Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the last screenshot was of the welcome screen
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if we are on the welcome screen, false otherwise</returns>
        public bool IsWelcomeScreen(out Point?clickLocation)
            int       centerX   = Center.X;
            const int centerY   = 337;
            const int width     = 220;
            const int height    = 80;
            int       left      = centerX - (width / 2);
            int       right     = centerX + (width / 2);
            int       top       = centerY - (height / 2);
            int       bottom    = centerY + (height / 2);
            int       totalSize = width * height;
            int       redBlobSize;

            RGBHSBRange red = RGBHSBRangeFactory.WelcomeScreenClickHere();

            bool[,] clickHere = ImageProcessing.ColorFilterPiece(Value, red, left, right, top, bottom);
            Blob enterGame = ImageProcessing.BiggestBlob(clickHere);

            redBlobSize = enterGame.Size;

            if (redBlobSize > (totalSize / 2))
                clickLocation = enterGame.RandomBlobPixel();
                clickLocation = new Point(clickLocation.Value.X + left, clickLocation.Value.Y + top);
                clickLocation = null;
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads default color ranges
 /// </summary>
 private void GetReferenceColors()
     FurnaceIconOrange = RGBHSBRangeFactory.FurnaceIconOrange();
     BankIconDollar    = RGBHSBRangeFactory.BankIconDollar();
     BuildingFloor     = RGBHSBRangeFactory.PhasmatysBuildingFloorLight();
     Furnace           = RGBHSBRangeFactory.Furnace();
     BankBooth         = RGBHSBRangeFactory.BankBoothPhasmatys();
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the reference colors for the lesser demon's parts if they haven't been set already
 /// </summary>
 private void GetReferenceColors()
     LesserDemonSkin  = RGBHSBRangeFactory.LesserDemonSkin();
     LesserDemonHorn  = RGBHSBRangeFactory.LesserDemonHorn();
     RuneMedHelm      = RGBHSBRangeFactory.RuneMedHelm();
     MithrilArmor     = RGBHSBRangeFactory.MithrilArmor();
     ChaosRune        = RGBHSBRangeFactory.ChaosRuneOrange();
     DeathRune        = RGBHSBRangeFactory.DeathRuneWhite();
     MouseoverTextNPC = RGBHSBRangeFactory.MouseoverTextNPC();
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the filter colors for the obstacles
 /// </summary>
 private void GetReferenceColors()
     LogBalance = RGBHSBRangeFactory.LogBalance();
     CargoNet   = RGBHSBRangeFactory.CargoNetFrameTop();
     TreeBranch = RGBHSBRangeFactory.GnomeTreeBranch();
     TreeTrunk  = RGBHSBRangeFactory.GnomeTreeTrunk();
     Tightrope  = RGBHSBRangeFactory.Tightrope();
     DrainPipe  = RGBHSBRangeFactory.DrainPipe();
     Black      = RGBHSBRangeFactory.Black();
Exemple #5
 private void SetColors()
     BankChest         = RGBHSBRangeFactory.BankChest();
     HousePortalPurple = RGBHSBRangeFactory.HousePortalPurple();
     BlueMouseOverText = RGBHSBRangeFactory.MouseoverTextStationaryObject();
     DemonHead         = RGBHSBRangeFactory.LesserDemonSkin();
     DialogTitle       = RGBHSBRangeFactory.DialogBoxTitle();
     DialogBody        = RGBHSBRangeFactory.Black();
     ContinueBarBlue   = RGBHSBRangeFactory.GenericColor(Color.Blue);
     BackpackBrown     = RGBHSBRangeFactory.BackpackBrown();
Exemple #6
 public ButlerSawmill(RunParams startParams) : base(startParams)
     InventoryCashSlot    = new Point(2, 0);
     InventoryLawRuneSlot = new Point(1, 0);
     InventoryLogSlot     = new Point(0, 0);
     FirstLogSlot         = new Point(3, 0);
     BankCashSlot         = new Point(7, 0);
     BankLawRuneSlot      = new Point(6, 0);
     BankLogSlot          = new Point(5, 0);
     BankPlankSlot        = new Point(4, 0);
     YellowMouseOverText  = RGBHSBRangeFactory.MouseoverTextNPC();
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies that the pop-up is roughly the expected size
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual void GetPopupHeight(Bitmap screen)
            int yOffset;

            for (int row = 0; row < MAX_ROWS; row++)
                yOffset = RowOffset(row);
                Color       background      = screen.GetPixel(XClick, YClick + yOffset);
                RGBHSBRange rightClickColor = RGBHSBRangeFactory.RightClickPopup();
                if (rightClickColor.ColorInRange(background))
                    Height = TITLE_HEIGHT + ((row + 1) * ROW_HEIGHT);
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the character is currently running.
        /// Assumes the character is running if a stamina potion is active because we cannot differentiate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true for running, false for walking</returns>
        public bool CharacterIsRunning(bool readWindow = false)
            if (readWindow && !ReadWindow())

            Point       runOrb               = RunOrbSamplePoint();
            Color       runColor             = Screen[runOrb.X, runOrb.Y];
            RGBHSBRange normalRunEnergyFoot  = RGBHSBRangeFactory.RunEnergyFoot();
            RGBHSBRange staminaRunEnergyFoot = RGBHSBRangeFactory.RunEnergyFootStamina();
            bool        normalRun            = normalRunEnergyFoot.ColorInRange(runColor);
            bool        staminaRun           = staminaRunEnergyFoot.ColorInRange(runColor);

            return(normalRun || staminaRun);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Estimates the target's fraction of its maximum hitpoints using OSBuddy's target hitpoints indicator
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected double TargetHitpointFraction()
            if (!InCombat())

            Color[,] targetHitpoints = Vision.ScreenPiece(TARGET_HP_LEFT, TARGET_HP_RIGHT, TARGET_HP_TOP, TARGET_HP_BOTTOM);
            RGBHSBRange greenHPBar = RGBHSBRangeFactory.OSBuddyEnemyHitpointsGreen();

            bool[,] greenHP = Vision.ColorFilter(targetHitpoints, greenHPBar);
            double      greenWidth = ImageProcessing.BiggestBlob(greenHP).Width;
            RGBHSBRange redHPBar   = RGBHSBRangeFactory.OSBuddyEnemyHitpointsRed();

            bool[,] redHP = Vision.ColorFilter(targetHitpoints, redHPBar);
            double redWidth = ImageProcessing.BiggestBlob(redHP).Width;

            return(greenWidth / Numerical.NonZero(greenWidth + redWidth));
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines an appropriate value to use for building floor color range
        /// </summary>
        protected bool ScanForBuildingFloor()
            List <RGBHSBRange> colorRanges = new List <RGBHSBRange>()
                RGBHSBRangeFactory.PhasmatysBuildingFloorDark(), RGBHSBRangeFactory.PhasmatysBuildingFloorLight()
            Blob  bankIcon, bankFloor, furnaceIcon, furnaceFloor;
            Point offset;

            foreach (RGBHSBRange colorRange in colorRanges)
                if (BankLocation(out bankIcon, out bankFloor, out offset, colorRange) && (bankFloor != null) && BankFloorSizeCheck(bankFloor.Size) &&
                    FurnaceLocation(out furnaceIcon, out furnaceFloor, out offset, colorRange) && (furnaceFloor != null) && FurnaceFloorSizeCheck(furnaceFloor.Size))
                    BuildingFloor = colorRange;
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the player is in combat using OSBuddy's target hitpoints indicator
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected bool InCombat()
            const double minBackground = 0.1;

            RGBHSBRange background = RGBHSBRangeFactory.OSBuddyEnemyHitpointsBackground();


            bool[,] targetBackground = Vision.ColorFilterPiece(background, TARGET_HP_LEFT, TARGET_HP_RIGHT, TARGET_HP_TOP, TARGET_HP_BOTTOM);
            double backgroundMatch = ImageProcessing.FractionalMatch(targetBackground);

            if (backgroundMatch >= minBackground)
                oldHitpoints = new KeyValuePair <DateTime, double>(DateTime.Now, double.MaxValue);
Exemple #12
 private void GetReferenceColors()
     TeaStallRoof  = RGBHSBRangeFactory.TeaStallRoof();
     MouseOverText = RGBHSBRangeFactory.MouseoverTextStationaryObject();
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Locates the bank icon and bank floor on the minimap.
        /// Uses the most recent screenshot.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bankIcon"></param>
        /// <param name="bankFloor"></param>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        /// <returns>true if at least the bank icon is found</returns>
        protected bool BankLocation(out Blob bankIcon, out Blob bankFloor, out Point offset, RGBHSBRange floorColor)
            floorColor = floorColor ?? BuildingFloor;
            bool[,] minimapBankIcon = Minimap.MinimapFilter(BankIconDollar, out offset);
            bankIcon = ImageProcessing.BiggestBlob(minimapBankIcon);
            if (bankIcon == null || bankIcon.Size < BankIconMinSize)
                bankFloor = null;

            bool[,] minimapBankFloor = Minimap.MinimapFilter(floorColor);
            bankFloor = ImageProcessing.ClosestBlob(minimapBankFloor, bankIcon.Center, 100);