// This method was introduced breaking the previously used Singleton pattern.
    // This was done in order to support multiple networks concurrently.
    // We can now have multiple RAIDA objects each containing different networks
    // RAIDA details are read from Directory URL first.
    // In case of failure, it falls back to a file on the file system
    public static List <RAIDA> Instantiate()
        string nodesJson = "";

        using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                nodesJson = client.DownloadString(Config.URL_DIRECTORY);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (System.IO.File.Exists("directory.json"))
                    nodesJson = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\directory.json");
                    Exception raidaException = new Exception("RAIDA instantiation failed. No Directory found on server or local path");
                    throw raidaException;

            RAIDADirectory dir = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RAIDADirectory>(nodesJson);

            foreach (var network in dir.networks)
        catch (Exception e)
            Exception raidaException = new Exception("RAIDA instantiation failed. No Directory found on server or local path");
            throw raidaException;
        if (networks == null)
            Exception raidaException = new Exception("RAIDA instantiation failed. No Directory found on server or local path");
            throw raidaException;
        if (networks.Count == 0)
            Exception raidaException = new Exception("RAIDA instantiation failed. No Directory found on server or local path");
            throw raidaException;
 private static int GetNetworkNumber(RAIDADirectory dir)