Exemple #1
 bool NoChange(RaffleItem raffleItem, UpdateRaffleItemCommand notification)
     return(raffleItem.Title == notification.Title &&
            raffleItem.Description == notification.Description &&
            raffleItem.Category == notification.Category &&
            raffleItem.Order == notification.Order &&
            raffleItem.ItemValue == notification.ItemValue &&
            raffleItem.Sponsor == notification.Sponsor &&
            raffleItem.Cost == notification.Cost &&
            raffleItem.IsAvailable == notification.IsAvailable &&
            raffleItem.ForOver21 == notification.ForOver21 &&
            raffleItem.LocalPickupOnly == notification.LocalPickupOnly &&
            raffleItem.NumberOfDraws == notification.NumberOfDraws &&
            raffleItem.WinningTickets == notification.WinningTickets);
Exemple #2
 public static RaffleItemDuringRunModel Map(RaffleItem item)
     return(new RaffleItemDuringRunModel
         Id = item.Id,
         ItemNumber = item.ItemNumber,
         Image = item.ImageUrls.Any() ? item.ImageUrls.First() : string.Empty,
         Images = item.ImageUrls.Skip(1).ToList(),
         Title = item.Title,
         Description = item.Description,
         Sponsor = item.Sponsor,
         ItemValue = item.ItemValue,
         WinningTickets = GetListOfTickets(item.WinningTickets),
         UpdatedDate = item.UpdatedDate.ToUniversalTime()
Exemple #3
        private void GetWinnersFor(RaffleItem item)
            int i = item.ItemCount - 1;

            while (i > 0 && heap.Count > 0)
                var winner = heap.ExtractKey();
                Winners.Add(new Winner()
                    ItemId        = item.ItemId,
                    Item          = item.Item,
                    ParticipantId = winner.ParticipantId,
                    Participant   = winner.Participant,
                    RaffleId      = Raffle.RaffleId,
                    Raffle        = Raffle,
                    RaffleCounter = Raffle.ExecutionCount,
                    Claimed       = false
    public static int GetRaffleItem(IntPtr l)
        int result;

            RaffleComponentCommon raffleComponentCommon = (RaffleComponentCommon)LuaObject.checkSelf(l);
            RafflePool            pool;
            LuaObject.checkType <RafflePool>(l, 2, out pool);
            int raffleId;
            LuaObject.checkType(l, 3, out raffleId);
            RaffleItem raffleItem = raffleComponentCommon.GetRaffleItem(pool, raffleId);
            LuaObject.pushValue(l, true);
            LuaObject.pushValue(l, raffleItem);
            result = 2;
        catch (Exception e)
            result = LuaObject.error(l, e);
    public static int __callBase_GetRaffleItem(IntPtr l)
        int result;

            RaffleComponent raffleComponent = (RaffleComponent)LuaObject.checkSelf(l);
            RafflePool      pool;
            LuaObject.checkType <RafflePool>(l, 2, out pool);
            int raffleId;
            LuaObject.checkType(l, 3, out raffleId);
            RaffleItem o = raffleComponent.m_luaExportHelper.__callBase_GetRaffleItem(pool, raffleId);
            LuaObject.pushValue(l, true);
            LuaObject.pushValue(l, o);
            result = 2;
        catch (Exception e)
            result = LuaObject.error(l, e);
Exemple #6
 public Task RaffleItemUpdated(RaffleItem raffleItem)
Exemple #7
 public RaffleItemModel(RaffleItem entity)
Exemple #8
        protected override void Seed(Raffles.Data.Services.AppContext context)
            #region Raffles
            Raffle raffleA = new Raffle()
                Name        = "RaffleA",
                Description = "The first test.",
                Location    = new ContactDetails()
                    Address1 = "12345 abcdef street",
                    Address2 = "678",
                    City     = "Roseville",
                    State    = "Ca",
                    Zip      = 12345,
                    Email    = "*****@*****.**",
                    Phone    = "123456789",
                    CanText  = false
                //RaffleItems = new List<Item>(),
                //RaffleParticipants = new List<Participant>()
                //Results = new List<Result>()

            Raffle raffleB = new Raffle()
                Name        = "RaffleB",
                Description = "The second test.",
                Location    = new ContactDetails()
                    Address1 = "67890 ghijklm street",
                    Address2 = "123",
                    City     = "SomewhereElse",
                    State    = "Ca",
                    Zip      = 12345,
                    Email    = "*****@*****.**",
                    Phone    = "987654332",
                    CanText  = false
                //RaffleItems = new List<Item>(),
                //RaffleParticipants = new List<Participant>()
                //Results = new List<Result>()
            Raffle raffleC = new Raffle()
                Name        = "RaffleC",
                Description = "The third test.",
                Location    = new ContactDetails()
                    Address1 = "456321987 zxyw road",
                    Address2 = "652",
                    City     = "Nowhere",
                    State    = "Ac",
                    Zip      = 12345,
                    Email    = "*****@*****.**",
                    Phone    = "111222333",
                    CanText  = false
                //RaffleItems = new List<Item>(),
                //RaffleParticipants = new List<Participant>()
                //Results = new List<Result>()

            #region Items
            //Item itemA = new Item() { Name = "FuzzyToadSticks", Description = "Fuzzy.Toad.Sticks.", Sku = "RIBBIT", ItemParticipants = new List<Participant>(), ItemRaffles = new List<Raffle>() };
            //Item itemB = new Item() { Name = "Stones", Description = "Break Bones.", Sku = "Ouch", ItemParticipants = new List<Participant>(), ItemRaffles = new List<Raffle>() };
            //Item itemC = new Item() { Name = "Super Tired", Description = "Sleep is for the weak.", Sku = "zzz", ItemParticipants = new List<Participant>(), ItemRaffles = new List<Raffle>() };
            //Item itemD = new Item() { Name = "Awake", Description = "I.Am.A.Wake.", Sku = "aaa", ItemParticipants = new List<Participant>(), ItemRaffles = new List<Raffle>() };

            Item itemA = new Item()
                Name = "FuzzyToadSticks", Description = "Fuzzy.Toad.Sticks.", Sku = "RIBBIT"
            Item itemB = new Item()
                Name = "Stones", Description = "Break Bones.", Sku = "Ouch"
            Item itemC = new Item()
                Name = "Super Tired", Description = "Sleep is for the weak."
            Item itemD = new Item()
                Name = "Awake", Description = "I.Am.A.Wake.", Sku = "aaa"

            #region Participants
            Participant pA = new Participant()
                Name    = "Dirk Dur",
                Contact = new ContactDetails()
                    Address1 = "yosho",
                    Address2 = "iza",
                    City     = "somewhere",
                    State    = "Dtr",
                    Zip      = 57812,
                    Email    = "*****@*****.**",
                    Phone    = "456789456",
                    CanText  = true
            Participant pB = new Participant()
                Name    = "fur dur",
                Contact = new ContactDetails()
                    Address1 = "soyo",
                    Address2 = "sleep",
                    City     = "somewhere",
                    State    = "wer",
                    Zip      = 12314,
                    Email    = "*****@*****.**",
                    Phone    = "45443",
                    CanText  = false
            Participant pC = new Participant()
                Name    = "farfignugan nuganfarfig",
                Contact = new ContactDetails()
                    Address1 = "no",
                    Address2 = "yes",
                    City     = "rainbow",
                    State    = "Ca",
                    Zip      = 12345,
                    Email    = "*****@*****.**",
                    Phone    = "098765432",
                    CanText  = true
            Participant pD = new Participant()
                Name    = "totally unique individual",
                Contact = new ContactDetails()
                    Address1 = "not",
                    Address2 = "sure",
                    City     = "wheresome",
                    State    = "PO",
                    Zip      = 95153,
                    Email    = "*****@*****.**",
                    Phone    = "852456753",
                    CanText  = true

            #region Add Raffle Item and Participant Objects




            #region Raffle Items
            RaffleItem R1I1 = new RaffleItem()
                ItemId    = 1, Item = context.Items.First(i => i.ItemId == 1),
                RaffleId  = 1, Raffle = context.Raffles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RaffleId == 1),
                ItemCount = 11

            RaffleItem R1I2 = new RaffleItem()
                ItemId    = 2, Item = context.Items.First(i => i.ItemId == 2),
                RaffleId  = 1, Raffle = context.Raffles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RaffleId == 1),
                ItemCount = 55

            RaffleItem R1I4 = new RaffleItem()
                ItemId    = 4, //Item = context.Items.First(i => i.ItemId == 4),
                RaffleId  = 1, //Raffle = context.Raffles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RaffleId == 1),
                ItemCount = 13

            RaffleItem R2I1 = new RaffleItem()
                ItemId    = 1,
                Item      = context.Items.First(i => i.ItemId == 1),
                RaffleId  = 2,
                Raffle    = context.Raffles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RaffleId == 2),
                ItemCount = 1

            RaffleItem R2I3 = new RaffleItem()
                ItemId    = 3,
                Item      = context.Items.First(i => i.ItemId == 3),
                RaffleId  = 2,
                Raffle    = context.Raffles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RaffleId == 2),
                ItemCount = 3

            RaffleItem R3I3 = new RaffleItem()
                ItemId    = 3,
                Item      = context.Items.First(i => i.ItemId == 3),
                RaffleId  = 3,
                Raffle    = context.Raffles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RaffleId == 3),
                ItemCount = 2

            RaffleItem R3I4 = new RaffleItem()
                ItemId    = 4,
                Item      = context.Items.First(i => i.ItemId == 4),
                RaffleId  = 3,
                Raffle    = context.Raffles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RaffleId == 3),
                ItemCount = 2


            #region Raffle Participants
            RaffleParticipant R1P1 = new RaffleParticipant()
                ParticipantId = 1,
                Participant   = context.Participants.First(i => i.ParticipantId == 1),
                RaffleId      = 1,
                Raffle        = context.Raffles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RaffleId == 1),
                TicketCount   = 11

            RaffleParticipant R1P2 = new RaffleParticipant()
                ParticipantId = 2,
                Participant   = context.Participants.First(i => i.ParticipantId == 2),
                RaffleId      = 1,
                Raffle        = context.Raffles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RaffleId == 1),
                TicketCount   = 1

            RaffleParticipant R1P3 = new RaffleParticipant()
                ParticipantId = 3,
                Participant   = context.Participants.First(i => i.ParticipantId == 3),
                RaffleId      = 1,
                Raffle        = context.Raffles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RaffleId == 1),
                TicketCount   = 3

            RaffleParticipant R2P1 = new RaffleParticipant()
                ParticipantId = 1,
                Participant   = context.Participants.First(i => i.ParticipantId == 1),
                RaffleId      = 2,
                Raffle        = context.Raffles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RaffleId == 2),
                TicketCount   = 123

            RaffleParticipant R2P3 = new RaffleParticipant()
                ParticipantId = 3,
                Participant   = context.Participants.First(i => i.ParticipantId == 3),
                RaffleId      = 2,
                Raffle        = context.Raffles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RaffleId == 2),
                TicketCount   = 4

            RaffleParticipant R2P4 = new RaffleParticipant()
                ParticipantId = 4,
                Participant   = context.Participants.First(i => i.ParticipantId == 4),
                RaffleId      = 2,
                Raffle        = context.Raffles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RaffleId == 2),
                TicketCount   = 6

            RaffleParticipant R3P1 = new RaffleParticipant()
                ParticipantId = 1,
                Participant   = context.Participants.First(i => i.ParticipantId == 1),
                RaffleId      = 3,
                Raffle        = context.Raffles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RaffleId == 3),
                TicketCount   = 1

            RaffleParticipant R3P2 = new RaffleParticipant()
                ParticipantId = 2,
                Participant   = context.Participants.First(i => i.ParticipantId == 2),
                RaffleId      = 3,
                Raffle        = context.Raffles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RaffleId == 3),
                TicketCount   = 2

            RaffleParticipant R3P3 = new RaffleParticipant()
                ParticipantId = 3,
                Participant   = context.Participants.First(i => i.ParticipantId == 3),
                RaffleId      = 3,
                Raffle        = context.Raffles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RaffleId == 3),
                TicketCount   = 3

            RaffleParticipant R3P4 = new RaffleParticipant()
                ParticipantId = 4,
                Participant   = context.Participants.First(i => i.ParticipantId == 4),
                RaffleId      = 3,
                Raffle        = context.Raffles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RaffleId == 3),
                TicketCount   = 4


            #region Add Raffle Items and Raffle Participants






            #region Winners
            Winner wA = new Winner {
                RaffleId = 1, ItemId = 4, ParticipantId = 1, Claimed = true, RaffleCounter = 1
            Winner wAa = new Winner {
                RaffleId = 1, ItemId = 1, ParticipantId = 1, Claimed = true, RaffleCounter = 2
            Winner wB = new Winner {
                RaffleId = 1, ItemId = 2, ParticipantId = 3, Claimed = true, RaffleCounter = 1
            Winner wC = new Winner {
                RaffleId = 2, ItemId = 3, ParticipantId = 4, Claimed = true, RaffleCounter = 1
            Winner wD = new Winner {
                RaffleId = 2, ItemId = 1, ParticipantId = 3, Claimed = true, RaffleCounter = 1
            Winner wE = new Winner {
                RaffleId = 3, ItemId = 3, ParticipantId = 4, Claimed = true, RaffleCounter = 1
            Winner wF = new Winner {
                RaffleId = 3, ItemId = 4, ParticipantId = 3, Claimed = true, RaffleCounter = 1
            Winner wG = new Winner {
                RaffleId = 3, ItemId = 4, ParticipantId = 3, Claimed = true, RaffleCounter = 2
            Winner wH = new Winner {
                RaffleId = 3, ItemId = 3, ParticipantId = 4, Claimed = true, RaffleCounter = 2

            #region Results
            //RaffleResult rA = new RaffleResult { Name = "Raffle 1 Result 1", RaffleId = 1, Winners = new List<Winner>() { wA, wAa, wB } };
            //RaffleResult rB = new RaffleResult { Name = "Raffle 1 Result 2", RaffleId = 1, Winners = new List<Winner>() { wC, wD } };
            //RaffleResult rC = new RaffleResult { Name = "Raffle 2 Result 1", RaffleId = 2, Winners = new List<Winner>() { wE, wF, wG, wH } };
            //RaffleResult rD = new RaffleResult { Name = "Raffle 2 Result 2", RaffleId = 2, Winners = new List<Winner>() { wE, wF, wG, wH } };
            //RaffleResult rE = new RaffleResult { Name = "Raffle 3 Result 1", RaffleId = 3, Winners = new List<Winner>() { wE, wF, wG, wH } };
            //RaffleResult rF = new RaffleResult { Name = "Raffle 3 Result 2", RaffleId = 3, Winners = new List<Winner>() { wE, wF, wG, wH } };

            #region Add Winners and Results


            #region Add Relationships
            //context.Entry(raffleA).Entity.RaffleItems.Add(context.Items.First(i => i.Name == itemB.Name));
            //context.Entry(raffleA).Entity.RaffleParticipants.Add(context.Participants.First(i => i.Name == pA.Name));
            //context.Entry(raffleA).Entity.RaffleParticipants.Add(context.Participants.First(i => i.Name == pD.Name));
            //context.Entry(raffleB).Entity.RaffleItems.Add(context.Items.First(i => i.Name == itemD.Name));
            //context.Entry(raffleB).Entity.RaffleItems.Add(context.Items.First(i => i.Name == itemA.Name));
            //context.Entry(raffleB).Entity.RaffleParticipants.Add(context.Participants.First(i => i.Name == pC.Name));
            //context.Entry(raffleB).Entity.RaffleParticipants.Add(context.Participants.First(i => i.Name == pB.Name));
            //context.Entry(raffleC).Entity.RaffleItems.Add(context.Items.First(i => i.Name == itemB.Name));
            //context.Entry(raffleC).Entity.RaffleItems.Add(context.Items.First(i => i.Name == itemC.Name));
            //context.Entry(raffleC).Entity.RaffleItems.Add(context.Items.First(i => i.Name == itemD.Name));
            //context.Entry(raffleC).Entity.RaffleItems.Add(context.Items.First(i => i.Name == itemA.Name));
            //context.Entry(raffleC).Entity.RaffleParticipants.Add(context.Participants.First(i => i.Name == pA.Name));
            //context.Entry(raffleC).Entity.RaffleParticipants.Add(context.Participants.First(i => i.Name == pD.Name));
            //context.Entry(raffleC).Entity.RaffleParticipants.Add(context.Participants.First(i => i.Name == pC.Name));
            //context.Entry(raffleC).Entity.RaffleParticipants.Add(context.Participants.First(i => i.Name == pB.Name));


            //context.Entry(itemA).Entity.ItemParticipants.Add(context.Participants.First(i => i.Name == pA.Name));
            //context.Entry(itemB).Entity.ItemParticipants.Add(context.Participants.First(i => i.Name == pD.Name));
            //context.Entry(itemC).Entity.ItemParticipants.Add(context.Participants.First(i => i.Name == pC.Name));
            //context.Entry(itemD).Entity.ItemParticipants.Add(context.Participants.First(i => i.Name == pB.Name));
            //context.Entry(itemA).Entity.ItemRaffles.Add(context.Raffles.First(i => i.Name == raffleA.Name));
            //context.Entry(itemB).Entity.ItemRaffles.Add(context.Raffles.First(i => i.Name == raffleB.Name));
            //context.Entry(itemC).Entity.ItemRaffles.Add(context.Raffles.First(i => i.Name == raffleC.Name));
            //context.Entry(itemD).Entity.ItemRaffles.Add(context.Raffles.First(i => i.Name == raffleA.Name));
            //context.Entry(pA).Entity.ParticipantItems.Add(context.Items.First(i => i.Name == itemA.Name));
            //context.Entry(pB).Entity.ParticipantItems.Add(context.Items.First(i => i.Name == itemB.Name));
            //context.Entry(pC).Entity.ParticipantItems.Add(context.Items.First(i => i.Name == itemC.Name));
            //context.Entry(pD).Entity.ParticipantItems.Add(context.Items.First(i => i.Name == itemD.Name));
            //context.Entry(pA).Entity.ParticipantRaffles.Add(context.Raffles.First(i => i.Name == raffleA.Name));
            //context.Entry(pB).Entity.ParticipantRaffles.Add(context.Raffles.First(i => i.Name == raffleB.Name));
            //context.Entry(pC).Entity.ParticipantRaffles.Add(context.Raffles.First(i => i.Name == raffleB.Name));
            //context.Entry(pD).Entity.ParticipantRaffles.Add(context.Raffles.First(i => i.Name == raffleC.Name));
