private void ConfirmReturnToNormal() { var box = RPGMessageBox.Create("Are you sure you want to return to normal mode?", "Return to normal mode", "Continue Playing GTA:RPG", () => { View.CloseAllMenus(); RPGMethods.ReturnToNormal(); }, () => { View.MenuPosition = new Point(UI.WIDTH - 300, 0); }); RPGUI.FormatMenu(box); View.AddMenu(box); }
private void ConfirmPlayAsYourCharacter() { var box = RPGMessageBox.Create("Are you sure you want to switch to your character?", "Play as " + RPG.PlayerData.Name, "Continue Playing", () => { View.CloseAllMenus(); RPG.InitCharacter(); }, () => { View.MenuPosition = new Point(UI.WIDTH - 300, 0); }); RPGUI.FormatMenu(box); View.AddMenu(box); }
private void ConfirmPlayAsTrio() { var box = RPGMessageBox.Create("Are you sure you want to play as the trio?", "Play as Michael Trevor and Franklin", "Continue Playing GTA:RPG", () => { View.CloseAllMenus(); RPGMethods.PlayAsTrio(); }, () => { View.MenuPosition = new Point(UI.WIDTH - 300, 0); }); RPGUI.FormatMenu(box); View.AddMenu(box); }
private void NewGame() { var confirm = RPGMessageBox.Create("Are you sure you want to start over?", "Start new game", "Continue playing", () => { RPG.GameLoaded = false; CharCreationNew.RestartCharCreation(); }, () => { }); RPGUI.FormatMenu(confirm); RPG.UIHandler.View.AddMenu(confirm); }
private void UseQuestLogEntry(RPGListMenu obj) { var quests = PlayerData.Quests.Where(s => s.InProgress).Concat(PlayerData.Quests.Where(c => !c.InProgress)).Where(c => !c.IsContract || c.InProgress).ToList(); var selected = obj.SelectedIndex; if (selected >= quests.Count) { View.PopMenu(); return; } var selectedItem = quests[selected]; if (selectedItem.InProgress && selectedItem.Cancellable) { var abandon = RPGMessageBox.Create("Would you like to abandon [" + selectedItem.Name + "] ?", "Abandon Quest", "Cancel", () => { selectedItem.Reset(); UpdateQuestLog(); }, () => { }); RPGUI.FormatMenu(abandon); abandon.HeaderCentered = true; View.AddMenu(abandon); } }
private void StartRPGMode() { World.DestroyAllCameras(); Game.Player.CanControlCharacter = true; string missing; var statusGood = CheckStatus(out missing); if (statusGood || !RPGSettings.ShowPrerequisiteWarning) { RPG.Initialise(); Enabled = false; } else { var mb = (RPGMessageBox)RPGMessageBox.Create("Missing: " + missing + " View readme for more info.", "Play Anyway ( WARNING: Bugs/errors expected))", "Return to normal mode", PlayAnyway, () => { RPGMethods.ReturnToNormal(); RPG.UIHandler.View.CloseAllMenus(); }); RPGUI.FormatMenu(mb); mb.TopColor = Color.Red; mb.HeaderScale = 0.5f; RPG.UIHandler.View.AddMenu(mb); Enabled = false; } }