Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes the given graph to the given stream using Turtle data format.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void Serialize(RDFGraph graph, Stream outputStream)
            try {
                #region serialize
                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(outputStream, Encoding.UTF8)) {
                    #region prefixes
                    //Write the namespaces collected by the graph
                    foreach (var ns in RDFModelUtilities.GetGraphNamespaces(graph).OrderBy(n => n.NamespacePrefix))
                        sw.WriteLine("@prefix " + ns.NamespacePrefix + ": <" + ns.NamespaceUri + ">.");
                    sw.WriteLine("@base <" + graph.Context + ">.\n");

                    #region linq
                    //Group the graph's triples by subj and pred
                    var groupedList = (from triple in graph
                                       orderby triple.Subject.ToString(), triple.Predicate.ToString()
                                       group triple by new {
                        subj = triple.Subject.ToString(),
                        pred = triple.Predicate.ToString()
                    var groupedListLast = groupedList.Last();

                    #region triples
                    String        actualSubj      = String.Empty;
                    String        abbreviatedSubj = String.Empty;
                    String        actualPred      = String.Empty;
                    String        abbreviatedPred = String.Empty;
                    const String  spaceConst      = " ";
                    StringBuilder result          = new StringBuilder();

                    //Iterate over the calculated groups
                    foreach (var group in groupedList)
                        var groupLast = group.Last();

                        #region subj
                        //Reset the flag of subj printing for the new iteration
                        Boolean subjPrint = false;
                        //New subj found: write the finished Turtle token to the file, then start collecting the new one
                        if (!actualSubj.Equals(group.Key.subj, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            if (result.Length > 0)
                                result.Replace(";", ".", result.Length - 4, 1);
                                result.Remove(0, result.Length - 1);
                            actualSubj = group.Key.subj;
                            actualPred = String.Empty;
                            if (!actualSubj.StartsWith("_:"))
                                abbreviatedSubj = AbbreviateNamespace(actualSubj);
                                abbreviatedSubj = actualSubj;
                            result.Append(abbreviatedSubj + " ");
                            subjPrint = true;

                        #region predObjList
                        //Iterate over the triples of the current group
                        foreach (var triple in group)
                            #region pred
                            //New pred found: collect it to the actual Turtle token.
                            if (!actualPred.Equals(triple.Predicate.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                if (!subjPrint)
                                    result.Append(spaceConst.PadRight(abbreviatedSubj.Length + 1)); //pretty-printing spaces to align the predList
                                actualPred      = triple.Predicate.ToString();
                                abbreviatedPred = AbbreviateNamespace(actualPred);
                                //Turtle goody for "rdf:type" shortcutting to "a"
                                if (abbreviatedPred == RDFVocabulary.RDF.PREFIX + ":type")
                                    abbreviatedPred = "a";
                                result.Append(abbreviatedPred + " ");

                            #region object
                            //Collect the object or the literal to the Turtle token
                            if (triple.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO)
                                String obj = triple.Object.ToString();
                                if (!obj.StartsWith("_:"))

                            #region literal
                                //Detect presence of long-literals
                                var litValDelim = "\"";
                                if (regexTTL.Match(triple.Object.ToString()).Success)
                                    litValDelim = "\"\"\"";

                                if (triple.Object is RDFTypedLiteral)
                                    String tLit = litValDelim + ((RDFTypedLiteral)triple.Object).Value.Replace("\\", "\\\\") + litValDelim + "^^" + AbbreviateNamespace(RDFModelUtilities.GetDatatypeFromEnum(((RDFTypedLiteral)triple.Object).Datatype));
                                    String pLit = litValDelim + ((RDFPlainLiteral)triple.Object).Value.Replace("\\", "\\\\") + litValDelim;
                                    if (((RDFPlainLiteral)triple.Object).Language != String.Empty)
                                        pLit = pLit + "@" + ((RDFPlainLiteral)triple.Object).Language;

                            #region continuation goody
                            //Then append the appropriated Turtle continuation goody ("," or ";")
                            if (!triple.Equals(groupLast))
                                result.Append(", ");
                                result.AppendLine("; ");

                        #region last group
                        //This is only for the last group, which is not written into the cycle as the others
                        if (group.Key.Equals(groupedListLast.Key))
                            result.Replace(";", ".", result.Length - 4, 1);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new RDFModelException("Cannot serialize Turtle because: " + ex.Message, ex);