Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            REngine RBlock = REngine.GetInstance();

            DirectoryInfo di            = new DirectoryInfo("C:\\Users\\" + Environment.UserName + "\\Documents\\File Attachments\\");
            string        searchPattern = "*";

            // Set some bases. These need to be tested for each sample.
            int avgRowCount = 100;
            int avgColCount = 20;
            int fileCount   = 0;

            // Get our files, Create a library to hold everything
            Library.ListofFiles = Library.makeList(di, searchPattern);

            // Look Through Each File
            foreach (var a in Library.ListofFiles)
                string fileLocation = di + a.FileName;
                // Open The File, Set the Page
                EL.singleExcel thisExcel = new EL.singleExcel().createExcel(fileLocation);
                EL.singleExcel.ExcelWorkSheetChange(thisExcel, 1);

                // Get Basic Vars
                new EDA.excelBasics().basicVars(a, thisExcel);
                // Run Series of Operations to Get More Exact Bounds

                EDA.lookTriggers LT = new EDA.lookTriggers();
                LT.runTriggers(fileCount, a, avgRowCount, avgColCount, out avgRowCount, out avgColCount);


                // In the event that no rows are found, the file is not counted
                if (a.rowCount != 0)


            // Run some R analysis
            IntegerVector rowR = RBlock.CreateIntegerVector(Library.rowCounts);
            IntegerVector colR = RBlock.CreateIntegerVector(Library.colCounts);

            RBlock.SetSymbol("rowR", rowR);
            RBlock.SetSymbol("colR", colR);

            int[] thisTemp;
            RBlock.Evaluate("temp <- table(as.vector(rowR))");
            thisTemp = RBlock.Evaluate("names(temp)[temp == max(temp)]").AsInteger().ToArray();
            Library.groupStats.modeRow = thisTemp[0];
            RBlock.Evaluate("temp <- table(as.vector(colR))");
            thisTemp = RBlock.Evaluate("names(temp)[temp == max(temp)]").AsInteger().ToArray();
            Library.groupStats.modeCol = thisTemp[0];
            thisTemp = RBlock.Evaluate("mean(rowR)").AsInteger().ToArray();
            Library.groupStats.meanRow = thisTemp[0];
            thisTemp = RBlock.Evaluate("mean(colR)").AsInteger().ToArray();
            Library.groupStats.meanCol = thisTemp[0];
            thisTemp = RBlock.Evaluate("median(rowR)").AsInteger().ToArray();
            Library.groupStats.medianRow = thisTemp[0];
            thisTemp = RBlock.Evaluate("median(colR)").AsInteger().ToArray();
            Library.groupStats.medianCol = thisTemp[0];
            thisTemp = RBlock.Evaluate("min(rowR)").AsInteger().ToArray();
            Library.groupStats.minRow = thisTemp[0];
            thisTemp = RBlock.Evaluate("min(colR)").AsInteger().ToArray();
            Library.groupStats.minCol = thisTemp[0];
            thisTemp = RBlock.Evaluate("max(rowR)").AsInteger().ToArray();
            Library.groupStats.maxRow = thisTemp[0];
            thisTemp = RBlock.Evaluate("max(colR)").AsInteger().ToArray();
            Library.groupStats.maxCol = thisTemp[0];
            thisTemp = RBlock.Evaluate("IQR(rowR)").AsInteger().ToArray();
            Library.groupStats.iqrRow = thisTemp[0];
            thisTemp = RBlock.Evaluate("IQR(colR)").AsInteger().ToArray();
            Library.groupStats.iqrCol = thisTemp[0];
            thisTemp = RBlock.Evaluate("quantile(rowR)").AsInteger().ToArray();
            Library.groupStats.quantileRow = thisTemp[0];
            thisTemp = RBlock.Evaluate("quantile(colR)").AsInteger().ToArray();
            Library.groupStats.quantileCol = thisTemp[0];



            // Build some training data from previous information, assumptions
            object[,] theWords = TSR.trainMethods.getTrainData(di, "\\testdata\\trainlist.xlsx");
            List <string> words = new List <string>();

            TSR.trainMethods.makeTrainList(theWords, words);

            theWords = TSR.trainMethods.getTrainData(di, "\\testdata\\looselist.xlsx");
            List <string> looseWords = new List <string>();

            TSR.trainMethods.makeTrainList(theWords, looseWords);

            Dictionary <string, int> discreteTermsDict  = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, int> betterTermsDict    = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, int> secondaryTermsDict = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            // Run training scenarios
            TSR.trainMethods.runTrainScan(words, looseWords, avgColCount, Library.ListofFiles, out discreteTermsDict, out betterTermsDict, out secondaryTermsDict);
            TSR.trainMethods.buildTrainList(discreteTermsDict, words);

            TSR.trainMethods.runTrainScan(words, looseWords, avgColCount, Library.ListofFiles, out discreteTermsDict, out betterTermsDict, out secondaryTermsDict);
            TSR.trainMethods.buildTrainList(betterTermsDict, looseWords);
            TSR.trainMethods.buildTrainList(secondaryTermsDict, looseWords);

            // In tests, three cycles make for extremely high confidence
            TSR.trainMethods.runTrainScan(words, looseWords, avgColCount, Library.ListofFiles, out discreteTermsDict, out betterTermsDict, out secondaryTermsDict);
            //  Terms for classifcation
            EL.singleExcel.outputListToExcel(words, "strongTrainList");
            EL.singleExcel.outputListToExcel(looseWords, "learnedTrainList");
        public async Task <IActionResult> Get()
            //_rEngine.Evaluate("install.packages('forecast', dependencies = TRUE)");
            //_rEngine.Evaluate("install.packages('lmtest', dependencies = TRUE)");

            string fileName = "myplot.png";

            CharacterVector fileNameVector = _rEngine.CreateCharacterVector(new[] { fileName });

            _rEngine.SetSymbol("fileName", fileNameVector);

            _rEngine.Evaluate("png(filename=fileName, width=6, height=6, units='in', res=100)");

            _rEngine.Evaluate("vector <- as.numeric(AirPassengers)");
            _rEngine.Evaluate("z <- ts(vector, frequency = 12, start = c(1949, 1))");

            _rEngine.Evaluate("z_train <- ts(z[1:100], frequency = 12)");
            _rEngine.Evaluate("z_validate <- ts(z[101:144], frequency = 12)");
            _rEngine.Evaluate("fit <- Arima(y = z_train, order = c(1,1,0), seasonal = c(1,1,0), lambda = TRUE)");
            _rEngine.Evaluate("predition <- forecast(fit, h = 44)");

            //_rEngine.Evaluate("z_train <- ts(z[1:100], frequency = 12");
            _rEngine.Evaluate("plot(predition)"); //plot and save file
            //_rEngine.Evaluate("lines(fit$fitted, col = 'blue')");

            Byte[] b = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Users\admin\source\repos\DataAnalisysApi\DataAnalisysApi\myplot.png");   // You can use your own method over here.
            return(File(b, "image/jpeg"));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Sample code used for updating the documentation at the codeplex web site.
            using (REngine engine = REngine.GetInstance())
                var e = engine.Evaluate("x <- 3");
                // You can now access x defined in the R environment.
                NumericVector x = engine.GetSymbol("x").AsNumeric();
                engine.Evaluate("y <- 1:10");
                NumericVector y = engine.GetSymbol("y").AsNumeric();

                // Invoking functions; Previously you may have needed custom function definitions
                var myFunc = engine.Evaluate("function(x, y) { expand.grid(x=x, y=y) }").AsFunction();
                var v1     = engine.CreateIntegerVector(new[] { 1, 2, 3 });
                var v2     = engine.CreateCharacterVector(new[] { "a", "b", "c" });
                var df     = myFunc.Invoke(new SymbolicExpression[] { v1, v2 }).AsDataFrame();

                // As of R.NET 1.6, more function call syntaxes are supported.
                var expandGrid = engine.Evaluate("expand.grid").AsFunction();
                var d          = new Dictionary <string, SymbolicExpression>();
                d["x"] = v1;
                d["y"] = v2;
                df     = expandGrid.Invoke(d).AsDataFrame();

                // querying data frames
                engine.SetSymbol("cases", df);
                // As of R.NET 1.6, factor to character expressions work consistently with R


                 * x y
                 * 1 1 a
                 * 2 2 a
                 * 3 3 a
                 * 4 1 b
                 * 5 2 b
                 * 6 3 b                 */

                var letterCases = engine.Evaluate("cases[,'y']").AsCharacter().ToArray();
                // "a","a","a","b","b","b", etc. Same as as.character(cases[,'y']) in R
                // This used to return  "1", "1", "1", "2", "2", etc. with R.NET 1.5.5

                // Equivalent:
                letterCases = df[1].AsCharacter().ToArray();
                letterCases = df["y"].AsCharacter().ToArray();

                // Accessing items by two dimensional indexing
                string s = (string)df[1, 1]; // "a"
                s = (string)df[3, 1];        // "a"
                s = (string)df[3, "y"];      // "b"
                // s = (string)df["4", "y"]; // fails because there are no row names
                df[3, "y"] = "a";
                s          = (string)df[3, "y"]; // "a"
                df[3, "y"] = "d";
                s          = (string)df[3, "y"]; // null, because we have an <NA> string in R

                // invoking a whole script
                // engine.Evaluate("source('c:/src/path/to/myscript.r')");

                // TODO
                // Date-time objects
Exemple #4
        private void btnRun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            frmProgress pfrmProgress = new frmProgress();

            pfrmProgress.lblStatus.Text    = "Collecting Data:";
            pfrmProgress.pgbProgress.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee;

            //Get number of variables
            int intnVar = dgvVariables.Rows.Count - 1;

            for (int j = 0; j < intnVar; j++)
                if (dgvVariables.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value.ToString() == "" || dgvVariables.Rows[j].Cells[1].Value.ToString() == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select both variable and standard errors.", "Errors");

            clsSnippet pSnippet = new clsSnippet();

            // Gets the variable names and indices
            BhattaVariables[] pBVariable = new BhattaVariables[intnVar];

            int nFeature = m_pFClass.FeatureCount(null);

            for (int j = 0; j < intnVar; j++)
                //BhattaVariables tmp = new BhattaVariables();
                //tmp.variableNames = (string)dgvVariables.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value;
                //tmp.errorNames = (string)dgvVariables.Rows[j].Cells[1].Value;

                //tmp.idVar = m_pFClass.Fields.FindField(tmp.variableNames);
                //tmp.idError = m_pFClass.Fields.FindField(tmp.errorNames);

                //tmp.arrVar = new double[nFeature];
                //tmp.arrError = new double[nFeature];

                pBVariable[j] = new BhattaVariables();
                pBVariable[j].variableNames = (string)dgvVariables.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value;
                pBVariable[j].errorNames    = (string)dgvVariables.Rows[j].Cells[1].Value;

                pBVariable[j].idVar   = m_pFClass.Fields.FindField(pBVariable[j].variableNames);
                pBVariable[j].idError = m_pFClass.Fields.FindField(pBVariable[j].errorNames);

                pBVariable[j].arrVar   = new double[nFeature];
                pBVariable[j].arrError = new double[nFeature];

            //Get values of var and error from shp file
            IFeatureCursor pFCursor = m_pFClass.Search(null, true);
            IFeature       pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature();

            //Store independent values at Array

            int i = 0;

            while (pFeature != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < intnVar; j++)
                    //arrInDepen[j] = new double[nFeature];
                    pBVariable[j].arrVar[i]   = Convert.ToDouble(pFeature.get_Value(pBVariable[j].idVar));
                    pBVariable[j].arrError[i] = Convert.ToDouble(pFeature.get_Value(pBVariable[j].idError));

                pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature();

            pfrmProgress.lblStatus.Text = "Creating Distance Matrix";

            if (cboDistance.Text == "Bhattacharyya distance") //Bhatta dist
                string strStartPath = m_pForm.strPath;
                string pathr        = strStartPath.Replace(@"\", @"/");
                m_pEngine.Evaluate("source('" + pathr + "/clustering.R')");

                //Create Matrix for Distance calculation
                m_pEngine.Evaluate("Bhatta.diss <- matrix(0, " + nFeature.ToString() + ", " + nFeature.ToString() + ")");
                StringBuilder[] plotCommmand = new StringBuilder[4];

                //Need to optimize 12132017 HK
                for (int k = 0; k < nFeature; k++)
                    for (int l = 0; l < k + 1; l++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                            plotCommmand[j] = new StringBuilder();

                        plotCommmand[0].Append("x1 <- cbind(");
                        plotCommmand[1].Append("x2 <- cbind(");
                        plotCommmand[2].Append("v1 <- cbind(");
                        plotCommmand[3].Append("v2 <- cbind(");

                        for (int j = 0; j < intnVar; j++)
                            plotCommmand[0].Append(pBVariable[j].arrVar[k].ToString() + ", ");
                            plotCommmand[1].Append(pBVariable[j].arrVar[l].ToString() + ", ");
                            plotCommmand[2].Append(pBVariable[j].arrError[k].ToString() + ", ");
                            plotCommmand[3].Append(pBVariable[j].arrError[l].ToString() + ", ");

                        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                            plotCommmand[j].Remove(plotCommmand[j].Length - 2, 2);

                        m_pEngine.Evaluate("Bhatta.diss[" + (k + 1).ToString() + ", " + (l + 1).ToString() + "] <- Bhatta.mdist(x1, x2, v1, v2)");
                        m_pEngine.Evaluate("Bhatta.diss[" + (l + 1).ToString() + ", " + (k + 1).ToString() + "] <- Bhatta.mdist(x2, x1, v2, v1)");

                pfrmProgress.lblStatus.Text = "Finding Clusters";

                m_pEngine.Evaluate("sample.hclu <- hclust(as.dist(Bhatta.diss))");
            else if (cboDistance.Text == "Euclidean distance")
                StringBuilder plotCommmand = new StringBuilder();
                plotCommmand.Append("Euc.dis <- dist(cbind(");

                for (int j = 0; j < intnVar; j++)
                    NumericVector vecVar = m_pEngine.CreateNumericVector(pBVariable[j].arrVar);
                    m_pEngine.SetSymbol(pBVariable[j].variableNames, vecVar);
                    plotCommmand.Append(pBVariable[j].variableNames + ", ");

                plotCommmand.Remove(plotCommmand.Length - 2, 2);

                pfrmProgress.lblStatus.Text = "Finding Clusters";

                m_pEngine.Evaluate("sample.hclu <- hclust(Euc.dis)");

            string strTitle   = "Dendrogram";
            string strCommand = "plot(sample.hclu);";

            pSnippet.drawPlottoForm(strTitle, strCommand);

            int intNClasses = Convert.ToInt32(nudNClasses.Value);

            m_pEngine.Evaluate("sample.cut <- cutree(sample.hclu, " + intNClasses.ToString() + ")");

            //Save Outputs in SHP
            pfrmProgress.lblStatus.Text = "Save Results";
            //The field names are related with string[] DeterminedName in clsSnippet
            string strOutputFldName = txtOutputFld.Text;

            //Get EVs and residuals
            NumericVector nvClasses = m_pEngine.Evaluate("sample.cut").AsNumeric();

            // Create field, if there isn't
            if (m_pFClass.FindField(strOutputFldName) == -1)
                //Add fields
                IField     newField  = new FieldClass();
                IFieldEdit fieldEdit = (IFieldEdit)newField;
                fieldEdit.Name_2 = strOutputFldName;
                fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble;
                DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to overwrite " + strOutputFldName + " field?", "Overwrite", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

                if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No)

            //Update Field
            pFCursor = m_pFClass.Update(null, false);
            pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature();

            int featureIdx      = 0;
            int intOutputFldIdx = m_pFClass.FindField(strOutputFldName);

            while (pFeature != null)
                //Update Residuals
                pFeature.set_Value(intOutputFldIdx, (object)nvClasses[featureIdx]);


                pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature();

            //Not working properly
            ////Creating unique value map
            //IGeoFeatureLayer geoFeatureLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)m_pFLayer;
            //IUniqueValueRenderer uniqueValueRenderer = new UniqueValueRendererClass();
            //uniqueValueRenderer.FieldCount = 1;
            //uniqueValueRenderer.set_Field(0, strOutputFldName);

            //IDataStatistics pDataStat = new DataStatisticsClass();
            //pDataStat.Field = strOutputFldName;
            //ITable pTable = (ITable)m_pFClass;
            //ICursor pCursor = pTable.Search(null, true);
            //pDataStat.Cursor = pCursor;
            //int intUniqValueCnt = pDataStat.UniqueValueCount;

            //System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator = pDataStat.UniqueValues;

            //ISimpleFillSymbol simpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
            //simpleFillSymbol.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSSolid;
            //IEnumColors enumColors = CreateAlgorithmicColorRamp(intUniqValueCnt).Colors;

            //for (int j = 0; j < intUniqValueCnt; j++)
            //    string value = enumerator.Current.ToString();
            //    enumerator.MoveNext();
            //    simpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
            //    simpleFillSymbol.Color = enumColors.Next();
            //    uniqueValueRenderer.AddValue(value, strOutputFldName, simpleFillSymbol as ISymbol);

            ////IFeatureCursor featureCursor = geoFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Search(null, false);
            ////IFeature feature;
            ////if (featureCursor != null)
            ////    IEnumColors enumColors = CreateAlgorithmicColorRamp(8).Colors;
            ////    //int fieldIndex = geoFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField("continent");
            ////    for (int j = 0; j < uniqueValueRenderer.ValueCount; j++)
            ////    {
            ////        string value = uniqueValueRenderer.get_Value(i);
            ////        uniqueValueRenderer.set_Symbol(value, simpleFillSymbol as ISymbol);

            ////        feature = featureCursor.NextFeature();
            ////        string nameValue = feature.get_Value(intOutputFldIdx).ToString();
            ////        simpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
            ////        simpleFillSymbol.Color = enumColors.Next();
            ////        uniqueValueRenderer.AddValue(nameValue, strOutputFldName, simpleFillSymbol as ISymbol);
            ////    }

            //geoFeatureLayer.Renderer = uniqueValueRenderer as IFeatureRenderer;


            MessageBox.Show("Clustering results are stored in the source shapefile");

Exemple #5
        public ResourcePackage Import(string path, string agencyId)
            this.harmonizingCache = new HarmonizingCache(MultilingualString.CurrentCulture);

            var resourcePackage = new ResourcePackage();

            resourcePackage.AgencyId = agencyId;

            logger.Debug("Importing RData");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName");
            if (!File.Exists(path))
                throw new ArgumentException("The specified file must exist");

            string fileNameWithExtension = Path.GetFileName(path);
            string fileNameOnly          = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);

            logger.Debug("RData import file: " + fileNameOnly);

            resourcePackage.DublinCoreMetadata.Title.Current = fileNameOnly;

            // Create the PhysicalInstance.
            var physicalInstance = new PhysicalInstance()
                AgencyId = agencyId

            physicalInstance.DublinCoreMetadata.Title.Current = fileNameOnly;

            // File location
            if (path != null)
                DataFileIdentification fileID = new DataFileIdentification();
                Uri uri;
                if (Uri.TryCreate(path, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out uri))
                    fileID.Uri = uri;
                fileID.Path = path;


            // Create the DataRelationship.
            var dataRelationship = new DataRelationship();

            dataRelationship.AgencyId      = agencyId;
            dataRelationship.Label.Current = fileNameOnly;

            // Load the file into R.
            string pathForR = path.Replace("\\", "/");

            engine.Evaluate(string.Format("load('{0}')", pathForR));

            // Find all the data frames.
            var dataFrames = GetDataFrames();

            // For each data frame in the RData file, create a LogicalRecord.
            foreach (var pair in dataFrames)
                string name      = pair.Key;
                var    dataFrame = pair.Value;

                // TODO This should be tracked per record, not PhysicalInstance.
                physicalInstance.FileStructure.CaseQuantity = dataFrame.RowCount;

                var logicalRecord = new LogicalRecord()
                    AgencyId = agencyId
                logicalRecord.Label.Current = name;

                List <string> variableLabels     = null;
                var           variableLabelsExpr = dataFrame.GetAttribute("var.labels");
                if (variableLabelsExpr != null)
                    var labelVector = variableLabelsExpr.AsVector();
                    variableLabels = new List <string>(labelVector.Select(x => (string)x));

                for (int i = 0; i < dataFrame.ColumnCount; i++)
                    string columnName = dataFrame.ColumnNames[i];
                    var    column     = dataFrame[i];

                    var variable = new Variable()
                        AgencyId = agencyId

                    // Name
                    variable.ItemName.Current = columnName;

                    // Label
                    if (variableLabels != null)
                        variable.Label.Current = variableLabels[i];

                    // Type
                    if (column.Type == RDotNet.Internals.SymbolicExpressionType.NumericVector)
                        variable.RepresentationType = RepresentationType.Numeric;
                        variable.Additivity         = AdditivityType.Stock;
                    else if (column.Type == RDotNet.Internals.SymbolicExpressionType.IntegerVector)
                        if (column.IsFactor())
                            variable.RepresentationType = RepresentationType.Code;

                            string[] factors = column.AsFactor().GetLevels();
                            variable.CodeRepresentation.Codes = GetCodeList(factors, agencyId, resourcePackage);
                            variable.RepresentationType = RepresentationType.Numeric;
                            variable.NumericRepresentation.NumericType = NumericType.Integer;
                            variable.Additivity = AdditivityType.Stock;
                    else if (column.Type == RDotNet.Internals.SymbolicExpressionType.CharacterVector)
                        variable.RepresentationType = RepresentationType.Text;

        private void InicializeRNet()
            string rFilePath = @"C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.3.1\\library\\Functions.R";

            engine.Evaluate("source(\"" + rFilePath + "\")");
Exemple #7
        public void Test(HomeController controller)
            //require R 2.15, package forecast on R
            //var envPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
            //var rBinPath = GetRPath(); //C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.1\bin\i386

            //var BinPath = GetWinRegistryPath();
            //var envPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
            // this statement not work under iis
            //Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", envPath + Path.PathSeparator + BinPath);

            REngine engine = REngine.GetInstance();


            string currentPath     = @"C:\Workspace\SAM\SAM\VisualAnalytics\bin"; //Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            string dataPath        = currentPath + @"\data\paper.dat";
            string readDataCommand = string.Format("predata <- read.table(\"{0}\", header=FALSE)", dataPath).Replace('\\', '/');

            String JsonData = @"http://localhost:25910/Home/getBigTable";//controller.getBigTable().Content;

            log.Debug("JSON:" + JsonData);
            string evaluate = string.Format("data <-fromJSON(\"{0}\")", JsonData);

            log.Debug("evaluateString:" + evaluate);
            //engine.Evaluate("data <- predata[,1]");
            var model = engine.Evaluate("fit <- auto.arima(data$Amount)").AsList();

            foreach (var item in model)

            var coef = model["coef"].AsList();

            int lengthData = engine.Evaluate("data$Amount").AsNumeric().Length;

            double[] dataSeries  = new double[lengthData];
            double[] errorSeries = new double[lengthData];

            engine.Evaluate("data$Amount").AsNumeric().CopyTo(dataSeries, lengthData);
            model["residuals"].AsNumeric().CopyTo(errorSeries, lengthData);

            int arOrder         = model["arma"].AsInteger().ElementAt(0);
            int maOrder         = model["arma"].AsInteger().ElementAt(1);
            int arSeasonOrder   = model["arma"].AsInteger().ElementAt(2);
            int maSeasonOrder   = model["arma"].AsInteger().ElementAt(3);
            int seasonOrder     = model["arma"].AsInteger().ElementAt(4);
            int diffOrder       = model["arma"].AsInteger().ElementAt(5);
            int diffSeasonOrder = model["arma"].AsInteger().ElementAt(6);

            double[] arCoef       = new double[arOrder];
            double[] maCoef       = new double[maOrder];
            double[] arSeasonCoef = new double[arSeasonOrder];
            double[] maSeasonCoef = new double[maSeasonOrder];
            double   intercept    = 0;

            int n     = model["coef"].AsNumeric().Length;
            int start = 0;

            model["coef"].AsNumeric().CopyTo(arCoef, arOrder, start, 0);
            start += arOrder;
            model["coef"].AsNumeric().CopyTo(maCoef, maOrder, start, 0);
            start += maOrder;
            model["coef"].AsNumeric().CopyTo(arSeasonCoef, arSeasonOrder, start, 0);
            start += arSeasonOrder;
            model["coef"].AsNumeric().CopyTo(maSeasonCoef, maSeasonOrder, start, 0);
            start += maSeasonOrder;
            if (n > start)
                intercept = model["coef"].AsNumeric().ElementAt(start);

            ArimaModel arimaModel     = new ArimaModel(arCoef, maCoef, arSeasonCoef, maSeasonCoef, intercept, (uint)seasonOrder, (uint)diffOrder, (uint)diffSeasonOrder);
            Polynomial arModel        = arimaModel.ComputeARModel();
            Polynomial maModel        = arimaModel.ComputeMAModel();
            double     interceptModel = arimaModel.ComputeIntercept();

            double test = arimaModel.ComputeValue(dataSeries, errorSeries, dataSeries.Length);

Exemple #8
 private void declarePackages()
     engine.Evaluate(string.Format("source('{0}')", RCodeControl.RequireFilesAddress));
        public void test_StartItems_P(int numofItems, ModelNames.Models paramModel)
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Polytomous Items
            CharacterVector modelName = engineObj.CreateCharacterVector(new string[] { paramModel.EnumToString() });

            engineObj.SetSymbol("modelName", modelName);
            DataFrame PolyItems = engineObj.Evaluate("PolyItems <- genPolyMatrix(" + numofItems + ", 5, model = modelName, same.nrCat = TRUE)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("PolyItems", PolyItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)

            Console.WriteLine("Polytomous Items, Model : " + paramModel.EnumToString());

            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(PolyItems[0].Length, paramModel.EnumToString(), 5);

            Tuple <CATItems.ColumnNames, int>[] cols = itemBank.GetKeys();

            for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++)
                itemBank.SetItemParamter(cols[i], PolyItems[i].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // Call "StartItems" function from R, "MFI" criterion
            GenericVector r_StartItems = engineObj.Evaluate("r_StartItems <- startItems(PolyItems, model = modelName, nrItems = 3, theta = 1, halfRange = 2)").AsList();

            // Resulting item numbers
            IntegerVector items = r_StartItems[0].AsInteger();

            DataFrame tempitems = r_StartItems[1].AsDataFrame();

            // Resulting Items
            CATItems r_CatItems = new CATItems(tempitems[0].Length, paramModel.EnumToString(), 5);

            for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++)
                r_CatItems.SetItemParamter(cols[i], tempitems[i].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // Resulting
            NumericVector   thStart     = r_StartItems[2].AsNumeric();
            CharacterVector startSelect = r_StartItems[3].AsCharacter();

            // Call "StartItems" function from CS
            StartItemsModel cs_StartItems = CatRLib.StartItems(itemBank, paramModel.EnumToString(), nrItems: 3, theta: 1, halfRange: 2);

            // Check items
            if (items.Length == cs_StartItems.items.Length)
                for (int ind = 0; ind < cs_StartItems.items.Length; ind++)
                    if (items[ind] != cs_StartItems.items[ind])
                        resultFlag = false;

            // Check starting ability values
            if (thStart.Length == cs_StartItems.thStart.Length)
                for (int ind2 = 0; ind2 < cs_StartItems.thStart.Length; ind2++)
                    if (thStart[ind2] != cs_StartItems.thStart[ind2])
                        resultFlag = false;

Exemple #10
 private static void printMemLimit(REngine engine)
     Console.WriteLine("*** NOTE: memory.limit() returns: " + engine.Evaluate("memory.limit()").AsNumeric()[0]);
        private void listView_Click(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            // Companies id = (Companies)e.AddedItems[0];
            // string name = id.Symbol;
            if (lvUsers.SelectedIndex != -1)
                string date;
                string fileName = @"myplot2.png";

                Companies c = (Companies)lvUsers.SelectedItem;

                    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(String.Format("http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s={0}&ignore=.csv", c.Symbol));
                    request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Head;
                    HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        MessageBox.Show("שגיאה: מידע פננסי עבור החברה שנבחרה לא קיים.");
                        this.Graph.Source = null;

                    MessageBox.Show("שגיאה: מידע פננסי עבור החברה שנבחרה לא קיים.");
                    this.Graph.Source = null;

                //REngine engine;
                // engine = REngine.GetInstance();

                List <string> dates  = new List <string>();
                List <float>  p_list = new List <float>();

                for (int i = 14; i > 0; i--)
                    if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(i, 0, 0, 0)).DayOfWeek.ToString() != "Sunday" && DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(i, 0, 0, 0)).DayOfWeek.ToString() != "Saturday")
                        date = "" + DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(i, 0, 0, 0)).Year.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(i, 0, 0, 0)).Month.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(i, 0, 0, 0)).Day.ToString();

                string temp = "getYahooStockUrl <- function(symbol, start, end, type = \"d\") {\n start <- as.Date(start)\n end <- as.Date(end)\n url <-\"http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=%s&a=%d&b=%s&c=%s&d=%d&e=%s&f=%s&g=%s&ignore=.csv\"\n sprintf(url,\ntoupper(symbol),\nas.integer(format(start, \"%m\")) - 1,\nformat(start, \"%d\"),\nformat(start, \"%Y\"),\nas.integer(format(end, \"%m\")) - 1, \nformat(end, \"%d\"),\nformat(end, \"%Y\"),\ntype)} \ndata<- read.csv(getYahooStockUrl(\"" + c.Symbol + "\", \"" + dates.First().ToString() + "\", \"" + dates.Last().ToString() + "\"),\nstringsAsFactors = FALSE)";

                DataFrame obj = engine.Evaluate(temp).AsDataFrame();


                if (File.Exists(fileName))
                    this.Graph.Source = null;

                //CharacterVector uVector = engine.CreateCharacterVector(u_date_list_h);
                engine.SetSymbol("date", obj["Date"]);

                //CharacterVector pVector = engine.CreateCharacterVector(help);
                engine.SetSymbol("value", obj["Close"]);

                //engine.SetSymbol("obj", obj);

                CharacterVector fileNameVector = engine.CreateCharacterVector(new[] { fileName });
                engine.SetSymbol("fileName", fileNameVector);

                engine.Evaluate("png(filename=fileName, width=6, height=6, units='in', res=100)");
                engine.Evaluate("date <- as.Date(date)");
                engine.Evaluate("family <- as.factor(data[,4])");
                engine.Evaluate("par(bg = \"transparent\")");
                engine.Evaluate("plot(value~date,pch=16, col=family, ann=FALSE)");

                var bitmap = new BitmapImage();
                var stream = File.OpenRead(fileName);
                bitmap.CacheOption  = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
                bitmap.StreamSource = stream;
                this.Graph.Source = bitmap;

Exemple #12
        private void btnRun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cboFldnm1.Text == "" || cboFldnm2.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please select target field");

            frmProgress pfrmProgress = new frmProgress();

            pfrmProgress.lblStatus.Text    = "Processing:";
            pfrmProgress.pgbProgress.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee;

            REngine pEngine = m_pForm.pEngine;

            int nFeature = m_pFClass.FeatureCount(null);

            IFeatureCursor pFCursor = m_pFClass.Search(null, true);
            IFeature       pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature();

            //Get index for independent and dependent variables
            //Get variable index
            string strVarNM1  = (string)cboFldnm1.SelectedItem;
            string strVarNM2  = (string)cboFldnm2.SelectedItem;
            int    intVarIdx1 = m_pFClass.FindField(strVarNM1);
            int    intVarIdx2 = m_pFClass.FindField(strVarNM2);

            //Store Variable at Array
            double[] arrVar1 = new double[nFeature];
            double[] arrVar2 = new double[nFeature];

            int i = 0;

            while (pFeature != null)
                arrVar1[i] = Convert.ToDouble(pFeature.get_Value(intVarIdx1));
                arrVar2[i] = Convert.ToDouble(pFeature.get_Value(intVarIdx2));
                pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature();


            //Plot command for R
            StringBuilder plotCommmand = new StringBuilder();

            string strStartPath = m_pForm.strPath;
            string pathr        = strStartPath.Replace(@"\", @"/");

            pEngine.Evaluate("source('" + pathr + "/ESDA_LEE/AllFunctions_LARRY.R')");
            pEngine.Evaluate("source('" + pathr + "/ESDA_LEE/AllFunctions_neighbor.R')");
            pEngine.Evaluate("source('" + pathr + "/ESDA_LEE/AllFunctions_SASbi.R')");

            //Get the file path and name to create spatial weight matrix
            string strNameR = m_pSnippet.FilePathinRfromLayer(m_pFLayer);

            if (strNameR == null)

            //Create spatial weight matrix in R
            pEngine.Evaluate("library(spdep); library(maptools)");
            pEngine.Evaluate("sample.shp <- readShapePoly('" + strNameR + "')");
            //pEngine.Evaluate("sample.nb <- poly2nb(sample.shp, queen=FALSE)");
            pEngine.Evaluate("sample.nb <- poly2nb(sample.shp)");

            NumericVector vecVar1 = pEngine.CreateNumericVector(arrVar1);

            pEngine.SetSymbol("sample.v1", vecVar1);
            NumericVector vecVar2 = pEngine.CreateNumericVector(arrVar2);

            pEngine.SetSymbol("sample.v2", vecVar2);

            //string strRSigLv = nudRsigLv.Value.ToString();
            //string strLSigLv = nudLsigLv.Value.ToString();
            //string strLSig = cboLocalL.Text;
            //string strRsig = cboLocalPearson.Text;
            //string strRowStd = cboRowStandardization.Text;
            //string strMaxRanges = nudMaxRange.Value.ToString();
            //string strHigherOrder = cboHigherOrder.Text;
            string strNonZero = null;

            if (chkDiagZero.Checked)
                strNonZero = "FALSE";
                strNonZero = "TRUE";

            double[] dblLoclLisa = null;

            if (cboMeasure.Text == "Lee's L")
                pEngine.Evaluate("sample.result <- LARRY.bivariate.LISA.lee(sample.v1, sample.v2, 1:length(sample.nb), sample.nb, style = 'W', diag.zero = " + strNonZero + ")");
                dblLoclLisa = pEngine.Evaluate("as.numeric(sample.result$local.L)").AsNumeric().ToArray();
            else if (cboMeasure.Text == "Local Pearson")
                pEngine.Evaluate("sample.result <- LARRY.bivariate.LISA.pearson(sample.v1, sample.v2, 1:length(sample.nb))");

                if (cboMapOption.Text == "Local Pearson")
                    dblLoclLisa = pEngine.Evaluate("as.numeric(sample.result$local.pearson)").AsNumeric().ToArray();
                else if (cboMapOption.Text == "z-score of variable 1")
                    dblLoclLisa = pEngine.Evaluate("as.numeric(sample.result$z.x)").AsNumeric().ToArray();
                else if (cboMapOption.Text == "z-score of variable 2")
                    dblLoclLisa = pEngine.Evaluate("as.numeric(sample.result$z.y)").AsNumeric().ToArray();

            //Save Output on SHP
            //Add Target fields to store results in the shapefile // Keep loop
            for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++)
                string strfldName = lvFields.Items[j].SubItems[1].Text;
                if (m_pFClass.FindField(strfldName) == -1)
                    IField     newField  = new FieldClass();
                    IFieldEdit fieldEdit = (IFieldEdit)newField;
                    fieldEdit.Name_2 = strfldName;
                    fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble;

            //Update Field
            pFCursor = m_pFClass.Update(null, false);
            pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature();

            string strLocalLISAFldName = lvFields.Items[0].SubItems[1].Text;
            int    intSpQuadFldIdx     = m_pFClass.FindField(strLocalLISAFldName);

            int featureIdx = 0;

            while (pFeature != null)
                pFeature.set_Value(intSpQuadFldIdx, dblLoclLisa[featureIdx]);


                pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature();

            if (chkMap.Checked)
                ITable pTable = (ITable)m_pFClass;

                pFCursor = m_pFClass.Search(null, false);
                IDataStatistics pDataStat = new DataStatisticsClass();
                pDataStat.Field  = strLocalLISAFldName;
                pDataStat.Cursor = (ICursor)pFCursor;

                IStatisticsResults pStatResults = pDataStat.Statistics;
                double             dblMax       = pStatResults.Maximum;
                double             dblMin       = pStatResults.Minimum;

                int      intBreaksCount = m_pBiLISASym.Length + 1;
                double[] cb             = new double[intBreaksCount];

                //Assign Min and Max values for class breaks
                cb[0] = dblMin;
                cb[intBreaksCount - 1] = dblMax;

                for (int k = 0; k < intBreaksCount - 2; k++)
                    cb[k + 1] = m_pBiLISASym[k].UValue;

                IClassBreaksRenderer pCBRenderer = new ClassBreaksRenderer();
                pCBRenderer.Field        = strLocalLISAFldName;
                pCBRenderer.BreakCount   = intBreaksCount - 1;
                pCBRenderer.MinimumBreak = cb[0];

                //' use this interface to set dialog properties
                IClassBreaksUIProperties pUIProperties = (IClassBreaksUIProperties)pCBRenderer;
                pUIProperties.ColorRamp = "Custom";
                ISimpleFillSymbol pSimpleFillSym;

                //int[,] arrColors = CreateColorRamp();

                ////Add Probability Value Manually
                //string[] strsProbLabels = new string[] { "(0.01)", "(0.05)", "(0.1)", "(0.1)", "(0.05)", "(0.01)" };

                //' be careful, indices are different for the diff lists
                for (int j = 0; j < intBreaksCount - 1; j++)
                    pCBRenderer.Break[j] = cb[j + 1];
                    pCBRenderer.Label[j] = m_pBiLISASym[j].Label;

                    pUIProperties.LowBreak[j] = cb[j];
                    pSimpleFillSym            = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                    IRgbColor pRGBColor = m_pSnippet.getRGB(m_pBiLISASym[j].R, m_pBiLISASym[j].G, m_pBiLISASym[j].B);
                    pSimpleFillSym.Color  = (IColor)pRGBColor;
                    pCBRenderer.Symbol[j] = (ISymbol)pSimpleFillSym;

                IFeatureLayer pNewFLayer = new FeatureLayerClass();
                pNewFLayer.FeatureClass = m_pFClass;
                pNewFLayer.Name         = lvFields.Items[0].SubItems[0].Text + " of " + m_pFLayer.Name;
                IGeoFeatureLayer pGFLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pNewFLayer;
                pGFLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pCBRenderer;

                MessageBox.Show("Complete. The results are stored in the shape file");
        private async void CalculateScores()
            List <double> xRange = mWindow.ParseRange(Delays);
            List <double> yRange = mWindow.ParseRange(Values);

            if (!double.TryParse(MaxValue, out maxValueA) || (xRange.Count != yRange.Count))
                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Error in computing ranges, inputs must be equal in length.");
                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Counts for Delays and Values were " + xRange.Count + " and " + yRange.Count + " respectively.");
                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Max value was: " + maxValueA);
                MessageBox.Show("Hmm, check your ranges.  These don't seem paired up");


            mDiscount.maxValue = maxValueA;
            mDiscount.xArray   = xRange;
            mDiscount.yArray   = yRange;

            mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Results of Johnson & Bickel criteria: " + mDiscount.getJohnsonBickelCriteria());

            var   chartWin = new ChartingWindow();
            Chart chart    = chartWin.FindName("MyWinformChart") as Chart;

            // Style chart areas
            chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
            chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum           = 0;
            chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Title             = "Delays";
            chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
            chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum           = 0;
            chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Title             = "Values";

            int seriesCount = 0;

            if (runAUC)
                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Calculating Area Under Curve...");

                double AUC = await GetAreaUnderCurve();

                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Results of AUC were " + AUC.ToString("0.0000"));

                var series = new Series
                    Name              = "AUC",
                    Color             = System.Drawing.Color.Blue,
                    IsVisibleInLegend = true,
                    IsXValueIndexed   = false,
                    ChartType         = SeriesChartType.Point


                for (int i = 0; i < xRange.Count; i++)
                    chart.Series[seriesCount].Points.AddXY(xRange[i], yRange[i]);


            if (runExp)
                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Fitting Exponential Model...");

                double kVal = 0;

                    NumericVector delays = engine.CreateNumericVector(xRange.ToArray());
                    engine.SetSymbol("delays", delays);

                    NumericVector values = engine.CreateNumericVector(yRange.ToArray());
                    engine.SetSymbol("values", values);

                    GenericVector testResult = engine.Evaluate("nls(values ~ " + maxValueA + " * exp(-a*delays), start = list(a = 0))").AsList();

                    engine.SetSymbol("exponentialModel", testResult);
                    kVal = engine.Evaluate("coef(exponentialModel)").AsNumeric().First();
                catch (EvaluationException evalExc)
                    mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("R methods failed to achieve convergence.  Defaulting to SnS backups...");

                     *  Fall-back method if convergence issues found

                    ExponentialModel exponentialModel = await GetExponentialModel();

                    kVal = exponentialModel.Constant;

                double exponentialED50 = mDiscount.getExponentialED50(kVal);

                double expR2 = mDiscount.getExponentialR2(kVal);

                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Results of Exponential fit were k: " + kVal.ToString("0.0000") + ", r2: " + expR2.ToString("0.0000"));
                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Results of exponential ED50: " + exponentialED50.ToString("0.0000"));

                var series = new Series
                    Name              = "Exponential Model",
                    Color             = System.Drawing.Color.Purple,
                    IsVisibleInLegend = true,
                    IsXValueIndexed   = false,
                    ChartType         = SeriesChartType.Line


                double projected;

                for (int i = (int)xRange[0]; i < xRange[xRange.Count - 1]; i++)
                    projected = maxValueA * System.Math.Exp(-kVal * i);

                    chart.Series[seriesCount].Points.AddXY(i, projected);


            if (runHyp)
                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Fitting hyperbolic Model...");

                double kVal = 0;

                    NumericVector delays = engine.CreateNumericVector(xRange.ToArray());
                    engine.SetSymbol("delays", delays);

                    NumericVector values = engine.CreateNumericVector(yRange.ToArray());
                    engine.SetSymbol("values", values);

                    GenericVector testResult = engine.Evaluate("nls(values ~ " + maxValueA + " / (1 + a*delays), start = list(a = 0))").AsList();
                    engine.SetSymbol("hyperbolicModel", testResult);
                    kVal = engine.Evaluate("coef(hyperbolicModel)").AsNumeric().First();
                catch (EvaluationException evalExc)
                     *  Fall-back method if convergence issues found

                    mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("R methods failed to achieve convergence.  Defaulting to SnS backups...");

                    HyperbolicModel hyperbolicModel = await GetHyperbolicModel();

                    kVal = hyperbolicModel.Constant;

                double hyperbolicED50 = mDiscount.getAinslieED50(kVal);

                double hypR2 = mDiscount.getHyperbolicR2(kVal);

                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Results of hyperbolic fit were k: " + kVal.ToString("0.0000") + ", r2: " + hypR2.ToString("0.0000"));
                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Results of hyperbolic ED50: " + hyperbolicED50.ToString("0.0000"));

                var series = new Series
                    Name              = "Hyperbolic Model",
                    Color             = System.Drawing.Color.LimeGreen,
                    IsVisibleInLegend = true,
                    IsXValueIndexed   = false,
                    ChartType         = SeriesChartType.Line


                double projected;

                for (int i = (int)xRange[0]; i < xRange[xRange.Count - 1]; i++)
                    projected = maxValueA / (1 + kVal * i);
                    chart.Series[seriesCount].Points.AddXY(i, projected);


            if (runQuasi)
                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Fitting quasi-hyperbolic Model...");

                double[] kVal = new double[2];

                    NumericVector delays = engine.CreateNumericVector(xRange.ToArray());
                    engine.SetSymbol("delays", delays);

                    NumericVector values = engine.CreateNumericVector(yRange.ToArray());
                    engine.SetSymbol("values", values);

                    GenericVector testResult = engine.Evaluate("nls(values ~ " + maxValueA + " * a * exp(-b*delays), start = list(a = 0.5, b = 0.001))").AsList();

                    engine.SetSymbol("quasiModel", testResult);
                    kVal = engine.Evaluate("coef(quasiModel)").AsNumeric().ToArray();
                catch (EvaluationException evalExc)

                    mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("R methods failed to achieve convergence.  Defaulting to SnS backups...");

                     * Backup methods

                    QuasiHyperbolicModel quasiHyperbolicModel = await GetQuasiHyperbolicModel();

                    kVal = new double[] { quasiHyperbolicModel.Beta, quasiHyperbolicModel.Constant };

                double quasiED50 = mDiscount.getQuasiED50(kVal[0], kVal[1], maxValueA);

                double quasiR2 = mDiscount.getQuasiHyperbolicR2(kVal[0], kVal[1]);

                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Results of quasi-hyperbolic fit were beta: " + kVal[0].ToString("0.0000") + " k: " + kVal[1].ToString("0.0000") + ", r2: " + quasiR2.ToString("0.0000"));
                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Results of quasi-hyperbolic ED50: " + quasiED50.ToString("0.0000"));

                var series = new Series
                    Name              = "Quasi-Hyperbolic Model",
                    Color             = System.Drawing.Color.Magenta,
                    IsVisibleInLegend = true,
                    IsXValueIndexed   = false,
                    ChartType         = SeriesChartType.Line


                double projected;

                for (int i = (int)xRange[0]; i < xRange[xRange.Count - 1]; i++)
                    projected = maxValueA * kVal[0] * System.Math.Exp(-kVal[1] * i);
                    chart.Series[seriesCount].Points.AddXY(i, projected);


            if (runMyerson)
                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Fitting hyperboloid (Myerson's) Model...");

                double[] kVal = new double[2];

                    NumericVector delays = engine.CreateNumericVector(xRange.ToArray());
                    engine.SetSymbol("delays", delays);

                    NumericVector values = engine.CreateNumericVector(yRange.ToArray());
                    engine.SetSymbol("values", values);

                    GenericVector testResult = engine.Evaluate("nls(values ~ " + maxValueA + " / ((1 + a*delays)^b), start = list(a = 0.001, b = 0.2))").AsList();

                    engine.SetSymbol("myersonModel", testResult);
                    kVal = engine.Evaluate("coef(myersonModel)").AsNumeric().ToArray();
                catch (EvaluationException evalExc)
                    mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("R methods failed to achieve convergence.  Defaulting to SnS backups...");

                     * Backup methods

                    HyperboloidMyersonModel hyperboloidModelMyerson = mDiscount.GetHyperboloidMyerson();
                    kVal = new double[] { hyperboloidModelMyerson.Constant, hyperboloidModelMyerson.Scaling };

                double hyperboloidMyersonED50 = mDiscount.getMyersonED50(kVal[0], kVal[1]);

                double myersonR2 = mDiscount.getHyperboloidMyersonR2(kVal[0], kVal[1]);

                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Results of hyperboloid fit (Myerson) were k: " + kVal[0].ToString("0.0000") + " s: " + kVal[1].ToString("0.0000") + ", r2: " + myersonR2.ToString("0.0000"));
                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Results of hyperboloid (Myerson) ED50: " + hyperboloidMyersonED50.ToString("0.0000"));

                var series = new Series
                    Name              = "Hyperboloid (M) Model",
                    Color             = System.Drawing.Color.DarkCyan,
                    IsVisibleInLegend = true,
                    IsXValueIndexed   = false,
                    ChartType         = SeriesChartType.Line


                double projected;

                for (int i = (int)xRange[0]; i < xRange[xRange.Count - 1]; i++)
                    projected = mDiscount.LookupWithS(kVal[0], maxValueA, i, kVal[1]);
                    chart.Series[seriesCount].Points.AddXY(i, projected);


            if (runRachlin)
                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Fitting hyperboloid (Rachlin's) Model...");

                 * Nuke after verifying with R

                double[] kVal = new double[2];

                    NumericVector delays = engine.CreateNumericVector(xRange.ToArray());
                    engine.SetSymbol("delays", delays);

                    NumericVector values = engine.CreateNumericVector(yRange.ToArray());
                    engine.SetSymbol("values", values);

                    GenericVector mod = engine.Evaluate("nls.control(maxiter = 1000)").AsList();

                    GenericVector testResult = engine.Evaluate("nls(values ~ " + maxValueA + " / (1 + (a*delays)^b), start = list(a = 0.001, b = 0.2))").AsList();

                    engine.SetSymbol("rachlinModel", testResult);

                    kVal = engine.Evaluate("coef(rachlinModel)").AsNumeric().ToArray();
                catch (EvaluationException evalExc)
                    mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("R methods failed to achieve convergence.  Defaulting to SnS backups...");

                     * Backup methods

                    HyperboloidRachlinModel hyperboloidModelRachlin = await GetHyperboloidRachlin();

                    kVal = new double[] { hyperboloidModelRachlin.Constant, hyperboloidModelRachlin.Scaling };

                double hyperboloidRachlinED50 = mDiscount.getRachlinED50(kVal[0], kVal[1], maxValueA);

                double rachlinR2 = mDiscount.getHyperboloidRachlinR2(kVal[0], kVal[1]);

                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Results of hyperboloid fit (Rachlin) were k: " + kVal[0].ToString("0.0000") + " s: " + kVal[1].ToString("0.0000") + ", r2: " + rachlinR2.ToString("0.0000"));
                mInterface.SendMessageToOutput("Results of hyperboloid (Rachlin) ED50: " + hyperboloidRachlinED50.ToString("0.0000"));

                var series = new Series
                    Name              = "Hyperboloid (R) Model",
                    Color             = System.Drawing.Color.Crimson,
                    IsVisibleInLegend = true,
                    IsXValueIndexed   = false,
                    ChartType         = SeriesChartType.Line


                double projected;

                for (int i = (int)xRange[0]; i < xRange[xRange.Count - 1]; i++)
                    projected = mDiscount.lookUpWithSInside(kVal[0], maxValueA, i, kVal[1]);
                    chart.Series[seriesCount].Points.AddXY(i, projected);



            chart.Legends[0].IsDockedInsideChartArea = true;
            chartWin.Owner = windowRef;
        public DataTable getCorpTable(string Rname, int stocknum)
            string fullRFilePath = Path.Combine(currentPath, Rname + ".R");

            if (!File.Exists(fullRFilePath))
            var curPath = engine.CreateCharacter(currentPath);

            engine.SetSymbol("stocknum", engine.CreateInteger(stocknum));
            engine.SetSymbol("curPath", curPath);
            engine.Evaluate(String.Format("source(\"{0}\")", Rname + ".R"));
            DataFrame output = engine.GetSymbol("output").AsDataFrame();
            DataTable table  = new DataTable();

            table.Columns.Add("Included", typeof(bool));
            foreach (var name in output.ColumnNames)
                Type t;
                switch (output[name].Type)
                case SymbolicExpressionType.NumericVector:
                    t = typeof(double); break;

                case SymbolicExpressionType.IntegerVector:
                    t = typeof(Int32); break;

                case SymbolicExpressionType.CharacterVector:
                    t = typeof(string); break;

                case SymbolicExpressionType.LogicalVector:
                    t = typeof(bool); break;

                case SymbolicExpressionType.RawVector:
                    t = typeof(byte); break;

                default: t = null; break;
                if (t != null)
                    table.Columns[name].DataType = t;

            foreach (DataFrameRow row in output.GetRows())
                DataRow newRow = table.Rows.Add();
                newRow["Included"] = true;
                foreach (var name in output.ColumnNames)
                    if ((output[name].Type == SymbolicExpressionType.NumericVector ||
                         output[name].Type == SymbolicExpressionType.IntegerVector) &&
                        !(name.Contains("현재가") || name.Contains("배당") || name.Contains("RANK")))
                        newRow[name] = (double.Parse(row[name].ToString())) / 1e8;
                        newRow[name] = row[name];
Exemple #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var scriptFile   = @"C:\projects\Hackathon\crmcognitive\R-scripts\Data_Grouping.r";
            var jsonResponse = @"C:\projects\Hackathon\crmcognitive\R-scripts\output10json.txt";

            if (args.Length > 0)
                scriptFile   = args[0];
                jsonResponse = args[1];

            Console.Write("click to start ...");

            REngine engine = REngine.GetInstance();


            string text   = File.ReadAllText(scriptFile);
            var    myFunc = engine.Evaluate(text).AsFunction();
            var    v1     = engine.CreateCharacter(jsonResponse);
            var    df     = myFunc.Invoke(new SymbolicExpression[] { v1 }).AsDataFrame();

            var dt = RDataFrameToDataSet(df);

            string[] cols;
            string[,] vals;
            string test         = "";
            var    valueStrings = new string[df.RowCount];

            var arrValueStrings = new string[1, df.RowCount];

            var strList = new List <string>();

            for (var i = 0; i < df.RowCount; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < df.ColumnCount; j++)
                    test = test + Convert.ToString(df[j][i]) + ",";

                test            = test.Remove(test.Length - 1, 1);
                valueStrings[i] = test;

                test = "";

            for (var x = 0; x < valueStrings.Length; x++)
                arrValueStrings[0, x] = valueStrings[x];

            var arrString = strList.ToArray();

            //Values = new string[,] { {Convert.ToString(valueStrings[0])}  };

            var strArr = new List <string[]> {

            var splitStrArr = strArr.ToArray();

            Console.Write("click to finish ...");
        public void test_NextItem_D(int numofItems, ModelNames.CriterionTypes paramCriterion)
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Dichotomous Items
            DataFrame DichoItems = engineObj.Evaluate("DichoItems <- genDichoMatrix(items = " + numofItems + ")").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("DichoItems", DichoItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)
            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(DichoItems[0].Length, false);

            // New Dictionary
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.a, DichoItems[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.b, DichoItems[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.c, DichoItems[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.d, DichoItems[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // Call "thetaEst" function
            //NumericVector r_th = engineObj.Evaluate("r_th <- thetaEst(rbind(DichoItems[3,], DichoItems[13,]), c(0, 1), method = \"WL\")").AsNumeric();
            //engineObj.SetSymbol("r_th", r_th);

            //double cs_th = CatRLib.ThetaEst(itemBank.FindItem(new int[] { 3, 13 }), x: new int[] { 0, 1 }, model: "", method: ModelNames.EstimaatorMethods.WL.EnumToString());

            // Call "NextItem" function from R with parameter "out"
            GenericVector r_NextItem = engineObj.Evaluate("r_NextItem <- nextItem(DichoItems, theta = 0, out = c(3, 13), criterion = \"" + paramCriterion.ToString() + "\")").AsList();

            // Call "NextItem" function from R with response pattern "x"
            //GenericVector r_NextItem = engineObj.Evaluate("r_NextItem <- nextItem(DichoItems, x = c(0, 1), out = c(3, 13), theta = r_th, criterion = \"" + paramCriterion.ToString() + "\")").AsList();

            // Selected item
            NumericVector item = r_NextItem[0].AsNumeric();

            DataFrame par = r_NextItem[1].AsDataFrame();

            // Item parameter
            CATItems parItems = new CATItems(par[0].Length, false);

            parItems.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.a, par[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            parItems.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.b, par[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            parItems.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.c, par[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            parItems.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.d, par[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // Value of "info"
            NumericVector info = r_NextItem[2].AsNumeric();

            // Criterion
            CharacterVector startSelect = r_NextItem[3].AsCharacter();

            // Call "NextItem" function from CS with parameter "out"
            NextItemModel cs_NextItem = CatRLib.NextItem(itemBank, theta: 0, Out: new int[] { 3, 13 }, criterion: (int)paramCriterion);

            // Call "NextItem" function from CS with response pattern "x"
            //NextItemModel cs_NextItem = CatRLib.NextItem(itemBank, theta: cs_th, Out: new int[] { 3, 13 }, x: new int[] { 0, 1 }, criterion: (int)paramCriterion);

            // Checking item & other values
            if (item[0] != cs_NextItem.item)
                resultFlag = false;

            if (decimal.Round((decimal)info[0], 3) != decimal.Round((decimal)cs_NextItem.info, 3))
                resultFlag = false;

Exemple #17
        public static bool Init(Thor model)
                _model           = model;
                Engine.AutoPrint = false;


                Engine.Evaluate("if (!require('ks')) install.packages('ks', lib='./RPackages',repos='https://cran.uni-muenster.de')");
                Engine.Evaluate("if (!require('ggplot2')) install.packages('ggplot2', lib='./RPackages',repos='https://cran.uni-muenster.de')");
                Engine.Evaluate("if (!require('scales')) install.packages('scales', lib='./RPackages',repos='https://cran.uni-muenster.de')");
                Engine.Evaluate("if (!require('gridExtra')) install.packages('gridExtra', lib='./RPackages',repos='https://cran.uni-muenster.de')");
                Engine.Evaluate("if (!require('scatterplot3d')) install.packages('scatterplot3d', lib='./RPackages',repos='https://cran.uni-muenster.de')");

                Engine.Evaluate("suppressMessages(require('ks', quietly=TRUE))");
                Engine.Evaluate("require('ggplot2', quietly=TRUE)");
                Engine.Evaluate("require('scales', quietly=TRUE)");
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
            catch (EvaluationException)
        public void test_StartItems_D(int numofItems)
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Dichotomous Items
            DataFrame DichoItems = engineObj.Evaluate("DichoItems <- genDichoMatrix(items = " + numofItems + ")").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("DichoItems", DichoItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)
            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(DichoItems[0].Length, false);

            // New Dictionary
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.a, DichoItems[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.b, DichoItems[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.c, DichoItems[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.d, DichoItems[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // Call "StartItems" function from R, "MFI" criterion
            GenericVector r_StartItems = engineObj.Evaluate("r_StartItems <- startItems(DichoItems, nrItems = 3, theta = 1, halfRange = 2)").AsList();

            // Resulting item numbers
            IntegerVector items = r_StartItems[0].AsInteger();

            DataFrame tempitems = r_StartItems[1].AsDataFrame();

            // Resulting Items
            CATItems r_CatItems = new CATItems(tempitems[0].Length, false);

            r_CatItems.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.a, tempitems[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            r_CatItems.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.b, tempitems[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            r_CatItems.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.c, tempitems[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            r_CatItems.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.d, tempitems[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // Ability value
            NumericVector thStart = r_StartItems[2].AsNumeric();

            // Criterion
            CharacterVector startSelect = r_StartItems[3].AsCharacter();

            // Call "StartItems" function from CS
            StartItemsModel cs_StartItems = CatRLib.StartItems(itemBank, nrItems: 3, theta: 1, halfRange: 2);

            // Check selected items
            if (items.Length == cs_StartItems.items.Length)
                for (int ind = 0; ind < cs_StartItems.items.Length; ind++)
                    if (items[ind] != cs_StartItems.items[ind])
                        resultFlag = false;

            // Check starting ability values
            if (thStart.Length == cs_StartItems.thStart.Length)
                for (int ind2 = 0; ind2 < cs_StartItems.thStart.Length; ind2++)
                    if (thStart[ind2] != cs_StartItems.thStart[ind2])
                        resultFlag = false;

Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Models the change.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="JSONmodelWithWeather">The jso nmodel with weather.</param>
        /// <param name="modelName">Name of the model.</param>
        /// <param name="wc">The wc.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">ARIMA error</exception>
        public void modelChange(string JSONmodelWithWeather, string modelName, WeatherColumns wc)
            string modelData = "modelData";
            string evaluate  = string.Format("{0} <-fromJSON(\'{1}\')", modelData, JSONmodelWithWeather);

            //log.Debug("evaluateString:" + evaluate);

            string weatherModel = "modelData";

            //evaluate = string.Format("{0} <-fromJSON(\'{1}\')", weatherModel, JSONweather);
            //log.Debug("evaluateString:" + evaluate);

            CreateWeatherMatrix(modelData, wc);

            //engine.Evaluate("data <- predata[,1]");
            evaluate = string.Format(modelName + "<- auto.arima({0}$Amount,xreg={1})", modelData, WEATHERMATRIX);
            SymbolicExpression model;

                model = rEngine.Evaluate(evaluate);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("ARIMA error");

            //foreach (var item in model.AsList())
            //    log.Debug(item.ToString());

            var coef = model.AsList()["coef"].AsList();

            int lengthData = rEngine.Evaluate(modelData + "$Amount").AsNumeric().Length;

            double[] dataSeries  = new double[lengthData];
            double[] errorSeries = new double[lengthData];

            model.AsList()["x"].AsNumeric().CopyTo(dataSeries, lengthData);
            model.AsList()["residuals"].AsNumeric().CopyTo(errorSeries, lengthData);
            modelWeatherColumns = wc;
        public void testEapEST_and_EapSEM_P(int NumOfItems, ModelNames.Models paramModel)
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Polytomous Items
            CharacterVector modelName = engineObj.CreateCharacterVector(new string[] { paramModel.EnumToString() });

            engineObj.SetSymbol("modelName", modelName);
            DataFrame PolyItems = engineObj.Evaluate("PolyItems <- genPolyMatrix(" + NumOfItems + ", 5, model = modelName, same.nrCat = TRUE)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("PolyItems", PolyItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)

            Console.WriteLine("Polytomous Items, Model : " + paramModel.EnumToString());

            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(PolyItems[0].Length, paramModel.EnumToString(), 5);

            Tuple <CATItems.ColumnNames, int>[] cols = itemBank.GetKeys();

            for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++)
                itemBank.SetItemParamter(cols[i], PolyItems[i].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            #region "Test block for Ability Values (th)"

            double[] th = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(-6, 6, length: 11);

            for (int j = 0; j < th.Length; j++)
                string temp = th[j].ToString(nfi);

                //Creation of a response pattern for theta value
                NumericVector x_val = engineObj.Evaluate("x_val <- genPattern(" + "th = " + th[j].ToString(nfi) + ", PolyItems, " + "model = modelName)").AsNumeric();
                engineObj.SetSymbol("x_val", x_val);

                int[] x = x_val.Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

                // Call "EapEST" function from R
                NumericVector r_eapEst = engineObj.Evaluate("result_Eap <- eapEst(PolyItems, x_val, model = modelName)").AsNumeric();

                // Call "EapEST" function from CatRCS
                double cs_eapEst = CatRLib.EapEST(itemBank, x, paramModel.EnumToString());

                /* EapEst function, line 111 needs to be optimized for passing the Test
                 * Check EapSEM function too !! */

                // Call "EapSEM" function from R
                NumericVector r_eapSem = engineObj.Evaluate("result_EapSem <- eapSem(result_Eap, PolyItems, x_val, model = modelName)").AsNumeric();

                // Call "EapSEM" function from CatRCS
                double cs_eapSem = CatRLib.EapSEM(cs_eapEst, itemBank, x, paramModel.EnumToString());

                if (r_eapEst[0] - cs_eapEst > testEpsilon ||
                    r_eapSem[0] - cs_eapSem > testEpsilon)
                    resultFlag = false;


Exemple #21
        private void btnRun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cboFldnm1.Text == "" || cboFldnm2.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please select target field");

            frmProgress pfrmProgress = new frmProgress();

            pfrmProgress.lblStatus.Text    = "Processing:";
            pfrmProgress.pgbProgress.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee;

            REngine pEngine = m_pForm.pEngine;
            // Creates the input and output matrices from the shapefile//
            string strLayerName = cboTargetLayer.Text;

            int    intLIndex = m_pSnippet.GetIndexNumberFromLayerName(m_pActiveView, strLayerName);
            ILayer pLayer    = m_pForm.axMapControl1.get_Layer(intLIndex);

            IFeatureLayer pFLayer  = pLayer as IFeatureLayer;
            IFeatureClass pFClass  = pFLayer.FeatureClass;
            int           nFeature = pFClass.FeatureCount(null);

            IFeatureCursor pFCursor = pFLayer.Search(null, true);
            IFeature       pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature();

            //Get index for independent and dependent variables
            //Get variable index
            string strVarNM1  = (string)cboFldnm1.SelectedItem;
            string strVarNM2  = (string)cboFldnm2.SelectedItem;
            int    intVarIdx1 = pFClass.FindField(strVarNM1);
            int    intVarIdx2 = pFClass.FindField(strVarNM2);

            //Store Variable at Array
            double[] arrVar1 = new double[nFeature];
            double[] arrVar2 = new double[nFeature];

            int i = 0;

            while (pFeature != null)
                arrVar1[i] = Convert.ToDouble(pFeature.get_Value(intVarIdx1));
                arrVar2[i] = Convert.ToDouble(pFeature.get_Value(intVarIdx2));
                pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature();


            //Plot command for R
            StringBuilder plotCommmand = new StringBuilder();

            string strStartPath = m_pForm.strPath;
            string pathr        = strStartPath.Replace(@"\", @"/");

            pEngine.Evaluate("source('" + pathr + "/ESDA_LEE/AllFunctions_LARRY.R')");
            pEngine.Evaluate("source('" + pathr + "/ESDA_LEE/AllFunctions_neighbor.R')");
            pEngine.Evaluate("source('" + pathr + "/ESDA_LEE/AllFunctions_SASbi.R')");

            //Get the file path and name to create spatial weight matrix
            string strNameR = m_pSnippet.FilePathinRfromLayer(pFLayer);

            if (strNameR == null)

            //Create spatial weight matrix in R
            pEngine.Evaluate("library(spdep); library(maptools)");
            pEngine.Evaluate("sample.shp <- readShapePoly('" + strNameR + "')");
            //pEngine.Evaluate("sample.nb <- poly2nb(sample.shp, queen=FALSE)");
            pEngine.Evaluate("sample.nb <- poly2nb(sample.shp)");

            NumericVector vecVar1 = pEngine.CreateNumericVector(arrVar1);

            pEngine.SetSymbol("sample.v1", vecVar1);
            NumericVector vecVar2 = pEngine.CreateNumericVector(arrVar2);

            pEngine.SetSymbol("sample.v2", vecVar2);

            string strRSigLv      = nudRsigLv.Value.ToString();
            string strLSigLv      = nudLsigLv.Value.ToString();
            string strLSig        = cboLocalL.Text;
            string strRsig        = cboLocalPearson.Text;
            string strRowStd      = cboRowStandardization.Text;
            string strMaxRanges   = nudMaxRange.Value.ToString();
            string strHigherOrder = cboHigherOrder.Text;
            string strNonZero     = null;

            if (chkDiagZero.Checked)
                strNonZero = "FALSE";
                strNonZero = "TRUE";

            pEngine.Evaluate("sample.result <- LARRY.bivariate.spatial.range(sample.v1, sample.v2, 1:length(sample.nb), sample.nb, maxsr = " + strMaxRanges
                             + ", pearson.sig = " + strRSigLv + ", lee.sig = " + strLSigLv + ", method.pearson = '" + strRsig + "', method.lee = '" +
                             strLSig + "', type.higher.nb = '" + strHigherOrder + "', type.row.stand = '" + strRowStd + "', alternative = 'two', diag.zero = "
                             + strNonZero + ")");

            string[] strSPRanges = pEngine.Evaluate("as.character(sample.result$final.max.sr)").AsCharacter().ToArray();

            //Save Output on SHP
            //Add Target fields to store results in the shapefile // Keep loop
            for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++)
                string strfldName = lvFields.Items[j].SubItems[1].Text;
                if (pFClass.FindField(strfldName) == -1)
                    IField     newField  = new FieldClass();
                    IFieldEdit fieldEdit = (IFieldEdit)newField;
                    fieldEdit.Name_2 = strfldName;
                    fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString;

            //Update Field
            pFCursor = pFClass.Update(null, false);
            pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature();

            string strSpRangeFldName = lvFields.Items[0].SubItems[1].Text;
            int    intSpQuadFldIdx   = pFClass.FindField(strSpRangeFldName);

            int featureIdx = 0;

            while (pFeature != null)
                pFeature.set_Value(intSpQuadFldIdx, strSPRanges[featureIdx]);


                pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature();

            if (chkMap.Checked)
                ITable pTable = (ITable)pFClass;

                IUniqueValueRenderer pUniqueValueRenderer = new UniqueValueRendererClass();
                pUniqueValueRenderer.FieldCount = 1;
                pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Field(0, strSpRangeFldName);

                ISimpleFillSymbol pSymbol;
                IQueryFilter      pQFilter = new QueryFilterClass();
                int    intTotalCount       = 0;
                string strHeading          = null;

                for (int j = 0; j < m_pRangeSymbols.Length; j++)
                    pSymbol       = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                    pSymbol.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSSolid;
                    pSymbol.Color = m_pSnippet.getRGB(m_pRangeSymbols[j].R, m_pRangeSymbols[j].G, m_pRangeSymbols[j].B);

                    if (j % 5 == 0)
                        intTotalCount = 0;
                        for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                            pQFilter.WhereClause = strSpRangeFldName + " = '" + m_pRangeSymbols[j + k].Value + "'";
                            int intCnt = pTable.RowCount(pQFilter);
                            intTotalCount += intCnt;

                        strHeading = m_pRangeSymbols[j].Heading + " (" + intTotalCount.ToString() + ")";
                        pUniqueValueRenderer.AddValue(m_pRangeSymbols[j].Value, strHeading, (ISymbol)pSymbol);
                        pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label(m_pRangeSymbols[j].Value, m_pRangeSymbols[j].Label);
                        pUniqueValueRenderer.AddValue(m_pRangeSymbols[j].Value, strHeading, (ISymbol)pSymbol);
                        pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label(m_pRangeSymbols[j].Value, m_pRangeSymbols[j].Label);
                //string strNotSig = "not sig.";
                //pSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();
                //pSymbol.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle
                //pSymbol.Color = m_pSnippet.getRGB(255, 255, 255);

                //pQFilter.WhereClause = strFinalQuadFldName + " = '" + strNotSig + "'";
                //intTotalCount = pTable.RowCount(pQFilter);

                //pUniqueValueRenderer.AddValue(strNotSig, null, (ISymbol)pSymbol);
                //pUniqueValueRenderer.set_Label(strNotSig, "Not significant (" + intTotalCount.ToString() + ")");

                pUniqueValueRenderer.UseDefaultSymbol = false;

                IFeatureLayer pNewFLayer = new FeatureLayerClass();
                pNewFLayer.FeatureClass = pFClass;
                pNewFLayer.Name         = "Bivariate Spatial Range";
                IGeoFeatureLayer pGFLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pNewFLayer;
                pGFLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pUniqueValueRenderer;
                MessageBox.Show("Complete. The results are stored in the shape file");
        public void testEPV_D()
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Dichotomous Items
            DataFrame DichoItems = engineObj.Evaluate("DichoItems <- genDichoMatrix(items = 200)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("DichoItems", DichoItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)
            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(DichoItems[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(), DichoItems[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(),
                                             DichoItems[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(), DichoItems[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // test for different theta values
            double[] th = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(-6, 6, length: 11);

            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            for (int t = 0; t < th.Length; t++)
                string temp = th[t].ToString(nfi);

                // Dichotomous Items
                DataFrame it_given_R = engineObj.Evaluate("it_given_R <- DichoItems[c(4, 8),]").AsDataFrame();
                engineObj.SetSymbol("it_given_R", it_given_R);

                //Creation of a response pattern for theta value
                NumericVector x_val = engineObj.Evaluate("x_val <- genPattern(" + th[t].ToString(nfi) + ", it_given_R)").AsNumeric();
                engineObj.SetSymbol("x_val", x_val);

                int[] x = x_val.Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

                int[]    index    = new int[] { 4, 8 };
                CATItems it_given = new CATItems(index.Length);  // itemBank.FindItem(new int[] { 4, 8 });

                for (int i = 0; i < index.Length; i++)
                    it_given.a[i] = itemBank.a[index[i] - 1];
                    it_given.b[i] = itemBank.b[index[i] - 1];
                    it_given.c[i] = itemBank.c[index[i] - 1];
                    it_given.d[i] = itemBank.d[index[i] - 1];

                // Call "EPV" function from R
                NumericVector r_epv = engineObj.Evaluate("r_epv <- EPV(DichoItems, 1, x_val, " + th[t].ToString(nfi) + ", it_given_R)").AsNumeric();


                // Call "EPV" function from CatRCS
                double cs_epv = CatRLib.EPV(itemBank, 1, x, th[t], it_given, "");

                Console.WriteLine("Time taken: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

                if (r_epv[0] - cs_epv > testEpsilon)
                    resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine(r_epv[0] + " " + cs_epv);

Exemple #23
        static void runR(double[,] square)
            REngine engine = REngine.GetInstance();

            // REngine requires explicit initialization.
            // You can set some parameters.
            NumericMatrix group1 = engine.CreateNumericMatrix(square);

            //NumericMatrix group1 = engine.CreateNumericMatrix(new double[,] {
            //        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
            //        { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 },
            //        { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 },
            //        { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 },
            //        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }
            engine.SetSymbol("group1", group1);
            GenericVector testResult = engine.Evaluate("eigen(group1)").AsList();

            var hokus           = testResult["values"].AsIntegerMatrix();
            var eigenValues     = testResult["values"].AsNumeric().ToArray();
            var vectorOfVectors = testResult["vectors"].AsNumeric();

            int indexNextEigenVector = 0;

            // double[] eigenVectors
            //for (int i = 0; i < eigenVectors.Length; i++)
            //    if ()
            //Array.Sort(eigenValues, eigenVectors);
            //_allStatInfo.Sort(new Comparison<StatInfo>((x, y) => DateTime.Compare(x.date, y.date)));

            double sum = eigenValues.Sum();

            double[] kumulative = new double[eigenValues.Length];
            bool   firstOccurrence = false;
            int    thresholdIndex  = -1;
            double thresholdValue  = 0.6;

            for (int i = 0; i < eigenValues.Length; i++)
                double normalize = eigenValues[i] / sum;
                if (i == 0)
                    kumulative[i] = normalize;
                    kumulative[i] = normalize + kumulative[i - 1];
                if (kumulative[i] >= thresholdValue && firstOccurrence == false)
                    firstOccurrence = true;
                    thresholdIndex  = i;

            // engine.Evaluate("plot(group2, type = 'l', col = 'red', lwd = 10,ylab='eigen values')");

            var normalizeEigenVaules = engine.CreateNumericVector(kumulative);

            engine.SetSymbol("v", normalizeEigenVaules);
            // ylim = c(0, 1),type = 'b')
            engine.Evaluate("plot(v, type = 'l', col = 'red', lwd = 10,ylab='eigen values',type = 'b')");

            var hokz = testResult["values"].AsList().ToArray();

            Console.WriteLine("P-value = {0}", hokus[1, 0]);

            // return eigenValues;
        public void testEPV_P(int NumOfItems, ModelNames.Models paramModel)
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Polytomous Items
            CharacterVector modelName = engineObj.CreateCharacterVector(new string[] { paramModel.EnumToString() });

            engineObj.SetSymbol("modelName", modelName);
            DataFrame PolyItems = engineObj.Evaluate("PolyItems <- genPolyMatrix(" + NumOfItems + ", 5, model = modelName, same.nrCat = TRUE)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("PolyItems", PolyItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)

            Console.WriteLine("Polytomous Items, Model : " + paramModel.EnumToString());

            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(PolyItems[0].Length, paramModel.EnumToString(), 5);

            Tuple <CATItems.ColumnNames, int>[] cols = itemBank.GetKeys();

            for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++)
                itemBank.SetItemParamter(cols[i], PolyItems[i].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            #region "Test block for Ability Values (th)"

            double[] th = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(-6, 6, length: 11);

            for (int j = 0; j < th.Length; j++)
                string temp = th[j].ToString(nfi);

                // Polytomous Items
                DataFrame it_given_R = engineObj.Evaluate("it_given_R <- PolyItems[c(4, 8),]").AsDataFrame();
                engineObj.SetSymbol("it_given_R", it_given_R);

                //Creation of a response pattern for theta value
                NumericVector x_val = engineObj.Evaluate("x_val <- genPattern(" + th[j].ToString(nfi) + ", it_given_R, model = modelName)").AsNumeric();
                engineObj.SetSymbol("x_val", x_val);

                int[] x = x_val.Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

                CATItems it_given = itemBank.FindItem(new int[] { 4, 8 });

                // Call "EPV" function from R
                NumericVector r_epv = engineObj.Evaluate("r_epv <- EPV(PolyItems, 1, x_val, " + th[j].ToString(nfi) + ", it_given_R, model = modelName)").AsNumeric();

                // Call "EPV" function from CatRCS
                double cs_epv = CatRLib.EPV(itemBank, 1, x, th[j], it_given, paramModel.EnumToString());

                if (r_epv[0] - cs_epv > testEpsilon)
                    resultFlag = false;


Exemple #25
        private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int           FeatureNum = app.FeaName.GetLength(0);
            int           SampleNum  = app.SamName.GetLength(0);
            List <double> prob       = new List <double>();
            List <double> stat       = new List <double>();
            List <double> pvalue     = new List <double>();

            double[] bonferroni = new double[FeatureNum];
            double[] fdr        = new double[FeatureNum];
            //int length;
            int NAnum = 0;


            REngine MSS = REngine.GetInstance();


            NumericMatrix Freq = MSS.CreateNumericMatrix(app.FreqMatrix);

            MSS.SetSymbol("Freq", Freq);
            NumericMatrix Count = MSS.CreateNumericMatrix(app.CountMatrix);

            MSS.SetSymbol("Count", Count);
            CharacterVector SampleName  = MSS.CreateCharacterVector(app.SamName);
            CharacterVector FeatureName = MSS.CreateCharacterVector(app.FeaName);

            MSS.SetSymbol("FeatureName", FeatureName);
            MSS.SetSymbol("SampleName", SampleName);

            List <string> SampleNameFreq = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < SampleNum; i++)
                SampleNameFreq.Add(SampleName[i] + "Freq");

            IntegerVector RFeaNum = MSS.CreateInteger(FeatureNum);
            NumericVector Ralpha  = MSS.CreateNumeric(double.Parse(this.textBox1.Text.ToString()));

            MSS.SetSymbol("n", RFeaNum);
            MSS.SetSymbol("alpha", Ralpha);

            List <List <double> > Freqtemp = new List <List <double> >();
            List <double>         FreqSum  = new List <double>();

            MSS.Evaluate("leastnum = ceiling ( qnorm(alpha/2)^2 )");
            double leastnum = MSS.Evaluate("leastnum").AsNumeric().First();

            if (this.comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < FeatureNum; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < SampleNum - 1; j++)
                        for (int k = j + 1; k < SampleNum; k++)
                            double probtemp = (app.CountMatrix[i, j] + app.CountMatrix[i, k]) / (app.SampleTotal[j] + app.SampleTotal[k]);

                            double stattemp = (app.FreqMatrix[i, j] - app.FreqMatrix[i, k]) / Math.Sqrt(probtemp * (1 - probtemp) * (1 / app.SampleTotal[j] + 1 / app.SampleTotal[k]));
                            if (double.IsNaN(stattemp))
                                stattemp = 0;

                            NumericVector Rstat = MSS.CreateNumeric(stattemp);
                            MSS.SetSymbol("stat", Rstat);
                            MSS.Evaluate("p.value <- 2*(pnorm(-abs(stat)))");
                            double pvaluetemp;
                            if ((this.comboBox2.SelectedIndex == 1) && (app.CountMatrix[i, j] < leastnum) && (app.CountMatrix[i, k] < leastnum))
                                pvaluetemp = 100;
                                pvaluetemp = MSS.GetSymbol("p.value").AsNumeric().First();

                            if (pvaluetemp != 100)
                                pvalue[i] = Math.Min((double)pvalue[i], (double)pvaluetemp);
                NumericVector Rpvalue = MSS.CreateNumericVector(pvalue);
                MSS.SetSymbol("p.value", Rpvalue);
                MSS.Evaluate("NAnum = length(p.value[p.value == 100])");
                NAnum = Convert.ToInt32(MSS.GetSymbol("NAnum").AsNumeric().First());
                MSS.Evaluate("p.value[p.value == 100] = NA");
                MSS.Evaluate("bonferroni.p <- p.adjust(p.value,\"bonferroni\")");
                MSS.Evaluate("bonferroni.p[which(bonferroni.p == NA)] = 100");
                MSS.Evaluate("fdr.p <- p.adjust(p.value,\"fdr\")");
                MSS.Evaluate("fdr.p[which(fdr.p == NA)] = 100");
                for (int i = 0; i < FeatureNum; i++)
                    bonferroni[i] = MSS.GetSymbol("bonferroni.p").AsNumeric()[i];
                    fdr[i]        = MSS.GetSymbol("fdr.p").AsNumeric()[i];
            else if (this.comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < FeatureNum; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < SampleNum - 1; j++)
                    for (int k = 1; k < SampleNum; k++)
                        double Sum1 = 0;
                        double Sum2 = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < FeatureNum; i++)
                            Sum1 = Sum1 + app.CountMatrix[i, j];
                            Sum2 = Sum2 + app.CountMatrix[i, k];
                        for (int i = 0; i < FeatureNum; i++)
                            NumericVector n11 = MSS.CreateNumeric(app.CountMatrix[i, j]);
                            NumericVector n21 = MSS.CreateNumeric(app.CountMatrix[i, k]);
                            NumericVector n12 = MSS.CreateNumeric(Sum1 - app.CountMatrix[i, j]);
                            NumericVector n22 = MSS.CreateNumeric(Sum2 - app.CountMatrix[i, k]);
                            MSS.SetSymbol("n11", n11);
                            MSS.SetSymbol("n12", n12);
                            MSS.SetSymbol("n21", n21);
                            MSS.SetSymbol("n22", n22);
                            MSS.Evaluate("compare <- matrix(c(n11,n12,n21,n22),nr=2)");
                            MSS.Evaluate("p.value <- fisher.test(compare)$p.value");
                            double pvaluetemp = MSS.GetSymbol("p.value").AsNumeric().First();
                            pvalue[i] = Math.Min((double)pvalue[i], (double)pvaluetemp);
                MSS.Evaluate("bonferroni.p <- p.adjust(p.value,\"bonferroni\")");

                MSS.Evaluate("fdr.p <- p.adjust(p.value,\"fdr\")");

                for (int i = 0; i < FeatureNum; i++)
                    bonferroni[i] = MSS.GetSymbol("bonferroni.p").AsNumeric()[i];
                    fdr[i]        = MSS.GetSymbol("fdr.p").AsNumeric()[i];

            List <string> Annotation = new List <string>();

            if (this.checkBox1.Checked)
                if (this.radioButton2.Checked)
                    string strConnCOG;

                    strConnCOG = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" + "Data Source=" + System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "/COG.xlsx" + ";" + "Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1\"";
                    OleDbConnection OleConnCOG = new OleDbConnection(strConnCOG);
                    String sqlCOG = "SELECT * FROM  [Sheet1$]";

                    OleDbDataAdapter OleDaExcelCOG = new OleDbDataAdapter(sqlCOG, OleConnCOG);
                    app.OleDsExcleCOG = new DataSet();
                    OleDaExcelCOG.Fill(app.OleDsExcleCOG, "Sheet1");

                    for (int i = 0; i < FeatureNum; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < app.OleDsExcleCOG.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++)
                            if (string.Equals(FeatureName[i], app.OleDsExcleCOG.Tables[0].Rows[j][0].ToString()))
                        if (Annotation.Count < i + 1)
                            Annotation.Add("No Annotation!");
                else if (this.radioButton1.Checked)
                    string strConnPFAM;
                    strConnPFAM = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" + "Data Source=" + System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "/PFAM.xlsx" + ";" + "Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1\"";
                    OleDbConnection OleConnPFAM = new OleDbConnection(strConnPFAM);
                    String sqlPFAM = "SELECT * FROM  [Sheet1$]";

                    OleDbDataAdapter OleDaExcelPFAM = new OleDbDataAdapter(sqlPFAM, OleConnPFAM);
                    app.OleDsExclePFAM = new DataSet();
                    OleDaExcelPFAM.Fill(app.OleDsExclePFAM, "Sheet1");

                    for (int i = 0; i < FeatureNum; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < app.OleDsExclePFAM.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++)
                            if (string.Equals(FeatureName[i], app.OleDsExclePFAM.Tables[0].Rows[j][0].ToString()))
                        if (Annotation.Count < i + 1)
                            Annotation.Add("No Annotation!");

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add("Feature", typeof(string));

            for (int i = 0; i < SampleNum; i++)
                dt.Columns.Add(app.SamName[i], typeof(double));
            dt.Columns.Add("p.value", typeof(double));
            dt.Columns.Add("bonferroni.p", typeof(double));
            dt.Columns.Add("fdr.p", typeof(double));

            dt.Columns.Add("Annotation", typeof(string));

            for (int i = 0; i < SampleNum; i++)
                dt.Columns.Add(SampleNameFreq[i], typeof(double));

            for (int i = 0; i < FeatureNum; i++)
                DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                dr[0] = FeatureName[i];
                for (int j = 1; j < SampleNum + 1; j++)
                    dr[j] = app.CountMatrix[i, j - 1];
                if (pvalue[i] == 100)
                    dr[SampleNum + 1] = DBNull.Value;
                    dr[SampleNum + 2] = DBNull.Value;
                    dr[SampleNum + 3] = DBNull.Value;
                    dr[SampleNum + 1] = pvalue[i];
                    dr[SampleNum + 2] = bonferroni[i];
                    dr[SampleNum + 3] = fdr[i];
                if (this.checkBox1.Checked)
                    dr[SampleNum + 4] = Annotation[i];
                    dr[SampleNum + 4] = null;
                for (int j = 0; j < SampleNum; j++)
                    dr[j + SampleNum + 5] = app.FreqMatrix[i, j];


            DataTable dtCopy = dt.Copy();
            DataTable dttemp = dt.Copy();

            DataView dv = dt.DefaultView;

            dv.Sort = "p.value";
            dtCopy  = dv.ToTable();
            for (int i = 0; i < NAnum; i++)
                DataRow row = dtCopy.Rows[i];
            for (int i = 0; i < NAnum; i++)

            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlApp     = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
            System.Globalization.CultureInfo           CurrentCI = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
            System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbooks workbooks = xlApp.Workbooks;
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook  workbook  = workbooks.Add(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet);
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet worksheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)workbook.Worksheets[1];
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range     range;
            long  totalCount = dtCopy.Rows.Count;
            long  rowRead    = 0;
            float percent    = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < dtCopy.Columns.Count - SampleNum; i++)
                worksheet.Cells[1, i + 1] = dtCopy.Columns[i].ColumnName;
                range = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[1, i + 1];
                range.Interior.ColorIndex = 15;
                range.Font.Bold           = true;
            for (int r = 0; r < dtCopy.Rows.Count; r++)
                for (int i = 0; i < dtCopy.Columns.Count - SampleNum; i++)
                    worksheet.Cells[r + 2, i + 1] = dtCopy.Rows[r][i].ToString();
                percent = ((float)(100 * rowRead)) / totalCount;
            xlApp.Visible = true;
            int pnum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < FeatureNum; i++)
                    if (double.Parse(dtCopy.Rows[i][SampleNum].ToString()) < double.Parse(this.textBox1.Text.ToString()))
                { }

            double[,] df = new double[Math.Min(10, FeatureNum), SampleNum];
            for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(10, FeatureNum); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < SampleNum; j++)
                    df[i, j] = double.Parse(dtCopy.Rows[i][SampleNum + 5 + j].ToString());
            if (this.checkBox2.Checked)
                string[] rownamesdf = new string[Math.Min(10, FeatureNum)];
                for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(10, FeatureNum); i++)
                    rownamesdf[i] = dtCopy.Rows[i][0].ToString();
                CharacterVector Rrownamesdf = MSS.CreateCharacterVector(rownamesdf);
                MSS.SetSymbol("Rownamedf", Rrownamesdf);
                NumericMatrix Rdf = MSS.CreateNumericMatrix(df);
                MSS.SetSymbol("Freqdf", Rdf);
                NumericVector RRow = MSS.CreateNumeric(Math.Min(10, FeatureNum));
                MSS.SetSymbol("selrow", RRow);
                MSS.Evaluate("Freqdf <- as.data.frame(Freqdf)");
                MSS.Evaluate("rownames(Freqdf) <- Rownamedf");
                MSS.Evaluate("colnames(Freqdf) <- SampleName");

                MSS.Evaluate("colournum <- rainbow(dim(Freqdf)[2])");
                MSS.Evaluate("plotdata <- t(Freqdf)");
                MSS.Evaluate("barplot(plotdata,main=\"features with top varition\",ylab=\"Freq\",beside=TRUE,horiz=FALSE, cex.names=0.6,col=colournum)");

            if (pnum > 0)
                double[,] dfall = new double[pnum, SampleNum];
                for (int i = 0; i < pnum; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < SampleNum; j++)
                        dfall[i, j] = double.Parse(dtCopy.Rows[i][SampleNum + 5 + j].ToString());
                string[] rownamesall = new string[pnum];
                for (int i = 0; i < pnum; i++)
                    rownamesall[i] = dtCopy.Rows[i][0].ToString();
                CharacterVector Rrownamesall = MSS.CreateCharacterVector(rownamesall);
                MSS.SetSymbol("Rownameall", Rrownamesall);
                NumericMatrix Rdfall = MSS.CreateNumericMatrix(dfall);
                MSS.SetSymbol("Freqdfall", Rdfall);
                NumericVector RRowall = MSS.CreateNumeric(pnum);
                MSS.SetSymbol("selrowall", RRowall);
                MSS.Evaluate("Freqdfall <- as.data.frame(Freqdfall)");

                MSS.Evaluate("rownames(Freqdfall) <- Rownameall");
                MSS.Evaluate("colnames(Freqdfall) <- SampleName");

                MSS.Evaluate("distance <- as.dist(1-abs(cor(Freqdfall)))");
                if (this.checkBox3.Checked)
                    MSS.Evaluate("fit <- cmdscale(distance, eig=TRUE, k=2)");
                    MSS.Evaluate("x <- fit$points[,1]");
                    MSS.Evaluate("y <- fit$points[,2]");
                    MSS.Evaluate("minx <- min(x)");
                    MSS.Evaluate("miny <- min(y)");
                    MSS.Evaluate("maxx <- max(x)");
                    MSS.Evaluate("maxy <- max(y)");
                    MSS.Evaluate("randx <- maxx - minx");
                    MSS.Evaluate("randy <- maxy - miny");
                    MSS.Evaluate("llimx <- minx - randx/10");
                    MSS.Evaluate("hlimx <- maxx + randx/3");
                    MSS.Evaluate("llimy <- miny - randy/10");
                    MSS.Evaluate("hlimy <- maxy + randy/3");
                    MSS.Evaluate("plot(x,y,xlab=\"Coordinate 1\",ylab=\"Coordinate 2\",main=\"MDS\", pch=c(0,1,2,5,6), col=rainbow(7), type=\"p\",xlim = c(llimx,hlimx), ylim = c(llimy,hlimy))");
                    if (this.comboBox3.SelectedIndex == 0)
                        MSS.Evaluate("legend(\"topright\",colnames(Freqdfall),pch=c(0,1,2,5,6),col=rainbow(7),cex = 0.8)");
                    else if (this.comboBox3.SelectedIndex == 1)

                if (this.checkBox4.Checked)
                    MSS.Evaluate("plot(hclust(distance),main =\"Samples Clust\")");
                MessageBox.Show("No differntially abundant features!!");

            if (this.checkBox5.Checked)
                int Rownum = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < FeatureNum; i++)
                    double tempSum  = 0;
                    double tempMean = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < SampleNum; j++)
                        tempSum = tempSum + app.FreqMatrix[i, j];
                    tempMean = tempSum / (SampleNum);
                    if (tempSum > 0)
                        List <double> tempRow = new List <double>();
                        for (int j = 0; j < SampleNum; j++)
                            tempRow.Add(app.FreqMatrix[i, j] / tempMean);
                        Rownum = Rownum + 1;

                for (int i = 0; i < Rownum; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < SampleNum; j++)
                        Freqtemp[i][j] = Math.Log(Freqtemp[i][j], 2);
                        if (Freqtemp[i][j] > 1)
                            Freqtemp[i][j] = 1;
                        else if (Freqtemp[i][j] < -1)
                            Freqtemp[i][j] = -1;

                double[,] dfhm = new double[Math.Min(500, Rownum), SampleNum];

                for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(500, Rownum); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < SampleNum; j++)
                        dfhm[i, j] = double.Parse(Freqtemp[i][j].ToString());
                string[] rownameshm = new string[Math.Min(500, Rownum)];
                for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(500, Rownum); i++)
                    rownameshm[i] = dtCopy.Rows[i][0].ToString();
                CharacterVector Rrownameshm = MSS.CreateCharacterVector(rownameshm);
                MSS.SetSymbol("Rownamehm", Rrownameshm);

                NumericMatrix Rdfhm = MSS.CreateNumericMatrix(dfhm);
                MSS.SetSymbol("Freqdfhm", Rdfhm);
                NumericVector RRowhm = MSS.CreateNumeric(Math.Min(500, Rownum));
                MSS.SetSymbol("plotnum", RRowhm);
                MSS.Evaluate("Freqdfhm <- as.data.frame(Freqdfhm)");
                MSS.Evaluate("rownames(Freqdfhm) <- Rownamehm");
                MSS.Evaluate("colnames(Freqdfhm) <- SampleName");
                MSS.Evaluate("Freqdfhm <- as.matrix(Freqdfhm)");
                if (this.checkBox6.Checked)
                    if (this.checkBox7.Checked)
                    if (this.checkBox7.Checked)

        public void testEapEST_and_EapSEM_D()
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Test for item banks with different number of items

            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < numberOfItems.Length; i1++)
                // Dichotomous Items
                DataFrame DichoItems = engineObj.Evaluate("DichoItems <- genDichoMatrix(items = " + numberOfItems[i1] + ")").AsDataFrame();
                engineObj.SetSymbol("DichoItems", DichoItems);

                // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)
                CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(DichoItems[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(), DichoItems[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(),
                                                 DichoItems[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(), DichoItems[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

                // test for different theta values
                double[] th = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(-6, 6, length: 11);

                var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < th.Length; i2++)
                    string temp = th[i2].ToString(nfi);

                    //Creation of a response pattern for theta value
                    NumericVector x_val = engineObj.Evaluate("x_val <- genPattern(" + th[i2].ToString(nfi) + ", DichoItems)").AsNumeric();

                    int[] x = x_val.Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

                    // Call "EapEST" function from R
                    NumericVector r_eapEst = engineObj.Evaluate("result_Eap <- eapEst(DichoItems, x_val)").AsNumeric();

                    // Call "EapSEM" function from R
                    NumericVector r_eapSem = engineObj.Evaluate("result_EapSem <- eapSem(result_Eap, DichoItems, x_val)").AsNumeric();


                    // Call "EapEST" function from CatRCS
                    double cs_eapEst = CatRLib.EapEST(itemBank, x, "");

                    // Call "EapSEM" function from CatRCS
                    double cs_eapSem = CatRLib.EapSEM(cs_eapEst, itemBank, x, "");

                    Console.WriteLine("Time: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

                    if (r_eapEst[0] - cs_eapEst > testEpsilon ||
                        r_eapSem[0] - cs_eapSem > testEpsilon)
                        resultFlag = false;

            Assert.IsTrue(resultFlag, "Test Passed!");
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the rengine.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="label">   The label. </param>
        /// <param name="busyBar"> The busy bar control. </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// True if it succeeds, false if it fails.
        /// </returns>
        public static bool InitRengine(Label label, ProgressBar busyBar)
            //! There seems to be a mismatch between the name of the MyDocuments special folder on BV5/6 (Dutch/Englis).

            //! See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/606483/what-is-the-meaning-of-these-windows-environment-variables-homedrive-homepath
            String mydocuments = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);

            String mydocfolder = mydocuments.Split(new Char[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar }).Last();

            Logger.Info($"MyDocuments: '{mydocuments}'.");

            String display = GetDisplayName(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);

            if (mydocfolder != display)
                Logger.Warn($"MyDocuments Name/DisplayName Miscmatch: '{mydocfolder}' / '{display}'.");

            String homedrive = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOMEDRIVE");
            String homepath  = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOMEPATH");
            String homeshare = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOMESHARE");

            Logger.Info($"HOMEDRIVE: '{homedrive}'.");
            Logger.Info($"HOMEPATH: '{homepath}'.");
            Logger.Info($"HOMESHARE: '{homeshare}'.");

            //! Fix for OUNL BV5/6 (GetFolderPath is Dutch where GetDisplayName returns English).
            if (!Directory.Exists(mydocuments) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(homeshare))
            // || !mydocuments.EndsWith(display)
                Logger.Info($"MyDocuments issues, using alternative method");

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(homedrive))
                    mydocuments = Path.Combine(
                        homedrive + homepath, mydocfolder);
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(homeshare))
                    mydocuments = Path.Combine(homeshare + homepath, mydocfolder);

                Logger.Info($"MyDocuments: '{mydocuments}'.");

            label.InvokeIfRequired(o =>
                label.Text = "Installing R packages";

            busyBar.InvokeIfRequired(o =>
                busyBar.Value = busyBar.Maximum;

                //! Check R Engine version.

                //! There are several options to initialize the engine, but by default the following suffice:
                engine = REngine.GetInstance();

                Logger.Info($"Using R v{engine.DllVersion}.");

                //! R uses only major.minor for custom library folders.
                String ver = engine.DllVersion;
                if (ver.Count(p => p == '.') == 2)
                    ver = ver.Substring(0, ver.LastIndexOf('.'));

                String rpath = $"{mydocuments.Replace("\\", "/")}/R/win-library/{ver}";

                Logger.Info($"R Install Path: '{rpath}'.");

                //! veg 15-07-2019
                //! NOTE: We need an R version that allows Metrics 1.2 or higher.
                // DllVersion returns v3.6.1 (not 3.6 we need for the private library path)
                // Debug.WriteLine($"R.dll v{engine.DllVersion}");

                //! veg 15-07-2019
                // NOTE: We also need Metrics to be installed.
                // install.packages('Metrics')
                // unloadNamespace('Metrics')
                // library('Metrics')
                // install.packages('Metrics','R_LIBS=%HOMEDRIVE/%HOMEPATH%/Documents/R/win-library/3.6')
                // In My Documents .Renviron file with location library like:
                // R_LIBS=%HOMEDRIVE%/%HOMEPATH%/Documents/R/win-library/3.6


                    Logger.Info($"Checking presence of R 'Metrics' package.");

                    engine.Evaluate($"library('Metrics', lib.loc = '{rpath}')");
                catch (EvaluationException)
                    Logger.Info($"Downloading and Installing R 'Metrics' package.");
                    Logger.Info($"Using '{CRAN}' mirror.");
                    engine.Evaluate($"install.packages('Metrics', repos='{CRAN}', lib='{rpath}')");

                    Logger.Info($"Loading 'Metrics' package into R.");
                    engine.Evaluate($"library('Metrics', lib.loc = '{rpath}')");

                Logger.Info($"Checking R 'Metrics' package version.");
                    CharacterVector e3 = engine.Evaluate("utils::packageVersion('Metrics')").AsCharacter();

                    String MetricsVersion = e3[0].Trim(new char[] { 'c', '(', ')' }).Replace(',', '.');
                    Logger.Info($"Detected Metrics v{MetricsVersion}.");

                    //! Check Metrics Version to be 0.1.4 to check if the R version is recent enough.
                    Double mul = 1;
                    Double chk = 0;
                    foreach (String part in MetricsVersion.Split('.'))
                        chk += mul * Int32.Parse(part);
                        mul /= 10;

                    Logger.Info($"Detected R v{ver}.");

                    if (chk < 0.14)
                        Logger.Error($"R Version to low to load Metrics v0.1.4 or higher. Please upgrade R.");


                Logger.Info($"Finding download source for 1.6.9 version of R psych package and its dependencies.");

 *              //! Psych dependends on mnormt.
 *              //
 *              //---R
 *              try
 *              {
 *                  Logger.Info($"Checking presence of R 'mnormt' package.");
 *                  engine.Evaluate($"library('mnormt', lib.loc = '{rpath}')");
 *              }
 *              catch (EvaluationException)
 *              {
 *                  Logger.Info($"Downloading and Installing R 'mnormt' package.");
 *                  engine.Evaluate($"install.packages('mnormt', repos='{CRAN}', lib='{rpath}')");
 *              }
 *              //---R
 *              //https://cran.r-project.org/package=%{packname}&version=%{version}#/%{packname}_%{version}.tar.gz
 *              //
 *              try
 *              {
 *                  Logger.Info($"Checking presence of R 'psych' package.");
 *                  engine.Evaluate($"library('psych', lib.loc = '{rpath}')");
 *              }
 *              catch (EvaluationException)
 *              {
 *                  Logger.Info($"Downloading and Installing R 'psych' package.");
 *                  //! Fails because downloaded file is a tar.gz (but is saved without extension).
 *                  //
 *                  //engine.Evaluate($"install.packages('{CRAN}/package=psych&version=1.6.9', repos=NULL, type='source', lib='{rpath}')");
 *                  //
 *                  engine.Evaluate($"install.packages('{CRAN}/src/contrib/Archive/psych/psych_1.6.9.tar.gz', repos=NULL, type='source', lib='{rpath}')");
 *                  Logger.Info("Loading 'psych' package into R.");
 *                  engine.Evaluate($"library('psych', lib.loc = '{rpath}')");
 *              }
 *              //---R

                    Logger.Info($"Checking presence of R 'psych' package.");

                    engine.Evaluate($"library('psych', lib.loc = '{rpath}')");
                catch (EvaluationException)
                    Logger.Info($"Downloading and Installing R 'psych' package.");
                    Logger.Info($"Using '{CRAN}' mirror.");
                    engine.Evaluate($"install.packages('psych', repos='{CRAN}', lib='{rpath}')");

                    Logger.Info($"Loading 'psych' package into R.");
                    engine.Evaluate($"library('psych', lib.loc = '{rpath}')");

            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Error($"{e.GetType().Name} - {e.Message}.");

                    $"Error initializing Rengine:\r\n\r\n{e.Message}",

                label.InvokeIfRequired(o =>
                    label.Text = String.Empty;

                busyBar.InvokeIfRequired(o =>
                    busyBar.Value = busyBar.Minimum;
Exemple #28
        private void analisServer()
            //////////////// Парсинг папки с логами

            for (int i = 0; i < xForPlot.Count; i += 3)
                if (startAnalisisSec <= Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[i]))
                    startAnalisisIdx = i; break;

            for (int i = xForPlot.Count - 2; i >= 0; i -= 3)
                if (endAnalisisSec >= Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[i]))
                    endAnalisisIdx = i; break;
            int[]  dailyWork      = new int[howManyDaysBetween];
            int[]  scaleMass      = new int[15840];
            double workingTime    = 0;
            double maxworkingTime = 0;
            double minworkingTime = Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[startAnalisisIdx + 1]) - Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[startAnalisisIdx]);

            for (int i = 0; i < scaleMass.Length; i++)
                scaleMass[i] = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < dailyWork.Length; i++)
                dailyWork[i] = 0;
            for (int i = startAnalisisIdx + 1; i <= endAnalisisIdx; i += 3)
                if ((Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[i]) - Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[i - 1])) > maxworkingTime)
                    maxworkingTime = Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[i]) - Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[i - 1]);
                if (((Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[i]) - Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[i - 1])) < minworkingTime) &&
                    (Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[i]) - Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[i - 1])) != 0)
                    minworkingTime = Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[i]) - Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[i - 1]);

                workingTime += Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[i]) - Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[i - 1]);

                for (int j = Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[i - 1]) / 60; j < Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[i]) / 60; j++)
                    scaleMass[j] = Convert.ToInt32(xForPlot[i + 1]);

            DateTime tn  = new DateTime(2016, 2, 29);
            int      idx = 0;

            if (firstDate != tn)
                idx = 1440 * firstDate.Day;
            for (int i = 0; i < dailyWork.Length; i++)
                for (int j = idx + 1440 * i; j < 1440 * i + 1440 + idx; j++)
                    dailyWork[i] += scaleMass[j];
                dailyWork[i] /= 1440;


            double[] dailyWorkExpSmooth    = new double[dailyWork.Length];
            double[] dailyWorkExpSmoothLog = new double[dailyWorkExpSmooth.Length];
            double   coeffReA = 0;
            double   coeffReB = 0;
            double   sumXY    = 0;
            double   sumX     = 0;
            double   sumY     = 0;
            double   sumSqX   = 0;

            dailyWorkExpSmooth[0] = dailyWork[0];
            for (int i = 1; i < dailyWorkExpSmooth.Length; i++)
                dailyWorkExpSmooth[i] = dailyWorkExpSmooth[i - 1] + 0.5 * (dailyWork[i] - dailyWorkExpSmooth[i - 1]);

            //foreach (double i in dailyWorkExpSmooth)
            //    richTextBox1.Text += Convert.ToString(i) + "\n";

            for (int i = 0; i < dailyWorkExpSmooth.Length - 4; i++)
                sumXY  += Math.Log(i + 1) * dailyWorkExpSmooth[i];
                sumX   += Math.Log(i + 1);
                sumY   += dailyWorkExpSmooth[i];
                sumSqX += Math.Pow(Math.Log(i + 1), 2);

            coeffReA = ((dailyWorkExpSmooth.Length - 4) * sumXY - sumX * sumY) / ((dailyWorkExpSmooth.Length - 4) * sumSqX - Math.Pow(sumX, 2));
            coeffReB = (sumY - coeffReA * sumX) / (dailyWorkExpSmooth.Length - 4);

            for (int i = 0; i < dailyWorkExpSmoothLog.Length; i++)
                dailyWorkExpSmoothLog[i] = coeffReA * Math.Log(i + 1) + coeffReB;

            //richTextBox1.Text = "";
            //richTextBox1.Text += "" + Convert.ToString(howManyDaysBetween) + "\n";
            //richTextBox1.Text += Convert.ToString(firstDate) + " " + Convert.ToString(secondDate) + "\n";
            //richTextBox1.Text += Convert.ToString(dailyWorkExpSmooth.Length - 4) + "\n";
            //richTextBox1.Text += Convert.ToString(coeffReA) + " " + Convert.ToString(coeffReB) + "\n sumXY " + Convert.ToString(sumXY) + " SumX" + Convert.ToString(sumX) + " SumY " + Convert.ToString(sumY) + " SumX^2 " + Convert.ToString(sumSqX) + "\n";

            //foreach (double i in dailyWork)
            //    richTextBox1.Text += string.Format("{0}\n", i);

            double downtime   = (endAnalisisSec - startAnalisisSec - workingTime);
            double coefOfProd = workingTime / (endAnalisisSec - startAnalisisSec) * 100;

            // minworkingTime = minworkingTime / 60 / 60;

            label16.Visible = true;
            label17.Visible = true;
            label18.Visible = true;
            label19.Visible = true;
            label20.Visible = true;

            secMinHour(workingTime, label16, "Working time: ");
            secMinHour(downtime, label17, "Downtime: ");
            label18.Text = string.Format("Сoefficient of productivity: {0}%\n", (int)coefOfProd);
            secMinHour(maxworkingTime, label19, "Maximum worktime: ");
            secMinHour(minworkingTime, label20, "Minimum worktime: ");

            //richTextBox1.Text += string.Format("Working time: {0}\n", workingTime);
            //richTextBox1.Text += string.Format("Downtime: {0}\n", downtime);
            //richTextBox1.Text += string.Format("Сoefficient of productivity: {0}%\n", coefOfProd);
            //richTextBox1.Text += string.Format("Maximum worktime: {0} hours\n", maxworkingTime);
            //richTextBox1.Text += string.Format("Minimum worktime: {0} hours\n", minworkingTime);

            ///////////////////////////using R

            string typeOfModel = toolStripComboBox1.Text;

            if (dailyWork.Length <= 3)
                MessageBox.Show("Time serie cannot consist from one element!", "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                REngine engine = REngine.GetInstance();
                // REngine requires explicit initialization.
                // You can set some parameters.

                double[] forR = new double[dailyWork.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < forR.Length; i++)
                    forR[i] = dailyWork[i];
                    mSW.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(forR[i]) + "    " + Convert.ToString(dailyWork[i] + "\n"));

                NumericVector dd = engine.CreateNumericVector(forR);
                engine.SetSymbol("dd", dd);

                engine.Evaluate("fit <- medianFilter(dd, windowSize = 3)");

                //engine.Evaluate("capture.output (fit$fitted[, 1], file = 'tmp.txt')");
                //Double[] massForPlotInR = new Double [dailyWork.Length - 1];
                //String[] strForMassForPlotInR = null;
                //if (File.Exists("tmp.txt"))
                //    StreamReader rForTmp = new StreamReader("tmp.txt"); int t = 0;
                //    while (t < 4)
                //    {
                //        rForTmp.ReadLine();
                //        t++;
                //    }

                //    int ii = 0;
                //    string str = null;
                //    while ((str = rForTmp.ReadLine()) != null)
                //    {
                //      //  string str = rForTmp.ReadLine();
                //        str = str.Replace('.', ',');
                //        strForMassForPlotInR = str.Split(' ');
                //        for (int j = 1; j < strForMassForPlotInR.Length; j++)
                //        {
                //            if ((strForMassForPlotInR[j] != "") && (!(strForMassForPlotInR[j].Contains('['))))
                //            {
                //                massForPlotInR[ii] = Convert.ToDouble(strForMassForPlotInR[j]);
                //                ii++;
                //            }

                //            //i  = strForMassForPlotInR.Length - 1;
                //        }
                //    }
                //        //for (int i = 0; i < massForPlotInR.Length; i++)
                //        //{
                //        //    richTextBox2.Text += Convert.ToString(massForPlotInR[i]) + "\n";
                //        //}

                //        rForTmp.Close();

                //NumericVector fit_fitted = engine.CreateNumericVector(massForPlotInR);
                //engine.SetSymbol("fit_fitted", fit_fitted);

                if (radioButton2.Checked == true)
                    engine.Evaluate("plot(c(dd, median(dd[(length(dd)-3):length(dd)])), type = 'p', col = 'blue', xlab = 'Time', ylab = 'Processor load')");
                    engine.Evaluate("lines(c(dd, NA), type = 'o')");
                    engine.Evaluate("legend('topleft', c('Initial data', 'Forecast'), col = c('black','blue'), pch = c(1,1))");
                else if (radioButton1.Checked == true)
                    engine.Evaluate("plot(dd, xlab = 'Days', ylab = 'Processor load', type = 'l')");
                    engine.Evaluate("lines(fit, col = 'red', type = 'l')");
                    engine.Evaluate("legend('topleft', c('Initial data', 'Model'), col = c('black','red'), pch = c(1,1))");
                    //engine.Evaluate("lines(fit_fitted, col = 'red')");

                NumericVector ddRes = engine.Evaluate("median(dd[(length(dd)-3):length(dd)])").AsNumeric();

                label21.Text    = string.Format("Forecast on day {0}%", string.Join(", ", ddRes));
                label21.Visible = true;
Exemple #29
 public string run_ruvseq(List <string> group1, List <string> group2)
         engine = REngine.GetInstance();
         engine.Evaluate(string.Format("Sys.setenv(PATH = paste('{0}', ';', Sys.getenv('PATH'), sep=''))", this.rPath));
         engine.Evaluate("matrix <- read.table('" + inputFile + "', header=TRUE, sep=',', fill=TRUE, row.names=1)");
         engine.Evaluate("matrix <- matrix + 1;" +
                         "matrix <- round(matrix, 0);" +
                         "filter <- apply(matrix, 1, function(x) length(x[x > 5]) >= 2);" +
                         "filtered <- matrix[filter,];" +
                         "genes <- rownames(filtered)[grep('^ENS', rownames(filtered))];" +
                         "spikes <- rownames(filtered)[grep('^ERCC', rownames(filtered))];");
         CharacterVector colnames = engine.Evaluate("colnames(filtered)").AsCharacter();
         var             x        = engine.CreateCharacterVector(this.groupSeparation(colnames, group1, group2));
         engine.SetSymbol("x", x);
         engine.Evaluate("colors <- brewer.pal(4, 'Set1');" +
                         "set <- newSeqExpressionSet(as.matrix(filtered), phenoData = data.frame(x, row.names=colnames(filtered)));" +
                         "set <- betweenLaneNormalization(set, which='upper');" +
                         "set1 <- RUVg(set, spikes, k=1);" +
                         "write.csv(normCounts(set1), paste('" + outputFileDirectory + "\\\\" + outputFile + "','_normalizedCounts.csv', sep=''));" +
                         "write.csv(counts(set1), paste('" + outputFileDirectory + "\\\\" + outputFile + "', '_counts.csv', sep = ''));" +
                         "write.csv(pData(set1), paste('" + outputFileDirectory + "\\\\" + outputFile + "','_colData.csv', sep = ''));");
         engine.Evaluate(@"png(file = paste('" + outputFileDirectory + "\\\\" + outputFile + "','_graphRLE_RUV.png', sep = ''), height = 720, width = 1280);" +
                         "plotRLE(set1, outline = FALSE, ylim = c(-4, 4), col = colors[x], xaxt = 'n', ann = FALSE);" +
                         "text(x = seq(1, length(colnames(filtered))) - .2, par('usr')[3] - .4, labels = colnames(filtered), adj = c(1.5, 1.5), srt = 60, pos = 1, xpd = TRUE, cex = 1);" +
                         "axis(1, at = seq(1, length(colnames(filtered)), by = 1), labels = FALSE);" +
         engine.Evaluate("png(file = paste('" + outputFileDirectory + "\\\\" + outputFile + "', '_graphPCA_RUV.png', sep = '), height = 720, width = 1280);" +
                         "plotPCA(set1, col = colors[x], cex = 1.2);" +
     catch (RDotNet.EvaluationException e)
        private void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                frmProgress pfrmProgress = new frmProgress();
                pfrmProgress.lblStatus.Text = "Processing:";

                int intProgress = 0;

                REngine pEngine = mForm.pEngine;

                //Declare constants
                double dblDistError   = Convert.ToDouble(txtDistance.Text);
                double dblDirection   = Convert.ToDouble(txtDirections.Text);
                int    intNSimulation = Convert.ToInt32(txtNSimulation.Text);
                string strX           = cboX.Text;
                string strY           = cboY.Text;
                mForm.strValue = cboFieldName.Text;

                //Load Source Layer
                string strLayerName = cboSourceLayer.Text;

                int    intLIndex = pSnippet.GetIndexNumberFromLayerName(pActiveView, strLayerName);
                ILayer pLayer    = mForm.axMapControl1.get_Layer(intLIndex);

                IFeatureLayer pFLayer  = pLayer as IFeatureLayer;
                IFeatureClass pFClass  = pFLayer.FeatureClass;
                int           nFeature = pFClass.FeatureCount(null);

                IFeatureCursor pFCursor = pFLayer.Search(null, true);
                IFeature       pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature();

                //Load Target Layer
                mForm.strTargetLayerName = cboTargetLayer.Text;

                int    intTargetIndex = pSnippet.GetIndexNumberFromLayerName(pActiveView, mForm.strTargetLayerName);
                ILayer pTargetLayer   = mForm.axMapControl1.get_Layer(intTargetIndex);

                IFeatureLayer pFTargetLayer  = pTargetLayer as IFeatureLayer;
                IFeatureClass pFTargetClass  = pFTargetLayer.FeatureClass;
                int           nTargetFeature = pFTargetClass.FeatureCount(null);

                //Store X, Y and Value to array
                double[] vecValue = new double[nFeature];
                double[,] arrXY = new double[nFeature, 2];

                int intXIdx = pFClass.FindField(strX);
                int intYIdx = pFClass.FindField(strY);
                int intVIdx = pFClass.FindField(mForm.strValue);

                int i = 0;
                while (pFeature != null)
                    vecValue[i] = Convert.ToDouble(pFeature.get_Value(intVIdx));
                    arrXY[i, 0] = Convert.ToDouble(pFeature.get_Value(intXIdx));
                    arrXY[i, 1] = Convert.ToDouble(pFeature.get_Value(intYIdx));
                    pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature();

                ////Plot command for R
                //StringBuilder plotCommmand = new StringBuilder();

                //Get the file path and name to create spatial weight matrix
                string strNameR = pSnippet.FilePathinRfromLayer(pFTargetLayer);

                if (strNameR == null)

                //Load Library and Data
                pEngine.Evaluate("ct.shp <- readShapePoly('" + strNameR + "')");

                //Create Shapepointdataframe in R
                NumericMatrix nmXY = pEngine.CreateNumericMatrix(arrXY);
                pEngine.SetSymbol("xy.coord.old", nmXY);
                NumericVector nvValue = pEngine.CreateNumericVector(vecValue);
                pEngine.SetSymbol("LEAD", nvValue);
                pEngine.Evaluate("v.bll <- as.data.frame(LEAD)");
                pEngine.Evaluate("old.points <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(xy.coord.old, v.bll)");

                string strOverMethod = "";

                if (cboStat.Text == "Mean")
                    strOverMethod = ", fn=mean";

                //Save Original value
                pEngine.Evaluate("n.obs <- nrow(v.bll)");
                pEngine.Evaluate("ori.value <- as.matrix(over(ct.shp, old.points" + strOverMethod + "))");
                NumericVector nvOriValue = pEngine.Evaluate("ori.value").AsNumeric();
                mForm.arrOrivalue = new double[nTargetFeature];
                nvOriValue.CopyTo(mForm.arrOrivalue, nTargetFeature);

                //Create Matrix to store simulation results
                pEngine.Evaluate("results.matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(ct.shp), ncol=" + intNSimulation.ToString() + ")");

                for (int j = 1; j <= intNSimulation; j++)
                    //Progress bar
                    intProgress = j * 100 / intNSimulation;
                    pfrmProgress.pgbProgress.Value = intProgress;
                    pfrmProgress.lblStatus.Text = "Processing (" + intProgress.ToString() + "%)";

                    //Create Direction from vonmises distribution
                    pEngine.Evaluate("dir.new <- as.numeric(rvonmises(n.obs, mu=circular(" + txtDirections.Text + ", units='degrees'), kappa=" + txtConcetration.Text + "))");

                    //Add distance error
                    if (rbtRandom.Checked == true)
                        pEngine.Evaluate("dist.error <- runif(n.obs, 0, " + txtDistance.Text + ")");
                        pEngine.Evaluate("dist.error <- " + txtDistance.Text);

                    //Create New points and save to SpatialPointsDataFrame
                    pEngine.Evaluate("x.new <- xy.coord.old[,1] + cos(dir.new)*dist.error; y.new <- xy.coord.old[,2]+ sin(dir.new)*dist.error");
                    pEngine.Evaluate("xy.coord <- cbind(x.new, y.new)");
                    pEngine.Evaluate("new.points <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(xy.coord, v.bll)");

                    //Save results <- have to insert options for summary statistics, (only possilbe by Mean) 1/29/15
                    pEngine.Evaluate("results.matrix[," + j.ToString() + "] <- as.matrix(over(ct.shp, new.points" + strOverMethod + "))");
                //Save Simulation results to Array
                NumericMatrix nmResults = pEngine.Evaluate("results.matrix").AsNumericMatrix();
                mForm.arrSimuResults = new double[nTargetFeature, intNSimulation];
                nmResults.CopyTo(mForm.arrSimuResults, nTargetFeature, intNSimulation);

                //Create matrix to save summary results(mean, var, mean/var)
                pfrmProgress.lblStatus.Text = "Creating Summary";
                pEngine.Evaluate("sum.mat <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(ct.shp), ncol=6)");

                //Calculate mean and variance of simulation
                for (int j = 1; j <= nTargetFeature; j++)
                    pEngine.Evaluate("sum.mat[" + j.ToString() + ",1] <- mean(results.matrix[" + j.ToString() + ",])");
                    pEngine.Evaluate("sum.mat[" + j.ToString() + ",2] <- var(results.matrix[" + j.ToString() + ",])");
                    pEngine.Evaluate("sum.mat[" + j.ToString() + ",5] <- min(results.matrix[" + j.ToString() + ",])");
                    pEngine.Evaluate("sum.mat[" + j.ToString() + ",6] <- max(results.matrix[" + j.ToString() + ",])");

                    pEngine.Evaluate("diff.ori <- (results.matrix[" + j.ToString() + ",]- ori.value[" + j.ToString() + "])^2"); //Needs to be changed
                    pEngine.Evaluate("sum.mat[" + j.ToString() + ",4] <- sum(diff.ori)/" + intNSimulation.ToString());
                //Calculate mean/variance
                pEngine.Evaluate("sum.mat[,3] <- sum.mat[,2]/sum.mat[,1]");

                //Save summary results to array
                NumericMatrix nmSummary = pEngine.Evaluate("sum.mat").AsNumericMatrix();
                arrSummary = new double[nTargetFeature, 6];
                nmSummary.CopyTo(arrSummary, nTargetFeature, 6);

                //Remove all memory

                //Enable to the histogram identify tool for simulation results
                if (mForm.arrSimuResults != null)
                    chkEnable.Enabled = true;

                //Add Summary data to Target feature Class

                //Create filed to store results
                if (pFTargetClass.FindField("Ori_Mean") == -1)
                    IFieldEdit addField = new FieldClass();
                    addField.Name_2 = "Ori_Mean";
                    addField.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble;
                if (pFTargetClass.FindField("Mean_val") == -1)
                    IFieldEdit addField = new FieldClass();
                    addField.Name_2 = "Mean_val";
                    addField.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble;
                if (pFTargetClass.FindField("Var_val") == -1)
                    IFieldEdit addField = new FieldClass();
                    addField.Name_2 = "Var_val";
                    addField.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble;
                if (pFTargetClass.FindField("Mean_Var") == -1)
                    IFieldEdit addField = new FieldClass();
                    addField.Name_2 = "Mean_Var";
                    addField.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble;
                if (pFTargetClass.FindField("Var_Ori") == -1)
                    IFieldEdit addField = new FieldClass();
                    addField.Name_2 = "Var_Ori";
                    addField.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble;
                if (pFTargetClass.FindField("MIN") == -1)
                    IFieldEdit addField = new FieldClass();
                    addField.Name_2 = "MIN";
                    addField.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble;
                if (pFTargetClass.FindField("MAX") == -1)
                    IFieldEdit addField = new FieldClass();
                    addField.Name_2 = "MAX";
                    addField.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble;
                //Save summary results to Target shapefile
                int intOriMeanIdx = pFTargetClass.FindField("Ori_Mean");
                int intMeanIdx    = pFTargetClass.FindField("Mean_val");
                int intVarIdx     = pFTargetClass.FindField("Var_val");
                int intMVIdx      = pFTargetClass.FindField("Mean_Var");
                int intVOIdx      = pFTargetClass.FindField("Var_Ori");
                int intMaxIdx     = pFTargetClass.FindField("MAX");
                int intMinIdx     = pFTargetClass.FindField("MIN");

                IFeatureCursor pTFUCursor = pFTargetClass.Update(null, false);
                IFeature       pTFeature  = pTFUCursor.NextFeature();

                i = 0;
                while (pTFeature != null)
                    pTFeature.set_Value(intOriMeanIdx, mForm.arrOrivalue[i]);
                    pTFeature.set_Value(intMeanIdx, arrSummary[i, 0]);
                    pTFeature.set_Value(intVarIdx, arrSummary[i, 1]);
                    pTFeature.set_Value(intMVIdx, arrSummary[i, 2]);
                    pTFeature.set_Value(intVOIdx, arrSummary[i, 3]);
                    pTFeature.set_Value(intMinIdx, arrSummary[i, 4]);
                    pTFeature.set_Value(intMaxIdx, arrSummary[i, 5]);

                    pTFeature = pTFUCursor.NextFeature();

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(this.Handle.ToString() + " Error:" + ex.Message);