private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            //Create the Chart View
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

            //Create the scatter bubble series and attach axes and value bindings.
            ScatterBubbleSeries scatterBubbleSeries = new ScatterBubbleSeries();

            scatterBubbleSeries.BubbleScale = 1000;

            scatterBubbleSeries.XValueBinding     = new XValueBinding();
            scatterBubbleSeries.YValueBinding     = new YValueBinding();
            scatterBubbleSeries.BubbleSizeBinding = new AreaValueBinding();

            LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();

            //The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
            verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.2f";
            LinearAxis horizontalAxis = new LinearAxis();

            horizontalAxis.LabelFormat         = "%.2f";
            scatterBubbleSeries.VerticalAxis   = verticalAxis;
            scatterBubbleSeries.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

            //Bind series to data
            scatterBubbleSeries.Data = this.getData();

            //Add series to chart
        private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);             // context is an instance of Context.

            OhlcSeries series = new OhlcSeries();

            series.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();
            series.OpenBinding     = new OpenValueBinding();
            series.HighBinding     = new HighValueBinding();
            series.LowBinding      = new LowValueBinding();
            series.CloseBinding    = new CloseValueBinding();

            series.Data = this.getData();

            CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();

            chart.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

            LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();

            chart.VerticalAxis = verticalAxis;

Exemple #3
        //public override bool OnOptionsItemSelected(IMenuItem item)
        //    var id = item.ItemId;
        //    if (id == Resource.Id.home)
        //    {

        //        var frag = new Fragment1();

        //        FragmentManager fg = this.Activity.SupportFragmentManager;
        //        FragmentTransaction ft = fg.BeginTransaction();
        //        ft.Replace(Resource.Id.content_frame, frag);
        //        ft.SetTransition(FragmentTransaction.TransitFragmentFade);
        //        ft.Commit();
        //    }
        //    return base.OnOptionsItemSelected(item);

        private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            //var client =  ServiceStack.JsonServiceClient("http://localhost:52303");
            // var client=  JsonServiceClient("http://localhost:52303");
            //var client = new JsonServiceClient("http://localhost:52303");
            //var res = client.Get(new GetTextileSample());
            //var d = res.Samples;

            //Create the Chart View
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

            //Create the bar series and attach axes and value bindings.
            BarSeries barSeries = new BarSeries();

            barSeries.ValueBinding    = new ValueBinding();
            barSeries.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

            LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();
            //The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
            CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();

            horizontalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
            barSeries.VerticalAxis     = verticalAxis;
            barSeries.HorizontalAxis   = horizontalAxis;

            //Bind series to data
            barSeries.Data = this.getData();

            //Add series to chart
        private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            //Create the Chart View
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

            LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();
            //The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
            verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
            CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();
            chart.VerticalAxis = verticalAxis;
            chart.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                //Create the spline area series and attach axes and value bindings.
                SplineAreaSeries areaSeries = new SplineAreaSeries();

                //We want to stack the different area series.
                areaSeries.CombineMode = ChartSeriesCombineMode.Stack;

                areaSeries.ValueBinding = new ValueBinding();
                areaSeries.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

                //Bind series to data
                areaSeries.Data = this.getData();

                //Add series to chart

            return chart;
        private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

            BarSeries series = new BarSeries();

            DateTimeContinuousAxis axis = new DateTimeContinuousAxis();

            axis.LabelFormat      = "MM/dd";
            series.HorizontalAxis = axis;

            LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();

            verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
            series.VerticalAxis      = verticalAxis;

            series.ValueBinding    = new ValueBinding();
            series.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

            series.Data = this.getData();


		private RadCartesianChartView createChart(){
			RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

			CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();
			chart.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

			LinearAxis vertical1 = new LinearAxis();
			vertical1.LabelFormat = "%.0f";

			LinearAxis vertical2 = new LinearAxis();
			vertical2.LabelFormat = "%.0f";

			BarSeries series1 = new BarSeries();

			ArrayList data = this.getData();

			series1.ValueBinding = new ValueBinding1();
			series1.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();
			series1.VerticalAxis = vertical1;
			series1.Data = data;


			LineSeries series2 = new LineSeries();

			series2.ValueBinding = new ValueBinding2();
			series2.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();
			series2.VerticalAxis = (vertical2);
			vertical2.HorizontalLocation = AxisHorizontalLocation.Right;
			series2.Data = data;


			return chart;
        private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            //Create the Chart View
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

            //Create the spline area series and attach axes and value bindings.
            SplineSeries splineSeries = new SplineSeries();

            splineSeries.ValueBinding    = new ValueBinding();
            splineSeries.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

            LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();

            //The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
            verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
            CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();

            splineSeries.VerticalAxis   = verticalAxis;
            splineSeries.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

            //Bind series to data
            splineSeries.Data = this.getData();

            //Add series to chart
Exemple #8
        private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            //Create the Chart View
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

            LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();

            //The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
            verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
            CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();

            chart.VerticalAxis   = verticalAxis;
            chart.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                //Create the spline area series and attach axes and value bindings.
                SplineAreaSeries areaSeries = new SplineAreaSeries();

                //We want to stack the different area series.
                areaSeries.CombineMode = ChartSeriesCombineMode.Stack;

                areaSeries.ValueBinding    = new ValueBinding();
                areaSeries.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

                //Bind series to data
                areaSeries.Data = this.getData();

                //Add series to chart

		private RadCartesianChartView createChart(){
			//Create the Chart View
			RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

			//Create the bar series and attach axes and value bindings.
			BarSeries barSeries = new BarSeries();

			barSeries.ValueBinding  = new ValueBinding();
			barSeries.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

			LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();
			//The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
			verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
			CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();
			horizontalAxis.LabelFitMode = AxisLabelFitMode.MultiLine;

			barSeries.VerticalAxis = verticalAxis;
			barSeries.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

			//Bind series to data
			barSeries.Data = this.getData();

			//Add series to chart

			ChartSelectionBehavior sb = new ChartSelectionBehavior();
			sb.DataPointsSelectionMode = ChartSelectionMode.Single;


			return chart;
		private RadCartesianChartView createChart(){
			//Create the Chart View
			RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

			//Create the bar series and attach axes and value bindings.
			BarSeries barSeries = new BarSeries();

			barSeries.ValueBinding  = new ValueBinding();
			barSeries.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

			LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();
			//The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
			verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
			CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();
			barSeries.VerticalAxis = verticalAxis;
			barSeries.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

			//Bind series to data
			barSeries.Data  = this.getData();

			//Add series to chart

			CartesianGridLineAnnotation annotation = new CartesianGridLineAnnotation(verticalAxis, 3);
			annotation.LabelHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
			annotation.StrokeColor = Color.Argb(255, 235, 100, 32);
			annotation.StrokeWidth = 4;
			annotation.ZIndex = 1001;
			annotation.Label = "This is Grid Line annotation";

			return chart;
        private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            //Create the Chart View
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

            //Create the bar series and attach axes and value bindings.
            BarSeries barSeries = new BarSeries();

            barSeries.ValueBinding  = new ValueBinding();
            barSeries.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

            LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();
            //The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
            verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
            CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();
            barSeries.VerticalAxis = verticalAxis;
            barSeries.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

            //Bind series to data
            barSeries.Data  = this.getData();

            //Add series to chart

            CartesianPlotBandAnnotation annotation = new CartesianPlotBandAnnotation(verticalAxis, 6, 8);
            annotation.FillColor = Color.Argb(150, 0, 148, 255);
            annotation.StrokeColor = Color.Argb(150, 0, 74, 127);
            annotation.StrokeColor = 4;
            annotation.ZIndex = 1001;

            return chart;
		private RadCartesianChartView createChart(){
			//Create the Chart View
			RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

			//Create the scatter bubble series and attach axes and value bindings.
			ScatterBubbleSeries scatterBubbleSeries = new ScatterBubbleSeries();
			scatterBubbleSeries.BubbleScale = 1000;

			scatterBubbleSeries.XValueBinding = new XValueBinding();
			scatterBubbleSeries.YValueBinding = new YValueBinding();
			scatterBubbleSeries.BubbleSizeBinding = new AreaValueBinding();

			LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();
			//The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
			verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.2f";
			LinearAxis horizontalAxis = new LinearAxis();
			horizontalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.2f";
			scatterBubbleSeries.VerticalAxis = verticalAxis;
			scatterBubbleSeries.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

			//Bind series to data
			scatterBubbleSeries.Data = this.getData();

			//Add series to chart
			return chart;
		private RadCartesianChartView createChart(){
			//Create the Chart View
			RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

			//Create the area series and attach axes and value bindings.
			AreaSeries areaSeries = new AreaSeries();

			areaSeries.ValueBinding  = new ValueBinding();
			areaSeries.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

			LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();
			//The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
			verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
			CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();
			horizontalAxis.LabelInterval = 10;
			horizontalAxis.LabelFitMode = AxisLabelFitMode.MultiLine;
			areaSeries.VerticalAxis = verticalAxis;
			areaSeries.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

			//Bind series to data
			areaSeries.Data = this.getData();

			//Add series to chart

			ChartPanAndZoomBehavior pzBehavior = new ChartPanAndZoomBehavior();

			pzBehavior.PanMode = ChartPanZoomMode.Both;
			pzBehavior.ZoomMode = ChartPanZoomMode.Both;


			return chart;
		public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
			View rootView = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.fragment_chart_legend_example, container, false);
			this.chartView = rootView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.chartView).JavaCast<RadCartesianChartView>();
			this.legendView = rootView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.legendView).JavaCast<RadLegendView>();


			this.legendView.LegendProvider = this.chartView;

			return rootView;
Exemple #15
        private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

            DateTimeCategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new DateTimeCategoricalAxis();

            horizontalAxis.DateTimeFormat    = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd");
            horizontalAxis.DateTimeComponent = DateTimeComponent.Date;

            LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();

            DataPointBinding categoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();
            DataPointBinding openBinding     = new OpenValueBinding();
            DataPointBinding highBinding     = new HighValueBinding();
            DataPointBinding lowBinding      = new LowValueBinding();
            DataPointBinding closeBinding    = new CloseValueBinding();

            ArrayList data = this.getData();

            CandlestickSeries series = new CandlestickSeries();

            series.CategoryBinding = categoryBinding;
            series.OpenBinding     = openBinding;
            series.HighBinding     = highBinding;
            series.LowBinding      = lowBinding;
            series.CloseBinding    = closeBinding;
            series.Data            = data;

            BollingerBandsIndicator bollingerBands = new BollingerBandsIndicator();

            bollingerBands.CategoryBinding    = categoryBinding;
            bollingerBands.ValueBinding       = closeBinding;
            bollingerBands.Period             = 5;
            bollingerBands.StandardDeviations = 2;
            bollingerBands.Data = data;

            MovingAverageIndicator movingAverage = new MovingAverageIndicator();

            movingAverage.CategoryBinding = categoryBinding;
            movingAverage.ValueBinding    = closeBinding;
            movingAverage.Period          = 5;
            movingAverage.Data            = data;

            chart.VerticalAxis   = verticalAxis;
            chart.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

            // irrelevant
            horizontalAxis.LabelFitMode = AxisLabelFitMode.Rotate;

Exemple #16
        public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
            View rootView = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.fragment_chart_legend_example, container, false);

            this.chartView  = rootView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.chartView).JavaCast <RadCartesianChartView>();
            this.legendView = rootView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.legendView).JavaCast <RadLegendView>();


            this.legendView.LegendProvider = this.chartView;

        private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

            DateTimeCategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new DateTimeCategoricalAxis();
            horizontalAxis.SetDateTimeFormat(new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd"));
            horizontalAxis.DateTimeComponent = DateTimeComponent.Date;

            LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();

            DataPointBinding categoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();
            DataPointBinding openBinding = new OpenValueBinding();
            DataPointBinding highBinding = new HighValueBinding();
            DataPointBinding lowBinding = new LowValueBinding();
            DataPointBinding closeBinding = new CloseValueBinding();

            ArrayList data = this.getData();

            CandlestickSeries series = new CandlestickSeries();
            series.CategoryBinding = categoryBinding;
            series.OpenBinding = openBinding;
            series.HighBinding = highBinding;
            series.LowBinding = lowBinding;
            series.CloseBinding = closeBinding;
            series.Data = data;

            BollingerBandsIndicator bollingerBands = new BollingerBandsIndicator();
            bollingerBands.CategoryBinding = categoryBinding;
            bollingerBands.ValueBinding = closeBinding;
            bollingerBands.Period = 5;
            bollingerBands.StandardDeviations = 2;
            bollingerBands.Data = data;

            MovingAverageIndicator movingAverage = new MovingAverageIndicator();
            movingAverage.CategoryBinding = categoryBinding;
            movingAverage.ValueBinding = closeBinding;
            movingAverage.Period = 5;
            movingAverage.Data = data;

            chart.VerticalAxis = verticalAxis;
            chart.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

            // irrelevant
            horizontalAxis.LabelFitMode = AxisLabelFitMode.Rotate;

            return chart;
Exemple #18
        private void UpdateGradientBarRenderers()
            TXFC.RadCartesianChart xfChart     = (TXFC.RadCartesianChart) this.Element;
            RadCartesianChartView  nativeChart = (RadCartesianChartView)this.Control;

            for (int i = 0; i < nativeChart.Series.Size(); i++)
                BarSeries barSeries = nativeChart.Series.Get(i) as BarSeries;
                if (barSeries != null)
                    this.TrySetGradientBarRenderer(barSeries, xfChart.Series[i]);
Exemple #19
        private void UpdatePointMarkRenderers()
            TXFC.RadCartesianChart xfChart     = (TXFC.RadCartesianChart) this.Element;
            RadCartesianChartView  nativeChart = (RadCartesianChartView)this.Control;

            for (int i = 0; i < nativeChart.Series.Size(); i++)
                LineSeries lineSeries = nativeChart.Series.Get(i) as LineSeries;
                if (lineSeries != null)
                    this.TrySetPointMarkRenderer(lineSeries, xfChart.Series[i]);
        private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            //Create the Chart View
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

            LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();

            //The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
            verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
            CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();

            chart.VerticalAxis   = verticalAxis;
            chart.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                //Create the bar series and attach axes and value bindings.
                AreaSeries areaSeries = new AreaSeries();

                //We want to stack the different area series.
                areaSeries.CombineMode = ChartSeriesCombineMode.Stack;

                areaSeries.ValueBinding    = new ValueBinding();
                areaSeries.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

                //Bind series to data
                areaSeries.Data = this.getData();

                //Add series to chart

            ChartPalette defaultPaletteClone = new ChartPalette(chart.Palette);

            // We acquire the palette entry containing the settings for the third series in the chart setup.
            PaletteEntry areaSeriesEntry = defaultPaletteClone.GetEntry(ChartPalette.AreaFamily, 2);

            //We set the fill color of the third series to be cyan.
            areaSeriesEntry.Fill = Color.Cyan;

            //We reset the chart palette by applying the new one.
            chart.Palette = defaultPaletteClone;

		private RadCartesianChartView createChart() {
			//Create the Chart View
			RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

			LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();
			//The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
			verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
			CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();
			chart.VerticalAxis = verticalAxis;
			chart.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

			for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
				//Create the bar series and attach axes and value bindings.
				AreaSeries areaSeries = new AreaSeries();

				//We want to stack the different area series.
				areaSeries.CombineMode = ChartSeriesCombineMode.Stack;

				areaSeries.ValueBinding = new ValueBinding();
				areaSeries.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

				//Bind series to data
				areaSeries.Data = this.getData();

				//Add series to chart

			ChartPalette defaultPaletteClone = new ChartPalette(chart.Palette);

			// We acquire the palette entry containing the settings for the third series in the chart setup.
			PaletteEntry areaSeriesEntry = defaultPaletteClone.GetEntry(ChartPalette.AreaFamily, 2);

			//We set the fill color of the third series to be cyan.
			areaSeriesEntry.Fill = Color.Cyan;

			//We reset the chart palette by applying the new one.
			chart.Palette = defaultPaletteClone;

			return chart;
Exemple #22
        private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            //Create the Chart View
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

            //Create the bar series and attach axes and value bindings.
            BarSeries barSeries = new BarSeries();

            barSeries.ValueBinding    = new ValueBinding();
            barSeries.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

            LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();

            //The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
            verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
            CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();

            chart.VerticalAxis   = verticalAxis;
            chart.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

            //Bind series to data
            barSeries.Data = this.getData();

            //Add series to chart

            //Set an instance of the CartesianChartGrid to the chart.

            CartesianChartGrid grid = new CartesianChartGrid();

            grid.MajorYLinesRenderMode = GridLineRenderMode.InnerAndLast;
            grid.LineThickness         = 1;
            grid.LineColor             = Color.White;
            grid.MajorLinesVisibility  = GridLineVisibility.Y;
            grid.StripLinesVisibility  = GridLineVisibility.Y;
            ObservableCollection yBrushes = grid.YStripeBrushes;

            chart.Grid = grid;

		private RadCartesianChartView createChart(){
			RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

			BarSeries series = new BarSeries();

			DateTimeContinuousAxis axis = new DateTimeContinuousAxis();
			axis.LabelFormat = "MM/dd";
			series.HorizontalAxis = axis;

			LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();
			verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
			series.VerticalAxis = verticalAxis;

			series.ValueBinding = new ValueBinding();
			series.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

			series.Data = this.getData();


			return chart;
        private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

            CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();

            chart.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

            LinearAxis vertical1 = new LinearAxis();

            vertical1.LabelFormat = "%.0f";

            LinearAxis vertical2 = new LinearAxis();

            vertical2.LabelFormat = "%.0f";

            BarSeries series1 = new BarSeries();

            ArrayList data = this.getData();

            series1.ValueBinding    = new ValueBinding1();
            series1.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();
            series1.VerticalAxis    = vertical1;
            series1.Data            = data;


            LineSeries series2 = new LineSeries();

            series2.ValueBinding         = new ValueBinding2();
            series2.CategoryBinding      = new CategoryBinding();
            series2.VerticalAxis         = (vertical2);
            vertical2.HorizontalLocation = AxisHorizontalLocation.Right;
            series2.Data = data;


        private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            //Create the Chart View
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

            //Create the bar series and attach axes and value bindings.
            BarSeries barSeries = new BarSeries();

            barSeries.ValueBinding = new ValueBinding();
            barSeries.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

            LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();
            //The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
            CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();
            horizontalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
            barSeries.VerticalAxis = verticalAxis;
            barSeries.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

            //Bind series to data
            barSeries.Data = this.getData();

            //Add series to chart

            //Set an instance of the CartesianChartGrid to the chart.

            CartesianChartGrid grid = new CartesianChartGrid();
            grid.MajorYLinesRenderMode = GridLineRenderMode.InnerAndLast;
            grid.LineThickness = 1;
            grid.LineColor = Color.White;
            grid.MajorLinesVisibility = GridLineVisibility.Y;
            grid.StripLinesVisibility = GridLineVisibility.Y;
            ObservableCollection yBrushes = grid.YStripeBrushes;
            chart.Grid = grid;

            return chart;
		private RadCartesianChartView createChart() {
			RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity); // context is an instance of Context.

			OhlcSeries series = new OhlcSeries();
			series.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();
			series.OpenBinding = new OpenValueBinding();
			series.HighBinding = new HighValueBinding();
			series.LowBinding = new LowValueBinding();
			series.CloseBinding = new CloseValueBinding();

			series.Data = this.getData();

			CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();
			chart.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

			LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();
			chart.VerticalAxis = verticalAxis;

			return chart;
Exemple #27
        private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            //Create the Chart View
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

            //Create the bar series and attach axes and value bindings.
            BarSeries barSeries = new BarSeries();

            barSeries.ValueBinding    = new ValueBinding();
            barSeries.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

            LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();

            //The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
            verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
            CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();

            barSeries.VerticalAxis   = verticalAxis;
            barSeries.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

            //Bind series to data
            barSeries.Data = this.getData();

            //Add series to chart

            CartesianPlotBandAnnotation annotation = new CartesianPlotBandAnnotation(verticalAxis, 6, 8);

            annotation.FillColor   = Color.Argb(150, 0, 148, 255);
            annotation.StrokeColor = Color.Argb(150, 0, 74, 127);
            annotation.StrokeColor = 4;
            annotation.ZIndex      = 1001;

Exemple #28
        private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            //Create the Chart View
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

            //Create the bar series and attach axes and value bindings.
            BarSeries barSeries = new BarSeries();

            barSeries.ValueBinding    = new ValueBinding();
            barSeries.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

            LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();

            //The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
            verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
            CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();

            barSeries.VerticalAxis   = verticalAxis;
            barSeries.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

            //Bind series to data
            barSeries.Data = this.getData();

            //Add series to chart

            CartesianGridLineAnnotation annotation = new CartesianGridLineAnnotation(verticalAxis, 3);

            annotation.LabelHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            annotation.StrokeColor = Color.Argb(255, 235, 100, 32);
            annotation.StrokeWidth = 4;
            annotation.ZIndex      = 1001;
            annotation.Label       = "This is Grid Line annotation";

Exemple #29
        private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            //Create the Chart View
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

            //Create the area series and attach axes and value bindings.
            AreaSeries areaSeries = new AreaSeries();

            areaSeries.ValueBinding    = new ValueBinding();
            areaSeries.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

            LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();

            //The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
            verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
            CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();

            horizontalAxis.LabelInterval = 10;
            horizontalAxis.LabelFitMode  = AxisLabelFitMode.MultiLine;
            areaSeries.VerticalAxis      = verticalAxis;
            areaSeries.HorizontalAxis    = horizontalAxis;

            //Bind series to data
            areaSeries.Data = this.getData();

            //Add series to chart

            ChartPanAndZoomBehavior pzBehavior = new ChartPanAndZoomBehavior();

            pzBehavior.PanMode  = ChartPanZoomMode.Both;
            pzBehavior.ZoomMode = ChartPanZoomMode.Both;


		private RadCartesianChartView createChart(){
			//Create the Chart View
			RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

			//Create the bar series and attach axes and value bindings.
			BarSeries barSeries = new BarSeries();

			barSeries.ValueBinding = new ValueBinding();
			barSeries.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

			LinearAxis horizontalAxis = new LinearAxis();
			//The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
			horizontalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
			CategoricalAxis verticalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();
			barSeries.VerticalAxis = verticalAxis;
			barSeries.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

			//Bind series to data
			barSeries.Data = this.getData();

			//Add series to chart
			return chart;
        private RadCartesianChartView createChart()
            //Create the Chart View
            RadCartesianChartView chart = new RadCartesianChartView(this.Activity);

            //Create the bar series and attach axes and value bindings.
            BarSeries barSeries = new BarSeries();

            barSeries.ValueBinding    = new ValueBinding();
            barSeries.CategoryBinding = new CategoryBinding();

            LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();

            //The values in the linear axis will not have values after the decimal point.
            verticalAxis.LabelFormat = "%.0f";
            CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();

            horizontalAxis.LabelFitMode = AxisLabelFitMode.MultiLine;

            barSeries.VerticalAxis   = verticalAxis;
            barSeries.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

            //Bind series to data
            barSeries.Data = this.getData();

            //Add series to chart

            ChartSelectionBehavior sb = new ChartSelectionBehavior();

            sb.DataPointsSelectionMode = ChartSelectionMode.Single;


        public MainPage()

#if __IOS__
            // UI FOR XAMARIN iOS native controls

            RootGrid.Padding = new Thickness(0, 20, 0, 0);

            var explanation1 = new UILabel
                MinimumFontSize = 14f,
                Lines           = 0,
                LineBreakMode   = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap,
                Text            = "This is the native iOS TKChart",

            // Chart
            TKChart chart = new TKChart();
            chart.AllowAnimations  = true;
            chart.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight;

            // Sample Data
            Random r    = new Random();
            var    list = Enumerable.Range(1, 12).Select(i => new TKChartDataPoint(new NSNumber(i), new NSNumber(r.Next() % 2000))).ToArray();

            // Add Series
            TKChartLineSeries series = new TKChartLineSeries(list);
            series.Selection = TKChartSeriesSelection.Series;


#if __ANDROID__
            // UI FOR XAMARIN Android native controls

            HeaderGrid.Children.Add(new TextView(Forms.Context)
                Text     = "This is the native Android RadCartesianChartView",
                TextSize = 14

            RadCartesianChartView chartView = new RadCartesianChartView(Forms.Context);
            chartView.HorizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();
            chartView.VerticalAxis   = new LinearAxis();

            // Sample Data
            var monthResults = new Java.Util.ArrayList();
            monthResults.Add(new MonthResult("Jan", 12));
            monthResults.Add(new MonthResult("Feb", 5));
            monthResults.Add(new MonthResult("Mar", 10));
            monthResults.Add(new MonthResult("Apr", 7));

            chartView.Series.Add(new LineSeries
                CategoryBinding = new MonthResultDataBinding("Month"),
                ValueBinding    = new MonthResultDataBinding("Result"),
                Data            = monthResults


            // UI FOR XAMARIN UWP native controls
            var explanation1 = new TextBlock
                Text         = "The next control is a CustomControl (a customized TextBlock with a bad ArrangeOverride implementation).",
                FontSize     = 14,
                FontFamily   = new FontFamily("HelveticaNeue"),
                TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap


            // Set up chart
            var chartView = new RadCartesianChart();
            chartView.HorizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();
            chartView.VerticalAxis   = new LinearAxis();

            // sample data
            var monthResults = new List <MonthResult> {
                new MonthResult("Jan", 12), new MonthResult("Feb", 5), new MonthResult("Mar", 10), new MonthResult("Apr", 7)

            chartView.Series.Add(new LineSeries
                CategoryBinding = new PropertyNameDataPointBinding("Month"),
                ValueBinding    = new PropertyNameDataPointBinding("Result"),
                ItemsSource     = monthResults

            // Add native chart to Visual Tree