public void CreateReqElemOutputTest02()
            XmlWriter xw = null;
            Stream    s  = null;

                /* STREAMWRITER CODE
                 * s = File.Create("C:/Test Files/example85Data2.xml");
                 * StreamWriter sw1 = new StreamWriter(s);
                 * /* END STREAMWRITER CODE */

                // Setup the formatter
                var its1Formatter = new XmlIts1Formatter()
                    ValidateConformance    = true,
                    CreateRequiredElements = true
                its1Formatter.GraphAides.Add(new DatatypeFormatter()
                    ValidateConformance = false

                // Initialize the XmlWriter & State writer
                StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                xw = XmlWriter.Create(sw, new XmlWriterSettings()
                    Indent = true

                // State writer should always be used
                XmlStateWriter xsw = new XmlStateWriter(xw);

                // Create an instance
                REPC_IN000076CA instance = new REPC_IN000076CA(
                    new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020402.MCCI_MT002200CA.Receiver(),
                    new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020402.MCCI_MT002200CA.Sender()
                instance.controlActEvent =
                    new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020402.MCAI_MT700210CA.ControlActEvent

                // Format
                var result = its1Formatter.Graph(xsw, instance);

                /* STREAMWRITER CODE
                 * var result2 = its1Formatter.Graph(s, instance);
                 * // Close streamwriter
                 * sw1.Close();
                 * /* END STREAMWRITER CODE */

                // Flush the xml state writer

                if (result.Code != ResultCode.Accepted)
                    Console.WriteLine("RESULT CODE: {0}", result.Code);
                    foreach (var detail in result.Details)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", detail.Type, detail.Message);

                // Assert: Instance is not conformant.
                Assert.AreEqual(ResultCode.Rejected, result.Code);

                /* STREAMWRITER CODE
                 * // Validate that the written file contains the two injected strings.
                 * StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("C:/Test Files/example85Data2.xml");
                 * String xmlFromFile = "";
                 * // write everything in the stream to the console
                 * while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                 * {
                 *  // store lines into a string
                 *  xmlFromFile += sr.ReadLine();
                 * }
                 * // Write xml from the file onto the console
                 * Console.WriteLine(xmlFromFile);
                 * /* END STREAMWRITER CODE */
                if (xw != null)
        }// end test method
        public void CreateReqElemOutputTest02()
            XmlWriter xw = null;
            Stream s = null;
                /* STREAMWRITER CODE 
                s = File.Create("C:/Test Files/example85Data2.xml");
                StreamWriter sw1 = new StreamWriter(s);

                /* END STREAMWRITER CODE */

                // Setup the formatter
                var its1Formatter = new XmlIts1Formatter()
                    ValidateConformance = true,
                    CreateRequiredElements = true
                its1Formatter.GraphAides.Add(new DatatypeFormatter()
                    ValidateConformance = false

                // Initialize the XmlWriter & State writer
                StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                xw = XmlWriter.Create(sw, new XmlWriterSettings() { Indent = true });

                // State writer should always be used
                XmlStateWriter xsw = new XmlStateWriter(xw);

                // Create an instance
                REPC_IN000076CA instance = new REPC_IN000076CA(
                    new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020402.MCCI_MT002200CA.Receiver(),
                    new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020402.MCCI_MT002200CA.Sender()
                instance.controlActEvent =
                    new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020402.MCAI_MT700210CA.ControlActEvent

                // Format
                var result = its1Formatter.Graph(xsw, instance);
                /* STREAMWRITER CODE 
                var result2 = its1Formatter.Graph(s, instance);
                // Close streamwriter
                /* END STREAMWRITER CODE */

                // Flush the xml state writer

                if (result.Code != ResultCode.Accepted)
                    Console.WriteLine("RESULT CODE: {0}", result.Code);
                    foreach (var detail in result.Details)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", detail.Type, detail.Message);
                // Assert: Instance is not conformant.
                Assert.AreEqual(ResultCode.Rejected, result.Code);

                /* STREAMWRITER CODE 
                // Validate that the written file contains the two injected strings.
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("C:/Test Files/example85Data2.xml");

                String xmlFromFile = "";
                // write everything in the stream to the console
                while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                    // store lines into a string
                    xmlFromFile += sr.ReadLine();

                // Write xml from the file onto the console
                /* END STREAMWRITER CODE */
                if (xw != null)
        }// end test method
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an empty instance to send to the remote service
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An emtpy instance</returns>
        /// <remarks>IGraphable is similar to ISerializable. It identifies that a class can be represented
        /// using a formatter.</remarks>
        static IGraphable CreateInstance()
            // We can use the shortcut constructors to make creating instances easier. If you are confused about what
            // any of these parameters are, please consult the Hello World tutorial as it explains each parameter in
            // more detail
            REPC_IN000076CA instance = new REPC_IN000076CA(
                new II(Guid.NewGuid()),             // The message ID uniquely identifies the message.
                //It is an II.TOKEN so only a ROOT is required
                DateTime.Now,                       // The creation time of the message identifies when the message was
                // created. Since this is an exact TS, we can use DateTime.Now with no precision
                ResponseMode.Immediate,             // The response mode tells the receiver how to process the
                // message. In our case, we want the message processed Immediately
                REPC_IN000076CA.GetInteractionId(), // We need to explicitly set the ID of the interaction
                // that is to be processed, this is done for consistency
                // (esp when batching is performed)
                REPC_IN000076CA.GetProfileId(),                              // We also need to tell the receiver
                // which profile we are conforming to.
                ProcessingID.Training,                                       // Identifies how the message should be processed on the receiver.
                // Training means the message shouldn't actually update data on the receiver
                AcknowledgementCondition.Always,                             // Identifies when the message should be acknowledged.
                // We always want an acknowledgement in this case
                new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.MCCI_MT002300CA.Receiver(), // The sender/receiver are used
                // by the receiver to validate
                // that the sender is permitted
                // to communicate with the host
                new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.MCCI_MT002300CA.Sender() // and that the message is being
                // processed by the intended
                // recipient (just like email)

            // Set the receiver and sender structures in detail
            instance.Receiver.Device = new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.MCCI_MT002300CA.Device2(
                new II("", "RecipientDeviceExtension")
            instance.Sender.Device = new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.MCCI_MT002300CA.Device1(
                new II("", "SenderExtension")
            instance.Sender.Device.Name = "WcfClient Sample Application"; // Additional data can be set about the sender

            // Create the payload, again we'll use the shortcut method
            instance.controlActEvent = REPC_IN000076CA.CreateControlActEvent(
                new II("", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()), // The control act identifier uniquely
                // identifies the event (or transaction)
                // that occured. This is different from
                // the message identifier that identifies
                // the message
                REPC_IN000076CA.GetTriggerEvent(), // The trigger event or controlActEvent.Code property is
                // used to identify the type of event that occured. In
                // many cases, the trigger event for an interaction is
                // fixed, and can be accessed using the .TRIGGER_EVENT
                // constant
                new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.MCAI_MT700211CA.RecordTarget(), // The record target identifies
                // the target of the event. In this case, it is the patient
                // that we are recording the discharge for
                new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.MCAI_MT700212CA.Author(), // The author identifies the person
                // that is responsible for the act
                new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.MCAI_MT700210CA.Subject2 <MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.REPC_MT220001CA.Document>()
                // The subject is the actual data that is being created,
                // updated or retrieved from the remote system

            // Create the record target
            instance.controlActEvent.RecordTarget.SetPatient1(new SET <II>(new II("", "1234"), II.Comparator),
                                                              new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.COCT_MT050207CA.Person(
                                                                  new PN(
                                                                      new ENXP[] {
                new ENXP("John", EntityNamePartType.Given),
                new ENXP("Smith", EntityNamePartType.Family)

            // Create the author
            instance.controlActEvent.Author.Time = DateTime.Now;
                new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.COCT_MT090102CA.AssignedEntity(new SET <II>(new II("", "1234"), II.Comparator)

            // This sample doesn't illustrate the creation of a complete discharge, however in order
            // to pass preliminary validation we'll need to set some null flavors on things we don't
            // want populated. RMIM classes can't infer nullflavors from the data types class, so they
            // use an auto-generated nullflavor from the MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.Vocabulary.NullFlavor
            // enumeration
            instance.controlActEvent.Subject.NullFlavor = NullFlavor.NoInformation;

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an empty instance to send to the remote service
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An emtpy instance</returns>
        /// <remarks>IGraphable is similar to ISerializable. It identifies that a class can be represented 
        /// using a formatter.</remarks>
        static IGraphable CreateInstance()
            // We can use the shortcut constructors to make creating instances easier. If you are confused about what
            // any of these parameters are, please consult the Hello World tutorial as it explains each parameter in 
            // more detail
            REPC_IN000076CA instance = new REPC_IN000076CA(
                new II(Guid.NewGuid()), // The message ID uniquely identifies the message. 
                //It is an II.TOKEN so only a ROOT is required
                DateTime.Now, // The creation time of the message identifies when the message was 
                // created. Since this is an exact TS, we can use DateTime.Now with no precision
                ResponseMode.Immediate, // The response mode tells the receiver how to process the 
                // message. In our case, we want the message processed Immediately
                REPC_IN000076CA.GetInteractionId(), // We need to explicitly set the ID of the interaction 
                // that is to be processed, this is done for consistency 
                // (esp when batching is performed)
                REPC_IN000076CA.GetProfileId(), // We also need to tell the receiver 
                // which profile we are conforming to.
                ProcessingID.Training, // Identifies how the message should be processed on the receiver. 
                // Training means the message shouldn't actually update data on the receiver
                AcknowledgementCondition.Always, // Identifies when the message should be acknowledged. 
                // We always want an acknowledgement in this case
                new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.MCCI_MT002300CA.Receiver(), // The sender/receiver are used 
                // by the receiver to validate 
                // that the sender is permitted 
                // to communicate with the host
                new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.MCCI_MT002300CA.Sender() // and that the message is being 
                // processed by the intended 
                // recipient (just like email)

            // Set the receiver and sender structures in detail
            instance.Receiver.Device = new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.MCCI_MT002300CA.Device2(
                    new II("", "RecipientDeviceExtension")
            instance.Sender.Device = new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.MCCI_MT002300CA.Device1(
                    new II("", "SenderExtension")
            instance.Sender.Device.Name = "WcfClient Sample Application"; // Additional data can be set about the sender

            // Create the payload, again we'll use the shortcut method
            instance.controlActEvent = REPC_IN000076CA.CreateControlActEvent(
                new II("", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()), // The control act identifier uniquely 
                // identifies the event (or transaction) 
                // that occured. This is different from 
                // the message identifier that identifies
                // the message
                REPC_IN000076CA.GetTriggerEvent(), // The trigger event or controlActEvent.Code property is
                // used to identify the type of event that occured. In
                // many cases, the trigger event for an interaction is 
                // fixed, and can be accessed using the .TRIGGER_EVENT
                // constant
                new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.MCAI_MT700211CA.RecordTarget(), // The record target identifies
                // the target of the event. In this case, it is the patient
                // that we are recording the discharge for
                new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.MCAI_MT700212CA.Author(), // The author identifies the person
                // that is responsible for the act
                new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.MCAI_MT700210CA.Subject2<MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.REPC_MT220001CA.Document>()
                // The subject is the actual data that is being created,
                // updated or retrieved from the remote system

            // Create the record target
            instance.controlActEvent.RecordTarget.SetPatient1(new SET<II>(new II("", "1234"), II.Comparator),
                new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.COCT_MT050207CA.Person(
                    new PN(
                        new ENXP[] { 
                            new ENXP("John", EntityNamePartType.Given),
                            new ENXP("Smith", EntityNamePartType.Family)

            // Create the author
            instance.controlActEvent.Author.Time = DateTime.Now;
                new MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.COCT_MT090102CA.AssignedEntity(new SET<II>(new II("", "1234"), II.Comparator)

            // This sample doesn't illustrate the creation of a complete discharge, however in order
            // to pass preliminary validation we'll need to set some null flavors on things we don't
            // want populated. RMIM classes can't infer nullflavors from the data types class, so they
            // use an auto-generated nullflavor from the MARC.Everest.RMIM.CA.R020401.Vocabulary.NullFlavor
            // enumeration
            instance.controlActEvent.Subject.NullFlavor = NullFlavor.NoInformation;

            return instance;