// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { RGB_Slime_HitBox = GetComponentInChildren <Mob_Basic_Attack>(); RGB_Slime_Mo = GetComponent <RGB_Slime_Movement>(); RGB_Slime_Att = GetComponent <RGB_Slime_Attack>(); RGB_Slime_Collision = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); RGB_Slime_RB = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); Boss_Load_Next_Le = GetComponent <Boss_Load_Next_Level>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { RGB_Slime_An = GetComponent <RGB_Slime_Animation>(); RGB_Slime_St = GetComponent <RGB_Slime_States>(); RGB_Slime_At = GetComponent <RGB_Slime_Attack>(); HUD = RGB_Slime_St.HUD; switch (Global_Variable.Difficulty_Level) { case 2: Max_Health = Health_Hard; break; case 1: Max_Health = Health_Normal; break; default: Max_Health = Health_Easy; break; } Current_Health = Max_Health; }