Exemple #1
         * Prints {@link com.revo.deployr.client.broker.RTaskResult}
         * to console output.
        public static void printRTaskResult(RTask task, RTaskResult result, String error)
            Console.WriteLine("\nTask: " + task);

            if (error != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Status[fail]: cause=" + error);
                switch (result.getType())
                case RTaskType.DISCRETE:
                    if (result.isSuccess())
                        Console.WriteLine("Status[ok]: [ code : " +
                                          result.getTimeOnCode() + " , server : " +
                                          result.getTimeOnServer() + " , call : " +
                                          result.getTimeOnCall() + " ]");
                        Console.WriteLine("Status[fail]: cause=" + result.getFailure());

                case RTaskType.POOLED:
                    if (result.isSuccess())
                        Console.WriteLine("Status[ok]: [ code : " +
                                          result.getTimeOnCode() + " , server : " +
                                          result.getTimeOnServer() + " , call : " +
                                          result.getTimeOnCall() + " ]");
                        Console.WriteLine("Status[fail]: cause=" + result.getFailure());

                case RTaskType.BACKGROUND:
                    if (result.isSuccess())
                        Console.WriteLine("Status[ok]: [ server : " +
                                          result.getTimeOnServer() + " , call : " +
                                          result.getTimeOnCall() + " ]");
                        Console.WriteLine("Status[fail]: cause=" + result.getFailure());
            * Prints {@link com.revo.deployr.client.broker.RTaskResult}
            * to console output.
        public static void printRTaskResult(RTask task, RTaskResult result, String error)
            Console.WriteLine("\nTask: " + task);

            if(error != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Status[fail]: cause=" + error);


                    case RTaskType.DISCRETE:
                            Console.WriteLine("Status[ok]: [ code : " +
                                    result.getTimeOnCode() + " , server : " +
                                    result.getTimeOnServer() + " , call : " +
                                    result.getTimeOnCall() + " ]");
                            Console.WriteLine("Status[fail]: cause=" + result.getFailure());

                    case RTaskType.POOLED:
                            Console.WriteLine("Status[ok]: [ code : " +
                                    result.getTimeOnCode() + " , server : " +
                                    result.getTimeOnServer() + " , call : " +
                                    result.getTimeOnCall() + " ]");
                            Console.WriteLine("Status[fail]: cause=" + result.getFailure());

                    case RTaskType.BACKGROUND:
                            Console.WriteLine("Status[ok]: [ server : " +
                                    result.getTimeOnServer() + " , call : " +
                                    result.getTimeOnCall() + " ]");
                            Console.WriteLine("Status[fail]: cause=" + result.getFailure());

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a resource token for the task back to the token pool.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">RTask submitted for execution as a background task</param>
        /// <param name="result">RTaskResult containing the results of the completed task</param>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public override void callback(RTask task, RTaskResult result)
            Object obj;

            m_taskResourceTokenMap.TryGetValue(task, out obj);
            RProject rProject = (RProject)obj;

             * Check for Grid Exception
            Boolean bGridException = false;

            Exception failure = result.getFailure();

            if (failure != null)
                if (failure.GetType() == typeof(HTTPRestException))
                    HTTPRestException ex = (HTTPRestException)failure;
                    if (ex.errorCode >= 910 || ex.errorCode == 403)
                        bGridException = true;

            if (bGridException == true)
                 * On detection of an RGridException drop the RProject from
                 * the pool so further tasks are not directed to that RProject.
                 * We achieve this by simply not adding the RProject back to the
                 * resourceTokenPool on this callback.
                 * We then need to adjust the parallelTaskLimit so the RBroker
                 * will report the new (smaller) pool size on
                 * RBroker.maxConcurrency() calls.

                if (m_taskListener != null)
                     * When asynchronous listener in use, failed task
                     * executions due to slot or grid failures can be
                     * automatically resubmitted for execution by the RBroker.
                     * When RTaskResult.repeatTask is enabled the
                     * RBrokerEngine.RBrokerListenerManager will skip
                     * calling taskListener.onTaskCompleted(task, result).
                     * This prevents a client application from seeing
                     * (or having to handle) temporary slot or grid related
                     * failures on RTasks.
                    RTaskResultImpl resultImpl = (RTaskResultImpl)result;
                    resultImpl.repeatTask = true;

                     * Now re-submit for execution using the priority
                     * queue to expedite processing.

                        submit(task, true);
                    catch (Exception tex)
                        throw new Exception("PooledTaskBroker: callback, task re-submission ex=" + tex.ToString());

                int resizedPoolSize = (int)Interlocked.Decrement(ref m_parallelTaskLimit);
                if (m_brokerListener != null)
                    Exception rbex;
                    if (resizedPoolSize == 0)
                        rbex = new Exception("DeployR grid failure detected, pool no longer operational, advise RBroker shutdown.");
                        rbex = new Exception("DeployR grid failure detected, pool size auto-adjusted, max concurrency now " + resizedPoolSize + ".");
                if (rProject != null)
                    Boolean added = m_resourceTokenPool.TryAdd(rProject);

                    if (!added)
                        throw new Exception("PooledTaskBroker: callback, project could not be added back to pool?");
                    throw new Exception("PooledTaskBroker: callback, task does not have matching project?");
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a resource token for the task back to the token pool.  
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">RTask submitted for execution as a background task</param>
        /// <param name="result">RTaskResult containing the results of the completed task</param>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public override void callback(RTask task, RTaskResult result)
            Object obj;
            m_taskResourceTokenMap.TryGetValue(task, out obj);
            RProject rProject = (RProject)obj;

            * Check for Grid Exception
            Boolean bGridException = false;

            Exception failure = result.getFailure();
            if (failure != null)
                if (failure.GetType() == typeof(HTTPRestException))
                    HTTPRestException ex = (HTTPRestException)failure;
                    if (ex.errorCode >= 910 || ex.errorCode ==403)
                        bGridException = true;

            if (bGridException == true)

                * On detection of an RGridException drop the RProject from
                * the pool so further tasks are not directed to that RProject.
                * We achieve this by simply not adding the RProject back to the
                * resourceTokenPool on this callback.
                * We then need to adjust the parallelTaskLimit so the RBroker
                * will report the new (smaller) pool size on
                * RBroker.maxConcurrency() calls.

                if (m_taskListener != null)
                    * When asynchronous listener in use, failed task
                    * executions due to slot or grid failures can be
                    * automatically resubmitted for execution by the RBroker.
                    * When RTaskResult.repeatTask is enabled the
                    * RBrokerEngine.RBrokerListenerManager will skip
                    * calling taskListener.onTaskCompleted(task, result).
                    * This prevents a client application from seeing
                    * (or having to handle) temporary slot or grid related
                    * failures on RTasks.
                    RTaskResultImpl resultImpl = (RTaskResultImpl)result;
                    resultImpl.repeatTask = true;

                    * Now re-submit for execution using the priority
                    * queue to expedite processing.

                        submit(task, true);
                    catch (Exception tex)
                        throw new Exception("PooledTaskBroker: callback, task re-submission ex=" + tex.ToString());

                int resizedPoolSize = (int)Interlocked.Decrement(ref m_parallelTaskLimit);
                if (m_brokerListener != null)
                    Exception rbex;
                    if (resizedPoolSize == 0)
                        rbex = new Exception("DeployR grid failure detected, pool no longer operational, advise RBroker shutdown.");

                        rbex = new Exception("DeployR grid failure detected, pool size auto-adjusted, max concurrency now " + resizedPoolSize + ".");
                if (rProject != null)
                    Boolean added = m_resourceTokenPool.TryAdd(rProject);

                    if (!added)
                        throw new Exception("PooledTaskBroker: callback, project could not be added back to pool?");

                    throw new Exception("PooledTaskBroker: callback, task does not have matching project?");