protected bool DataOk() { if (rdcTipoDisp.SelectedValue == "") { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NcTipoDispositivo")); RadNotification1.Show(); return(false); } if (rdcFuncion.SelectedValue == "") { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NcFuncion")); RadNotification1.Show(); return(false); } if (rdcEstado.SelectedValue == "") { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NcEstado")); RadNotification1.Show(); return(false); } return(true); }
protected void Button1_submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { List <RadRadioButtonList> allControls = new List <RadRadioButtonList>(); GetControlList <RadRadioButtonList>(Page.Controls, allControls); if (allControls.Count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < allControls.Count; i++) { int j = i + 1; RadRadioButtonList radioButton = (RadRadioButtonList)accordion.FindControl("Radio" + j); String answer_value = radioButton.SelectedValue; if (answer_value == "" || answer_value == null) { RadNotification1.Text = "One or more questions is not answered"; RadNotification1.Show(); return; } else { answer_id_list.AddLast(answer_value); } } calculateScore(); } } catch (Exception ex) { var message = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(ex.Message.ToString()); var script = string.Format("alert({0});", message); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Page.GetType(), "", script, true); } }
string caller = ""; // who's calling the grid form #endregion #region Init, load, unload events protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { // it gets an appropiate context (LainsaSciCTX -> web.config) ctx = new LainsaSci("LainsaSciCTX"); // verify if a Usuario is logged usuario = CntWinWeb.IsSomeoneLogged(this, ctx); if (usuario == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { Session["UsuarioId"] = usuario.UsuarioId; } // si llega aquí está autorizado permiso = CntLainsaSci.GetPermiso(usuario.GrupoUsuario, "dispositivogrid", ctx); //usuario.GrupoTrabajo = CntLainsaSci.GetGrupoTrabajo(1, ctx); if (permiso == null) { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NoPermissionsAssigned")); RadNotification1.Show(); RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("closeWindow();"); } CntWinWeb.TranslateRadGridFilters(RadGrid1); if (Request.QueryString["InTab"] != null) { mode = Request.QueryString["InTab"]; } if (Request.QueryString["Caller"] != null) { caller = Request.QueryString["Caller"]; } if (Request.QueryString["DispositivoId"] != null) { dispositivo = CntLainsaSci.GetDispositivo(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["DispositivoId"]), ctx); if (dispositivo != null) { RadGrid1.Columns.FindByDataField("dispositivo.Nombre").Visible = false; } } if (Request.QueryString["ProgramaId"] != null) { programa = CntLainsaSci.GetPrograma(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ProgramaId"]), ctx); if (programa != null) { // Modificar la altura del grid para que quepan otros RadGrid1.PageSize = 7; RadGrid1.ShowGroupPanel = false; } } if (Request.QueryString["InFrame"] != null) { if (Request.QueryString["InFrame"] == "S") { crear = false; } } }
string caller = ""; // who calls the form #endregion #region Init, load, unload events protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { // it gets an appropiate context (LainsaSciCTX -> web.config) ctx = new LainsaSci("LainsaSciCTX"); // verify if a Usuario is logged usuario = CntWinWeb.IsSomeoneLogged(this, ctx); if (usuario == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { Session["UsuarioId"] = usuario.UsuarioId; } // permiso = CntLainsaSci.GetPermiso(usuario.GrupoUsuario, "repositoriotmpform", ctx); if (permiso == null) { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NoPermissionsAssigned")); RadNotification1.Show(); RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("closeWindow();"); } if (Request.QueryString["Caller"] != null) { caller = Request.QueryString["Caller"]; } // control de skin if (Session["Skin"] != null) { RadSkinManager1.Skin = Session["Skin"].ToString(); } }
protected void btnAccept_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { try { if (!DataOk()) { return; } if (newRecord) { usuarioextranet = new UsuarioExtranet(); } UnloadData(usuarioextranet); if (newRecord) { ctx.Add(usuarioextranet); } ctx.SaveChanges(); //if (newRecord) // RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add(String.Format("closeWindowRefreshGrid('{0}', 'new');", caller)); //else //{ // RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add(String.Format("closeWindowRefreshGrid('{0}', 'edit');", caller)); // RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add(String.Format("MyAlert('{0}');", caller)); //} RadNotification1.Text = "Sus datos han sido guardados haga clic en cualquier elemento del árbol a su izquierda para continuar"; RadNotification1.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { ControlDeError(ex); } }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { // it gets an appropiate context (LainsaSciCTX -> web.config) ctx = new LainsaSci("LainsaSciCTX"); // verify if a Usuario is logged usuario = CntWinWeb.IsSomeoneLogged(this, ctx); if (usuario == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { Session["UsuarioId"] = usuario.UsuarioId; } // // si llega aquí está autorizado permiso = CntLainsaSci.GetPermiso(usuario.GrupoUsuario, "Instalaciongrid", ctx); if (permiso == null) { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NoPermissionsAssigned")); RadNotification1.Show(); RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("closeWindow();"); } btnAccept.Visible = permiso.Modificar; if (Request.QueryString["InTab"] != null) { inTab = Request.QueryString["InTab"]; } // Si esto no va antes de InstalacionID tendrás problemas. if (Request.QueryString["Caller"] != null) { caller = Request.QueryString["Caller"]; caller = caller.Replace("'", ""); } // Mirar si se ha pasado una empresa if (Request.QueryString["EmpresaId"] != null) { empresa = CntLainsaSci.GetEmpresa(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["EmpresaId"]), ctx); CargaEmpresa(empresa); } // Is it a new record or not? if (Request.QueryString["RevisionId"] != null) { instalacion = CntLainsaSci.GetInstalacion(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["RevisionId"]), ctx); LoadData(instalacion); this.Title = String.Format("Instalacion: {0}", instalacion.Nombre); newRecord = false; } else { CargarEmpresas(null); } // control de skin if (Session["Skin"] != null) { RadSkinManager1.Skin = Session["Skin"].ToString(); } }
void CheckPvMessage() { if (Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { using (Service1Client proxy = new Service1Client()) { try { Guid UserId = proxy.UserNamedenUserIdDon(Context.User.Identity.Name); //Guid UserId = proxy.UserNamedenUserIdDon("hhhhhhhhhhh"); List <kal_RecievedPvMessages_Result> OkunmamisMesajlar = proxy.OkunmamisPvtMesajlariDon(UserId).ToList(); if (OkunmamisMesajlar.Count > 0) { imgMsgOkunmamis.Visible = true; imgMsgOkunmamis.ToolTip = OkunmamisMesajlar.Count.ToString() + " adet okunmamış özel mesajınız var"; lblMessageUyari.Text = OkunmamisMesajlar.Count + " adet mesajınız var."; string url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; if (url.IndexOf("OzelMesajOku") == -1) { RadNotification1.Text = " <font color='red'>" + OkunmamisMesajlar.Count.ToString() + " adet okunmamış özel mesajınız var.<br>Mesajlarınızı online kullanıcılar kısmının hemen üzerinde yer alan özel mesajlarım linkine tıklayarak okuyabilirsiniz." + "</font>"; RadNotification1.Show(); } } } catch (CommunicationException e) { proxy.Abort(); } } } }
string caller = ""; // who's calling the grid form #endregion #region Init, load, unload events protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { // it gets an appropiate context (LainsaSciCTX -> web.config) ctx = new LainsaSci("LainsaSciCTX"); // verify if a Usuario is logged usuario = CntWinWeb.IsSomeoneLogged(this, ctx); if (usuario == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { Session["UsuarioId"] = usuario.UsuarioId; } // si llega aquí está autorizado permiso = CntLainsaSci.GetPermiso(usuario.GrupoUsuario, "Programagrid", ctx); if (permiso == null) { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NoPermissionsAssigned")); RadNotification1.Show(); RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("closeWindow();"); } CntWinWeb.TranslateRadGridFilters(RadGrid1); if (Request.QueryString["Mode"] != null) { mode = Request.QueryString["Mode"]; } if (Request.QueryString["Caller"] != null) { caller = Request.QueryString["Caller"]; } }
protected void RadAjaxManager1_AjaxRequest(object sender, AjaxRequestEventArgs e) { try { file = new System.IO.FileInfo(lblPath.Text); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("SQLServerCompactEditionUnderWebHosting", true); SqlCeConnection conn = GetConnection(); GetEmpresa(conn); // GuardarPrograma(conn); GuardarDispositivos(conn); GuardarRevisiones(conn); ctx.SaveChanges(); if (conn.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { conn.Close(); } //if (File.Exists(file.FullName)) // File.Delete(file.FullName); } catch (Exception ex) { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), ex.Message); RadNotification1.Show(); } }
protected void Notif() { RadNotification1.Text = "Специальность не выбрана."; RadNotification1.Title = "Ошибка"; // RadNotification1.DataBind(); RadNotification1.Show(); }
protected void Cancel(object sender, EventArgs e) { var query = dbContext.tblRequests.Where(x => x.JR_Code == jrcode).FirstOrDefault(); if (query != null) { query.IsCancelled = true; query.CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now; dbContext.Entry(query).State = EntityState.Modified; dbContext.SaveChanges(); } RadNotification1.Text = "Requests Successfully Cancelled"; RadNotification1.Title = "Notification"; RadNotification1.TitleIcon = string.Empty; RadNotification1.ContentIcon = string.Empty; RadNotification1.Show(); Response.Redirect("HomePage.aspx"); }
protected void Resend(object sender, EventArgs e) { var signerQuery = dbContext.tblEmailLogs.Where(x => x.JR_Code == jrcode && x.UserRole.Trim() == "Approver").ToList(); if (signerQuery.Count == 0) { RadNotification1.Text = "No Email To Send. Please Contact The IT Officer To Resend Your Email."; RadNotification1.TitleIcon = string.Empty; RadNotification1.ContentIcon = string.Empty; RadNotification1.Show(); } else { foreach (var item in signerQuery) { tblEmailLog tblData = item as tblEmailLog; SendEmailToApprover(tblData.SentTo.ToString().Trim(), tblData.JR_Code.ToString().Trim(), tblData.EmailAdd.ToString().Trim()); } RadNotification1.Text = "Request Has Been Sent To Approver"; RadNotification1.TitleIcon = string.Empty; RadNotification1.ContentIcon = string.Empty; RadNotification1.Show(); } }
protected void btnIndirimiGeriAl_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string[] arrVirgulleAyrilmiIstIdler = GridUzerindeSecilmisSatirlarinIdleriniDon().Split(','); using (Service1Client proxy = new Service1Client()) { EFDal ed = new EFDal(); int BolgeKodu = ed.kal_BolgeKoduDon(Context.User.Identity.Name); //string arrVirgulleAyrilmiIstIdler = proxy.OnaylananFaturaNoIcerigiIstIdleriniDon((short)BolgeKodu, lblFaturaNo.Text); //string[] IstIdler = arrVirgulleAyrilmiIstIdler.Split(','); string arrVirgulleAyrilmiIstIdler = proxy.OnaylananFaturaNoIcerigiIstIdleriniDon((short)BolgeKodu, lblFaturaNo.Text); string[] IstIdler = arrVirgulleAyrilmiIstIdler.Split(','); try { foreach (string itemIstId in IstIdler) { proxy.SeciliIstekIcinIndirimiGeriAl(int.Parse(itemIstId)); } RefreshdenSonraIndirimIsleriniAyarla(); grdFaturaIcerigiGridiniBagla(lblFaturaNo.Text, lblFirmaAdi.Text); RadNotification1.Text = "Uygulanan indirim geri alma işlemi <font color='green'>başarılı!</font>";; RadNotification1.Show(); } catch { RadNotification1.Text = "Uygulanan indirim geri alma işlemi <font color='red'>başarısız!</font>";; RadNotification1.Show(); } } }
protected void lnkHizliIndirim_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tblBuro.Visible) { tblBuro.Visible = false; } else { tblBuro.Visible = true; } using (Service1Client client = new Service1Client()) { if (FaturaIcindeHaliazirdaUygulanmisIndirimVarmi()) { RadNotification1.Text = "<font color='red'>Bu faturaya hızlı indirim uygulayamazsınız. Fatura kapsamında zaten indirim uygulanmış istekler bulundu!</font>";; RadNotification1.Show(); btnIndirimiGeriAl.Enabled = true; btnIndirimiUygula.Enabled = false; } else { btnIndirimiUygula.Enabled = true; btnIndirimiGeriAl.Enabled = false; //if (tblBuro.Visible) //{ // tblBuro.Visible = false; //} //else //{ // tblBuro.Visible = true; //} } } }
string caller = ""; // who's calling the grid form #endregion #region Init, load, unload events protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { // it gets an appropiate context (LainsaSciCTX -> web.config) ctx = new LainsaSci("LainsaSciCTX"); // verify if a Usuario is logged Usuario = CntWinWeb.IsSomeoneLogged(this, ctx); if (Usuario == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { Session["UsuarioId"] = Usuario.UsuarioId; } // si llega aquí está autorizado permiso = CntLainsaSci.GetPermiso(Usuario.GrupoUsuario, "TerminalGrid", ctx); if (permiso == null) { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NoPermissionsAssigned")); RadNotification1.Show(); RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("closeWindow();"); } if (Request.QueryString["Mode"] != null) { mode = Request.QueryString["Mode"]; } if (Request.QueryString["Caller"] != null) { caller = Request.QueryString["Caller"]; if (caller.Equals("TerminalTab")) { RadTabStrip1.Tabs[1].Visible = false; this.Title = String.Format("Accesorio"); } } if (Request.QueryString["TerminalId"] != null) { TerminalId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["TerminalId"]); Terminal terminal = CntLainsaSci.GetTerminal(TerminalId, ctx); if (terminal != null) { Title = String.Format("Terminal: {0}", terminal.Nombre); } } else { CntWinWeb.OcultarPestanyas(RadTabStrip1); } if (Request.QueryString["EmpresaId"] != null) { empresaId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["EmpresaId"]); } // control de skin if (Session["Skin"] != null) { RadSkinManager1.Skin = Session["Skin"].ToString(); } }
protected bool DataOk() { if (txtNombre.Text == "") { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NombreNeeded")); RadNotification1.Show(); return(false); } if (txtLogin.Text == "") { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "LoginNeeded")); RadNotification1.Show(); return(false); } if (txtPassword.Text != "" || txtPassword2.Text != "") { if (txtPassword.Text != txtPassword2.Text) { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "PasswordDoesntMatch")); RadNotification1.Show(); return(false); } } return(true); }
protected void btnenter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (rd_Building.SelectedValue == "") { return; } if (lblprj.Text == "HMIM") { string _permission = Get_BuildingPermission(); if (_permission.Substring(Convert.ToInt32(rd_Building.SelectedValue) - 1, 1) != "1") { RadNotification1.Show(); return; } } Session["building_id"] = rd_Building.SelectedItem.Value; Session["building"] = rd_Building.SelectedItem.Text; if (lblid.Text == "0") { string _prm = "Reports.aspx?id=msc&idx=4&prj=" + lblprj.Text; Response.Redirect(_prm); } else { summary(); } }
protected bool DataOk() { if (txtDescripcion.Text == "") { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NombreNeeded")); RadNotification1.Show(); return(false); } if (rdcTipoDisp.SelectedValue == "") { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NecTipoDispositivo")); RadNotification1.Show(); return(false); } if (chkNoPeriodica.Checked == false) { if (txtNumeroPeriodos.Value == 0) { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NumeroPeriodosNoCero")); RadNotification1.Show(); return(false); } } return(true); }
protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //Bu islem Protokol bastar ve bittar tarihini aynı yapacak protokol gecersiz kalacak //Id var güncelleme // DateTime.Parse("2011-09-01"), DateTime.Parse("2011-09-01") int Id = int.Parse(Request["Id"].ToString()); using (Service1Client client = new Service1Client()) { DateTime BasTar = DateTime.Parse(ProtokolBasTarTextBox.Text); DateTime BitTar = DateTime.Parse(ProtokolBasTarTextBox.Text); if (client.YapilanProtokollerTablosunuGuncelle(Id, int.Parse(Session["ProtokolUpdateSeciliFirmaId"].ToString()), BasTar, BitTar, client.UserNamedenUserIdDon(Context.User.Identity.Name), int.Parse(ddlIndirimOranlari.SelectedValue), int.Parse(ddlIndirimAdlari.SelectedValue), txtIndirimAciklama.Text.Trim())) { //güncelleme basarili RadNotification1.Text = "Protokol güncelleme işlemi <font color='green'>başarılı. Protokol geçersiz kılındı!</font>"; RadNotification1.Show(); } else { //güncelleme basarisiz RadNotification1.Text = "Protokol güncelleme işlemi <font color='red'>başarısız!</font>"; RadNotification1.Show(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { RadNotification1.Text = "Protokol güncelleme işlemi <font color='red'>başarısız!Hata:" + ex.Message + "</font>"; RadNotification1.Show(); } }
protected void UyariGoster(bool Kirmizimi, string Icerik) { /* * Telerik.Web.UI.RadNotification RadNotification2=new Telerik.Web.UI.RadNotification(); * RadNotification2.VisibleOnPageLoad = false; * RadNotification2.Width = 300; * RadNotification2.Height = 100; * RadNotification2.Animation = Telerik.Web.UI.NotificationAnimation.Fade; * RadNotification2.EnableRoundedCorners = true; * RadNotification2.EnableShadow = true; * RadNotification2.KeepOnMouseOver = false; * RadNotification2.Position = Telerik.Web.UI.NotificationPosition.Center; * RadNotification2.Title = "Uyarı"; */ if (Kirmizimi) { RadNotification1.Text = " <font color='red'>" + Icerik + "</font>"; } else { RadNotification1.Text = " <font color='green'>" + Icerik + "</font>"; } RadNotification1.Show(); }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { // it gets an appropiate context (LainsaSciCTX -> web.config) ctx = new LainsaSci("LainsaSciCTX"); // verify if a Usuario is logged usuario = CntWinWeb.IsSomeoneLogged(this, ctx); if (usuario == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { Session["UsuarioId"] = usuario.UsuarioId; } // Is it a new record or not? if (Request.QueryString["EmailId"] != null) { email = CntLainsaSci.GetEmail(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["EmailId"].ToString()), ctx); LoadData(email); empresa = email.Empresa; instalacion = email.Instalacion; newRecord = false; } else { if (Request.QueryString["EmpresaId"] != null) { int empresaId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["EmpresaId"]); empresa = CntLainsaSci.GetEmpresa(empresaId, ctx); lblPropietario.Text = "EMPRESA"; txtPropietario.Text = empresa.Nombre; } if (Request.QueryString["RevisionId"] != null) { int instalacionId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["RevisionId"]); instalacion = CntLainsaSci.GetInstalacion(instalacionId, ctx); lblPropietario.Text = "INSTALACION"; txtPropietario.Text = instalacion.Nombre; } if (empresa == null && instalacion == null) { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "EmailWithoutOwner")); RadNotification1.Show(); } } if (Request.QueryString["Caller"] != null) { caller = Request.QueryString["Caller"]; } // control de skin if (Session["Skin"] != null) { RadSkinManager1.Skin = Session["Skin"].ToString(); } }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { // it gets an appropiate context (LainsaSciCTX -> web.config) ctx = new LainsaSci("LainsaSciCTX"); // verify if a Usuario is logged usuario = CntWinWeb.IsSomeoneLogged(this, ctx); if (usuario == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { Session["UsuarioId"] = usuario.UsuarioId; } // // si llega aquí está autorizado permiso = CntLainsaSci.GetPermiso(usuario.GrupoUsuario, "PlantillaRevisiongrid", ctx); if (permiso == null) { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NoPermissionsAssigned")); RadNotification1.Show(); RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("closeWindow();"); } btnAccept.Visible = permiso.Modificar; // Si esto no va antes de PlantillaRevisionID tendrás problemas. if (Request.QueryString["Caller"] != null) { caller = Request.QueryString["Caller"]; caller = caller.Replace("'", ""); } // CargarTiposPeriodo(""); // Is it a new record or not? if (Request.QueryString["PlantillaId"] != null) { plantillaRevision = CntLainsaSci.GetPlantillaRevision(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["PlantillaId"]), ctx); LoadData(plantillaRevision); this.Title = String.Format("PlantillaRevision: {0}", plantillaRevision.Descripcion); newRecord = false; } if (Request.QueryString["TipoId"] != null) { tipoId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["TipoId"]); tipo = CntLainsaSci.GetTipoDispositivo(tipoId, ctx); if (tipo != null) { rdcTipoDisp.Items.Clear(); rdcTipoDisp.Items.Add(new RadComboBoxItem(tipo.Nombre, tipo.TipoId.ToString())); rdcTipoDisp.SelectedValue = tipo.TipoId.ToString(); rdcTipoDisp.Enabled = false; imgbTipo.Enabled = false; } } }
string caller = ""; // who's calling the grid form #endregion #region Init, load, unload events protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { // it gets an appropiate context (LainsaSciCTX -> web.config) ctx = new LainsaSci("LainsaSciCTX"); // verify if a Usuario is logged Usuario = CntWinWeb.IsSomeoneLogged(this, ctx); if (Usuario == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { Session["UsuarioId"] = Usuario.UsuarioId; } // si llega aquí está autorizado permiso = CntLainsaSci.GetPermiso(Usuario.GrupoUsuario, "documentogrid", ctx); if (permiso == null) { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NoPermissionsAssigned")); RadNotification1.Show(); RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("closeWindow();"); } CntWinWeb.TranslateRadGridFilters(RadGrid1); if (Request.QueryString["Mode"] != null) { mode = Request.QueryString["Mode"]; } if (Request.QueryString["Caller"] != null) { caller = Request.QueryString["Caller"]; } if (Request.QueryString["EmpresaId"] != null) { empresa = CntLainsaSci.GetEmpresa(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["EmpresaId"]), ctx); if (empresa != null) { RadGrid1.Columns.FindByDataField("Empresa.Nombre").Visible = false; } } if (Request.QueryString["RevisionId"] != null) { instalacion = CntLainsaSci.GetInstalacion(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["RevisionId"]), ctx); if (instalacion != null) { RadGrid1.Columns.FindByDataField("Empresa.Nombre").Visible = false; RadGrid1.Columns.FindByDataField("Instalacion.Nombre").Visible = false; } } // control de skin if (Session["Skin"] != null) { RadSkinManager1.Skin = Session["Skin"].ToString(); } }
string caller = ""; // who's calling the grid form #endregion #region Init, load, unload events protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { // it gets an appropiate context (LainsaSciCTX -> web.config) ctx = new LainsaSci("LainsaSciCTX"); // verify if a Usuario is logged Usuario = CntWinWeb.IsSomeoneLogged(this, ctx); if (Usuario == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { Session["UsuarioId"] = Usuario.UsuarioId; } // -- no hya tratamiento de permisos //permiso = CntLainsaSci.GetPermiso(Usuario.GrupoUsuario, "grupousuariogrid", ctx); //if (permiso == null) //{ // RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", // (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), // (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NoPermissionsAssigned")); // RadNotification1.Show(); // RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("closeWindow();"); //} CntWinWeb.TranslateRadGridFilters(RadGrid1); if (Request.QueryString["Mode"] != null) { mode = Request.QueryString["Mode"]; } if (Request.QueryString["Caller"] != null) { caller = Request.QueryString["Caller"]; } if (Request.QueryString["EmpresaId"] != null) { int empresaId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["EmpresaId"]); empresa = CntLainsaSci.GetEmpresa(empresaId, ctx); } if (Request.QueryString["RevisionId"] != null) { int instalacionId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["RevisionId"]); instalacion = CntLainsaSci.GetInstalacion(instalacionId, ctx); } if (empresa == null && instalacion == null) { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "TelephoneWithoutOwner")); RadNotification1.Show(); } // control de skin if (Session["Skin"] != null) { RadSkinManager1.Skin = Session["Skin"].ToString(); } }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { // it gets an appropiate context (LainsaSciCTX -> web.config) ctx = new LainsaSci("LainsaSciCTX"); // verify if a Usuario is logged Usuario = CntWinWeb.IsSomeoneLogged(this, ctx); if (Usuario == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { Session["UsuarioId"] = Usuario.UsuarioId; } // // si llega aquí está autorizado permiso = CntLainsaSci.GetPermiso(Usuario.GrupoUsuario, "campogrid", ctx); if (permiso == null) { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NoPermissionsAssigned")); RadNotification1.Show(); RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("closeWindow();"); } btnAccept.Visible = permiso.Modificar; if (Request.QueryString["Caller"] != null) { caller = Request.QueryString["Caller"]; caller = caller.Replace("'", ""); } if (Request.QueryString["PlantillaId"] != null) { plantilla = CntLainsaSci.GetPlantillaRevision(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["PlantillaId"]), ctx); CargaPlantilla(plantilla); } CargaTipos(new TipoCampo()); // Is it a new record or not? if (Request.QueryString["CampoId"] != null) { campo = CntLainsaSci.GetCampo(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["CampoId"]), ctx); LoadData(campo); newRecord = false; } else { CargarInformeDe(""); } // control de skin if (Session["Skin"] != null) { RadSkinManager1.Skin = Session["Skin"].ToString(); } }
private void LoadDataInNotification(string notiftext, string title) { //RadNotification1.ContentIcon = ; RadNotification1.Text = notiftext; RadNotification1.Value = "testing"; RadNotification1.Title = title; RadNotification1.Visible = true; RadNotification1.Show(); }
protected void IndirimliTekliflertablosunuGuncelle(int TeklifId, string TeklifNo, decimal YeniBedel, int BolgeKodu) { using (Service1Client client = new Service1Client()) { decimal IndirimOrani = client.TeklifNodanIndirimOraniniDon(BolgeKodu, TeklifNo); if (client.IndirimliTeklifleriGuncelle(TeklifId, YeniBedel, (YeniBedel - (YeniBedel * IndirimOrani / 100)))) { RadNotification1.Text = " <font color='gree'>Indirimli teklifler tablosu da başarı ile güncellendi</font>";; RadNotification1.Show(); } } }
protected bool DataOk() { if (rdcTipoCampo.SelectedValue == "") { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NecTipoCampo")); RadNotification1.Show(); return(false); } return(true); }
protected bool DataOk() { if (txtNombre.Text == "") { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NombreNeeded")); RadNotification1.Show(); return(false); } return(true); }
string caller = ""; // who's calling the grid form #endregion #region Init, load, unload events protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { // it gets an appropiate context (LainsaSciCTX -> web.config) ctx = new LainsaSci("LainsaSciCTX"); // verify if a Usuario is logged Usuario = CntWinWeb.IsSomeoneLogged(this, ctx); if (Usuario == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else { Session["UsuarioId"] = Usuario.UsuarioId; } // si llega aquí está autorizado permiso = CntLainsaSci.GetPermiso(Usuario.GrupoUsuario, "PlantillarevisionGrid", ctx); if (permiso == null) { RadNotification1.Text = String.Format("<b>{0}</b><br/>{1}", (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "Warning"), (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("ResourceLainsaSci", "NoPermissionsAssigned")); RadNotification1.Show(); RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("closeWindow();"); } if (Request.QueryString["Mode"] != null) { mode = Request.QueryString["Mode"]; } if (Request.QueryString["Caller"] != null) { caller = Request.QueryString["Caller"]; } if (Request.QueryString["PlantillaId"] != null) { plantillaRevisionId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["PlantillaId"]); this.Title = String.Format("Plantilla de revisión: {0}", CntLainsaSci.GetPlantillaRevision(plantillaRevisionId, ctx).Descripcion); } else { CntWinWeb.OcultarPestanyas(RadTabStrip1); } if (Request.QueryString["TipoId"] != null) { tipoId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["TipoId"]); tipo = CntLainsaSci.GetTipoDispositivo(tipoId, ctx); } // control de skin if (Session["Skin"] != null) { RadSkinManager1.Skin = Session["Skin"].ToString(); } }