protected internal virtual void ReleaseContainers(IList <ContainerId> containers,
                                                   SchedulerApplicationAttempt attempt)
     foreach (ContainerId containerId in containers)
         RMContainer rmContainer = GetRMContainer(containerId);
         if (rmContainer == null)
             if (Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis() - ResourceManager.GetClusterTimeStamp() < nmExpireInterval)
                 Log.Info(containerId + " doesn't exist. Add the container" + " to the release request cache as it maybe on recovery."
                 lock (attempt)
                 RMAuditLogger.LogFailure(attempt.GetUser(), RMAuditLogger.AuditConstants.ReleaseContainer
                                          , "Unauthorized access or invalid container", "Scheduler", "Trying to release container not owned by app or with invalid id."
                                          , attempt.GetApplicationId(), containerId);
         CompletedContainer(rmContainer, SchedulerUtils.CreateAbnormalContainerStatus(containerId
                                                                                      , SchedulerUtils.ReleasedContainer), RMContainerEventType.Released);
Exemple #2
 public virtual void ContainerCompleted(RMContainer rmContainer, ContainerStatus containerStatus
                                        , RMContainerEventType @event)
     lock (this)
         Container   container   = rmContainer.GetContainer();
         ContainerId containerId = container.GetId();
         // Remove from the list of newly allocated containers if found
         // Inform the container
         rmContainer.Handle(new RMContainerFinishedEvent(containerId, containerStatus, @event
         Log.Info("Completed container: " + rmContainer.GetContainerId() + " in state: " +
                  rmContainer.GetState() + " event:" + @event);
         // Remove from the list of containers
         Sharpen.Collections.Remove(liveContainers, rmContainer.GetContainerId());
         RMAuditLogger.LogSuccess(GetUser(), RMAuditLogger.AuditConstants.ReleaseContainer
                                  , "SchedulerApp", GetApplicationId(), containerId);
         // Update usage metrics
         Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource containerResource = rmContainer.GetContainer
         queue.GetMetrics().ReleaseResources(GetUser(), 1, containerResource);
         Resources.SubtractFrom(currentConsumption, containerResource);
         // remove from preemption map if it is completed
         Sharpen.Collections.Remove(preemptionMap, rmContainer);
         // Clear resource utilization metrics cache.
         lastMemoryAggregateAllocationUpdateTime = -1;
Exemple #3
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Exceptions.YarnException"/>
        private Plan ValidateReservation(ReservationSystem reservationSystem, ReservationId
                                         reservationId, string auditConstant)
            string message = string.Empty;

            // check if the reservation id is valid
            if (reservationId == null)
                message = "Missing reservation id." + " Please try again by specifying a reservation id.";
                RMAuditLogger.LogFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant, "validate reservation input",
                                         "ClientRMService", message);
                throw RPCUtil.GetRemoteException(message);
            string queueName = reservationSystem.GetQueueForReservation(reservationId);

            if (queueName == null)
                message = "The specified reservation with ID: " + reservationId + " is unknown. Please try again with a valid reservation.";
                RMAuditLogger.LogFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant, "validate reservation input",
                                         "ClientRMService", message);
                throw RPCUtil.GetRemoteException(message);
            // check if the associated plan is valid
            Plan plan = reservationSystem.GetPlan(queueName);

            if (plan == null)
                message = "The specified reservation: " + reservationId + " is not associated with any valid plan."
                          + " Please try again with a valid reservation.";
                RMAuditLogger.LogFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant, "validate reservation input",
                                         "ClientRMService", message);
                throw RPCUtil.GetRemoteException(message);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Quick validation on the input to check some obvious fail conditions (fail
        /// fast) the input and returns the appropriate
        /// <see cref="Plan"/>
        /// associated with
        /// the specified
        /// <see cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Server.Resourcemanager.Scheduler.Queue"/>
        /// or throws an exception message illustrating the
        /// details of any validation check failures
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reservationSystem">
        /// the
        /// <see cref="ReservationSystem"/>
        /// to validate against
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="request">
        /// the
        /// <see cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Protocolrecords.ReservationSubmissionRequest
        ///     "/>
        /// defining the
        /// resources required over time for the request
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="reservationId">
        /// the
        /// <see cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.ReservationId"/>
        /// associated with the current
        /// request
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// the
        /// <see cref="Plan"/>
        /// to submit the request to
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Exceptions.YarnException"/>
        public virtual Plan ValidateReservationSubmissionRequest(ReservationSystem reservationSystem
                                                                 , ReservationSubmissionRequest request, ReservationId reservationId)
            // Check if it is a managed queue
            string queueName = request.GetQueue();

            if (queueName == null || queueName.IsEmpty())
                string errMsg = "The queue to submit is not specified." + " Please try again with a valid reservable queue.";
                RMAuditLogger.LogFailure("UNKNOWN", RMAuditLogger.AuditConstants.SubmitReservationRequest
                                         , "validate reservation input", "ClientRMService", errMsg);
                throw RPCUtil.GetRemoteException(errMsg);
            Plan plan = reservationSystem.GetPlan(queueName);

            if (plan == null)
                string errMsg = "The specified queue: " + queueName + " is not managed by reservation system."
                                + " Please try again with a valid reservable queue.";
                RMAuditLogger.LogFailure("UNKNOWN", RMAuditLogger.AuditConstants.SubmitReservationRequest
                                         , "validate reservation input", "ClientRMService", errMsg);
                throw RPCUtil.GetRemoteException(errMsg);
            ValidateReservationDefinition(reservationId, request.GetReservationDefinition(),
                                          plan, RMAuditLogger.AuditConstants.SubmitReservationRequest);
Exemple #5
 public virtual RMContainer Allocate(NodeType type, FSSchedulerNode node, Priority
                                     priority, ResourceRequest request, Container container)
     lock (this)
         // Update allowed locality level
         NodeType allowed = allowedLocalityLevel[priority];
         if (allowed != null)
             if (allowed.Equals(NodeType.OffSwitch) && (type.Equals(NodeType.NodeLocal) || type
                 this.ResetAllowedLocalityLevel(priority, type);
                 if (allowed.Equals(NodeType.RackLocal) && type.Equals(NodeType.NodeLocal))
                     this.ResetAllowedLocalityLevel(priority, type);
         // Required sanity check - AM can call 'allocate' to update resource
         // request without locking the scheduler, hence we need to check
         if (GetTotalRequiredResources(priority) <= 0)
         // Create RMContainer
         RMContainer rmContainer = new RMContainerImpl(container, GetApplicationAttemptId(
                                                           ), node.GetNodeID(), appSchedulingInfo.GetUser(), rmContext);
         // Add it to allContainers list.
         liveContainers[container.GetId()] = rmContainer;
         // Update consumption and track allocations
         IList <ResourceRequest> resourceRequestList = appSchedulingInfo.Allocate(type, node
                                                                                  , priority, request, container);
         Resources.AddTo(currentConsumption, container.GetResource());
         // Update resource requests related to "request" and store in RMContainer
         // Inform the container
         rmContainer.Handle(new RMContainerEvent(container.GetId(), RMContainerEventType.Start
         if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
             Log.Debug("allocate: applicationAttemptId=" + container.GetId().GetApplicationAttemptId
                           () + " container=" + container.GetId() + " host=" + container.GetNodeId().GetHost
                           () + " type=" + type);
         RMAuditLogger.LogSuccess(GetUser(), RMAuditLogger.AuditConstants.AllocContainer,
                                  "SchedulerApp", GetApplicationId(), container.GetId());
 public override void Run()
     foreach (SchedulerApplication <T> app in this._enclosing.applications.Values)
         T attempt = app.GetCurrentAppAttempt();
         lock (attempt)
             foreach (ContainerId containerId in attempt.GetPendingRelease())
                 RMAuditLogger.LogFailure(app.GetUser(), RMAuditLogger.AuditConstants.ReleaseContainer
                                          , "Unauthorized access or invalid container", "Scheduler", "Trying to release container not owned by app or with invalid id."
                                          , attempt.GetApplicationId(), containerId);
     .Info("Release request cache is cleaned up");
Exemple #7
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Exceptions.YarnException"/>
        private void ValidateReservationDefinition(ReservationId reservationId, ReservationDefinition
                                                   contract, Plan plan, string auditConstant)
            string message = string.Empty;

            // check if deadline is in the past
            if (contract == null)
                message = "Missing reservation definition." + " Please try again by specifying a reservation definition.";
                RMAuditLogger.LogFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant, "validate reservation input definition"
                                         , "ClientRMService", message);
                throw RPCUtil.GetRemoteException(message);
            if (contract.GetDeadline() <= clock.GetTime())
                message = "The specified deadline: " + contract.GetDeadline() + " is the past. Please try again with deadline in the future.";
                RMAuditLogger.LogFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant, "validate reservation input definition"
                                         , "ClientRMService", message);
                throw RPCUtil.GetRemoteException(message);
            // Check if at least one RR has been specified
            ReservationRequests resReqs = contract.GetReservationRequests();

            if (resReqs == null)
                message = "No resources have been specified to reserve." + "Please try again by specifying the resources to reserve.";
                RMAuditLogger.LogFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant, "validate reservation input definition"
                                         , "ClientRMService", message);
                throw RPCUtil.GetRemoteException(message);
            IList <ReservationRequest> resReq = resReqs.GetReservationResources();

            if (resReq == null || resReq.IsEmpty())
                message = "No resources have been specified to reserve." + " Please try again by specifying the resources to reserve.";
                RMAuditLogger.LogFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant, "validate reservation input definition"
                                         , "ClientRMService", message);
                throw RPCUtil.GetRemoteException(message);
            // compute minimum duration and max gang size
            long     minDuration = 0;
            Resource maxGangSize = Resource.NewInstance(0, 0);
            ReservationRequestInterpreter type = contract.GetReservationRequests().GetInterpreter

            foreach (ReservationRequest rr in resReq)
                if (type == ReservationRequestInterpreter.RAll || type == ReservationRequestInterpreter
                    minDuration = Math.Max(minDuration, rr.GetDuration());
                    minDuration += rr.GetDuration();
                maxGangSize = Resources.Max(plan.GetResourceCalculator(), plan.GetTotalCapacity()
                                            , maxGangSize, Resources.Multiply(rr.GetCapability(), rr.GetConcurrency()));
            // verify the allocation is possible (skip for ANY)
            if (contract.GetDeadline() - contract.GetArrival() < minDuration && type != ReservationRequestInterpreter
                message = "The time difference (" + (contract.GetDeadline() - contract.GetArrival
                                                         ()) + ") between arrival (" + contract.GetArrival() + ") " + "and deadline (" +
                          contract.GetDeadline() + ") must " + " be greater or equal to the minimum resource duration ("
                          + minDuration + ")";
                RMAuditLogger.LogFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant, "validate reservation input definition"
                                         , "ClientRMService", message);
                throw RPCUtil.GetRemoteException(message);
            // check that the largest gang does not exceed the inventory available
            // capacity (skip for ANY)
            if (Resources.GreaterThan(plan.GetResourceCalculator(), plan.GetTotalCapacity(),
                                      maxGangSize, plan.GetTotalCapacity()) && type != ReservationRequestInterpreter.RAny)
                message = "The size of the largest gang in the reservation refinition (" + maxGangSize
                          + ") exceed the capacity available (" + plan.GetTotalCapacity() + " )";
                RMAuditLogger.LogFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant, "validate reservation input definition"
                                         , "ClientRMService", message);
                throw RPCUtil.GetRemoteException(message);