Exemple #1
        public void WriteDataAsyncTest()
            QuickUsb target = new QuickUsb("QUSB-0");

            byte[] data   = new byte[1024];
            uint   length = (uint)data.Length;
            byte   transId;
            bool   expected = true;
            bool   actual;

            GCHandle hData = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);

            actual = target.WriteDataAsync(hData.AddrOfPinnedObject(), length, out transId);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

            if (actual)
                actual = target.AsyncWait(out length, transId, false);
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemple #2
        private void performTest()
            // Open the module
            string[] modules = QuickUsb.FindModules();
            if (modules.Length == 0)
            qusb = new QuickUsb(modules[0]);

            int  k, transBytes = 0;
            bool transOk;

            // Async Variables
            QuickUsb.BulkStream[] pBulkStream = null;
            ushort[][]            pDataBuffer = null;
            AsyncBulkStreamTag[]  asyncTag    = null;
            GCHandle[]            hAsyncTag   = null;

            // Legacy Async Variables
            int issuedTrans = 0, nextToComplete = 0;

            IntPtr[] bufferArray = null;
            byte[]   transId     = null;

            // Streaming Variables
            bool streaming = false;

            int dataSize   = 0;
            int numBuffers = 0;

            byte[] data = null;
            uint   size, bytesTransferred;

            QuickUsb.Error qusbError;

            // Start timing
            QueryPerformanceCounter(out startTime);

            // Perform the test
                // Check for modification to configuration parameters
                if (dataSize != testPackSize || numBuffers != (int)nNumBuffers.Value)
                    dataSize   = testPackSize;
                    numBuffers = (int)nNumBuffers.Value;

                    if (rbSync.Checked)
                        data = new byte[dataSize];

                    if (rbAsync.Checked)
                        // Wait for all issued transactions to complete
                        while (issuedTrans > 0)
                            if (!qusb.BulkWait(pBulkStream[nextToComplete], false))
                                transOk = true;
                                if (++nextToComplete == pBulkStream.Length)
                                    nextToComplete = 0;

                        // Free memories
                        if (hAsyncTag != null)
                            for (k = 0; k < hAsyncTag.Length; ++k)

                        // Allocate memories
                        pDataBuffer = new ushort[numBuffers][];
                        pBulkStream = new QuickUsb.BulkStream[numBuffers];
                        asyncTag    = new AsyncBulkStreamTag[numBuffers];
                        hAsyncTag   = new GCHandle[numBuffers];
                        for (k = 0; k < numBuffers; ++k)
                            pBulkStream[k]       = new QuickUsb.BulkStream();
                            pDataBuffer[k]       = new ushort[dataSize / 2];
                            asyncTag[k]          = new AsyncBulkStreamTag();
                            hAsyncTag[k]         = GCHandle.Alloc(asyncTag[k], GCHandleType.Pinned);
                            asyncTag[k].shutdown = 0;

                        // Reset varaibles
                        issuedTrans    = 0;
                        nextToComplete = 0;

                        // Issue new transactions
                        while (issuedTrans != numBuffers)
                            if (!qusb.ReadBulkDataAsync(pDataBuffer[nextToComplete], (uint)dataSize, pBulkStream[nextToComplete], AsyncCompletionRoutineDelegate, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(hAsyncTag[nextToComplete])))
                                if (++nextToComplete == numBuffers)
                                    nextToComplete = 0;

                    if (rbAsyncLegacy.Checked)
                        // Wait for all issued transactions to complete
                        while (issuedTrans > 0)
                            if (!qusb.AsyncWait(out bytesTransferred, transId[nextToComplete], false))
                                transOk = true;
                                if (++nextToComplete == transId.Length)
                                    nextToComplete = 0;

                        // Free old memories
                        if (bufferArray != null)
                            for (k = 0; k < bufferArray.Length; ++k)

                        // Allocate memories
                        transId     = new byte[numBuffers];
                        bufferArray = new IntPtr[numBuffers];
                        for (k = 0; k < bufferArray.Length; ++k)
                            bufferArray[k] = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(dataSize);

                        // Reset varaibles
                        issuedTrans    = 0;
                        nextToComplete = 0;

                    if (rbStreaming.Checked)
                        // Stop the stream if one is running
                        if (streaming)
                            if (!qusb.StopStream(streamID, false))

                        // Restart the stream with new parameters
                        if (!qusb.ReadBulkDataStartStream(IntPtr.Zero, (uint)numBuffers, (uint)dataSize, StreamCompletionRoutineDelegate, IntPtr.Zero, out streamID, 4, 2))

                // Perform the data R/W
                size    = (uint)dataSize;
                transOk = false;
                if (testRead)
                    // Synchronous data read
                    if (rbSync.Checked)
                        if (!qusb.ReadData(data, ref size))
                            qusbError = qusb.LastError();
                            // Error
                            MessageBox.Show(String.Format("QuickUsbReadData() failed! - {0}", qusbError.ToString()), "QuickUSB Throughput Test", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                            quit       = true;
                            transBytes = 0;
                            size       = 0;
                        else if ((int)size != dataSize)
                            // Error
                            MessageBox.Show(String.Format("QuickUsbReadData() did not read correct amount of data ({0} of {1} bytes)!", size, dataSize), "QuickUSB Throughput Test", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                            quit       = true;
                            transBytes = 0;
                            size       = 0;
                            transOk     = true;
                            totalBytes += size;

                    // Asynchronous data read
                    else if (rbAsync.Checked)
                        transOk = true;
                        lock (testThread)
                            size        = (uint)streamBytes;
                            streamBytes = 0;

                    // Legacy asynchronous data read
                    else if (rbAsyncLegacy.Checked)
                        // First wait on the next transaction to complete
                        bytesTransferred = 0;
                        if (issuedTrans > 0)
                            if (!qusb.AsyncWait(out bytesTransferred, transId[nextToComplete], false))
                                qusbError = qusb.LastError();
                                // Error
                                MessageBox.Show("Error", "QuickUSB Throughput Test", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                                quit       = true;
                                transBytes = 0;
                                size       = 0;
                                transOk = true;

                        // Issue new transactions
                        while (issuedTrans != numBuffers && !quit)
                            if (!qusb.ReadDataAsync(bufferArray[nextToComplete], ref size, out transId[nextToComplete]))
                                qusbError = qusb.LastError();
                                // Error
                                MessageBox.Show("Error", "QuickUSB Throughput Test", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                                quit       = true;
                                transBytes = 0;
                                size       = 0;
                                if (++nextToComplete == numBuffers)
                                    nextToComplete = 0;

                        if (transOk)
                            size = bytesTransferred;

                    // Streaming data read
                    else if (rbStreaming.Checked)
                        transOk = true;
                        lock (testThread)
                            size        = (uint)streamBytes;
                            streamBytes = 0;

                        // Nothing to do here
                else if (rbSync.Checked)
                    // Sychronous data write
                    if (!qusb.WriteData(data, size))
                        qusbError = qusb.LastError();
                        // Error
                        MessageBox.Show("QuickUsbWriteData() failed!", "QuickUSB Throughput Test", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                        quit       = true;
                        transBytes = 0;
                        size       = 0;
                        transOk     = true;
                        totalBytes += size;

                if (transOk)
                    transBytes += (int)size;
            } while (!quit);

            if (rbAsync.Checked)
                // Wait for all issued transactions to complete
                for (k = 0; k < pBulkStream.Length; ++k)
                    asyncTag[k].shutdown = 1;

                // Wait for pending transactions to complete
                qusb.BulkWait(null, false);

                /*while (issuedTrans > 0)
                 * {
                 *  if (!qusb.BulkWait(pBulkStream[nextToComplete], false))
                 *  {
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      transOk = true;
                 *      --issuedTrans;
                 *      if (++nextToComplete == numBuffers)
                 *      {
                 *          nextToComplete = 0;
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * }*/

                // Free memory
                for (k = 0; k < pBulkStream.Length; ++k)

            if (rbAsyncLegacy.Checked)
                // Wait for all issued transactions to complete

                /*while (issuedTrans > 0)
                 * {
                 *  qusb.AsyncWait(out size, transId[nextToComplete], false);
                 *  --issuedTrans;
                 *  if (++nextToComplete == numBuffers)
                 *  {
                 *      nextToComplete = 0;
                 *  }
                 * }*/

            if (rbStreaming.Checked)
                // Stop the stream if one is running
                if (streaming)
                    if (!qusb.StopStream(streamID, false))
                        qusbError = qusb.LastError();
                        // Error
                        MessageBox.Show("Error", "QuickUSB Throughput Test", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


            if (rbAsyncLegacy.Checked)
                // Free memory
                for (k = 0; k < bufferArray.Length; ++k)