private static int ComputeModifiedStack(int CombinedQuantity, double MaxEffect, int PreviousValue, out double Effect, out double ValueBeforeRandomization) { Effect = Math.Min(MaxEffect, ModEntry.UserConfig.ComputeProcessingPower(CombinedQuantity)); double DesiredNewValue = PreviousValue * Effect; ValueBeforeRandomization = DesiredNewValue; return(RNGHelpers.WeightedRound(DesiredNewValue)); }
private static void OnReadyForHarvest(SObject Machine) { if (Context.IsMainPlayer) { try { if (Machine.heldObject.Value != null && Machine.TryGetCombinedQuantity(out int CombinedQuantity) && !Machine.HasModifiedOutput()) { int PreviousOutputStack = Machine.heldObject.Value.Stack; double OutputEffect = ModEntry.UserConfig.ComputeProcessingPower(CombinedQuantity); double DesiredNewValue = PreviousOutputStack * OutputEffect; int NewOutputStack = RNGHelpers.WeightedRound(DesiredNewValue); Machine.heldObject.Value.Stack = NewOutputStack; ModEntry.LogTrace(CombinedQuantity, Machine, Machine.TileLocation, "HeldObject.Stack", PreviousOutputStack, DesiredNewValue, NewOutputStack, OutputEffect); } } finally { Machine.SetHasModifiedOutput(false); } } }
public static void Postfix(CrabPot __instance, GameLocation location) { try { // Check if the output item was just set if (PrefixData != null && PrefixData.CrabPot == __instance && PrefixData.PreviousHeldObject == null && PrefixData.CurrentHeldObject != null) { // Modify the output quantity based on the combined machine's processing power if (__instance.IsCombinedMachine() && ModEntry.UserConfig.ShouldModifyInputsAndOutputs(__instance) && __instance.TryGetCombinedQuantity(out int CombinedQuantity)) { double Power = ModEntry.UserConfig.ComputeProcessingPower(CombinedQuantity); double DesiredNewValue = PrefixData.CurrentHeldObjectQuantity * Power; int RoundedNewValue = RNGHelpers.WeightedRound(DesiredNewValue); __instance.heldObject.Value.Stack = RoundedNewValue; ModEntry.LogTrace(CombinedQuantity, PrefixData.CrabPot, PrefixData.CrabPot.TileLocation, "HeldObject.Stack", PrefixData.CurrentHeldObjectQuantity, DesiredNewValue, RoundedNewValue, Power); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ModEntry.Logger.Log(string.Format("Unhandled Error in {0}.{1}:\n{2}", nameof(CrabPot_DayUpdatePatch), nameof(Postfix), ex), LogLevel.Error); } }
public static void Postfix(SObject __instance) { try { if (Context.IsMainPlayer) { if (__instance is Cask CaskInstance) { CaskInstance.agingRate.fieldChangeEvent += (field, oldValue, newValue) => { try { // Prevent recursive fieldChangeEvents from being invoked when our code sets Cask.agingRate.Value if (CurrentlyModifying.Contains(CaskInstance)) { return; } if (Context.IsMainPlayer && Context.IsWorldReady && oldValue != newValue) { if (ModEntry.UserConfig.ShouldModifyProcessingSpeed(__instance) && __instance.TryGetCombinedQuantity(out int CombinedQuantity)) { double DefaultAgingRate = CaskInstance.GetAgingMultiplierForItem(CaskInstance.heldObject.Value); bool IsTrackedValueChange = false; if (oldValue <= 0 && newValue > 0) // Handle the first time agingRate is initialized { IsTrackedValueChange = true; } else if (newValue == DefaultAgingRate) // Handle cases where the game tries to reset the agingRate { IsTrackedValueChange = true; } if (IsTrackedValueChange) { float PreviousAgingRate = CaskInstance.agingRate.Value; double DurationMultiplier = ModEntry.UserConfig.ComputeProcessingPower(CombinedQuantity); float NewAgingRate = (float)(DurationMultiplier * PreviousAgingRate); if (NewAgingRate != PreviousAgingRate) { try { CurrentlyModifying.Add(CaskInstance); CaskInstance.agingRate.Value = NewAgingRate; } finally { CurrentlyModifying.Remove(CaskInstance); } ModEntry.Logger.Log(string.Format("Set {0} agingRate from {1} to {2} ({3}%)", __instance.Name, PreviousAgingRate, NewAgingRate, (DurationMultiplier * 100.0).ToString("0.##")), ModEntry.InfoLogLevel); } } } } } catch (Exception Error) { ModEntry.Logger.Log(string.Format("Unhandled Error in {0}.{1}.FieldChangeEvent(Cask):\n{2}", nameof(MinutesUntilReadyPatch), nameof(Postfix), Error), LogLevel.Error); } }; } else { __instance.minutesUntilReady.fieldChangeEvent += (field, oldValue, newValue) => { try { if (Context.IsMainPlayer && Context.IsWorldReady && oldValue != newValue && oldValue < newValue && newValue > 0) { if (ModEntry.UserConfig.ShouldModifyProcessingSpeed(__instance) && __instance.TryGetCombinedQuantity(out int CombinedQuantity)) { int PreviousMinutes = __instance.MinutesUntilReady; double DurationMultiplier = 1.0 / ModEntry.UserConfig.ComputeProcessingPower(CombinedQuantity); double TargetValue = DurationMultiplier * PreviousMinutes; int NewMinutes = RNGHelpers.WeightedRound(TargetValue); // Round to nearest 10 since the game processes machine outputs every 10 game minutes // EX: If NewValue = 38, then there is a 20% chance of rounding down to 30, 80% chance of rounding up to 40 int SmallestDigit = NewMinutes % 10; NewMinutes = NewMinutes - SmallestDigit; // Round down to nearest 10 if (RNGHelpers.RollDice(SmallestDigit / 10.0)) { NewMinutes += 10; // Round up } // There seems to be a bug where there is no product if the machine is instantly done processing. NewMinutes = Math.Max(10, NewMinutes); // temporary fix - require at least one 10-minute processing cycle if (NewMinutes != PreviousMinutes) { __instance.MinutesUntilReady = NewMinutes; if (NewMinutes <= 0) { __instance.readyForHarvest.Value = true; } ModEntry.Logger.Log(string.Format("Set {0} MinutesUntilReady from {1} to {2} ({3}%, Target value before weighted rounding = {4})", __instance.Name, PreviousMinutes, NewMinutes, (DurationMultiplier * 100.0).ToString("0.##"), TargetValue.ToString("0.#")), ModEntry.InfoLogLevel); } } } } catch (Exception Error) { ModEntry.Logger.Log(string.Format("Unhandled Error in {0}.{1}.FieldChangeEvent:\n{2}", nameof(MinutesUntilReadyPatch), nameof(Postfix), Error), LogLevel.Error); } }; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ModEntry.Logger.Log(string.Format("Unhandled Error in {0}.{1}:\n{2}", nameof(MinutesUntilReadyPatch), nameof(Postfix), ex), LogLevel.Error); } }
/// <summary>Intended to be invoked whenever the player inserts materials into a machine that requires inputs, such as when placing copper ore into a furnace.</summary> private static void OnInputsInserted(PerformObjectDropInData PODIData) { if (PODIData == null || PODIData.CurrentHeldObject == null || PODIData.Input == null) { return; } bool IsCurrentPlayer = (!Context.IsMultiplayer && !Context.IsSplitScreen) || PODIData.Farmer.UniqueMultiplayerID == Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID; if (!IsCurrentPlayer) { return; } SObject Machine = PODIData.Machine; if (!ModEntry.UserConfig.ShouldModifyInputsAndOutputs(Machine) || !Machine.TryGetCombinedQuantity(out int CombinedQuantity)) { return; } int SecondaryInputQuantityAvailable = int.MaxValue; if (PODIData.Input.IsOre() && PODIData.Farmer != null && ModEntry.UserConfig.FurnaceMultiplyCoalInputs) { SecondaryInputQuantityAvailable = PODIData.Farmer.Items.Where(x => x != null && x.IsCoal()).Sum(x => x.Stack); } // Compute the maximum multiplier we can apply to the input and output based on how many more of the inputs the player has int PreviousInputQuantityUsed = PODIData.PreviousInputQuantity - PODIData.CurrentInputQuantity; double MaxMultiplier = Math.Min(SecondaryInputQuantityAvailable, PreviousInputQuantityUsed == 0 ? PODIData.CurrentInputQuantity : Math.Abs(PODIData.PreviousInputQuantity * 1.0 / PreviousInputQuantityUsed)); // Modify the output int PreviousOutputStack = PODIData.CurrentHeldObjectQuantity; int NewOutputStack = ComputeModifiedStack(CombinedQuantity, MaxMultiplier, PreviousOutputStack, out double OutputEffect, out double DesiredNewOutputValue); PODIData.CurrentHeldObject.Stack = NewOutputStack; Machine.SetHasModifiedOutput(true); ModEntry.LogTrace(CombinedQuantity, PODIData.Machine, PODIData.Machine.TileLocation, "HeldObject.Stack", PreviousOutputStack, DesiredNewOutputValue, NewOutputStack, OutputEffect); // Modify the input int CurrentInputQuantityUsed; double InputEffect; double DesiredNewInputValue; if (PreviousInputQuantityUsed <= 0) { // No clue why, but for some machines the game hasn't actually taken the input yet by the time Object.performObjectDropIn finishes. // so assume the input amount was = to 1. CurrentInputQuantityUsed = ComputeModifiedStack(CombinedQuantity, MaxMultiplier, 1, out InputEffect, out DesiredNewInputValue) - 1 - Math.Abs(PreviousInputQuantityUsed); } else { CurrentInputQuantityUsed = ComputeModifiedStack(CombinedQuantity, MaxMultiplier, PreviousInputQuantityUsed, out InputEffect, out DesiredNewInputValue); } int NewInputStack = PODIData.PreviousInputQuantity - CurrentInputQuantityUsed; PODIData.Input.Stack = NewInputStack; if (NewInputStack <= 0) { if (PODIData.WasInputInInventory) { PODIData.Farmer.removeItemFromInventory(PODIData.Input); } else { PODIData.Input.Stack = 1; // Just a failsafe to avoid glitched out Items with zero quantity, such as if the input came from a chest due to the Automate mod } } if (PODIData.Input.IsOre() && PODIData.Farmer != null && ModEntry.UserConfig.FurnaceMultiplyCoalInputs) { int RemainingCoalToConsume = RNGHelpers.WeightedRound(OutputEffect) - 1; // 1 coal was already automatically consumed by the vanilla function for (int i = 0; i < PODIData.Farmer.Items.Count; i++) { Item CurrentItem = PODIData.Farmer.Items[i]; if (CurrentItem != null && CurrentItem.IsCoal()) { int AmountToConsume = Math.Min(CurrentItem.Stack, RemainingCoalToConsume); CurrentItem.Stack -= AmountToConsume; RemainingCoalToConsume -= AmountToConsume; if (CurrentItem.Stack <= 0) { PODIData.Farmer.removeItemFromInventory(i); } if (RemainingCoalToConsume <= 0) { break; } } } } }