool isRun = !DataModel.Instance.Data.isRunOnStartup; DataModel.Instance.Data.isRunOnStartup = isRun; DataModel.Instance.SaveData(); _runOnStart.Image = isRun ? _enableImage : null; if (isRun) { Rainity.AddToStartup(); } else { Rainity.RemoveFromStartup(); } }
public void OnSettingBtnClick(int index) { //on top if (index == (int)BtnType.TOP) { top = !top; ResourcesManager.instance.SetTop(top); } //on mute if (index == (int)BtnType.MUTE) { mut = !mut; ResourcesManager.instance.SetMute(mut); } //onstarup if (index == (int)BtnType.STARUP) { if (starup) { Rainity.RemoveFromStartup(); PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(mikomiko); starup = false; } else { PlayerPrefs.SetString(mikomiko, "Pekora"); Rainity.AddToStartup(); starup = true; } } //on chatbubble if (index == (int)BtnType.CHATBUBBLE) { chatbubble = !chatbubble; ResourcesManager.instance.SetChatBubble(chatbubble); } if (index == (int)BtnType.CPURAM) { cpu = !cpu; GameEngine.instance.SetCPURAM(cpu); } RefreshBtn(); ResourcesManager.instance.SaveConfigToJsonConfig(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { MemoryInformation memInfo = Rainity.GetMemoryInformation(); ramText.text = Mathf.Round(memInfo.ramUsed / memInfo.ramTotal * 100).ToString() + "%"; ramImage.fillAmount = memInfo.ramUsed / memInfo.ramTotal; vramText.text = Mathf.Round(memInfo.vRamUsed / memInfo.vRamTotal * 100).ToString() + "%"; vramImage.fillAmount = memInfo.vRamUsed / memInfo.vRamTotal; DiskInformation diskInfo = Rainity.GetDiskInformation("C:\\"); diskText.text = Mathf.Round((float)diskInfo.bytesFree / (float)diskInfo.bytesTotal * 100).ToString() + "%"; diskImage.fillAmount = (float)diskInfo.bytesFree / (float)diskInfo.bytesTotal; cpuText.text = Mathf.Round(Rainity.GetCPUUsagePercent()).ToString() + "%"; cpuImage.fillAmount = Rainity.GetCPUUsagePercent() / 100; }
void ToggleRunOnStartup() { bool isRun = !DataModel.Instance.Data.isRunOnStartup; DataModel.Instance.Data.isRunOnStartup = isRun; DataModel.Instance.SaveData(); DataModel.Instance.ReloadData(); if (isRun) { Rainity.AddToStartup(); UIDialog.Instance.ShowDialog("开启开机自启", 3); } else { Rainity.RemoveFromStartup(); UIDialog.Instance.ShowDialog("关闭开机自启", 3); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { //Set file icon texture demonstration if (File.Exists(Environment.SystemDirectory + "\\notepad.exe")) { iconRenderer.material.mainTexture = Rainity.GetFileIcon(Environment.SystemDirectory + "\\notepad.exe"); } //Set wallpaper image texture demonstration wallpaperRenderer.material.mainTexture = Rainity.GetWallpaperImage(); //Set user avatar texture demonstration avatarRenderer.material.mainTexture = Rainity.GetUserAvatar(); //Create system tray icon (standalone only, editor causes random crashes) tray = Rainity.CreateSystemTrayIcon(); if (tray != null) { tray.AddItem("Context menu items with attached functions!", ExitApplication); tray.AddSeparator(); tray.AddItem("Exit", ExitApplication); tray.SetTitle("Rainity Demo Application"); } //Get information about the weather and assign text WeatherObject weather = Rainity.GetWeatherInformation(); weather_cityState.text = + ", " +; weather_temperature.text = + "°" +; weather_condition.text =; weather_windSpeed.text = "Wind speed: " + +; RainityFile[] files = Rainity.GetFiles("C:\\Users\\Christian\\Desktop"); foreach (RainityFile file in files) { Debug.Log(file.fileName); } }
public void Awake() { instance = this; Initialize(); }