private static ROOTNET.Interface.NTStyle CreateDefaultStyle()
            ROOTNET.NTStyle style = new ROOTNET.NTStyle(ROOTNET.NTStyle.gStyle);
            style.Name = "NicePlots";

            // The background fill should be white!

            short backgroundFill = (short)ROOTNET.EColor.kWhite;

            style.FillColor      = backgroundFill;
            style.FrameFillColor = backgroundFill;
            style.HistFillColor  = backgroundFill;
            style.TitleFillColor = backgroundFill;

            // The histogram line size

            style.HistLineWidth = 2;

        private static ROOTNET.Interface.NTStyle CreateDefaultStyle()
            ROOTNET.NTStyle style = new ROOTNET.NTStyle(ROOTNET.NTStyle.gStyle);
            style.Name = "NicePlots";

            // The background fill should be white!

            short backgroundFill = (short)ROOTNET.EColor.kWhite;
            style.FillColor = backgroundFill;
            style.FrameFillColor = backgroundFill;
            style.HistFillColor = backgroundFill;
            style.TitleFillColor = backgroundFill;

            // The histogram line size

            style.HistLineWidth = 2;

            return style;