void OnEnable()
        displayManager = target as RUISDisplayManager;

        displays       = serializedObject.FindProperty("displays");
        ruisMenuPrefab = serializedObject.FindProperty("ruisMenuPrefab");

        guiX            = serializedObject.FindProperty("guiX");
        guiY            = serializedObject.FindProperty("guiY");
        guiZ            = serializedObject.FindProperty("guiZ");
        guiScaleX       = serializedObject.FindProperty("guiScaleX");
        guiScaleY       = serializedObject.FindProperty("guiScaleY");
        hideMouseOnPlay = serializedObject.FindProperty("hideMouseOnPlay");

        displayManagerLink   = new SerializedObject(displayManager);
        guiDisplayChoiceLink = displayManagerLink.FindProperty("guiDisplayChoice");

//        allowResolutionDialog = serializedObject.FindProperty("allowResolutionDialog");
        displayPrefab = Resources.Load("RUIS/Prefabs/Main RUIS/RUISDisplay") as GameObject;

        displayBoxStyle = new GUIStyle();
        displayBoxStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
        displayBoxStyle.alignment        = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
        displayBoxStyle.border           = new RectOffset(2, 2, 2, 2);
        displayBoxStyle.margin           = new RectOffset(1, 0, 0, 0);
        displayBoxStyle.wordWrap         = true;

        monoDisplayTexture   = Resources.Load("RUIS/Editor/Textures/monodisplay") as Texture2D;
        stereoDisplayTexture = Resources.Load("RUIS/Editor/Textures/stereodisplay") as Texture2D;

        menuCursorPrefab = serializedObject.FindProperty("menuCursorPrefab");
        menuLayer        = serializedObject.FindProperty("menuLayer");
    void Start()
        RUISInputManager inputManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISInputManager)) as RUISInputManager;

        if (useRazerHydra && inputManager && !inputManager.enableRazerHydra)
            useRazerHydra = false;
//			Debug.LogWarning(	"Your settings indicate that you want to use Razer Hydra for "
//							 +	"character locomotion controls, but you have disabled Razer "
//							 +	"Hydra from " + typeof(RUISInputManager));

        if (usePSNavigationController && inputManager && !inputManager.enablePSMove)
            usePSNavigationController = false;
//			Debug.LogWarning(	"Your settings indicate that you want to use PS Navigation "
//							 +	"controller for character locomotion controls, but you have "
//							 +	"disabled PS Move from RUIS InputManager.");

        if (useOpenVrController && !RUISDisplayManager.IsOpenVrAccessible())
            useOpenVrController = false;
Exemple #3
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        catch (UnityException)
            ruisMenuButtonDefined = false;

        inputManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISInputManager)) as RUISInputManager;
        enablePSMove = inputManager.enablePSMove;
        psMoveIP     = inputManager.PSMoveIP;
        psMovePort   = inputManager.PSMovePort;

        jumpGesture = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISJumpGestureRecognizer)) as RUISJumpGestureRecognizer;

        displayManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISDisplayManager)) as RUISDisplayManager;
        riftDisplay    = displayManager.GetOculusRiftDisplay();

        // TODO: This menu should work with any stereo view, not just Rift. riftDisplay.linkedCamera is null when Rift is disabled.
        if (oculusRiftMenu && riftDisplay && riftDisplay.linkedCamera)
            windowRect = new Rect(riftDisplay.linkedCamera.leftCamera.pixelRect.x
                                  + riftDisplay.resolutionX / 4 - 100, riftDisplay.resolutionY / 2 - 220, 250, 250);

    void Start()
        menuScript = this.GetComponent <RUISMenuNGUI>();
        if (menuScript == null)
            Debug.LogError("Did not find " + typeof(RUISMenuNGUI) + " script!");

        this.guiPlane = this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/planeCollider").GetComponent <Collider>();
        if (this.guiPlane == null)
            Debug.LogError("Did not find RUIS Menu collider object, onto which mouse selection ray is projected!");

        if (menuScript.transform.parent == null)
            Debug.LogError("The parent of GameObject '" + menuScript.name
                           + " is null and RUIS Menu will not function. Something is wrong with 'RUIS NGUI Menu' prefab or you "
                           + "are misusing the " + typeof(RUIS3dGuiCursor) + " script.");
//		else if(menuScript.transform.parent.parent == null)
//			Debug.LogError(  "The grand-parent of GameObject '" + menuScript.name
//			               + " is null and RUIS Menu will not function. Something is wrong with 'RUIS NGUI Menu' prefab or you "
//			               + "are misusing the " + typeof(RUIS3dGuiCursor) + " script.");
//		else
//			ruisCamera = menuScript.transform.parent.parent.GetComponent<RUISCamera>();
//		if(ruisCamera == null)
//			Debug.LogError(  typeof(RUIS3dGuiCursor) + " script did not find "  + typeof(RUISCamera) + " from the parent of "
//			               + menuScript.transform.name + "gameobject! RUIS Menu is unavailable.");

        ruisDisplayManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISDisplayManager)) as RUISDisplayManager;

        if (ruisDisplayManager == null)
            this.enabled = false;
            Debug.LogError("Could not find " + typeof(RUISDisplayManager) + " script, RUIS Menu will not work!");

        if (ruisDisplayManager.displays[ruisDisplayManager.guiDisplayChoice] && ruisDisplayManager.displays[ruisDisplayManager.guiDisplayChoice].linkedCamera)
            ruisCamera = ruisDisplayManager.displays[ruisDisplayManager.guiDisplayChoice].linkedCamera;
            Debug.LogError("Could not find the " + typeof(RUISCamera) + " that is linked to the " + typeof(RUISDisplay) + " with RUIS Menu!");

        if (ruisDisplayManager.hideMouseOnPlay && menuScript.currentMenuState != RUISMenuNGUI.RUISMenuStates.calibration)
            Cursor.visible = false;
        markerObject = ruisDisplayManager.menuCursorPrefab;

        if (markerObject)
            originalLocalScale = this.markerObject.transform.localScale;
    void OnEnable()
		displayManager = target as RUISDisplayManager;
        displays = serializedObject.FindProperty("displays");
		ruisMenuPrefab = serializedObject.FindProperty("ruisMenuPrefab");
		guiX = serializedObject.FindProperty("guiX");
		guiY = serializedObject.FindProperty("guiY");
		guiZ = serializedObject.FindProperty("guiZ");
		guiScaleX = serializedObject.FindProperty("guiScaleX");
		guiScaleY = serializedObject.FindProperty("guiScaleY");
		hideMouseOnPlay = serializedObject.FindProperty("hideMouseOnPlay");
		displayManagerLink = new SerializedObject(displayManager);
		guiDisplayChoiceLink = displayManagerLink.FindProperty("guiDisplayChoice");
//        allowResolutionDialog = serializedObject.FindProperty("allowResolutionDialog");
        displayPrefab = Resources.Load("RUIS/Prefabs/Main RUIS/RUISDisplay") as GameObject;

        displayBoxStyle = new GUIStyle();
        displayBoxStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
        displayBoxStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
        displayBoxStyle.border = new RectOffset(2, 2, 2, 2);
        displayBoxStyle.margin = new RectOffset(1, 0, 0, 0);
        displayBoxStyle.wordWrap = true;

        monoDisplayTexture = Resources.Load("RUIS/Editor/Textures/monodisplay") as Texture2D;
        stereoDisplayTexture = Resources.Load("RUIS/Editor/Textures/stereodisplay") as Texture2D;
		menuCursorPrefab = serializedObject.FindProperty("menuCursorPrefab");
		menuLayer = serializedObject.FindProperty("menuLayer");
Exemple #6
    private void updateCalibratableDevices()
        List <string> dropDownChoices = new List <string>();

        string currentSelection = this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Buttons/Dropdown - Calibration Devices").GetComponent <UIPopupList>().selection;

        //dropDownChoices.Add ("Select device(s)");
        if (inputManager.enableKinect)
            dropDownChoices.Add("Kinect 1 floor data");
        if (inputManager.enableKinect2)
            dropDownChoices.Add("Kinect 2 floor data");

        // NOTE: The dropDownChoices determine the device pair to be calibrated, and they must follow the format "Device A - Device B".
        //       The string must correspond the options in the Awake() method of RUISCoordinateCalibration script
        if (inputManager.enableKinect && inputManager.enableKinect2)
            dropDownChoices.Add("Kinect 1 - Kinect2");
        if (inputManager.enableKinect && inputManager.enablePSMove)
            dropDownChoices.Add("Kinect 1 - PSMove");
        if (inputManager.enableKinect2 && inputManager.enablePSMove)
            dropDownChoices.Add("Kinect 2 - PSMove");
        if (RUISDisplayManager.IsOpenVrAccessible() && inputManager.enableKinect2)
            dropDownChoices.Add("Kinect 2 - OpenVR (controller)");
        if (RUISDisplayManager.IsHmdPresent() && inputManager.enableKinect2)
            dropDownChoices.Add("Kinect 2 - OpenVR (HMD)");
        if (RUISDisplayManager.IsHmdPresent() && inputManager.enablePSMove)
            dropDownChoices.Add("PSMove - OpenVR (HMD)");
        if (RUISDisplayManager.IsHmdPresent() && inputManager.enableKinect)
            dropDownChoices.Add("Kinect 1 - OpenVR (HMD)");

        if (dropDownChoices.Count == 0)
            dropDownChoices.Add("Select device(s)");

        this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Buttons/Dropdown - Calibration Devices").GetComponent <UIPopupList>().items = dropDownChoices;
        if (!dropDownChoices.Contains(currentSelection))
            this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Buttons/Dropdown - Calibration Devices").GetComponent <UIPopupList>().selection = dropDownChoices[0];
Exemple #7
    public void Start()
        displayManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISDisplayManager)) as RUISDisplayManager;

        distanceFromCameraLerped = distanceFromCamera;

        if (disableIfOtherDevices)
            RUISInputManager inputManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISInputManager)) as RUISInputManager;
            if (inputManager)
                bool   otherDevices = false;
                string deviceNames  = "";
                if (inputManager.enableKinect)
                    deviceNames += "Kinect 1";
                    otherDevices = true;
                if (inputManager.enableKinect2)
                    deviceNames += "Kinect 2";
                    otherDevices = true;
                if (inputManager.enableRazerHydra)
                    if (deviceNames.Length > 0)
                        deviceNames += ", ";
                    deviceNames += "Razer Hydra";
                    otherDevices = true;

                if (inputManager.enablePSMove)
                    if (deviceNames.Length > 0)
                        deviceNames += ", ";
                    deviceNames += "PS Move";
                    otherDevices = true;
                if (otherDevices)
                    Debug.Log("Disabling MouseWand GameObject '" + gameObject.name + "' because the "
                              + "following input devices were found: " + deviceNames);

        if (!displayManager)
            Debug.LogError("RUISMouseWand requires a RUISDisplayManager in the scene!");
    public static string GetHmdModel()
        if (!RUISDisplayManager.IsHmdPresent())

        string hmdModel = UnityEngine.VR.VRDevice.model;

        // Lets ask OpenVR if Unity does not recognice the HMD name
        if (hmdModel == null || hmdModel == "")
             #if UNITY_EDITOR
             *          //if(SteamVR.instance != null)
             *          //	return SteamVR.instance.hmd_ModelNumber;
             *          if(isSteamVrAccessible)
             *          {
             *                  if(SteamVR.instance != null)
             *                          return SteamVR.instance.hmd_ModelNumber;
             *          }
             *          else
             *          {
             *                  if(!failedToAccessSteamVr)
             *                  {
             *                          try
             *                          {
             *                                  if(SteamVR.instance != null)
             *                                          hmdModel = SteamVR.instance.hmd_ModelNumber;
             *                                  isSteamVrAccessible = true;
             *                          }
             *                          catch
             *                          {
             *                                  failedToAccessSteamVr = true;
             *                          }
             *                  }
             *          }

        if (hmdModel == null || hmdModel == "")
            return("unknown HMD");

    public void Start()
        displayManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISDisplayManager)) as RUISDisplayManager;

		distanceFromCameraLerped = distanceFromCamera;

			RUISInputManager inputManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISInputManager)) as RUISInputManager;
				bool otherDevices = false;
				string deviceNames = "";
					deviceNames += "Kinect 1";
					otherDevices = true;
					deviceNames += "Kinect 2";
					otherDevices = true;
					if(deviceNames.Length > 0)
						deviceNames += ", ";
					deviceNames += "Razer Hydra";
					otherDevices = true;
					if(deviceNames.Length > 0)
						deviceNames += ", ";
					deviceNames += "PS Move";
					otherDevices = true;
					Debug.Log(	"Disabling MouseWand GameObject '" + gameObject.name + "' because the "
							  + "following input devices were found: " + deviceNames					);
        if (!displayManager)
            Debug.LogError("RUISMouseWand requires a RUISDisplayManager in the scene!");
Exemple #10
    void Start()
        if (this.transform.parent)
            ruisCamera = this.transform.parent.GetComponent <RUISCamera>();
            if (!ruisCamera)
                ruisCamera = this.transform.GetComponent <RUISCamera>();                // Non stereo camera

        displayManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISDisplayManager)) as RUISDisplayManager;
    void Start()
        menuScript = this.GetComponent <RUISMenuNGUI>();
        if (menuScript == null)
            Debug.LogError("Did not find " + typeof(RUISMenuNGUI) + " script!");

        this.guiPlane = this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/planeCollider").GetComponent <Collider>();
        if (this.guiPlane == null)
            Debug.LogError("Did not find RUIS Menu collider object, onto which mouse selection ray is projected!");

        if (menuScript.transform.parent == null)
            Debug.LogError("The parent of GameObject '" + menuScript.name
                           + " is null and RUIS Menu will not function. Something is wrong with 'RUIS NGUI Menu' prefab or you "
                           + "are misusing the " + typeof(RUIS3dGuiCursor) + " script.");
        else if (menuScript.transform.parent.parent == null)
            Debug.LogError("The grand-parent of GameObject '" + menuScript.name
                           + " is null and RUIS Menu will not function. Something is wrong with 'RUIS NGUI Menu' prefab or you "
                           + "are misusing the " + typeof(RUIS3dGuiCursor) + " script.");
            ruisCamera = menuScript.transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <RUISCamera>();

        if (ruisCamera == null)
            Debug.LogError(typeof(RUIS3dGuiCursor) + " script did not find " + typeof(RUISCamera) + " from the parent of "
                           + menuScript.transform.name + "gameobject! RUIS Menu is unavailable.");

        ruisDisplayManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISDisplayManager)) as RUISDisplayManager;

        if (ruisDisplayManager == null)
            this.enabled = false;
            Debug.LogError("Could not find " + typeof(RUISDisplayManager) + " script, RUIS menu will not work!");
        if (ruisDisplayManager.hideMouseOnPlay && menuScript.currentMenuState != RUISMenuNGUI.RUISMenuStates.calibration)
            Screen.showCursor = false;
        markerObject = ruisDisplayManager.menuCursorPrefab;
Exemple #12
    public void Awake()
        aspectRatio = resolutionX / resolutionY;

        if (linkedCamera)

        if (isHmdDisplay && !RUISDisplayManager.IsHmdPresent())
            isHmdDisplay = false;
Exemple #13
    public void Awake()
        rotationFilter = new KalmanFilteredRotation();
        rotationFilter.skipIdenticalMeasurements = true;
        rotationFilter.rotationNoiseCovariance   = rotationNoiseCovariance;

        bodyTrackingDeviceID = (int)bodyTrackingDevice;
        RUISGestureRecognizer[] gestureRecognizerScripts = GetComponents <RUISGestureRecognizer>();

        foreach (RUISGestureRecognizer script in gestureRecognizerScripts)
            if (script.ToString() != gestureSelectionScriptName)
                script.enabled = false;
                gestureRecognizer = script;

        if (!skeletonManager)
            skeletonManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISSkeletonManager)) as RUISSkeletonManager;

        selectionVisualizers = new Texture2D[8];
        for (int i = 0; i < amountOfSelectionVisualizerImages; i++)
            selectionVisualizers[i] = Resources.Load("RUIS/Graphics/Selection/visualizer" + (i + 1)) as Texture2D;

        displayManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISDisplayManager)) as RUISDisplayManager;

        if (!gestureRecognizer)
            Debug.LogWarning(typeof(RUISGestureRecognizer) + " component was not found for wand '" + name + "'."
                             + "Add it if you want to use gesture-based selection.");

        wandSelector = GetComponent <RUISWandSelector>();
        if (!wandSelector)
            Debug.LogError(typeof(RUISWandSelector) + " component was not found for wand '" + name + "'."
                           + "Add it if you want to use gesture-based selection. Disabling wand.");
            this.enabled = false;

    // *** HACK TODO need to check if the found HMD is really position tracked
    public static bool IsHmdPositionTrackable()
        //		if(OVRManager.capiHmd != null)
        //		{
        //			Ovr.HmdType ovrHmdVersion = OVRManager.capiHmd.GetDesc().Type; //06to08
        //			if(    (OVRManager.capiHmd.GetTrackingState().StatusFlags & (uint)StatusBits.HmdConnected) != 0 // !isplay.isPresent
        //				&& (ovrHmdVersion == HmdType.DK2 || ovrHmdVersion == HmdType.Other)) // Rift is DK2+     //06to08
        //				return true;
        //		}
        //		return false;

    public void Awake()
		rotationFilter = new KalmanFilteredRotation();
		rotationFilter.skipIdenticalMeasurements = true;
		rotationFilter.rotationNoiseCovariance = rotationNoiseCovariance;
		bodyTrackingDeviceID = (int)bodyTrackingDevice;
		RUISGestureRecognizer[] gestureRecognizerScripts = GetComponents<RUISGestureRecognizer>();
		foreach(RUISGestureRecognizer script in gestureRecognizerScripts) 
			if(script.ToString() != gestureSelectionScriptName) 
				script.enabled = false;
				gestureRecognizer = script;
        if (!skeletonManager)
            skeletonManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISSkeletonManager)) as RUISSkeletonManager;

        selectionVisualizers = new Texture2D[8];
        for (int i = 0; i < amountOfSelectionVisualizerImages; i++)
            selectionVisualizers[i] = Resources.Load("RUIS/Graphics/Selection/visualizer" + (i + 1)) as Texture2D;

        displayManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISDisplayManager)) as RUISDisplayManager;

        if (!gestureRecognizer)
			Debug.LogWarning(  typeof(RUISGestureRecognizer) + " component was not found for wand '" + name + "'."
			                 + "Add it if you want to use gesture-based selection.");

        wandSelector = GetComponent<RUISWandSelector>();
			Debug.LogError(  typeof(RUISWandSelector) + " component was not found for wand '" + name + "'."
			               + "Add it if you want to use gesture-based selection. Disabling wand.");
			this.enabled = false;

    public bool HasNonHmdDisplay()
        if (!UnityEngine.VR.VRSettings.enabled || !RUISDisplayManager.IsHmdPresent())

        foreach (RUISDisplay display in displays)
            if (display.linkedCamera)
                if (display.linkedCamera.isStereo || (display.linkedCamera.centerCamera && display.linkedCamera.centerCamera.stereoTargetEye == StereoTargetEyeMask.None))

    void OnEnable()
        xmlFilename = serializedObject.FindProperty("xmlFilename");
        displaySchema = serializedObject.FindProperty("displaySchema");
        loadFromFileInEditor = serializedObject.FindProperty("loadFromFileInEditor");

        resolutionX = serializedObject.FindProperty("resolutionX");
        resolutionY = serializedObject.FindProperty("resolutionY");
        displayWidth = serializedObject.FindProperty("width");
        displayHeight = serializedObject.FindProperty("height");

        isStereo = serializedObject.FindProperty("isStereo");
        enableOculusRift = serializedObject.FindProperty("enableOculusRift");
		oculusLowPersistence = serializedObject.FindProperty("oculusLowPersistence");
		oculusMirrorMode = serializedObject.FindProperty("oculusMirrorMode");
        isObliqueFrustum = serializedObject.FindProperty("isObliqueFrustum");
        isKeystoneCorrected = serializedObject.FindProperty("isKeystoneCorrected");
        camera = serializedObject.FindProperty("_linkedCamera");
        eyeSeparation = serializedObject.FindProperty("eyeSeparation");
        stereoType = serializedObject.FindProperty("stereoType");
        useDoubleTheSpace = serializedObject.FindProperty("useDoubleTheSpace");

        headTracker = serializedObject.FindProperty("headTracker");
        displayCenterPosition = serializedObject.FindProperty("displayCenterPosition");
        displayNormal = serializedObject.FindProperty("displayNormalInternal");
        displayUp = serializedObject.FindProperty("displayUpInternal");

        displayBoxStyle = new GUIStyle();
        displayBoxStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
        displayBoxStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
        displayBoxStyle.border = new RectOffset(2, 2, 2, 2);
        displayBoxStyle.margin = new RectOffset(10, 10, 2, 2);

        monoDisplayTexture = Resources.Load("RUIS/Editor/Textures/monodisplay") as Texture2D;
        stereoDisplayTexture = Resources.Load("RUIS/Editor/Textures/stereodisplay") as Texture2D;

        displayManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISDisplayManager)) as RUISDisplayManager;

		previousOculusLowPersistenceValue = oculusLowPersistence.boolValue;
    void OnEnable()
        xmlFilename          = serializedObject.FindProperty("xmlFilename");
        displaySchema        = serializedObject.FindProperty("displaySchema");
        loadFromFileInEditor = serializedObject.FindProperty("loadFromFileInEditor");

        resolutionX   = serializedObject.FindProperty("resolutionX");
        resolutionY   = serializedObject.FindProperty("resolutionY");
        displayWidth  = serializedObject.FindProperty("width");
        displayHeight = serializedObject.FindProperty("height");

        isStereo             = serializedObject.FindProperty("isStereo");
        enableOculusRift     = serializedObject.FindProperty("enableOculusRift");
        oculusLowPersistence = serializedObject.FindProperty("oculusLowPersistence");
        oculusMirrorMode     = serializedObject.FindProperty("oculusMirrorMode");
        isObliqueFrustum     = serializedObject.FindProperty("isObliqueFrustum");
        isKeystoneCorrected  = serializedObject.FindProperty("isKeystoneCorrected");
        camera            = serializedObject.FindProperty("_linkedCamera");
        eyeSeparation     = serializedObject.FindProperty("eyeSeparation");
        stereoType        = serializedObject.FindProperty("stereoType");
        useDoubleTheSpace = serializedObject.FindProperty("useDoubleTheSpace");

        headTracker           = serializedObject.FindProperty("headTracker");
        displayCenterPosition = serializedObject.FindProperty("displayCenterPosition");
        displayNormal         = serializedObject.FindProperty("displayNormalInternal");
        displayUp             = serializedObject.FindProperty("displayUpInternal");

        displayBoxStyle = new GUIStyle();
        displayBoxStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
        displayBoxStyle.alignment        = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
        displayBoxStyle.border           = new RectOffset(2, 2, 2, 2);
        displayBoxStyle.margin           = new RectOffset(10, 10, 2, 2);

        monoDisplayTexture   = Resources.Load("RUIS/Editor/Textures/monodisplay") as Texture2D;
        stereoDisplayTexture = Resources.Load("RUIS/Editor/Textures/stereodisplay") as Texture2D;

        displayManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISDisplayManager)) as RUISDisplayManager;

        previousOculusLowPersistenceValue = oculusLowPersistence.boolValue;
	void Start() 
		menuScript = this.GetComponent<RUISMenuNGUI>();
		if(menuScript == null)
			Debug.LogError( "Did not find " + typeof(RUISMenuNGUI) + " script!");

		this.guiPlane = this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/planeCollider").GetComponent<Collider>();
		if(this.guiPlane == null)
			Debug.LogError( "Did not find RUIS Menu collider object, onto which mouse selection ray is projected!" );

		if(menuScript.transform.parent == null)
			Debug.LogError(  "The parent of GameObject '" + menuScript.name 
			               + " is null and RUIS Menu will not function. Something is wrong with 'RUIS NGUI Menu' prefab or you "
			               + "are misusing the " + typeof(RUIS3dGuiCursor) + " script.");
		else if(menuScript.transform.parent.parent == null)
			Debug.LogError(  "The grand-parent of GameObject '" + menuScript.name 
			               + " is null and RUIS Menu will not function. Something is wrong with 'RUIS NGUI Menu' prefab or you "
			               + "are misusing the " + typeof(RUIS3dGuiCursor) + " script.");
			ruisCamera = menuScript.transform.parent.parent.GetComponent<RUISCamera>();

		if(ruisCamera == null)
			Debug.LogError(  typeof(RUIS3dGuiCursor) + " script did not find "  + typeof(RUISCamera) + " from the parent of "
			               + menuScript.transform.name + "gameobject! RUIS Menu is unavailable.");
		ruisDisplayManager =  FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISDisplayManager)) as RUISDisplayManager;

		if(ruisDisplayManager == null) 
			this.enabled = false;
			Debug.LogError("Could not find " + typeof(RUISDisplayManager) + " script, RUIS menu will not work!");
		if(ruisDisplayManager.hideMouseOnPlay && menuScript.currentMenuState != RUISMenuNGUI.RUISMenuStates.calibration) 
			Cursor.visible = false;
		markerObject = ruisDisplayManager.menuCursorPrefab;

			originalLocalScale = this.markerObject.transform.localScale;
    void Update()
//				if(RUISOVRManager.ovrHmd != null) //06to08

        if (RUISDisplayManager.IsHmdPresent())
            Vector3 tempSample = Vector3.zero;

//			Ovr.Posef headpose = RUISOVRManager.ovrHmd.GetTrackingState().HeadPose.ThePose;
//			float px =  headpose.Position.x;
//			float py =  headpose.Position.y;
//			float pz = -headpose.Position.z; // This needs to be negated TODO: might change with future OVR version
//			tempSample = new Vector3(px, py, pz);
//			tempSample = coordinateSystem.ConvertRawOculusDK2Location(tempSample);

            // HACK TODO if this doesn't work for major HMDs, add wrapper (also for rotation)
            // HACK TODO tempSample components might need negation or other hackery
            tempSample = UnityEngine.XR.InputTracking.GetLocalPosition(UnityEngine.XR.XRNode.Head);             //06to08

            Vector3 convertedLocation = coordinateSystem.ConvertLocation(tempSample, RUISDevice.OpenVR);
            this.transform.localPosition = convertedLocation;
            this.transform.localRotation = UnityEngine.XR.InputTracking.GetLocalRotation(UnityEngine.XR.XRNode.Head);             // HACK TODO check that this works

//			if(OVRManager.capiHmd != null)
//			{
//				try
//				{
//					this.transform.localRotation = OVRManager.capiHmd.GetTrackingState().HeadPose.ThePose.Orientation.ToQuaternion();
//				}
//				catch(System.Exception e)
//				{
//					Debug.LogError(e.Message);
//				}
//			}
Exemple #21
//	Ovr.HmdType ovrHmdVersion; //06to08

    void Awake()
        // BUTTONS
        // Phase: select and configure devices
        buttons.Add(this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Buttons/Button - Calibration").gameObject);
        buttons.Add(this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Buttons/Button - Display Management").gameObject);
        buttons.Add(this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Buttons/Button - Save Config & Restart Scene").gameObject);
        buttons.Add(this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Buttons/Button - Discard Configuration").gameObject);
        buttons.Add(this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Buttons/Button - Quit Application").gameObject);

        // Phase: key stone configuration
        buttons.Add(this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/keyStoneConfiguration/Button - Reset Keystoning").gameObject);
        buttons.Add(this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/keyStoneConfiguration/Button - Save Configurations").gameObject);
        buttons.Add(this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/keyStoneConfiguration/Button - Load Old Configurations").gameObject);
        buttons.Add(this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/keyStoneConfiguration/Button - End Display Editing").gameObject);

        // CHECKBOXES
        checkBoxes.Add(this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Kinect/Checkbox - Use Kinect").gameObject);
        checkBoxes.Add(this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Kinect2/Checkbox - Use Kinect 2").gameObject);
        checkBoxes.Add(this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Kinect/Checkbox - Use Kinect Drift Correction").gameObject);
        checkBoxes.Add(this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/PSMove/Checkbox - Use PSMove").gameObject);
        checkBoxes.Add(this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Hydra/Checkbox - Use Hydra").gameObject);

        // TEXTFIELDS
        textFields.Add(this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/PSMove/Input - PSMove Port").gameObject);
        textFields.Add(this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/PSMove/Input - PSMove IP").gameObject);

        inputManager     = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISInputManager)) as RUISInputManager;
        displayManager   = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISDisplayManager)) as RUISDisplayManager;
        coordinateSystem = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISCoordinateSystem)) as RUISCoordinateSystem;

        kinectOrigGUIPos   = this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Kinect").transform.localPosition;
        kinect2OrigGUIPos  = this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Kinect2").transform.localPosition;
        hydraOrigGUIPos    = this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Hydra").transform.localPosition;
        infotextOrigGUIPos = this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Infotexts").transform.localPosition;
//		psMoveOrigGUIPos = this.transform.Find  ("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/PSMove").transform.localPosition;
//		buttonsOrigGUIPos = this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Buttons").transform.localPosition;
    public void Awake()
        if (!skeletonManager)
            skeletonManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISSkeletonManager)) as RUISSkeletonManager;

        selectionVisualizers = new Texture2D[8];
        for (int i = 0; i < amountOfSelectionVisualizerImages; i++)
            selectionVisualizers[i] = Resources.Load("RUIS/Graphics/Selection/visualizer" + (i + 1)) as Texture2D;

        displayManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISDisplayManager)) as RUISDisplayManager;

        if (!gestureRecognizer)
            Debug.LogWarning("Please set a gesture recognizer for wand: " + name + " if you want to use gestures.");

        wandSelector = GetComponent<RUISWandSelector>();

Exemple #23
    public void Awake()
        if (!skeletonManager)
            skeletonManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISSkeletonManager)) as RUISSkeletonManager;

        selectionVisualizers = new Texture2D[8];
        for (int i = 0; i < amountOfSelectionVisualizerImages; i++)
            selectionVisualizers[i] = Resources.Load("RUIS/Graphics/Selection/visualizer" + (i + 1)) as Texture2D;

        displayManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISDisplayManager)) as RUISDisplayManager;

        if (!gestureRecognizer)
            Debug.LogWarning("Please set a gesture recognizer for wand: " + name + " if you want to use gestures.");

        wandSelector = GetComponent <RUISWandSelector>();

    void LateUpdate()
        // If we are in calibration scene, disable 3d cursor
        if (this.transform.parent == null)
            this.enabled = false;

        // TODO: instead of searching hierarchy on every frame, find the UICameras more efficiently
        uiCamera = ruisCamera.transform.GetComponentInChildren <UICamera>();        //menuScript.transform.parent.parent.GetComponentsInChildren<UICamera>();

        if (menuScript.menuIsVisible && !instancedCursor)
            instancedCursor = Instantiate(this.markerObject) as GameObject;
        if (!menuScript.menuIsVisible && instancedCursor)

        if (!menuScript.menuIsVisible)

        mouseInputCoordinates = Input.mousePosition;
        if (ruisCamera.centerCamera)
            if (instancedCursor)
                instancedCursor.transform.rotation = ruisCamera.centerCamera.transform.rotation;
            if (instancedCursor)
                instancedCursor.transform.rotation = ruisCamera.transform.rotation;

        // HACK for MecanimBlendedCharacter: Keep cursor visible size even if character is scaled
        if (menuScript.transform.parent)
            instancedCursor.transform.localScale = originalLocalScale * Mathf.Max(menuScript.transform.parent.lossyScale.x, menuScript.transform.parent.lossyScale.y);

        RaycastHit hit;

        if (uiCamera)
             * if(!ruisCamera.associatedDisplay.isStereo
             * &&	(camera.gameObject.name == "CameraLeft"
             ||	camera.gameObject.name == "CameraRight"
             || camera.gameObject.name == "guiCameraForRift"
             ||     camera.enabled = false;
             ||     continue;
             ||     && !ruisCamera.associatedDisplay.enableOculusRift
             ||     && !(camera.gameObject.name == "CameraLeft"
             ||	camera.gameObject.name == "CameraRight"
             ||     ))
             ||     {
             ||             camera.enabled = false;
             ||             continue;
             ||     }
             ||     && camera.gameObject.name != "guiCameraForRift")
             ||     {
             ||             camera.enabled = false;
             ||             continue;
             ||     }

            Ray    ray;
            Camera rayCamera = uiCamera.GetComponent <Camera>();

            if (rayCamera)
                if (UnityEngine.XR.XRSettings.enabled && rayCamera.stereoTargetEye != StereoTargetEyeMask.None)                // if(ruisCamera.associatedDisplay != null && ruisCamera.associatedDisplay.isHmdDisplay)
                    // *** TODO remove this hack when Camera.ScreenPointToRay() works again
                    ray = RUISDisplayManager.HMDScreenPointToRay(mouseInputCoordinates, rayCamera);
                    ray = rayCamera.ScreenPointToRay(mouseInputCoordinates);
                ray = new Ray();

            if (ruisCamera.associatedDisplay != null && ruisCamera.associatedDisplay.isObliqueFrustum)
                Quaternion outerRot = ruisCamera.transform.rotation;
                wallOrientation = Quaternion.LookRotation(-ruisCamera.associatedDisplay.DisplayNormal, ruisCamera.associatedDisplay.DisplayUp);

                // *** HACK why is this sign flip necessary to keep the menu at right place??
                outerRot = new Quaternion(outerRot.x, outerRot.y, -outerRot.z, outerRot.w);

                instancedCursor.transform.rotation = outerRot * wallOrientation;

                trackerPosition = outerRot * ruisCamera.KeystoningHeadTrackerPosition;
                ray.origin     += trackerPosition - outerRot * (new Vector3(ruisDisplayManager.guiX,
//				ray.direction =  wallOrientation * ray.direction;

            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, LayerMask.GetMask(LayerMask.LayerToName(ruisDisplayManager.menuLayer))))
                if (instancedCursor)
                    instancedCursor.transform.position = hit.point;

                    if (!wasVisible)
                    wasVisible = true;
                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                Debug.DrawLine(ray.origin, hit.point);
                if (wasVisible)
                wasVisible = false;
    void Awake()
        string[] names = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(RUISDevice));
        foreach (string device in names)
            RUISDevice device1Enum = (RUISDevice)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(RUISDevice), device, true);
            RUISCalibrationResultsFloorPitchRotation[device1Enum] = Quaternion.identity;
            RUISCalibrationResultsDistanceFromFloor[device1Enum]  = 0.0f;
            foreach (string device2 in names)
                if (device != device2)
                    string devicePairString = device + "-" + device2;
                    RUISCalibrationResultsInVector3[devicePairString]    = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                    RUISCalibrationResultsInQuaternion[devicePairString] = Quaternion.identity;
                    RUISCalibrationResultsIn4x4Matrix[devicePairString]  = Matrix4x4.identity;

        if (loadFromXML)
            if (!LoadMultiXML(coordinateXmlFile))

        inputManager = FindObjectOfType <RUISInputManager>();
        if (switchToAvailableDevice && inputManager)
            bool       needToSwitch   = false;
            RUISDevice previousDevice = rootDevice;

            switch (rootDevice)
            case RUISDevice.Kinect_1:
                if (!inputManager.enableKinect)
                    needToSwitch = true;

            case RUISDevice.Kinect_2:
                if (!inputManager.enableKinect2)
                    needToSwitch = true;

            case RUISDevice.PS_Move:
                if (!inputManager.enablePSMove)
                    needToSwitch = true;

            case RUISDevice.OpenVR:             // If OpenVR can't accessed AND a HMD can't be detected
                if (!RUISDisplayManager.IsOpenVrAccessible() && !RUISDisplayManager.IsHmdPresent())
                    needToSwitch = true;

            if (needToSwitch)
                // Try to determine if Kinect2 can be used (because this method is run before RUISInputManager can disable enableKinect2)
                bool kinect2FoundBySystem = false;
                if (inputManager.enableKinect2)
                        Kinect2SourceManager kinect2SourceManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(Kinect2SourceManager)) as Kinect2SourceManager;
                        if (kinect2SourceManager != null && kinect2SourceManager.GetSensor() != null && kinect2SourceManager.GetSensor().IsOpen)
                            // IsOpen seems to return false mostly if Kinect 2 drivers are not installed?
                            //					Debug.Log("Kinect 2 was detected by the system.");
                            kinect2FoundBySystem = true;

                if (RUISDisplayManager.IsHmdPositionTrackable())
                    rootDevice = RUISDevice.OpenVR;
                else if (inputManager.enableKinect2 && kinect2FoundBySystem)
                    rootDevice = RUISDevice.Kinect_2;
                else if (inputManager.enableKinect)
                    rootDevice = RUISDevice.Kinect_1;
                else if (inputManager.enablePSMove)
                    rootDevice = RUISDevice.PS_Move;

                if (rootDevice != previousDevice)
                    if (previousDevice == RUISDevice.OpenVR)
                        Debug.LogWarning("Switched 'Master Coordinate System Sensor' from " + previousDevice + " to " + rootDevice + " "
                                         + "because OpenVR could not be accessed! Is SteamVR installed?");
                        Debug.LogWarning("Switched 'Master Coordinate System Sensor' from " + previousDevice + " to " + rootDevice + " "
                                         + "because the former was not enabled in " + typeof(RUISInputManager) + " while the latter was!");
Exemple #26
    private void handleInfotexts()
        GameObject infotext_Changes_saved = this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Infotexts/Saving/Label - Changes saved").gameObject;
        GameObject infotext_Changes_are_not_saved_in_free_version = this.transform.Find(
            "NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Infotexts/Saving/Label - Changes are not saved in free version").gameObject;
        GameObject infotext_Changes_not_saved_yet = this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Infotexts/Saving/Label - Changes not saved yet").gameObject;
        GameObject infotext_Hmd_Not_Detected      = this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Infotexts/HMD/Label - HMD not detected").gameObject;   // Was "Rift not detected"
        GameObject infotext_Hmd_Detected          = this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Infotexts/HMD/Label - HMD detected").gameObject;       // Was "Oculus DK1 detected"

        if (RUISDisplayManager.IsHmdPresent())
            if (infotext_Hmd_Detected)
                UILabel hmdDetectedLabel = infotext_Hmd_Detected.GetComponent <UILabel>();
                if (hmdDetectedLabel)
                    hmdDetectedLabel.text = RUISDisplayManager.GetHmdModel() + " detected";
        if (infotext_Hmd_Not_Detected)

//		bool isRiftConnected = false;
//		{
//			try
//			{
//				if(OVRManager.display != null) //06to08
//					isRiftConnected = OVRManager.display.isPresent; //06to08
//				if(OVRManager.capiHmd != null)
//					ovrHmdVersion = OVRManager.capiHmd.GetDesc().Type; //06to08
//			}
//			catch(UnityException e)
//			{
//				Debug.LogError(e);
//			}
//		}
//		if(isRiftConnected && ovrHmdVersion == Ovr.HmdType.DK1) //06to08
//		{
//			infotext_Rift_not_Detected.SetActive(false);
//			infotext_Oculus_DK1_detected.SetActive(true);
//			infotext_Oculus_DK2_detected.SetActive(false);
//		}
//		else if(isRiftConnected && (ovrHmdVersion == Ovr.HmdType.DK2 || ovrHmdVersion == Ovr.HmdType.Other)) //06to08
//		{
//			infotext_Rift_not_Detected.SetActive(false);
//			infotext_Oculus_DK2_detected.SetActive(true);
//			infotext_Oculus_DK1_detected.SetActive(false);
//		}
//		else {
//			infotext_Rift_not_Detected.SetActive(true);
//			infotext_Oculus_DK1_detected.SetActive(false);
//			infotext_Oculus_DK2_detected.SetActive(false);
//		}

        if (!XmlImportExport.XmlHandlingFunctionalityAvailable())
            if (originalPSMoveIP == inputManager.PSMoveIP &&
                originalPSMovePort == inputManager.PSMovePort &&
                originalEnablePSMove == inputManager.enablePSMove &&
                originalEnableKinect == inputManager.enableKinect &&
                originalEnableKinect2 == inputManager.enableKinect2 &&
                originalEnableJumpGesture == inputManager.jumpGestureEnabled &&
                originalEnableHydra == inputManager.enableRazerHydra)
//			   && originalKinectDriftCorrection == inputManager.kinectDriftCorrectionPreferred)
Exemple #27
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the object under the specified position.
    /// </summary>

    static public bool Raycast(Vector3 inPos, out RaycastHit hit)
        for (int i = 0; i < mList.Count; ++i)
            UICamera cam = mList[i];

            // Skip inactive scripts
            if (!cam.enabled || !NGUITools.GetActive(cam.gameObject))

            // Convert to view space
            currentCamera = cam.cachedCamera;
            Vector3 pos = currentCamera.ScreenToViewportPoint(inPos);
            if (float.IsNaN(pos.x) || float.IsNaN(pos.y))

            // CORE HACK by Tuukka Takala
            // If it's outside the camera's viewport, do nothing
//			if (pos.x < 0f || pos.x > 1f || pos.y < 0f || pos.y > 1f) continue;

            Ray ray;
//			if(ruisCamera != null && ruisCamera.associatedDisplay != null)
                if (UnityEngine.VR.VRSettings.enabled && currentCamera.stereoTargetEye != StereoTargetEyeMask.None)                // if(ruisCamera.associatedDisplay.isHmdDisplay)
                    // *** TODO remove this hack when Camera.ScreenPointToRay() works again
                    ray = RUISDisplayManager.HMDScreenPointToRay(inPos, currentCamera);
                    ray = currentCamera.ScreenPointToRay(inPos);
                    if (ruisCamera && ruisCamera.associatedDisplay != null && ruisCamera.associatedDisplay.isObliqueFrustum)
                        Quaternion outerRot        = ruisCamera.transform.rotation;
                        Quaternion wallOrientation = Quaternion.LookRotation(-ruisCamera.associatedDisplay.DisplayNormal,

                        // *** HACK why is this sign flip necessary to keep the menu at right place??
                        outerRot = new Quaternion(outerRot.x, outerRot.y, -outerRot.z, outerRot.w);

                        ray.origin += outerRot * ruisCamera.KeystoningHeadTrackerPosition;
                        if (displayManager)
                            ray.origin -= outerRot * (new Vector3(displayManager.guiX, displayManager.guiY, displayManager.guiZ));
//						ray.direction = wallOrientation * ray.direction;
//			else
//				ray = currentCamera.ScreenPointToRay(inPos);
            // END CORE HACK

            // Cast a ray into the screen
//			Ray ray = currentCamera.ScreenPointToRay(inPos);

            // Raycast into the screen
            int   mask = currentCamera.cullingMask & (int)cam.eventReceiverMask;
            float dist = (cam.rangeDistance > 0f) ? cam.rangeDistance : currentCamera.farClipPlane - currentCamera.nearClipPlane;

            // If raycasts should be clipped by panels, we need to find a panel for each hit
            if (cam.clipRaycasts)
                RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, dist, mask);

                if (hits.Length > 1)
                    System.Array.Sort(hits, delegate(RaycastHit r1, RaycastHit r2) { return(r1.distance.CompareTo(r2.distance)); });

                    for (int b = 0, bmax = hits.Length; b < bmax; ++b)
                        if (IsVisible(ref hits[b]))
                            hit = hits[b];
                else if (hits.Length == 1 && IsVisible(ref hits[0]))
                    hit = hits[0];
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, dist, mask))
        hit = mEmpty;
Exemple #28
    public void Start()
        displayManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISDisplayManager)) as RUISDisplayManager;

        distanceFromCameraLerped = distanceFromCamera;

        if (disableIfOtherDevices)
            RUISInputManager inputManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISInputManager)) as RUISInputManager;
            if (inputManager)
                bool   otherDevices = false;
                string deviceNames  = "";
                if (inputManager.enableKinect)
                    deviceNames += "Kinect 1";
                    otherDevices = true;
                if (inputManager.enableKinect2)
                    deviceNames += "Kinect 2";
                    otherDevices = true;
                if (inputManager.enableRazerHydra)
                    if (deviceNames.Length > 0)
                        deviceNames += ", ";
                    deviceNames += "Razer Hydra";
                    otherDevices = true;

                if (inputManager.enablePSMove)
                    if (deviceNames.Length > 0)
                        deviceNames += ", ";
                    deviceNames += "PS Move";
                    otherDevices = true;

                    var system = Valve.VR.OpenVR.System;
                    if (system != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < Valve.VR.OpenVR.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount; ++i)
                            //SteamVR_Controller.Device device = SteamVR_Controller.Input(i);
                            //if(device != null && device.connected && device.valid && system.GetTrackedDeviceClass(device.index) == Valve.VR.ETrackedDeviceClass.Controller)
                            //	if(deviceNames.Length > 0)
                            //		deviceNames += ", ";
                            //	deviceNames += "OpenVR controller";
                            //	otherDevices = true;
                            //	break;
                } catch {}

                if (otherDevices)
                    Debug.Log("Disabling MouseWand GameObject '" + gameObject.name + "' because the "
                              + "following input devices were found: " + deviceNames);

        if (!displayManager)
            Debug.LogError("RUISMouseWand requires a RUISDisplayManager in the scene!");
Exemple #29
//	Ovr.HmdType ovrHmdVersion; //06to08

    void Awake()
        if (!scriptEnabled)

        inputManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISInputManager)) as RUISInputManager;

        bool kinect2 = false;
        bool kinect  = false;
        bool psmove  = false;
        bool razer   = false;

//		bool isRiftConnected = false;
//		{
//			try
//			{
//				// Find out if an Oculus HMD is connected
//				if(OVRManager.display != null)
//					isRiftConnected = OVRManager.display.isPresent; //06to08
//				// Find out the Oculus HMD version
//				if(OVRManager.capiHmd != null)
//					ovrHmdVersion = OVRManager.capiHmd.GetDesc().Type; //06to08
//			}
//			catch(UnityException e)
//			{
//				Debug.LogError(e);
//			}
//		}
        if (inputManager)
            kinect2 = inputManager.enableKinect2;
            kinect  = inputManager.enableKinect;
            psmove  = inputManager.enablePSMove;
            razer   = inputManager.enableRazerHydra;

            int         trackerCount      = 0;
            RUISTracker closestMatch      = null;
            int         currentMatchScore = 0;

            bool kinect2FoundBySystem = false;
            if (kinect2)
                    Kinect2SourceManager kinect2SourceManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(Kinect2SourceManager)) as Kinect2SourceManager;

                    if (kinect2SourceManager != null && kinect2SourceManager.GetSensor() != null && kinect2SourceManager.GetSensor().IsOpen)
                        // IsOpen seems to return false mostly if Kinect 2 drivers are not installed?
                        kinect2FoundBySystem = true;

                if (!kinect2FoundBySystem)
                    kinect2 = false;

            RUISHeadTrackerAssigner[] assigners = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(RUISHeadTrackerAssigner)) as RUISHeadTrackerAssigner[];
            if (!allowMultipleAssigners && assigners.Length > 1)
                Debug.LogError("Multiple active RUISHeadTrackerAssigner scripts found while 'Allow Multiple Assigners' is false: "
                               + "Disabling all headtrackers and their child objects that are listed in the RUISHeadTrackerAssigner "
                               + "component of '" + gameObject.name + "' object.");

                for (int i = 0; i < headTrackers.Capacity; ++i)
                    if (headTrackers[i] && headTrackers[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy)

            foreach (RUISTracker trackerScript in headTrackers)
                if (trackerScript && trackerScript.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                    int foundTrackerScore = 0;

//					bool openVRHmdFound = false;
//					try
//					{
//						if(RUISDisplayManager.IsOpenVrAccessible() && Valve.VR.OpenVR.IsHmdPresent()) // *** TODO HACK Valve API
//							openVRHmdFound = true;
//					} catch{}

                    // Give score to found head trackers
                    if (RUISDisplayManager.IsHmdPresent() && UnityEngine.XR.XRSettings.enabled && trackerScript.headPositionInput == RUISTracker.HeadPositionSource.OpenVR)
                        foundTrackerScore = 7;
                    else if (psmove && trackerScript.headPositionInput == RUISTracker.HeadPositionSource.PSMove)
                        foundTrackerScore = 6;
                    else if (razer && trackerScript.isRazerBaseMobile &&                         // Legacy: Mobile Hydra Base (custom tracker)
                             trackerScript.headPositionInput == RUISTracker.HeadPositionSource.RazerHydra &&
                             trackerScript.mobileRazerBase == RUISTracker.RazerHydraBase.InputTransform)
                        foundTrackerScore = 5;
                    else if (kinect2 && trackerScript.headPositionInput == RUISTracker.HeadPositionSource.Kinect2)
                        foundTrackerScore = 4;
                    else if (kinect && razer && trackerScript.isRazerBaseMobile &&                         // Legacy: Mobile Hydra Base (Kinect)
                             trackerScript.headPositionInput == RUISTracker.HeadPositionSource.RazerHydra &&
                             trackerScript.mobileRazerBase == RUISTracker.RazerHydraBase.Kinect1)
                        foundTrackerScore = 3;
                    else if (kinect && trackerScript.headPositionInput == RUISTracker.HeadPositionSource.Kinect1)
                        foundTrackerScore = 2;
                    else if (razer && trackerScript.headPositionInput == RUISTracker.HeadPositionSource.RazerHydra &&                         // Plain ol' Razer Hydra
                        foundTrackerScore = 1;

                    // Assign new best head tracker candidate if it is better than the previously found
                    if (currentMatchScore < foundTrackerScore)
                        closestMatch      = trackerScript;
                        currentMatchScore = foundTrackerScore;

            if (trackerCount == 0 && Application.isEditor)
                Debug.LogError("No active GameObjects with RUISTracker script found from headTrackers list!");

            string     positionTracker = "<None>";
            string     logString       = "";
            string     names           = "";
            RUISCamera ruisCamera      = null;

            if (closestMatch == null)
                // Disable all but the first active head tracker from the headTrackers list
                logString = "Could not find a suitable head tracker with regard to "
                            + "enabled devices in RUISInputManager!";

                bool disabling        = false;
                int  leftEnabledIndex = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < headTrackers.Capacity; ++i)
                    if (headTrackers[i] && headTrackers[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                        if (disabling)
                            if (names.Length > 0)
                                names = names + ", ";
                            names = names + headTrackers[i].gameObject.name;
                            leftEnabledIndex = i;
                            closestMatch     = headTrackers[leftEnabledIndex];
                            positionTracker  = headTrackers[leftEnabledIndex].gameObject.name;
                            disabling        = true;
                if (leftEnabledIndex >= 0)
                    logString = logString + " Choosing the first head tracker in the list. Using "
                                + positionTracker + " for tracking head position";
                    if (names.Length > 0)
                        logString = logString + ", and disabling the following: " + names;
                    logString = logString + ". This choice was made using a pre-selected list of "
                                + "head trackers.";

                    ruisCamera = headTrackers[leftEnabledIndex].gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <RUISCamera>();
                // Disable all but the closest match head tracker from the headTrackers list
                for (int i = 0; i < headTrackers.Capacity; ++i)
                    if (headTrackers[i] && headTrackers[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                        if (headTrackers[i] != closestMatch)
                            if (names.Length > 0)
                                names = names + ", ";
                            names = names + headTrackers[i].gameObject.name;
                            positionTracker = headTrackers[i].gameObject.name;
                logString = "Found the best head tracker with regard to enabled devices in "
                            + "RUISInputManager! Using " + positionTracker + " for tracking head position";
                if (names.Length > 0)
                    logString = logString + ", and disabling the following: " + names;
                Debug.Log(logString + ". This choice was made using a pre-selected list of head trackers.");

                ruisCamera = closestMatch.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <RUISCamera>();

                if (changePivotIfNoKinect && psmove && !kinect && !kinect2 &&
                    closestMatch.headPositionInput == RUISTracker.HeadPositionSource.PSMove)
                    RUISCharacterController characterController = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <RUISCharacterController>();
                    if (characterController != null &&
                        characterController.characterPivotType != RUISCharacterController.CharacterPivotType.MoveController)
                        characterController.characterPivotType = RUISCharacterController.CharacterPivotType.MoveController;
                        characterController.moveControllerId   = closestMatch.positionPSMoveID;
                        Debug.Log("PS Move enabled and Kinect disabled. Setting " + characterController.name
                                  + "'s Character Pivot as PS Move controller #" + closestMatch.positionPSMoveID
                                  + ". PS Move position offset for this pivot is " + characterController.psmoveOffset);

            if (ruisCamera)
                if (display == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("No RUISDisplay attached to the RUISHeadTrackerAssigner script!");
                    RUISDisplay[] displays = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(RUISDisplay)) as RUISDisplay[];
                    for (int i = 0; i < displays.Length; ++i)
                        if (displays[i].linkedCamera == null)
                            Debug.LogWarning("Assigned RUISCamera component from the child of " + positionTracker
                                             + " to render on " + displays[i].gameObject.name + " because that "
                                             + "RUISDisplay component's RUISCamera field was empty.");
                            displays[i].linkedCamera = ruisCamera;
                    if (display.linkedCamera == null)
                        Debug.Log("Assigned RUISCamera component from the child of " + positionTracker
                                  + " to render on " + display.gameObject.name);
                        display.linkedCamera = ruisCamera;
                        Debug.LogWarning("RUISDisplay " + display.gameObject.name + " is already connected with a "
                                         + "RUISCamera object! Leave the RUISCamera field empty in your RUISDisplay "
                                         + "component if you want RUISHeadTrackerAssigner script to automatically "
                                         + "assign a RUISCamera to your RUISDisplay.");
                if (closestMatch)
                    Debug.LogError(positionTracker + " did not have a child with RUISCamera component, "
                                   + "and therefore it is not used to draw on any of the displays in "
                                   + "DisplayManager.");

            // If we are using Razer with a static base for head tracking, then apply onlyRazerOffset
            // on the parent objects of the Razer head tracker and the hand-held Razer
            if (closestMatch != null && razer &&
                closestMatch.headPositionInput == RUISTracker.HeadPositionSource.RazerHydra &&
                // The parent object of the Razer head tracker must not have RUISCharacterConroller,
                // because that script will modify the object's position
                if (closestMatch.transform.parent != null &&
                    closestMatch.transform.parent.GetComponent <RUISCharacterController>() == null &&
                    (onlyRazerOffset.x != 0 || onlyRazerOffset.y != 0 || onlyRazerOffset.z != 0))
                    string razerWandOffsetInfo = "";
                    closestMatch.transform.parent.localPosition += onlyRazerOffset;
                    if (razerWandParent != null)
                        razerWandParent.localPosition += onlyRazerOffset;
                        razerWandOffsetInfo            = " and " + razerWandParent.gameObject.name + " (parent of hand-held Razer "
                                                         + "Hydra)";
                    Debug.Log("Applying offset of " + onlyRazerOffset + " to "
                              + closestMatch.transform.parent.gameObject.name + " (parent of Razer Hydra head tracker)"
                              + razerWandOffsetInfo + ".");

            // If no Razer, Kinect, or PS Move is available, then apply onlyMouseOffset
            // on the parent object of the head tracker that is left enabled
//			if(		closestMatch != null && !razer && !kinect && !psmove)
//			{
//				// The parent object of the Razer head tracker must not have RUISCharacterConroller,
//				// because that script will modify the object's position
//				if(		closestMatch.transform.parent != null
//					&&	closestMatch.transform.parent.GetComponent<RUISCharacterController>() == null
//					&& (onlyMouseOffset.x != 0 || onlyMouseOffset.y != 0 || onlyMouseOffset.z != 0)  )
//				{
//					closestMatch.transform.parent.localPosition += onlyMouseOffset;
//					Debug.Log(  "Applying offset of " + onlyMouseOffset + " to "
//							   + closestMatch.transform.parent.gameObject.name + " (parent of assigned head tracker).");
//				}
//			}

            // *** HACK TODO: Below is slightly hacky and only for HMDs with drift (i.e. Rift DK1)
            // Read inputConfig.xml to see if Kinect yaw drift correction for Oculus Rift should be enabled
            if (closestMatch != null &&
                closestMatch.useHmdRotation && applyKinectDriftCorrectionPreference)
                if (inputManager.kinectDriftCorrectionPreferred)
                    // Preference is to use Kinect for drift correction (if PS Move is not used for head tracking)
                    switch (closestMatch.headPositionInput)
                    case RUISTracker.HeadPositionSource.Kinect1:
                        if (!psmove && kinect)
                            closestMatch.externalDriftCorrection = true;
                            closestMatch.compass = RUISTracker.CompassSource.Kinect1;

                    case RUISTracker.HeadPositionSource.RazerHydra:
                        if (!psmove && kinect && razer)
                            if (closestMatch.isRazerBaseMobile)
                                closestMatch.externalDriftCorrection = true;
                                closestMatch.compass = RUISTracker.CompassSource.Kinect1;
                    // Preference is NOT to use Kinect for drift correction
                    if (closestMatch.headPositionInput == RUISTracker.HeadPositionSource.Kinect1 &&
                        !psmove && kinect)
                        closestMatch.externalDriftCorrection = false;
	void Awake() 
		// Phase: select and configure devices
		buttons.Add(this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Buttons/Button - Calibration").gameObject);
		buttons.Add(this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Buttons/Button - Display Management").gameObject);
		buttons.Add(this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Buttons/Button - Save Config & Restart Scene").gameObject);
		buttons.Add(this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Buttons/Button - Discard Configuration").gameObject);
		buttons.Add(this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Buttons/Button - Quit Application").gameObject);
		// Phase: key stone configuration
		buttons.Add(this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/keyStoneConfiguration/Button - Reset Keystoning").gameObject);
		buttons.Add(this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/keyStoneConfiguration/Button - Save Configurations").gameObject);
		buttons.Add(this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/keyStoneConfiguration/Button - Load Old Configurations").gameObject);
		buttons.Add(this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/keyStoneConfiguration/Button - End Display Editing").gameObject);
		checkBoxes.Add (this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Kinect/Checkbox - Use Kinect").gameObject);
		checkBoxes.Add (this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Kinect2/Checkbox - Use Kinect 2").gameObject);
		checkBoxes.Add (this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Kinect/Checkbox - Use Kinect Drift Correction").gameObject);
		checkBoxes.Add (this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/PSMove/Checkbox - Use PSMove").gameObject);
		checkBoxes.Add (this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Hydra/Checkbox - Use Hydra").gameObject);
		textFields.Add (this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/PSMove/Input - PSMove Port").gameObject);
		textFields.Add (this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/PSMove/Input - PSMove IP").gameObject);
		inputManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISInputManager)) as RUISInputManager;
		displayManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISDisplayManager)) as RUISDisplayManager;

		kinectOrigGUIPos = this.transform.Find ( "NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Kinect").transform.localPosition;
		kinect2OrigGUIPos = this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Kinect2").transform.localPosition;
		hydraOrigGUIPos = this.transform.Find (  "NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Hydra").transform.localPosition;
		infotextOrigGUIPos = this.transform.Find("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Infotexts").transform.localPosition;
//		psMoveOrigGUIPos = this.transform.Find  ("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/PSMove").transform.localPosition;
//		buttonsOrigGUIPos = this.transform.Find ("NGUIControls/Panel/selectAndConfigureDevices/Buttons").transform.localPosition;
Exemple #31
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(displays, true);


        //if there is only one display we want to give the user the opportunity to set fullscreen
        if (displays.arraySize == 1)
            allowResolutionDialog.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Allow resolution dialog", "Allow the usage of the resolution dialog"), allowResolutionDialog.boolValue);
            if (allowResolutionDialog.boolValue)
                PlayerSettings.displayResolutionDialog = ResolutionDialogSetting.Enabled;
                PlayerSettings.displayResolutionDialog = ResolutionDialogSetting.Disabled;
            PlayerSettings.displayResolutionDialog = ResolutionDialogSetting.Disabled;
            allowResolutionDialog.boolValue        = false;

        if (GUILayout.Button("Add display"))
            SerializedProperty newDisplayProperty = displays.GetArrayElementAtIndex(displays.arraySize - 1);
            GameObject         newDisplay         = Instantiate(displayPrefab) as GameObject;
            newDisplay.name = "NewDisplay";
            newDisplay.GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().xmlFilename = newDisplay.name + displays.arraySize + ".xml";
            newDisplay.transform.parent             = (target as RUISDisplayManager).transform;
            newDisplayProperty.objectReferenceValue = newDisplay;


        int removeIndex = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < displays.arraySize; i++)

            RUISDisplay display = displays.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).objectReferenceValue as RUISDisplay;
            if (display == null)
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Format("{0} ({1}x{2})", display.name, display.resolutionX, display.resolutionY));

            if (displays.arraySize > 1)
                if (GUILayout.Button("Move up", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)))

                if (GUILayout.Button("Move down", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)))

            if (GUILayout.Button("Delete", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)))
                if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Confirm deletion", "Are you sure you want to delete this display?", "Delete", "Cancel"))
                    removeIndex = i;


        if (removeIndex != -1)
            for (int i = removeIndex + 1; i < displays.arraySize; i++)
            displays.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(displays.arraySize - 1);

        RUISDisplayManager displayManager = target as RUISDisplayManager;

        PlayerSettings.defaultScreenWidth  = displayManager.totalRawResolutionX;
        PlayerSettings.defaultScreenHeight = displayManager.totalRawResolutionY;

        //stuff for drawing the display boxes
        int optimalWidth  = Screen.width - displayManager.displays.Count;
        int optimalHeight = (int)((float)displayManager.totalResolutionY / displayManager.totalResolutionX * optimalWidth);

        EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Width(Screen.width), GUILayout.Height(optimalHeight));

        foreach (RUISDisplay display in displayManager.displays)
            if (display.isStereo)
                displayBoxStyle.normal.background = stereoDisplayTexture;
                displayBoxStyle.normal.background = monoDisplayTexture;
            GUILayout.Box(display.name, displayBoxStyle, GUILayout.Width(((float)display.resolutionX / displayManager.totalResolutionX) * optimalWidth), GUILayout.Height(optimalHeight * (float)display.resolutionY / displayManager.totalResolutionY));



        //remove all child displays that aren't in the list anymore
        RUISDisplay displayToDestroy = null;

        foreach (RUISDisplay display in displayManager.GetComponentsInChildren <RUISDisplay>())
            if (!displayManager.displays.Contains(display))
                displayToDestroy = display;
        if (displayToDestroy)
Exemple #32
    void Start()
        colliding = false;
        grounded  = false;

        // Second substitution, because RUISKinectAndMecanimCombiner might have already erased the original one and re-created it
        skeletonController = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <RUISSkeletonController>();
        if (skeletonController)
            kinectPlayerId       = skeletonController.playerId;
            bodyTrackingDeviceID = skeletonController.bodyTrackingDeviceID;
            Debug.LogError("RUISCharacterController script in game object '" + gameObject.name
                           + "' did not find RUISSkeletonController component from it's child objects!");

        coordinateSystem = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISCoordinateSystem)) as RUISCoordinateSystem;

        if (stabilizingCollider)
            colliderComponent = stabilizingCollider.gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>();
            if (colliderComponent)
                if (characterPivotType == CharacterPivotType.KinectHead ||
                    characterPivotType == CharacterPivotType.KinectTorso)
                    if (coordinateSystem && (inputManager.enableKinect || inputManager.enableKinect2) && !coordinateSystem.setKinectOriginToFloor)
                        Debug.LogWarning("It is best to enable 'setKinectOriginToFloor' from RUISCoordinateSystem " +
                                         "when using Kinect and RUISCharacterController script.");

                if (colliderComponent.material)
                    originalMaterial = colliderComponent.material;
                    colliderComponent.material = new PhysicMaterial();
                    originalMaterial           = colliderComponent.material;

                if (dynamicMaterial == null)
                    dynamicMaterial = new PhysicMaterial();

                    dynamicMaterial.dynamicFriction = 0;
                    dynamicMaterial.staticFriction  = 0;
                    dynamicMaterial.frictionCombine = PhysicMaterialCombine.Minimum;

                    if (colliderComponent.material)
                        dynamicMaterial.bounceCombine = originalMaterial.bounceCombine;
                        dynamicMaterial.bounciness    = originalMaterial.bounciness;
//						dynamicMaterial.staticFriction2 = originalMaterial.staticFriction2; // Deprecated since Unity 5.2ish
//						dynamicMaterial.dynamicFriction2 = originalMaterial.dynamicFriction2;
//						dynamicMaterial.frictionDirection2 = originalMaterial.frictionDirection2;
        if ((characterPivotType == CharacterPivotType.KinectHead ||
             characterPivotType == CharacterPivotType.KinectTorso) &&
            (skeletonController && skeletonController.playerId != kinectPlayerId))
            Debug.LogError("The 'Kinect Player Id' variable in RUISCharacterController script in gameObject '" + gameObject.name
                           + "is different from the Kinect Player Id of the RUISSkeletonController script (located in child "
                           + "object '" + skeletonController.gameObject.name + "). Make sure that these two values are "
                           + "the same.");

        if (useHmdPositionalTracking && !RUISDisplayManager.IsHmdPositionTrackable())
            Debug.LogError("Position tracked head-mounted display is not found, can't use it as a character pivot!");

//		try
//		{
//			bool isRiftConnected = false;
//			if(OVRManager.display != null)
//				isRiftConnected = OVRManager.display.isPresent; //06to08
//			if(OVRManager.capiHmd != null)
//				ovrHmdVersion = OVRManager.capiHmd.GetDesc().Type; //06to08
//			if(useOculusPositionalTracking && ovrHmdVersion == Ovr.HmdType.DK1 || ovrHmdVersion == Ovr.HmdType.DKHD || ovrHmdVersion == Ovr.HmdType.None) //06to08
//			{
//				Debug.LogError("Can't use Oculus Rift's tracked position as a pivot with Oculus Rift " + ovrHmdVersion);
//				useOculusPositionalTracking = false;
//			}
//			if(useOculusPositionalTracking && !isRiftConnected)
//			{
//				Debug.LogError("Can't use Oculus Rift's tracked position as a pivot because Oculus Rift is not connected.");
//				useOculusPositionalTracking = false;
//			}
//		}
//		catch(UnityException e)
//		{
//			useOculusPositionalTracking = false;
//			Debug.LogError(e);
//		}

        if (GetComponentInChildren <RUISKinectAndMecanimCombiner>())
            kinectAndMecanimCombinerExists = true;

        previousPosition = transform.position;
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(displays, true);


        //if there is only one display we want to give the user the opportunity to set fullscreen
        if (displays.arraySize == 1)
//			allowResolutionDialog.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent(  "Allow Resolution Dialog", "Enables the Resolution Dialog when your "
//			                                                                        + "standalone build starts if you have only one RUISDisplay. NOTE: In "
//			                                                                        + "all other cases the 'Display Resolution Dialog' setting in Unity's "
//			                                                                        + "Player Settings will be overriden with false. In those cases RUIS "
//			                                                                        + "will attempt to force the standalone game window to have the total "
//			                                                                        + "resolution that is the sum of your RUISDisplays arranged side-by-side."),
//			                                                         allowResolutionDialog.boolValue);
//            if (allowResolutionDialog.boolValue)
//            {
//                PlayerSettings.displayResolutionDialog = ResolutionDialogSetting.Enabled;
//            }
//            else
//            {
//                PlayerSettings.displayResolutionDialog = ResolutionDialogSetting.Disabled;
//            }
            EditorStyles.textField.wordWrap = true;
            EditorGUILayout.TextArea("Below configuration has multiple RUISDisplays. 'Display Resolution Dialog' setting is automatically disabled "
                                     + "in Unity's Player Settings.", GUILayout.Height(60));

            PlayerSettings.displayResolutionDialog = ResolutionDialogSetting.Disabled;
//            allowResolutionDialog.boolValue = false;

        if (GUILayout.Button("Add Display"))
            SerializedProperty newDisplayProperty = displays.GetArrayElementAtIndex(displays.arraySize - 1);
            GameObject         newDisplay         = Instantiate(displayPrefab) as GameObject;
            newDisplay.name = "NewDisplay";
            newDisplay.GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().xmlFilename = newDisplay.name + displays.arraySize + ".xml";
            newDisplay.transform.parent             = (target as RUISDisplayManager).transform;
            newDisplayProperty.objectReferenceValue = newDisplay;


        int removeIndex = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < displays.arraySize; i++)

            RUISDisplay display = displays.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).objectReferenceValue as RUISDisplay;
            if (display == null)
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.Format("{0} ({1}x{2})", display.name, display.resolutionX, display.resolutionY));

            if (displays.arraySize > 1)
                if (GUILayout.Button("Move Up", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)))

                if (GUILayout.Button("Move Down", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)))

            if (GUILayout.Button("Delete", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)))
                if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Confirm deletion", "Are you sure you want to delete this display?", "Delete", "Cancel"))
                    removeIndex = i;


        if (removeIndex != -1)
            for (int i = removeIndex + 1; i < displays.arraySize; i++)
            displays.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(displays.arraySize - 1);

        RUISDisplayManager displayManager = target as RUISDisplayManager;

        PlayerSettings.defaultScreenWidth  = displayManager.totalRawResolutionX;
        PlayerSettings.defaultScreenHeight = displayManager.totalRawResolutionY;

        //stuff for drawing the display boxes
        int optimalWidth  = Screen.width - displayManager.displays.Count;
        int optimalHeight = (int)((float)displayManager.totalResolutionY / displayManager.totalResolutionX * optimalWidth);

        EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Width(Screen.width), GUILayout.Height(optimalHeight));

        foreach (RUISDisplay display in displayManager.displays)
            if (display.isStereo)
                displayBoxStyle.normal.background = stereoDisplayTexture;
                displayBoxStyle.normal.background = monoDisplayTexture;
            GUILayout.Box(display.name, displayBoxStyle, GUILayout.Width(((float)display.resolutionX / displayManager.totalResolutionX) * optimalWidth), GUILayout.Height(optimalHeight * (float)display.resolutionY / displayManager.totalResolutionY));


        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Display With RUIS Menu:");
        guiDisplayChoices = new List <string>();
        for (int i = 0; i < displayManager.displays.Count; ++i)
            guiDisplayChoices.Add(i + " " + displayManager.displays[i].name);
        //MonoBehaviour.print(guiDisplayChoiceLink + ":" + guiDisplayChoices.Count);
        if (guiDisplayChoiceLink.intValue >= guiDisplayChoices.Count)
            guiDisplayChoiceLink.intValue = 0;
        guiDisplayChoiceLink.intValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup(guiDisplayChoiceLink.intValue, guiDisplayChoices.ToArray());


        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("RUIS Menu Local Coordinates:");
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(guiX, new GUIContent("X", "X-offset from camera"));
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(guiY, new GUIContent("Y", "Y-offset from camera"));
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(guiZ, new GUIContent("Z", "Z-offset from camera"));


        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("RUIS Menu Scale:");
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(guiScaleX, new GUIContent("X-scale", "Scales menu horizontally"));
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(guiScaleY, new GUIContent("Y-scale", "Scales menu vertically"));
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(hideMouseOnPlay, new GUIContent("Hide Mouse On Play", "Operating system mouse cursor will be hidden"));
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(menuCursorPrefab, new GUIContent("Menu Cursor Prefab", "The prefab that will be instantiated when RUIS Menu is "
                                                                       + "invoked (ESC key)"));
        menuLayer.intValue = EditorGUILayout.LayerField(new GUIContent("Menu Layer", "RUIS Menu mouse cursor ray is cast against objects on this layer only"), menuLayer.intValue);


        //remove all child displays that aren't in the list anymore
        RUISDisplay displayToDestroy = null;

        foreach (RUISDisplay display in displayManager.GetComponentsInChildren <RUISDisplay>())
            if (!displayManager.displays.Contains(display))
                displayToDestroy = display;
        if (displayToDestroy)
Exemple #34
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        catch (UnityException)
            ruisMenuButtonDefined = false;

        inputManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISInputManager)) as RUISInputManager;
        enablePSMove = inputManager.enablePSMove;
        psMoveIP = inputManager.PSMoveIP;
        psMovePort = inputManager.PSMovePort;

        jumpGesture = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISJumpGestureRecognizer)) as RUISJumpGestureRecognizer;

        displayManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISDisplayManager)) as RUISDisplayManager;
        riftDisplay = displayManager.GetOculusRiftDisplay();

        // TODO: This menu should work with any stereo view, not just Rift. riftDisplay.linkedCamera is null when Rift is disabled.
        if (oculusRiftMenu && riftDisplay && riftDisplay.linkedCamera )
            windowRect = new Rect(riftDisplay.linkedCamera.leftCamera.pixelRect.x
                                    + riftDisplay.resolutionX / 4 - 100, riftDisplay.resolutionY / 2 - 220, 250, 250);

Exemple #35
    private Vector3 GetPivotPositionInTrackerCoordinates()
        if (useHmdPositionalTracking && RUISDisplayManager.IsHmdPositionTrackable() && coordinateSystem)
            if (coordinateSystem.applyToRootCoordinates)
                return(coordinateSystem.ConvertLocation(coordinateSystem.GetHmdRawPosition(), RUISDevice.OpenVR));
            switch (characterPivotType)
            case CharacterPivotType.KinectHead:
                if ((bodyTrackingDeviceID == RUISSkeletonManager.kinect2SensorID && !inputManager.enableKinect2) ||
                    (bodyTrackingDeviceID == RUISSkeletonManager.kinect1SensorID && !inputManager.enableKinect))

                if (skeletonManager && skeletonManager.skeletons[bodyTrackingDeviceID, kinectPlayerId] != null)
                    if (skeletonController)                            // Add root speed scaling
                        return(Vector3.Scale(skeletonManager.skeletons[bodyTrackingDeviceID, kinectPlayerId].head.position, skeletonController.rootSpeedScaling));
                        return(skeletonManager.skeletons[bodyTrackingDeviceID, kinectPlayerId].head.position);

            case CharacterPivotType.KinectTorso:
                if ((bodyTrackingDeviceID == RUISSkeletonManager.kinect2SensorID && !inputManager.enableKinect2) ||
                    (bodyTrackingDeviceID == RUISSkeletonManager.kinect1SensorID && !inputManager.enableKinect))

                if (skeletonManager && skeletonManager.skeletons[bodyTrackingDeviceID, kinectPlayerId] != null)
                    if (skeletonController)                            // Add root speed scaling
                        return(Vector3.Scale(skeletonManager.skeletons[bodyTrackingDeviceID, kinectPlayerId].torso.position, skeletonController.rootSpeedScaling));
                        return(skeletonManager.skeletons[bodyTrackingDeviceID, kinectPlayerId].torso.position);

            case CharacterPivotType.MoveController:
                if (!inputManager.enablePSMove)

                //	return inputManager.GetMoveWand(moveControllerId).handlePosition;

        if (skeletonController != null)
//	public RUISDisplay GetHmdDisplay()
//	{
//		foreach(RUISDisplay display in displays)
//		{
//			if(display.linkedCamera && display.isHmdDisplay)
//			{
//				return display;
//			}
//		}
//		return null;
//	}

    private void InitRUISMenu(GameObject ruisMenuPrefab, int guiDisplayChoice)
        if (ruisMenuPrefab == null)

        // HACK: displays is a list and accessing components by index might break if we modify the list in run-time
        if (displays.Count <= guiDisplayChoice)
            Debug.LogError("displays.Count is too small: " + displays.Count + ", because guiDisplayChoice == " + guiDisplayChoice
                           + ". Add more RUISDisplays or change the 'Display With RUIS Menu' field in " + typeof(RUISDisplayManager), this);

        if (displays[guiDisplayChoice] == null ||
            displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>() == null ||
            displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera == null)

        GameObject ruisMenu = Instantiate(ruisMenuPrefab) as GameObject;

        if (ruisMenu == null)

        if (menuLayer == -1)
            Debug.LogError("Could not find layer '" + LayerMask.LayerToName(menuLayer) + "', the RUIS menu cursor will not work without this layer! "
                           + "The prefab '" + ruisMenuPrefab.name + "' and its children should be on this layer.");

        if (!displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().isStereo /* && !displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent<RUISDisplay>().enableOculusRift */)
            if (displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.centerCamera)
                displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.centerCamera.gameObject.AddComponent <UICamera>();
                Debug.LogError("The " + typeof(RUISDisplay) + " that was assigned with 'RUIS Menu Prefab' in " + typeof(RUISDisplayManager) + " has an 'Attached Camera' "
                               + " whose centerCamera is null for some reason! Can't create UICamera.");
            if (displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.rightCamera)
                displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.rightCamera.gameObject.AddComponent <UICamera>();
                Debug.LogError("The " + typeof(RUISDisplay) + " that was assigned with 'RUIS Menu Prefab' in " + typeof(RUISDisplayManager) + " has an 'Attached Camera' "
                               + " whose rightCamera is null for some reason! Can't create UICamera.");
            if (displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.leftCamera)
                displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.leftCamera.gameObject.AddComponent <UICamera>();
                Debug.LogError("The " + typeof(RUISDisplay) + " that was assigned with 'RUIS Menu Prefab' in " + typeof(RUISDisplayManager) + " has an 'Attached Camera' "
                               + " whose leftCamera is null for some reason! Can't create UICamera.");

        UICamera[] NGUIcameras = displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.GetComponentsInChildren <UICamera>();

        foreach (UICamera camera in NGUIcameras)
            camera.eventReceiverMask = LayerMask.GetMask(LayerMask.LayerToName(menuLayer));

        string primaryMenuParent   = displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.centerCameraName;
        string secondaryMenuParent = displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.rightCameraName;
        string tertiaryMenuParent  = displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.leftCameraName;

        if (displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.centerCamera &&
            !(displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().isStereo&& RUISDisplayManager.IsHmdPresent() &&
              displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.centerCamera.stereoTargetEye != StereoTargetEyeMask.None))
            ruisMenu.transform.parent = displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.centerCamera.transform;
            if (displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.rightCamera)
                ruisMenu.transform.parent = displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.rightCamera.transform;
                if (displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.leftCamera)
                    ruisMenu.transform.parent = displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.leftCamera.transform;
//					Debug.LogError(  "Could not find any of the following gameObjects under "
//					               + displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent<RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.gameObject.name
//					               + ": " + primaryMenuParent + ", " + secondaryMenuParent + ", " + tertiaryMenuParent + ". RUIS Menu will be parented "
//						+ "directly under " + displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent<RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.gameObject.name + ".");
//					ruisMenu.transform.parent = displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent<RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.transform;
                    Debug.LogError("Can't parent RUIS Menu Prefab under the correct Transform because the " + typeof(RUISCamera) + " in gameObject "
                                   + displays[guiDisplayChoice].GetComponent <RUISDisplay>().linkedCamera.gameObject + " has null value for centerCamera, "
                                   + "leftCamera, and rightCamera.");

        ruisMenu.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
        ruisMenu.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(guiX, guiY, guiZ);

        if (ruisMenu.GetComponent <RUISMenuNGUI>())
            ruisMenu.GetComponent <RUISMenuNGUI>().Hide3DGUI();