public void Basic_Import_Test(string ris_filepath) { string path = GetNormalizedPathToRISTestFile(ris_filepath); ASSERT.FileExists(path); string ris_text = GetTestFileContent(path); Result rv = new Result(); rv.lines_set = SplitMultipleRISLines(ris_text); foreach (List <string> lines in rv.lines_set) { RISRecord record = MapRISLinesToDictionary(lines); rv.records.Add(record); rv.bibtex_items.Add(record.ToBibTeX()); } // Serialize the result to JSON for easier comparison via ApprovalTests->BeyondCompare (that's what I use for *decades* now) string json_out = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rv, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented).Replace("\r\n", "\n"); //ApprovalTests.Approvals.VerifyJson(json_out); --> becomes the code below: ApprovalTests.Approvals.Verify( new QiqqaApprover(json_out, ris_filepath), ApprovalTests.Approvals.GetReporter() ); }
public static void Test() { string ris_text = File.ReadAllText(@"c:\TEMP\SAMPLEENDNOTE.TXT"); List <List <string> > lines_set = SplitMultipleRISLines(ris_text); foreach (List <string> lines in lines_set) { RISRecord record = MapRISLinesToDictionary(lines); if (record.errors.Count > 0) { Logging.Warn("Errors!"); } BibTexItem bibtex = record.ToBibTeX(); string result = bibtex.ToBibTex(); } }